PY747. Possible topics and references for final presentation. Theory 1. Thermalization and prethermalization after interaction quench in the Hubbard model. M. Moeckel, S. Kehrein, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 175702 (2008); M. Eckstein, M. Kollar, P. Werner, Phys. Rev. B 81, 115131 (2010) 2. Kinetic description of thermalization dynamics in weakly interacting quantum systems. Michael Stark, Marcus Kollar, . arXiv:1308.1610 3. Statistics of work in interaction quenches and its relation to the Loschmidt echo. A. Silva, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 120603 (2008) 4. Chirikov criterion for ergodicity in the classical FPU model: F.M. Izrailev and B.V. Chirikov, Statistical properties of a nonlinear string, Sov. Phys. Dokl., 11, 30 (1966): 5. Quantum versus classical kicked rotor. Ergodicity and Anderson localization. Two correlated talks. B.V. Chirikov, F.M. Izrailev and D.L. Shepelyansky, Sov. Sci. Rev. 2C, 209 (1981): S. Fishman, D.R. Grempel and R.E. Prange, Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 509 (1982). 6. 7. Relaxation to the generalized Gibbs ensemble in an integrable model after a quench (quite mathematical). Maurizio Fagotti, Fabian H.L. Essler, Phys. Rev. B 87, 245107 (2013) 8. Quantum quenches and relaxation in conformally invariant systems (mathematical). Pasquale Calabrese, John Cardy, J.Stat.Mech.0706:P06008 (2007) 9. Steady state fluctuations in driven-dissipative systems. G. Bunin and Y. Kafri, arXiv:1202.5053v1.pdf (2012) 10. Quantum ergodic theorem by J. von Neumann’s and the commentary by S. Goldstein et. al. arXiv:1003.2129 (2010). 11. Quantum chaos and effective thermalization using Husimi representation (similar to the Weyl-Wigner rep.). A. Altland, F. Haake, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 073601 (2012), New J. Phys 14, 73011 (2012) 12. Local conservation laws in many-body localized states. M. Serbyn, Z. Papić, D. A. Abanin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 127201 (2013); D. A. Huse and V. Oganesyan, arXiv:1305.4915 (2013) 13. Different phase space representations in Quantum Optics (Glauber P, Positive P, Q (Husimi). Walls and Milburn, Quantum Optics, Chapter 4; Gardiner and Zoller, Quantum Noise, Chapter 4; M. J. Steel et al, Phys. Rev. A 58, 4824 (1998) Experimental 14. Information to energy conversion and Maxwell demon (experiment + theory). S. Toyabe et. al., Nature Physics 6, 988–992 (2010) 15. Relaxation and prethermalization in an isolated quantum system. M. Gring et. al., Science 337, 1318 (2012) 16. W. Hu et. al. Enhancement of superconductivity in periodically driven YBa2Cu3O6.5: arXiv:1308.3204 (2013); arXiv:1205.4661 (2012). 17. Relaxation in a one dimensional Bose gas, T. Kinoshita, T. Wenger, and D.S. Weiss, “A quantum Newton’s cradle”, Nature 440, 900 (2006). 18. Experimental test of Jarzynski equality. J. Liphardt et. al., Science, 296, 1832 (2002).