Generation Study Abroad Doubling the number of U.S. students who study abroad Join the Commitment: A call to action from the Institute of International Education Join the Generation Study Abroad Challenge: International Partners Generation Study Abroad is a 5-year initiative to double the number of U.S. students studying abroad by the end of the decade. To reach this target, the education community will need to join together to act swiftly and decisively. Our goal is to identify at least 500 U.S. colleges and universities willing to double the number of their students studying abroad or significantly increase the participation rate of their students who study abroad at some point during their undergraduate career, and at least 10 U.S. colleges and universities who pledge to require study abroad of all their students. We encourage the participation of international institutions in Generation Study Abroad. Through international academic partnerships, research collaborations, teaching exchanges, and other exchange activities, international institutions play a critical role in creating opportunities for U.S. students and ultimately shaping the study abroad experience for American students. Institutions that join the commitment agree to: Make a significant pledge to increase the number of exchange or non-degree U.S. students hosted; Take actions to undertake new and expanded activities to attract more U.S. students to study abroad, such as by offering scholarships, expanding partnerships and increasing marketing efforts. Update IIE on an annual basis on their activities and progress towards meeting target goals; Share strategies and best practices, which will be featured at IIE’s annual Best Practices Conference; Put a Generation Study Abroad badge on their websites; Join the conversation at #GenerationStudyAbroad. IIE will support commitment members in the following ways: Recognize commitment members on IIE's website and press releases, and provide a special badge; Invite members to participate in annual meetings on doubling U.S. study abroad, webinars and special events; Connect members with study abroad resources and tools; Provide a discounted eBook license for IIE's "A Student Guide to Study Abroad" Generation Study Abroad Doubling the number of U.S. students who study abroad Join the Generation Study Abroad Challenge: International Partners To join the Generation Study Abroad Commitment, please complete and submit this form along with your letter of commitment to International Partner Type (Please select one): International University (non-U.S.) International or bi-lateral organization Step 1: Describe your Baseline (for Non U.S. Higher Education Institutions only) For Academic Year 2012/13 Undergraduate/ Graduate/ Bachelor Master Total Number of U.S. students currently hosted at your institution Number of Non-Degree / Student Exchange Number of Degree Seeking Students Step 2: Set your Target For international universities: My institution pledges to double or significantly increase the number of U.S. students hosted at my institution by the end of the decade. For international or bi-lateral organizations: My organization pledges to conduct new or expanded activities that help broaden participation in study abroad from the United States. Please list your pledge (specify target in 250 characters): ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ *The pledge will be listed publically on the Generation Study Abroad website and related publicity materials. Your target must be ambitious and represent a stretch for your institution or organization, and it must contribute significantly to the overall goal of doubling U.S. study abroad. Example: pledge to double the number of exchange or non-degree students from the United States that study abroad at your institution. 2 IIE Generation Study Abroad -Commitment Partner Form –International Partner –January 2015 Step 3: Agree to Actions In addition to meeting the target listed above, my institution or organization pledges to conduct new or expanded activities that help broaden U.S. participation in study abroad. These might include (please check all that apply and/or indicate in your letter additional actions): Launch a new study abroad initiative or scholarship to attract U.S. students. Implement a new budget/fee model to support study abroad from the United States. Provide an innovate new support service for students from the United States. Expand existing exchange programs. Collaborate with U.S. partner institutions to improve credit transfer. Develop new programs, such as a summer or internship program that are attractive for U.S. students. Engage your institution’s U.S. study abroad alumni to promote study abroad at your institution Step 4: Describe Your Pledged Target and Actions Submit a letter of commitment, signed by your Rector, Vice Rector or Senior International Officer, describing why your institution is joining the Generation Study Abroad commitment, the specific target you are setting, and how you plan to achieve the target by the end of the decade, as well as specific actions you pledge to take or resources you will contribute. Contact information for your primary institutional representative for this commitment: Name: Title: Institution/ Organization: Address: City, State/Province Country Post Code Email Phone Numbers (with country code & city code) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF USE OF BRANDING MATERIALS: By signing this letter of commitment you acknowledge that, if approved as a commitment partner, the documents you will receive (“Promoting Your Participation in Generation Study Abroad” and “Identity Guidelines”) will be binding on your institution or organization. Signature: ___________________________________________ __ Date:_________________________ 3 IIE Generation Study Abroad -Commitment Partner Form –International Partner –January 2015 Submit this form along with your letter of commitment from your Rector, Vice Rector or Senior International Officer by email to If you have questions, please contact: Wagaye Johannes, Project Director, Institute of International Education (IIE), Telephone: +1.212.984.5495 or Email: 4 IIE Generation Study Abroad -Commitment Partner Form –International Partner –January 2015