
Colony Set-up Rubric:
10 Points
Ideas are historically
accurate, provide specific
details from in-class notes
and discussions or research.
My writing covers all topics
for chosen section and they
are easy to identify.
Description of work is
accurate, detailed, insightful,
valid, and consistent with
data and group theme.
Follows Colonies
Ie: religious or
Your colonies motives for
settling the new land align
with your colony set up. You
thoroughly explain any
relevant religious or
economic opportunity.
8 Points
Ideas are mostly historically
accurate, providing details from
in-class notes and discussions or
5 Points
Ideas are somewhat
historically accurate,
providing some details from
in-class notes and
discussions or research.
My writing covers almost all of the My writing covers some of
topics for chosen section and they the topics for chosen
are easy to identify
section and they are
somewhat easy to find.
Description of work is mostly
Description of work has
accurate, detailed, insightful,
many inaccuracies, lack of
valid, and consistent with data
detail, un-insightful, invalid
and group theme.
and inconsistent with the
data and group theme.
Your colonies motives for settling Your colonies motives for
the new land mostly align with
settling the new land
your colony set up. You explain
vaguely align with your
any relevant religious or economic colony set up. You explain
some relevant religious or
economic opportunity.
3 Points
Ideas are not accurate and
little to no detail is
provided backing up claims.
My writing covers few of
the topics for chosen
section and they are hard
to find.
Description does not relate
to project and very few
consistencies with group
You did not explain any
reasons how your colonies
motives align with your
colony set up. No religious
or economic opportunity
was discussed.
Artistic Creativity Rubric:
10 Points
Used own ideas and
Student’s project relates the
theme of the colony, every
part of the project has
8 Points
Used own ideas and imagination
most of the time.
Student’s project mostly relates
the theme of the colony, most
parts of the project has meaning.
Skill and
Artwork was outstanding and
was finished with great detail.
Student showed above average
craftsmanship and understanding.
Description of work is
accurate, detailed, insightful,
valid, and consistent with
data and group theme.
Description of work is mostly
accurate, detailed, insightful,
valid, and consistent with data
and group theme.
5 Points
Used some imagination.
3 Points
Ideas were very basic.
Student’s project
somewhat relates the
theme of the colony, some
parts of the project have
Student showed average
craftsmanship and
Description of work has
many inaccuracies, lack of
detail, un-insightful, invalid
and inconsistent with the
data and group theme.
Student’s project does not
relate the theme of the
colony, few parts of the
project have meaning.
Student showed poor
craftsmanship and
Description does not relate
to project and very few
consistencies with group
Map Skills Rubric:
Map Legend/Key
Labels, Features,
& Neatness
7 Points
5 Points
3 Points
Title tells the purpose/content of
the map. Is clearly distinguishable
as the title also printed at the top
of the map.
Legend is easy-to-find and
contains a complete set of
symbols, including a compass
90-100% of the labels/features
are located correctly and can be
read easily. All straight lines are
ruler-drawn, all errors have been
neatly corrected and all features
are colored completely.
Title tells the
purpose/content of the
map and is printed at the
top of the map.
Legend contains a
complete set of symbols,
including a compass rose.
Title tells the
purpose/content of the
map, but is not located at
the top of the map.
Legend contains an almost
complete set of symbols
including a compass rose.
Purpose/content of the
map is not clear from the
80-89% of the
labels/features are located
correctly and can be read
easily. All straight lines
are ruler-drawn, most
errors have been neatly
corrected and most
features ae colored
Most features on the map
are drawn to scale and the
scale used is clearly
indicated on the map.
70-79% of the
labels/features are located
correctly and can be read
easily. Most straight lines
are ruler-drawn, most
errors have been neatly
corrected and most
features are colored
Many features of the map
are not drawn to scale
even though a scale is
clearly indicated on the
Student sometimes uses
color appropriate for
70-79% of words on the
map are spelled and
capitalized correctly.
Less than 70% of the
labels/features are located
correctly and can be read
easily. Many lines,
corrections of errors
and/or features are not
neatly done.
All features on map are drawn to
scale and the scale used is clearly
indicated on the map.
Color Choices
Student always uses color
appropriate for features on the
map. EX: Water is blue.
90-100% of words on the map are
spelled and capitalized correctly.
Student usually uses color
appropriate for features.
80-89% of words on the
map are spelled and
capitalized correctly.
1 Point
Legend is absent or lacks
several symbols.
Many features of the map
are not drawn to scale
and/or there is no scale
marker on the map.
Student does not uses
color appropriately.
Less than 70% of words on
the map are spelled and
capitalized correctly.
Historical Fiction Writing Rubric:
Ideas and
8 Points
My paper brings the time
and place alive; vividly
describing the topic
using relevant and
historically accurate
My writing has a strong
beginning, middle, and
end that are easy to
6 Points
My paper reveals the time
and place. Mostly describes
the topic using relevant and
historically accurate details.
5 Points
The time and place are
evident in the paper,
but is lacking detail or
may not be historically
3 Points
The time and place
are hard to decipher,
lacking details and
historically inaccurate.
1 Point
Story is on topic but
is missing time, place,
details, and historical
I have either a strong lead,
developed middle or
satisfying ending but only
two of the three. They are
easy to identify.
I have either a strong
lead, developed middle
or satisfying ending but
only two of the three.
They are somewhat
easy to find.
My paper failed to
contain two of the
following: a strong
lead, developed
middle, satisfying
My paper failed to
contain three of the
following: a strong
lead, developed
middle, satisfying
I indent the beginnings
of all paragraphs & have
one topic per paragraph.
I wrote at least 5
I indent the beginnings of all
paragraphs, have one
topic/paragraph, and I wrote
5 paragraphs.
Some of my
paragraphs are
too long, too short, or
not indented. I wrote
at least 5 paragraphs.
I have several
problems with
paragraphs and/or I
wrote less than 5
I use incorrect
paragraph format
and/or I wrote less
than 5 paragraphs.
Word Choice
The words I use are
striking but natural, I use
powerful verbs &
historically accurate
words, phrases and
slang from the period.
My paper has some fine
word choices and generally
good language. Some parts
may be routine.
The words I use are
acceptable but
ordinary. I should try to
use more expressive
My word choice is
uninspired, colorless
and dull, or sounds
like I am trying too
hard to impress. Some
words may be used
The same words are
repeated over and
over and over and
over. Some words
may be confusing to
a reader.
X2 Points
Overall Project Point Values
Individual Project: 40 Points
Peer Assessment (group grading you): 10 Points
Self-Assessment: 10 Points
Journal Entries: 30 Points
Group Presentation: 10 Points