American Studies Note Card/TS OUTLINEResearch Question: Why do Mellencamp's 1980's songs articulate the need to save small-town/farm life and how did this impact the issue in the 1990's and today? (Intro paragraph is implied by THESIS) Thesis: As Mellencamp shows, small-town America needs saving because it provides a crucial moral foundation for children and families that can help to fight the growing greed and excess caused by the rising corporatization of America in the post-9/11 world. 1. Numbers 1-3 Represent the ISSUE section of the PAPER What started the farming issue in the 80s’? TS 1: Before Mellencamp made the plight of small town farmers national news through his songs, one of the causes of the issue became the failed economic boom in the 70’s, which forced many farmers to take on increasing amounts of debt 2. How did the Government influence the farmers’ plight in the 70’s? TS 2: In addition to market conditions, the enacting of President Carter’s grain embargo and the stamp program hurt farmers because it prevented them from trading oversees to earn income to off-set their growing debts. 3. Besides the government and the economy, what other trends were there that led to the decline in small farms? TS 3: In addition to economic and governmental factors, the rise of big agribusiness began to push small farmers out of the market. 4. How did the song “Pink Houses” introduce the concern over losing small town American ideals? TS 4: By 1983, Mellencamp saw the perilous situation that small town farmers were in and began to write about it in his song “Pink Houses.” 5. Why is “Small Town” the anthem for 1980’s mid-west farming issues? TS 5: With the growing awareness that small farms were in trouble, Mellencamp introduced Farm Aid and his song “Small Town” in 1985 to raise awareness to the fact that not only were farms in financial jeopardy, but also the very existence of American small town values. 6. Numbers 4-5= ART SECTION How did the economy change after the 80’s and did it help farmers? TS 6: By the early 1990’s, income from farming rose due to favorable growing seasons and farmers were able to lessen debts. 7. How did the government change policies to help farmers? TS 7: As a result of Mellencamp’s efforts, Congress did pass the 1987 Agricultural Credit Act and in 2002, due to the government’s labeling of the term “organic,” the fringe market for organic foods became a multi-billion dollar industry, both of which helped to revitalize small farms. 8. How was small farming able to compete with big agribusiness? TS 8: Due to the rise in organic farming and the cultural push to eat more healthfully, small farms made a comeback and have thrived in the 2000’s. Rephrased Thesis Statement: Although uncontrollable factors, like favorable weather and improved global political conditions, improved the plight of American small farms, Mellencamp and Congress were also able to stop the disappearance of the small town farm through their efforts, reminding Americans that any good way of life is worth holding on to in society. Numbers 6-8 address LEGACY Rephrased Thesis=CONCLUSION Paragraph