Supervision of Clinical Academic Trainees

Supervision of Clinical Academic Trainees
Clinical academic trainees will have the following supervisors:
o Clinical
o Educational
o Academic
o Research
The clinical supervisor may also act as the educational supervisor (Gold
Guide 4.19) however the roles and responsibilities must be clearly defined.
The Director of the Academic Training Programme is responsible for ensuring
that academic and research supervisors are appointed & approved for each
The Deanery is responsible for ensuring that the trainees have both clinical
and educational supervisors.
Clinical Supervisor/s
A clinical supervisor will be appointed for each placement, usually a senior
doctor who is responsible for ensuring that appropriate clinical supervision of
the trainee’s day to day clinical performance occurs at all times, for
conducting clinical assessments and informing the educational supervisor of
progress. (Gold Guide 4.27)
Educational Supervisor
Responsible for overseeing training (both educational appraisal and review of
performance based on Good Medical Practice), developing a learning
agreement and educational objectives (including study leave), ensuring that
clinical and educational achievement is documented and that every
reasonable effort is made to ensure satisfactory educational progression.
Confirm appropriate inductions and meet with the trainee at the beginning,
middle and end of a placement
Must understand the integrated academic training pathway & have
undertaken the educational supervisor’s training course.
A clinician with an interest in academic medicine (but independent of the
trainee’s research project). They should ideally hold a higher degree and be a
substantive clinical academic member of University, or a local NHS clinician
who holds an honorary academic title and has an ongoing interest in
Must undertake joint appraisal of the trainee with the academic supervisor on
a six monthly basis to enable the academic supervisor to submit written
reports to the Director of the Clinical Academic Training Programme, and
provide appropriate feedback.
Responsible for contacting the training programme director with concerns
regarding training and progression.
Produce a structured report at the end of the year to inform ARCP/RITA.
Invited to take part in the ARCP/RITA.
Responsible for ensuring the academic supervisor, Director of CAT and the
academic panel are advised of the outcome of the RITA/ARCP
Academic Supervisor
Appointed by the University for the duration of the trainee’s academic post to
ensure that maximum benefit is gained in terms of academic development
whilst holding an academic post.
Where an academic supervisor is trained as an educational supervisor they
may subject to the approval of the Deanery and the Clinical Academic
Training Committee undertake dual roles.
Should be an established clinical academic at the University of Leicester (in
some instances this may be an NHS consultant who holds a senior honorary
title within the College of Medicine, Biological Sciences & Psychology.)
Assist trainee in identifying a research supervisor.
Responsible for your induction into the academic aspects of the programme
& ensuring you understand the requirements of the integrated academic
training pathway and keep a signed record of the induction and agreement
Meet the trainees within one month of commencement of the academic
placement to draw up an academic training programme with a realistic
timetable for delivery which should be summarised within the PDP document
The training goals should include both generic academic skills (generic &
applied research skills; research governance; communication/education) and
specific academic goals.
Responsible for liaising with the research supervisor on a regular basis to
review progress and for meeting with the trainee at least bi-monthly.
Must review trainee’s progress jointly with the trainee and educational
supervisor on a six monthly basis. Progress should be formally reviewed and
documented at six and twelve month intervals (with competencies and
milestones) for presentation to the Director of Clinical Academic Training and
the academic assessment panel.
Invited to participate in the annual academic review, which should take place
at least one month prior to the ARCP/RITA.
Complete the Report on Academic Progress form at least 2 weeks prior to the
academic review, together with any supporting documentation and submit to
the academic review panel.
Research Supervisor
Responsible for supervising the trainee’s research on a day to day basis.
May be clinical or non-clinical
Must liaise with the academic supervisor and will not be the same person
Responsible for identifying any specific competencies required for the research
programme and advising the academic supervisor