Supplemental Information: Observational and Experimental Studies of Anthropogenic Land Use Change and Infectious Disease Disease Pathogen name Pathogen type Main Host Land Use Type Continent Transmission Type Citation arthropod Multi or Single Host MHP Ectoparasites, lizard Eutrombicula lizards arthropod MHP Bats Tick-borne zoonotic bacteria Anaplasma, Rickettsia, bacteria MHP wildlife, birds and mammals Rubio and Simonetti (2009) (Pilosof, Dick et al. 2012) (Halos, Bord et al. 2010, Ogrzewalska, Uezu et al. 2011) Lyme disease Borellia burgdorferi bacteria MHP Whitefooted mice, mammals, birds, reptiles deforestation, forest fragmentation, agricultural development, urbanization S. America S. America N. America, S. America N. America, Eurasia direct Bat fly forest fragmentation Human settlement forest fragmentation Ectoparasites, bat Campylobacter Campylobacter spp E. coli bacteria MHP direct MHP agricultural development forest fragmentation Oceania bacteria Africa direct Waterborne enteric pathogens Cryptosporidium , Giardia, Salmonella, Campylobacter, Listeria, E.coli bacteria MHP agricultural development N. America direct (Wilkes, Edge et al. 2011) Ehrlichiosis and Anaplasmosis Ehrlichia chafeensis, Anaplasma phagocytophilum bacteria MHP human /livestock human and nonhuman primates humans, other mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds deer reservoir (Ehrlichia) forest fragmentation, urbanization, suburbanization, forest park management N. America VB (Wimberly, Yabsley et al. 2008, Foley, Nieto et al. 2009, Allan, Dutra et al. 2010) enteric bacterial pathogens direct VB VB (Glass, Amerasinghe et al. 1994, Allan, Keesing et al. 2003, LoGiudice, Ostfeld et al. 2003, Brownstein, Skelly et al. 2005, Linard, Lamarque et al. 2007, Diuk-Wasser, Vourc'h et al. 2010, Li, Hartemink et al. 2012, Tack, Madder et al. 2012) (Eyles, Brooks et al. 2006) (Goldberg, Gillespie et al. 2008) Supplemental Information: Observational and Experimental Studies of Anthropogenic Land Use Change and Infectious Disease meningococcal meningitis group A meningococci bacteria SHP human leptospirosis Leptospira canis serovar pomona, Leptospira spp. bacteria MHP mammals bovine tuberculosis Mycobacterium bovis Mycobacterium ulcerans bacteria MHP bacteria MHP bovine, wild ungulates human woodland management agricultural development Chromoblastomycosis Cladiophialopho ra carrionii fungus MHP human Chytridiomycosis Batrachochytriu m dendrobatidis fungus MHP intestinal helminth, bobwhite quail Raillietina spp., Aproctella sp. Cheilospirura, Cyrnea sp. Dispharynx sp. Heterakis sp. Tetrameres Trichostrongylus helminth (nematod e, cestode) Echinococcus Echinococcus multilocularis Balysascaris endoparasitism, wild Buruli ulcer desertification, loss of vegetation cover Agricultural developmenturbanization Africa direct (Molesworth, Cuevas et al. 2003) S. America, N. America Eurasia direct Africa direct deforestation Africa direct amphibian deforestation, forest fragmentation direct MHP and SHP bobwhite quail agricultural development N. America, S. America N. America (Barcellos, Lammerhirt et al. 2003, Ghneim, Viers et al. 2007) (Vicente, Hofle et al. 2007) (Wagner, Benbow et al. 2008, Wagner, Benbow et al. 2008) (Esterre, Andriantsimahavandy et al. 1997) (Becker and Zamudio 2011, Hartson, Orlofske et al. 2011) direct and trophic (Davidson, Kellogg et al. 1991) helminth (cestode) MHP rodent/ carnivore deforestation Eurasia trophic Balysascaris procyonis helminth (nematod e) MHP raccoons, mammals urbanization N. America trophic (Craig, Giraudoux et al. 2000, Giraudoux, Pleydell et al. 2006, Reperant, Hegglin et al. 2007, Robardet, Giraudoux et al. 2011) (Page, Gehrt et al. 2008, Kellner, Page et al. 2012, Samson, Dubay et al. 2012) GI nematodes helminth MHP/ wild rodents forest S. direct and direct (Puttker, Meyer-Lucht Supplemental Information: Observational and Experimental Studies of Anthropogenic Land Use Change and Infectious Disease rodents endoparasites, bobcat mermithid nematodes intestinal helminth and cestode rabbit onchocerchiasis Cryptosporidium Giardia sp. Ancylostoma, Uncinaria, Toxacara cati Mermithidae nematodeTrichostrongylus retortaeformis, and cestodeMosgovoyia pectinata Onchocerca volvularis (nematod e) Protozoa and helminth SHP fragmentation America trophic et al. 2008) MHP Bobcats, mammals Urbanization N. America direct and trophic (Carver, Scorza et al. 2012) helminth (nematod e) helminth (nematod e) MHP spiders habitat fragmentation N. America trophic (Vandergast and Roderick 2003) SHP /MHP rabbit forestry management Eurasia direct and trophic (Hulbert and Boag 2001) helminth (nematod e) SHP/MHP human deforestation, human settlement (immigration) Africa VB amphibian(Rana sylvatica and Hyla versicolor) duck, snail, canid amphibian larvae, snail, bird amphibian Rana pipiens aquatic eutrophication, urbanization, agricultural development N. America trophic (Muro and Mziray 1990, Fischer, Garms et al. 1997, Traore, Diarrassouba et al. 1997, Wilson, Cheke et al. 2002) (Belden 2006, Koprivnikar, Baker et al. 2006, King, McLaughlin et al. 2007, Skelly, Bolden et al. 2007) aquatic eutrophication N. America trophic (Johnson, Chase et al. 2007) wetland and agricultural development N. America trophic and direct (Schotthoefer, Rohr et al. 2011) human, mammals agricultural development, rice and Eurasia trophic (Spear, Seto et al. 2004, Leonardo, Rivera et al. 2005, amphibian trematodiasisechinostomiasis Echinostoma trivolvis helminth (trematod e) MHP amphibian trematodiasis Riberoia ondatrae MHP Amphibian helminth communities Multiple species of amphibian trematodes and nematodes schistosomiasis Schistosoma japonicum helminth (trematod e) helminth (trematod e and nematode ) helminth (trematod e) MHP MHP Supplemental Information: Observational and Experimental Studies of Anthropogenic Land Use Change and Infectious Disease irrigation, deforestation Yang, Vounatsou et al. 2005, Wang, Chen et al. 2009) (Muigai, Wasunna et al. 1989, el Sayed, Rizkalla et al. 1995, de Clercq, Vercruysse et al. 2000, Umeh, Amali et al. 2001, Njiokou, Yimta Tsemo et al. 2004, Yapi, Briet et al. 2005, Matthys, Vounatsou et al. 2006) (Huspeni and Lafferty 2004) schistosomiasis Schistosoma mansoni, Schistosoma hematobium helminth (trematod e) MHP human, snail deforestation, urbanization, agricultural development (irrigation, rice), deforestation, dam building, land reclamation Africa trophic trematode communities-general trematode MHP avian, snail restoration of salt marshes N. America trophic schistosomiasis and hookworm Schistosoma sp and Ancylostoma MHP/ SHP human, mammals, snail urban farming, agricultural Africa trophic and direct (Matthys, Tschannen et al. 2007) amphibian trematodiasis and nematodiasis trematodes and nematodes, different species MHP/ SHP amphibian deforestation, agricultural development N. America trophic, direct (McKenzie 2007) endoparasites, primates Oesophagostomu m sp, Cryptosporidum, Giardia, Strongyloides spp., Trichuris spp, Ascaris sp., Colobenterobius sp., cestode (Bertellia sp.), helminth (trematod e) helminth (trematod e, cestode) helminth (trematod e, cestode) helminth, protozoa MHP Primatescolobus and red-tailed guenons forest fragmentation, selective logging Africa direct and trophic endoparasites, primates Giardia spp., pinworm, helminth, helminth, protozoa MHP/ SHP howler monkey forest fragmentation N. America direct and trophic (Gillespie and Chapman 2004, Gillespie, Chapman et al. 2005, Gillespie and Chapman 2006, Salzer, Rwego et al. 2007, Gillespie and Chapman 2008, Mbora, Wieczkowski et al. 2009, Bonnell, Sengupta et al. 2010, Hodder and Chapman 2012) (Vitazkova and Wade 2006, Trejo-Macias, Estrada et al. 2007, Supplemental Information: Observational and Experimental Studies of Anthropogenic Land Use Change and Infectious Disease coccidia, trematode Ectoparasites and endoparasites, and health, primates Endoparasites, deer Parasites, general Lice, helminth, bacteria Helminth SHP/MHP Primate, Inri indri Forest disturbance SHP/MHP Roe deer prion prion MHP "Old World" leishmaniasis Leismania major, L. turanica, L. gerbilli protozoa MHP deer (mule, whitetailed) Wild and domestic mammals, humans habitat fragmentation, agricultural development suburban development Chronic wasting disease Leishmaniasis, 'New World' Leishmania mexicana, L. braziliensis L. chagasi L. panamensis, L. donovani protozoa MHP Wild and domestic mammals Perkinsus Perkinsus marinus Plasmodium protozoa MHP protozoa SHP malaria vectors, general Helminths, general Valdespino, RicoHernandez et al. 2010, Kowalewski, Salzer et al. 2011, Trejo-Macias and Estrada 2012) (Junge, Barrett et al. 2011) Africa, Madagasc ar Eurasia direct, trophic direct (Navarro-Gonzalez, Verheyden et al. 2011) N. America direct (Farnsworth, Wolfe et al. 2005) agricultural development, woodland use, agricultural developmentdeforestation and irrigation deforestation, urbanization, agricultural development, land resettlement Africa and Eurasia VB S.America , N. America VB oysters urbanization direct vertebrates deforestation, urbanization, N. America Oceania (Ashford, Chance et al. 1976, Elhassan, Zijlstra et al. 1995, Thomson, Elnaiem et al. 1999, Wasserberg G 2003, Bhunia, Kesari et al. 2012) (Ready, Lainson et al. 1983, Mouchet, Le Pont et al. 1994, Kawa and Sabroza 2002, Costa, Werneck et al. 2005, Guerra, Ribeiro et al. 2006, Salomon, Sosa-Estani et al. 2006, Chaves, Cohen et al. 2008, Salomon, Acardi et al. 2009, Quintana, Salomon et al. 2010, Fernandez, Lestani et al. 2012) (Gray, Bushek et al. 2009) (Leisnham, Lester et al. 2006) VB Supplemental Information: Observational and Experimental Studies of Anthropogenic Land Use Change and Infectious Disease malaria Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale, Plasmodium malariae protozoa SHP human pastoralization agricultural development(incl uding irrigation and orchard) , deforestation,con struction,social factors, rice plantation, human settlement, brick making, road building, wetland development, urbanization N.Americ a, S.America Africa, Eurasia, Oceania, Africa VB (Lee, Atmosoedjono et al. 1980, Amerasinghe and Ariyasena 1990, Rosenberg, Andre et al. 1990, Amerasinghe, Amerasinghe et al. 1991, Ramasamy, De Alwis et al. 1992, Singh, Singh et al. 1996, Singh, Mehra et al. 1999, Lindblade K.A., Walker E. D. et al. 2000, Nanda, Yadav et al. 2000, Ataka, Ohtsuka et al. 2001, Conn, Wilkerson et al. 2002, Jacob, Regens et al. 2003, Carlson, Byrd et al. 2004, Keiser, Utzinger et al. 2004, Klinkenberg, van der Hoek et al. 2004, Mutero, Kabutha et al. 2004, Afrane, Lawson et al. 2005, AntonioNkondjio, Simard et al. 2005, Kebede, McCann et al. 2005, Krishnamoorthy, Jambulingam et al. 2005, Leonardo, Rivera et al. 2005, Sattler, Mtasiwa et al. 2005, Afrane, Zhou et al. 2006, de Castro, Monte-Mór et al. 2006, Grieco, Johnson Supplemental Information: Observational and Experimental Studies of Anthropogenic Land Use Change and Infectious Disease et al. 2006, Munga, Minakawa et al. 2006, Vasconcelos, Novo et al. 2006, Vittor, Gilman et al. 2006, Yanoviak, Paredes et al. 2006, Afrane, Zhou et al. 2007, Vanwambeke, Lambin et al. 2007, Yasuoka and Levins 2007, Zhou, Munga et al. 2007, Klinkenberg, McCall et al. 2008, Turell, Sardelis et al. 2008, Saraiva, Amorim et al. 2009, Olson, Gangnon et al. 2010, Wayant, Maldonado et al. 2010, Krefis, Schwarz et al. 2011) Trypanosomiasis, African Trypanosoma brucei, other Trypanosoma spp protozoa MHP mammals anthropogenic land use and agricultural development Africa VB Trypanosomiasis American (Chagas disease) Trypanosoma cruzi Protozoa MHP mammals forest fragmentation, deforestation, agricultural development, urbanization S. America, N. America VB (Dagnogo, Yapi et al. 1997, bde La Rocque, Augusseau et al. 2001, Cecchi, Mattioli et al. 2008, Ducheyne, Mweempwa et al. 2009) (Teixeira, Monteiro et al. 2001, Ceballos, Cardinal et al. 2006, Vaz, D'Andrea et al. 2007, Abad-Franch, Ferraz et al. 2010, Maloney, Newsome et al. 2010, Gottdenker, Calzada et al. 2011, Gottdenker, Chaves et Supplemental Information: Observational and Experimental Studies of Anthropogenic Land Use Change and Infectious Disease al. 2012, Moreno, Hoyos et al. 2012) (Cottontail, Wellinghausen et al. 2009) (Herrera, Rademaker et al. 2007) Trypanosomes, bats Trypanosoma spp. protozoa MHP bats forest fragmentation N. America VB Trypanosomiasis, wild and domestic animals Trypanosomiasis , wild and domestic animals hemogregarine protozoa MHP mammals cattle ranching S. America VB protozoa NS VB Plasmodium, Haemoproteus protozoa MHP/ SHP forest degradation deforestation, urbanization Eurasia hemoparasites, avian Reptilelizard passerine birds N. America, Africa VB Toxoplasmosis Toxoplasma gondii protozoa MHP N. America trophic agricultural development, urbanization, runoff protozoa MHP N. America direct (Wilberg, Livings et al. 2011) protozoa MHP SHP/ MHP habitat loss agricultural development agricultural development N. America Eurasia (Ziegler, Wade et al. 2007) (Leonardo, Rivera et al. 2005) diarrheal pathogens, general Giardia, E.coli, rotaviruses SHP/ MHP human road building S. America direct (Eisenberg, Cevallos et al. 2006) Malaria and dengue Plasmodium spp., dengue virus arbovirus, Flavivirus protozoa and trematode protozoa, bacteria, virus protozoa, virus cattle, other mammals human direct malaria and schistosomiasis Dermo – Perkinsus marinum, MSXHaplosporidium nelsoni Cryptosporidium spp. Plasmodium and Schistosoma vertebratefelids reservoirs affecting sea otters Oysters SHP human agricultural development Eurasia VB (Vanwambeke, Lambin et al. 2007) virus MHP human and nonhuman primates deforestation S. America VB (Ribeiro and Antunes 2009) Hemoparasites-reptile MSX and dermo Cryptosporidiosis Yellow fever VB and trophic (Amo, Lopez et al. 2007) (Geue and Partecke 2008, Bonneaud, Sepil et al. 2009, Chasar, Loiseau et al. 2009, Fokidis, Greiner et al. 2009) (Miller, Miller et al. 2008, Lehrer, Fredebaugh et al. 2010) Supplemental Information: Observational and Experimental Studies of Anthropogenic Land Use Change and Infectious Disease Dengue Dengue virus Virus SHP Humans Horticulture, rice paddies, agricultural development urbanization, suburbanization, deforestationeri Eurasia VB West Nile Virus Flaviviridae, Flavivirus virus MHP vertebrates Tick borne encephalitis Flavivirus virus MHP Louping ill Flavivirus Virus MHP Hantavirus hantavirus virus Rabies rhabdovirus virus (Vanwambeke, Bennett et al. 2011, Sarfraz, Tripathi et al. 2012) (Gibbs, Wimberly et al. 2006, Bradley, Gibbs et al. 2008, Gomez, Kilpatrick et al. 2008, Ozdenerol, Bialkowska-Jelinska et al. 2008, Wimberly, Hildreth et al. 2008, Gates and Boston 2009, Eisen, Barker et al. 2010, Trawinski and Mackay 2010, Bowden, Magori et al. 2011, LaDeau, Calder et al. 2011, Liu, Weng et al. 2011, Rochlin, Turbow et al. 2011, Chuang, Hockett et al. 2012, Hamer, Lehrer et al. 2012, Johnson, Munafo et al. 2012) (Vanwambeke, Sumilo et al. 2010) N. America VB forest fragmentation, logging habitat fragmentation Eurasia VB Eurasia VB (Jones, Webb et al. 2011) MHP small rodents, livestock Sheep, red grouse, humans wild rodents habitat fragmentation, forest fragmentation, agricultural development, deforestation N. America direct MHP bats, agricultural S. direct (Langlois, Fahrig et al. 2001, Ruedas, SalazarBravo et al. 2004, Savory, Cuevas et al. 2006, Suzan, Giermakowski et al. 2006, Suzan, Marce et al. 2008) (Gomes, Monteiro et Supplemental Information: Observational and Experimental Studies of Anthropogenic Land Use Change and Infectious Disease mammals Venezuelan equine encephalitis Eastern equine encephalitis Togaviridae, alphavirus Togaviridae, alphavirus virus MHP mammals, birds Birds, mammals Virus MHP Chikungunya Chikungunya virus virus MHP Multiple species Ross river virus Togaviridae Alphavirus Virus MHP Mammals Crimean-congo hemorrhagic fever Bunyaviridae, Nairovirus virus MHP multiple species wild and domestic animals Bluetongue virus Orbivirus Virus MHP ruminants Feline Immunodeficiency virus Sea-turtle fibropapillomatosis Retrovirus Virus MHP Felids Herpesvirusassociated virus MHP (sea turtles) sea turtle Avian pox Poxvirus Virus MHP avian Avian Influenza, Highly Pathogenic influenza, Orthomyxovirus virus MHP avian Hendravirus Hendravirus Virus MHP Bat Puumala virus Puumala virus virus MHP bank vole development, forest fragmentation deforestation America al. 2010) S. America N. America VB Africa VB (Diallo, Sall et al. 2012) Oceania VB (Jardine, Speldewinde et al. 2008) Eurasia VB (Estrada-Pena, Zatansever et al. 2007, Estrada-Pena, Vatansever et al. 2010) N. America N. America VB (Mayo, Gardner et al. 2012) (Lee, Ruell et al. 2012) Oceania direct (Van Houtan, Hargrove et al. 2010) Galapagos Direct and VB Eurasia direct (Zylberberg, Lee et al. 2013) (Gilbert, Xiao et al. 2007) Urbanization Oceania direct forest fragmentation, deforestation Eurasia direct Natural resource extraction/forestr y Deforestation, human settlement, agricultural development Agricultural development, land clearing fragmentation of agricultural land between forests and shrubs, forest fragmentation agricultural development urbanization, habitat fragmentation urbanization, aquatic eutrophication Agricultural development agricultural development VB Direct (Barrera, Torres et al. 2001) (Kelen, Downs et al. 2012) (Plowright, Foley et al. 2011) (Linard, Tersago et al. 2007, Tersago, Schreurs et al. 2008) Supplemental Information: Observational and Experimental Studies of Anthropogenic Land Use Change and Infectious Disease Rabies lyssavirus virus MHP Mammalsraccoons deforestation N. America direct Mosquito-borne disease-general various virus, protozoa MHP/ SHP vertebrates agricultural development, rice cultivation and irrigation, deforestation, irrigation S. America, Eurasia VB MHP-multihost pathogen, SHP-single host pathogen. (Jones, Curns et al. 2003, Recuenco, Eidson et al. 2008) (Amerasinghe and Ariyasena 1991, Forattini, Kakitani et al. 1993, Forattini and Massad 1998, Mukhtar, Herrel et al. 2003, Jacups, Warchot et al. 2012, Steiger, Johnson et al. 2012) Supplemental Information: Observational and Experimental Studies of Anthropogenic Land Use Change and Infectious Disease References Abad-Franch, F., G. Ferraz, C. Campos, F. S. Palomeque, M. J. Grijalva, H. M. Aguilar and M. A. Miles (2010). "Modeling Disease Vector Occurrence when Detection Is Imperfect: Infestation of Amazonian Palm Trees by Triatomine Bugs at Three Spatial Scales." PLoS Negl Trop Dis 4(3): e620. Afrane, Y. A., B. W. Lawson, A. K. Githeko and G. Yan (2005). 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