PYP -3 A & B
News Letter From 6th August- 14th September
Unit Of Inquiry 1 : (6th August- 14th September )
Central Idea: Our Lifestyle contributes to our physical health
Lines of Inquiry:
 Having a healthy and balanced lifestyle
 Various influences that affect our body systems
 The ways safe practices promote personal well-being.
Assignment For This UOI: The information for any assignment scheduled for this
unit will be intimated through our mails.
Language Arts:
Dear parents,
This is to inform you that we will be following a very comprehensive spelling
improvement programme for the students. We have designed a confined list of
expected word list that your child must learn by the end of the term. We will be
introducing children to the origin of words i.e. the phonic approach that will
help them to learn the different ways of memorizing spellings. Also beneficial for
children facing any hurdle in reading fluency. The words they need to memorize
would be pretty simple. This is just a jumpstart to help them get into the practice
of getting perfect in their approach to memorize spellings. The introduction of
the spellings will be done during the week and the spelling test will be conducted
after a week i.e. the next Monday- intimation of the test will be given to you via
mail. The list may or may not include the words covered in the unit of inquiry –
depending on the difficulty and the necessity of the group.
Weekipedia Language Arts:
Week 1(6th -10th August): Assessments will be conducted through the week to
assess the prior knowledge of the students.
Week 2(13th -17th August): Introduction to the origin of spellings- single sounds,
digraphs and alternatives. Introduction to spelling (sh/ch/ th-{Spelling Bee-Practice
at home bk.}). Reinforcement of Reading, Reading comprehension, dictionary
Grammar- Introduction to Nouns. (Proper & Common Noun.)
August Week 3 :(20th – 24th August): Introduction to spelling ng/qu/ar--{Spelling
Bee-Practice at home bk.}, children will learn the spelling rules and application of
the same in words and sentences. They will learn to use words in sentence form. (A
mail will be sent for Dictation/Spelling Test). Reading comprehension and
dictionary skills will be done during the week. Grammar- Introduction to Nouns.
(Number Noun(Countable & uncountable nouns)
Introduction to Rules of a Sentence..
Week 4: (27th -31st August ) Introduction to ( ff/ll/ss/zz—words-{Spelling BeePractice at home bk.}. Children will learn the spelling rules and application of the
same in words and sentences. They will learn to use words in sentence form.. (A
mail will be sent for Dictation/Spelling Test). Reading comprehension and
dictionary skills will be done during the week.
Revision of (Proper & Common Noun.)
Week 5:(3rd – 7th September) Introduction to (ck/y at the end/courtesy words-{Spelling Bee-Practice at home bk.}.Children will learn the spelling rules and
application of the same in words and sentences(A mail will be sent for
Dictation/Spelling Test). Revision of (Proper , Common Noun & Number Noun.)
Reading comprehension and dictionary skills will be done during the week.
Week 6:(10th – 14th September).
Introduction to the origin of spellings – VCV(vowel-consonant- vowel) words(a_e/ i_e/o_e/u_e-)--{Spelling Bee-Practice at home bk.}
Reading comprehension and dictionary skills will be done during the week.
Assessment of Nouns(Proper, common & number.
Week 1(6th -10th August): Assessments will be conducted through the week to
assess the prior knowledge of the students.
Week 2(13th -17th August):. Place Value - Read, write and model numbers to 1000.
Introduction to -Expansion and contraction of numbers.
Multiplication tables – 2, 3, 4, 5. Skip counting (2,5,10 ).
Number names.(revision and assessment)
August Week 3:(20th – 24th August): Ascending and descending order of numbers
till 1000. Recognition of place value upto 1000. Addition and subtraction of 2 digit
numbers. Multiplication tables – 6, 7.
Week 4: (27th -31st August ) Reinforcement of tables 2-7. Worksheets based on
mental math.(times tables)
Introduction to Multiplication using single digit.
Introduction to odd and even- numbers upto 1000
Week 5:(3rd – 7th September) Reinforcement of number concepts upto 1000.
Read, write and model numbers to 1000, count and compare/order /skip
counting/odd/even/ ascending and descending numbers.
Introduction to Addition with carry over.
Week 6:(10th – 14th September). Revision and assessment of all the topics covered
Week 1: Welcome & Discuss Lab agreements.
Week 2: Activity for collecting pictures from Internet and pasting the same in
Week 3 & 4: Use of Smart art in MS-Word / Paint to draw the Food Pyramid
Week 5 & 6: Research on UOI topic
HINDI: 6th – 17th Aug – Revision of all matras oral & written covered in PYP -2
20th – 31st Aug – Revision of numbers 1-40 and concepts learnt eg. Fruits, myself,
my family
3rd -15th Sep – Revision of sentence writing using matras
6th – 17th Aug – Introduction to language, greetings and salutations
20th – 31st Aug – Introducing oneself in Marathi, poems and new words
3rd -15th Sep – Introducing colors and days of the week
Week 1
Introduction to French Culture, Revision of Alphabets.
Week 2
Revision of Numbers.
Week 3
The basic greetings in French.
Week 4
Greetings, Basic classroom instructions.
Week 5
The classroom objects
Week 6
Introduction to masculine, feminine, plural concept ;
Indefinite articles in French.
Week 1: Duration of a musical piece, identifying pitch and dynamics.
Week 2: Continuation form Week 1.
Week 3: Changing pitch in vocals and instruments.
Week 4: Duration (long note or short note)
Week 5: Changing and enhancing a musical piece using volume and tempo
Week 6: Continuation from Week 5
Week 1:- welcome and Introduction
Week 2:- introduction to drama, theatre games
Week 3:- story making and telling, theatre games
Week 4:- introduction to various aspects of drama, theatregames
Week 5:-voice modulation, body movement
Week 6:- introduction to drama performance throughimprovisations
Week 1: Welcome and discuss class agreements.
Week 2: Knowing more about shapes & form(shapes to form relationship-circle to
sphere, rectangle to cylinder)
Week 3: Knowing more about shapes(shapes to form relationship -square to cube,
triangle to cone)
Week 4 : Poster making & banner making.
Week 5: Poster making & banner making.
Week 6: : Assessment.
PE news letter will be sent shortly.
Kindly refer to the eventometer in the communication diary.(pg.- 28)
15TH August –Independence Day.(refer to the eventometer )
20th August – Eid- Ul- Fitr(holiday)
Thanks & Regards
Elizabeth & Sameera (PYP 3- A)
Deepshikha & Manjushree (PYP 3- B)