Task 3 : The philosophy of science(the scientist has no other method than doing his damnedest) Percy W.Bridgman AS 2434 GROUP MEMBER : - MOHAMMAD SYAFIQ BIN SAADON KHAIRIL AIZAT BIN KMARUZAMAN AIZAT FATHI BIN SEZALI MUHAMMAD HANIF BIN MD JAIS MUHAMAD TAUFIQ BIN MOHD TAJUDDIN AKRAM NAIM B. MOHD YUSOF AHMAD RIDWAN BIN MUSA@ ISMAIL MOHD AZRIN B. RUSLAN 1. Summarized by AkramNaim b. MohdYusof Epistemologies Epistemologies is to understand sociology or any other science. Science is defined and compared with four epistemology. Which is required faith in us. Depend upon the opinions of person in authority and and procedures for collecting observation that reflect reality. Epistemology requires also the testing or development of theory. There are 3 theories of science which are theory provides an explanation of occurred events while empirical generalizations summarize observations. Secondly, scientists use theory depends on their investigation to help community of scholars. Lastly, by gaining support for theory, scientist can confidently apply the theory to improve life. 2. Summarized by Muhammad Aizat Fathi bin Sezali Some note about science From my reading and opinion ,falsification in theory can be determine in principle if cannot verify the truth by observation. In other hand, science necessary to deductive and inductive in procedure to produce new result or observation. Creationism and evolution meaning each other is contrast. Creationism cannot be approve by theory cause it is not and never as scientific theory and cannot be test or experiment. That limitation of our mind .Rather than evolution ,it can be observation and experiment. It can be false thus it it scientific theory cause science depend on principle that may false. 3. Summarized by Mohammad Syafiq Bin Saadon Rules of Positivism The rule of positivism can verify the truth about science statement. This positivism philosophy can be determine in four rules that are rule of operationalism, rule of nominalism, rule of valuefree knowledge and unity of scientific method. All these rule consist of data that being recorded, theory, observation by specific senses, no comprehensive constructs, no bias and hence all of this specific method must be valid and general to all range of sciences. 4. Summarized by Muhamad Taufiq bin MohdTajuddin As se all know, although the rules of posivitism is good, but in sciences, it is different as the rule is impossible to be followed and implied in sciences due to its contradiction to sciences and causes damage to the value of science . Critique of the rule of operationalism o These critique of operationalism shows that the data that been presented might be polluted by the ideology of scientist as they also human being. Data that been received is not being fully filtered as we are only using our senses to justify the data and the data might be biased as not everything is observed directly. Nothing is pure enough to be presented as the accurate data rather it is influenced by either personality of a person, experience of oneself or the ideas of scientist that might by been conceived by his ideology. Critiqueof the rule of nominalism o Critique of the omission of values. o These shows that when rules of operational and nominalism is just impossible to be followed. It becomes truth that the observation of one is normally perceived by the values and bias of oneself. It means that, observation is naturally affected by values and bias of human being. Critique of the principle of one science o 5. the critique of nominalism is the concept that is established so that a person can understand a thing to its logical atomism means that all the observation been reduced to its basic component of data to infinitum until it reflect to the fundamental building block of reality. An example of a thing that used this concept is that the thing been descript to its atomic structure, but the reality is sense is different than the concept. All description can be used with no definite logic but the reality is that after descript to its basic building block, the thing can never the thing until it been called by the observer as the thing shows the abstract concept that been created. Science and not just one type, but any kind of science is not compatible to the rules of posivitism as the rule cannot justify a set of rules for verification that causing to made science as human enterprise. Although the rule of all science must adhere to the same set of guidelines, but these set of rules is just impossible to be followed by sciences Summarized by Muhammad Hanif Bin MdJais The good science based on community approach. In my opinion, community approach are one of the method using the the opinion from experts about truth. Sometime there are no method in solving the truth. We need the expert opinion on the truth that we seek for. After the opinion are collected, then we can accept either the statement are acceptable or not. This method did not form the real truth since the evidence did not state clearly and only based on expert opinion but it can be one of the method to decide either statement is the truth or not. There will be weakness on this method which the others can argue with it. For example, if the statement are from Malaysia and the expert that give the opinion are from Malaysia and they said the statement can be acceptable, the other expert from other country can argue with the statement because there are many more opinions from different culture or studies. 6. Summarized by Muhammad Azrin bin Ruslan Phenomenology critique of the community of scholar approach Community of scholars approach is when an evaluation of science relies on the consensus opinion of the community of scholars regarding the acceptability of statements about reality. It is the community that decides on the truthfulness of statements until something better comes along to support the statement. In practice, authors submitted technical reports of scientific investigation to be reviewed by the community of scholars. If the scholars find that the manuscript is acceptable, they will recommend it to be published. Upon publication, the study is said to be “acceptable review”. But, in The Structure of Scientific Revolution, Thomas Khuns argued that the peer review process is something subjective one as, if the finding did not in line with the religious, political or philosophical positions of the reviewers of a professional journal, it will be more difficult for these persons to support the manuscripts. 7. Summarized by Ahmad Ridwan bin Musa @ Ismail The Hypothetico Deduction Model The Hypothetico-Deductive (HD) Model approach to find out the truthfulness of statements about reality is to establish a set of rules whereby objective, value-free, unbiased conclusions can be drawn from admittedly biased observations. HD Model states that the explanandum is a conclusion drawn from premises that cover one or more universal laws. However, HD Model has two fundamental problems which are deduction and induction. Deduction concluded that if one begins with the wrong law, then one's conclusions will be incorrect. For example if a first statement is false but the second statement is true so the conclusion will be incorrect. While for induction, scientific inquiry can falsify a theory, but never can verify it. 8. Summarized by Khairil Aizat bin Kamaruzaman Problem of deduction The problem of deduction are the statement that use as explains might be an accidental law so that is might be true or also false. The prediction does not mean explanation but when one begin wrong law, then that conclusions will be incorrect. For example in Sir Isaac newton case, he stated that lighter mass object is pulled by the heavier mass object but nowadays we know that the apple falling down due to falling phenomena (gravity theory). In other words, what we might think it is true for today might be false for tomorrow The Problem of Induction Induction refer to the statement that summarize that how thing works. The problems for induction are some of the observation cannot be verify the law due to some equally logical observation. Some of theory maybe false but the statement can be verify.