Spectrum Recording Notes V5

Hi, this is Jacque Birchman, Director and Product Specialist with Market America. I would like to
talk with you about a line of nutritional supplements that can make a difference in an
individual's quality of life that is on the Spectrum.
In my former occupation, I was an elementary and special education school teacher and dealt
with children with behavioral and learning challenges. I have personally experienced success
using this product line with family, so I’m very passionate to talk to you about the Spectrum line
of products that is pharmaceutical quality and adheres to GMP that offered with our company.
We have formulated a product line to address the issues that people on the spectrum deal
with. The Might-A-Mins Spectrum products provide nutritional support for children and adults,
especially those in need of digestive, neurological or metabolic support.
We all know that general medicine today is about using pharmaceuticals to treat a condition,
and that drugs often create side effects. Individuals are looking for alternatives. With
pharmaceutical grade supplements we focus on getting the body to a normal state.
Individuals experience neurological conditions, emotional, and behavioral problems that are
real, painful, and costly. These problems, often called “disorders,” are sources of stress for
families, schools, and communities. It is estimated that as many as one in five children and
adolescents may have neurological disorders.
Autism is the fastest growing developmental disability. Since the 1990’s, the United States
population has increased 13% while autism has increased 172%. Currently, the Centers for
Disease and Prevention estimates the prevalence of autism may be as high as 1 child in every
166 births. Four times more common in boys, autism is found equally in all cultures, races,
socio-economic strata, lifestyles and educational levels. It affects more than 1.5 million
children and adults.
What makes this product line very unique is that some of the products are in an isotonic form.
What that means is when the Isotonix powder and water are mixed correctly, it becomes the
same pH as your blood, sweat and tears. Basically, it means it’s delivered in the right form so it
can go to work in the body within five minutes.
Might-A-Mins Isotonix Spectrum Digestive Enzymes (code #13069) are responsible for the
breakdown of food into substances that can be used to provide energy to the body. In addition
to the physical discomfort caused by poor digestion, undigested food in the gastrointestinal
tract serve as fuel to intestinal microbes, causing them to overpopulate and ferment.
Supplementation with digestive enzymes provides the body with the additional support it
needs for proper digestion.
Poor digestion goes beyond abdominal discomfort. There is a proposed connection between
the function of the digestive system and the brain. Individual's in need of neurological,
digestive, or metabolic support often need extra digestive support. The enzymes in the product
work to clean proteins during digestion, making them smaller and easier to digest.
Spectrum Digestive Enzymes is an isotonic-capable supplement. It’s formula is enhanced with
the patented Digezyme® enzyme blend—specially designed to tolerate stomach acids—and
Caso-Glut SP 500, an enzyme unique in its ability to break down both dairy (casein) and gluten
(grains). These components enable Spectrum Digestive Enzymes to present a diversified
formula designed for even the most challenging foods.
Along with a comprehensive cross-section of essential digestive enzymes that includes sucrase,
maltase, papain, kiwi proteases and bromelain, Spectrum Digestive Enzymes also contains the
conditionally-essential amino acid glutamine to help support a healthy digestive tract. This
makes Spectrum Digestive Enzymes not only an immediate remedy for a stomach ache, but also
a promoter of long-term digestive health.
It is generally recommended for best results that enzyme supplements be taken at the
beginning or early on in the meal to assure appropriate digestive support. Most food stays in
the upper part of the stomach for an hour and half so if the enzymes are not taken before or at
the beginning of the meal they can be supplemented after the meal. So, what this all means is
they may be taken anytime and will work.
Might-A-Mins Spectrum Isotonix Digestive Enzymes is a vegetarian product and contains no
wheat, soy, yeast, gluten, artificial flavor, starch, salt, preservatives or milk.
By accomplishing the healthy digestive tract we can get to stomach comfort and bowel
Might-A-Mins Spectrum Probiotics (code #14100) provides bacteria to promote healthy
digestion, bowel regularity and normal immune response. Probiotics are live microbial
organisms that are naturally present in the digestive tract and help maintain the health and
balance of the intestinal tract. Probiotics are considered beneficial and are sometimes referred
to as "friendly" bacteria, which, when ingested, help to maintain a healthy intestinal tract.
Many children today need added support in balancing microbes and bacteria in their
gastrointestinal tracts in order to promote a healthy gastrointestinal tract and immune
Probiotics a beneficial bacteria found in the body have been shown to aid children’s health,
specifically digestion and immunity. But with hundreds of products on the market, from cereals
to yogurts to granola bars to supplements, it’s tough to know just what your children need.
Each bacterial strain within Might-a-Mins Spectrum Probiotics has a unique purpose, and the
strains work synergistically to support numerous areas of health from immunity to stomach
comfort and bowel regularity. The digestive tract is home to 400-500 different types of
microbes. With such tremendous diversity, it is important to supplement with not just one
strain, but numerous strains, so that the most comprehensive benefit is received. “The Good
Guys Team”, are five carefully selected bacterial strains – four lactobacilli strains and one
streptococcus strain – each with a proven role to help support children’s health.
These five unique bacterial strains in Spectrum Probiotics deliver five billion bacteria in each
chewable tablet and utilize the patented LiveBac tableting process to ensure the viability of the
Spectrum Probiotics will help maintain optimal bacteria balance will promote a healthy
gastrointestinal tract, healthy digestion, stomach comfort and bowel regularity. Probiotics also
support healthy teeth and gums.
Might-a-Mins Spectrum Probiotics and Might-a-Mins Spectrum Isotonix Digestive Enzymes
complement each other when taken together as part of your daily nutritional supplement
Take one tablet of probiotics before the first meal of the day. The tablet can be chewed or
allowed to dissolve in the mouth. Might-A-Mins Spectrum Probiotics contains trace amounts of
milk from the fermentation process. There are less than two parts per million (ppm) of milk in
each serving. This product is safe for individuals with lactose sensitivity.
Might-A-Mins Spectrum Isotonix OPC-3 (code #13990) provides a strong antioxidant defense
which is especially beneficial for those who need neurological, metabolic, or digestive support.
Spectrum OPC-3 serves as a powerful free radical scavenger, combating oxidative stress in the
body. Due to the excessive quantities of toxins ingested by children, the liver often cannot
work fast enough to rid the body of all toxins. Supplementation with OPC-3 assists in providing
antioxidant defense, maintaining brain health, and supporting the production of
OPCs have been researched and used for over 30 years throughout Europe. Extensive safety
studies were conducted which revealed no evidence for human toxicity or allergic reactions.
This product contains pure OPCs in combination with carefully balanced quantities of potassium
and fructose/glucose. This children’s OPC-3 is free of harmful chemicals, preservatives and
Might-a-Mins Spectrum Isotonix OPC-3 is in a class all its own. This comprehensive formula
offers an unequaled nutrient profile designed to facilitate growth and development, as well as
provide antioxidant defense.
While this alone makes it a great addition to a healthy diet, the benefits of Might-a-Mins
Spectrum Isotonix OPC-3 go further. By being delivered in effective amounts and provided in a
form that ensures maximum nutrient availability via isotonic delivery, this blend of vitamins and
bioflavonoids absorbs quickly and completely, providing strong antioxidant defense for every
cell in a child’s body, contributing to the maintenance of brain health, circulation and metabolic
To summarize the benefits of Might-A-Mins Spectrum OPC-3 it is a powerful free-radical
scavenger and provides a strong antioxidant defense. This product helps maintain brain health
by supporting the production of neurotransmitters. Spectrum OPC-3 supports general health
by helping to maintain healthy circulation by strengthening capillaries, arteries and veins,
supporting healthy blood vessel dilation and healthy nitric oxide levels.
Might-A-Mins Spectrum Isotonix OPC-3 is a vegetarian product and contains no wheat, soy,
yeast, gluten, artificial flavor, starch, salt, preservatives or milk. Might-A Mins Spectrum
Isotonix OPC-3 and Might-A-Mins Spectrum Isotonix Multi-Vitamin can all be taken with MightA-Mins Spectrum Isotonix Digestive Enzymes.
Might-A-Mins Spectrum Isotonix MultiVitamin (code #13068) provides vitamins and minerals
needed for optimal health. The body does not store all essential vitamins and minerals,
therefore some need to be supplied on a regular basis through the use of a multivitamin.
People often have very particular tastes in food and are unlikely to eat a wide variety of items.
Many of us do not obtain the necessary amounts of vitamins and minerals due to high
consumption of processed foods, poor nutrient absorption and exposure to environmental
toxins. It’s crucial that those in need of digestive, metabolic or neurological support consume a
specially formulated multi-vitamin. Spectrum MultiVitamin provides the vitamins and minerals
needed for optimal health in an isotonic delivery.
Might-a-Mins Spectrum Multivitamin provides the nutrients to build a healthy foundation.
Other leading brands deliver far fewer nutrients and are often filled with sugar, artificial flavors
and artificial colors. By providing a specially formulated isotonic, great tasting multivitamin,
Might-a-Mins Spectrum Multivitamin is a must-have for maintaining everyday health.
Calcium, zinc and vitamins A, C and E are some common vitamins and minerals that children
generally don't get enough of through dietary intake. Calcium is needed to form growing bones
and a proper calcium intake beginning at childhood can help maintain normal bone mass later
in life. Zinc is a vital nutrient for proper growth and development. Vitamins A, C and E are also
important vitamins during childhood and throughout life.
Individuals on the Spectrum need extra Vitamin C and they don’t produce glutathione. The BVitamins need to be in the activated form for best results. Folic acid is in the activated form
called Folinic acid, B6 is the activated form called P5P (pyridoxal 5 phosphate).
Pyridoxal-5-phosphate is the active form of vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is the master vitamin for
numerous metabolic pathways in the body. One specific function is that it supports the normal
synthesis of neurotransmitters in the brain and peripheral nerve cells, which are critical for the
development of language, attention and alertness. B6 also promotes the normal production of
glutathione, which is essential for detoxification. P5P promotes healthy sensory development
by supporting the normal synthesis of neurotransmitters in the brains of children who need
neurological support.
B12 is in the form of methylcobalamin. It provides a strong anti-oxidant defense and combats
free radicals. It also contains zinc which supports healing, protein systhesis, brain maintenance
and much more. The Spectrum line addresses these needs.
Again, Isotonix formulas are more effective than standard children's multivitamin formulas
because they offer the best way to get the maximum delivery of vitamins and minerals into the
bloodstream. Isotonix formulas are also the fastest and most effective way to receive
multivitamins. The stomach has very little work to do because the pH and tonicity are carefully
designed to allow the stomach to quickly release all the nutrients into the small intestine. With
the Isotonix Might-A-Mins formula, this process takes about five minutes, where a standard
vitamin tablet can take up to four hours.
This product also promotes healthy sensory development, provides strong antioxidant defense,
combats free radicals, promotes normal tissue and cell growth and supports optimal immune
functions. A good multivitamin product also supports skeletal health and growth, healthy teeth
and gums, growth and strength of teeth and bones, healthy vision and eyes and supports a
healthy heart.
Isotonix Might-A-Mins contains fructose and glucose, which are both naturally occurring
sugars. The sugars are also blended with a delicious, natural Mandarin orange flavor. Isotonix
Might-A-Mins does not contain any artificial sweeteners, such as saccharin or aspartame. Like
all other Isotonix products, there are also no artificial preservatives or colors.
Might-A-Mins Spectrum Essential Omega 3 (code #13074) supports brain health and immune
function. Omega-3 fatty acids are considered “essential” as they are vital for life and they are
not able to be produced by the body. While most other nutrients – vitamins and minerals, for
example – can be synthesized by the body, certain omega-3s cannot. They are especially
important in childhood, when the brain – which is made up of approximately 60 percent fat –
and immune system are developing.
As the human body cannot naturally synthesize these fatty acids, they must come from the
diet. Many individuals appear to be deficient in omega-3 fatty acids and are not receiving
adequate omega-3 fatty acids from food sources. According to the American Dietetic
Association and the Dieticians of Canada, nine out of 10 children are deficient in the essential
fatty acids EPA and DHA. In addition to the liquid Omega 3 we have capsules available.
Most omega 3 children’s products on the market contain only a percentage of the total amount
of essential fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid ( DHA) contained
in Might-a-Mins Spectrum Essential Omega 3. EPA and DHA are extremely important because
children have been shown to be deficient in these essential fatty acids which are vital to brain
and immune system development. Might-a-Mins Spectrum Essential Omega 3 contains 200 mg
EPA and 150 mg DHA per teaspoon which are ideal amounts of EPA and DHA to properly
support brain health and immune function. Instead of wondering whether your child will take a
product that leaves an unpleasant fishy taste, Might-a-Mins Spectrum Essential Omega 3 has a
delicious fruit flavor that will keep them wanting more. Plus, Might-a-Mins Spectrum Essential
Omega 3 contains no artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners – only the omegas your children
Spectrum Essential Omega 3 can be easily mixed with juice or other foods, but it tastes great on
its own! The source of the fish oil is anchovies and sardines. Since the product is derived from
fish, you should not take it if you are allergic to seafood.
In summary, Spectrum Essential Omega 3 supports brain health, promotes healthy immune
response, provides a healthy blend of two essential fatty acids, EPA and DHA and has a
great fruit flavor.
Absorption and efficiency of nutritional supplements are important features to examine when
selecting a nutritional supplement. The Might-A-Mins Spectrum product line contains both.
Many individuals bodies don’t digest properly and they don’t eliminate properly, especially
those on the Spectrum. The Might-A-Mins Spectrum products provide nutritional support for
children, especially those in need of digestive, neurological or metabolic support. The
Spectrum line of products provides a strong micronutrient foundation which supports
digestion, brain health, sensory development, skeletal growth and detoxification.
The cost of this program is minimal, possibly the cost of a cup of latte per day. Certainly worth
your time to evaluate the science and research behind using a natural alternative.
Please speak to the individual that referred you to this call. They will customize a program to fit
the needs of the individual.