Assistant/Associate Professor

Pacific University, School of Pharmacy
Hillsboro, Oregon
1284 & 1312-Assistant/Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice
Job #: 1284 & 1312
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Position (Assistant/Associate Professor)
Post Date:
College: College of Health Professions (CHP)
School or Program: School of Pharmacy (SOP)
Position: Faculty (fully funded by University)
Appointment Type: Tenure Track or Extended Term
Start Date: By mutually satisfactory agreement
Term: 11-month calendar year faculty appointment
A pharmacy practice faculty member (Assistant or Associate Professor) is
responsible for the planning and delivery of assigned coursework within the School
of Pharmacy. The University values teaching as the primary endeavor with everescalating emphasis on research. The faculty member is responsible to the Assistant
Dean for Pharmacy Practice and is involved in the development, implementation,
and maintenance of a pharmacy practice site to facilitate experiential training for
PharmD candidates. The practice site opportunity is developed in line with the
interests of the faculty member. The faculty member will be actively engaged in the
teaching, scholarship, and service missions of Pacific University. The position is
offered as a tenure-track or an extended-term appointment.
Prior experience in these general areas will receive highest consideration:
 Develop, maintain, and administer student-centered curricular material in a
broad range of topics related to pharmacotherapy and the management of
acutely ill patients via lectures, group activities, projects, and experiential
Assess teaching, with emphasis on competencies and outcomes, in order to
provide continual improvement in student and faculty performances and in
student retention
Provide mentoring and advisement to students and, where appropriate, to
preceptors throughout the didactic and experiential curriculum
Develop, implement, and maintain a high-quality collaborative pharmacy
practice site to facilitate rotations in experiential education
Engage in the scholarship of discovery, application, integration, and teaching
in areas appropriate to the appointee’s interest which advances the mission
of Pacific University, CHP, and SOP
Participate in various committees in the SOP and University to ensure
improvement of curricular and student performance
Serve as liaison to the school, college, university, and community for issues
relating to SOP
Required qualifications:
 Doctor of Pharmacy degree from an ACPE-accredited program with eligibility
for pharmacist licensure in Oregon or Washington
Demonstrated experiences and teaching interests in inpatient pharmacy
practice/internal medicine with proficiencies in nutritional support,
infectious disease, informatics, or drug information
Demonstrated high motivation to excel in teaching, pharmacy practice, and
pharmacy profession
Demonstrated excellent communication and patient skills
Demonstrated ability to work effectively as a team member
Preferred qualifications:
 Completion of a pharmacy practice residency or equivalent experience
Prior academic teaching experience
Prior experience in or demonstrated promise for ever-escalating research
activity. High value will be placed on scholarly activities in the areas of
internal medicine care or pharmacy management.
Highly desired qualifications:
 Board certification in an appropriate area
WORKING CONDITIONS: Office environment resides in a LEED Gold-certified
building. Teaching schedules will be arranged through discussion with the Assistant
Dean for Pharmacy Practice to meet the needs of program.
APPLICATION: Interested applicants for this opportunity should submit a letter of
interest, a curriculum vitae, and names of three references with their telephone
numbers, email addresses, and an explanation of the relationship to the applicant.
The letter of interest should discuss the applicant’s programs of practice and
research, future goals, and teaching philosophy. Application materials will be
screened; candidates for interview will be selected and notified by email. All
applicants will receive notification when the position has been filled. Employment
is contingent upon eligibility to work in the United States and criminal background
Applicants are encouraged to review University, CHP, and SOP policies and practices
as outlined in the respective faculty handbooks, with particular attention to the
distribution of teaching, research, and service expectations for the tenure-track and
extended-term appointments. See, or request copies.
A competitive recruitment and selection process is being conducted for this job
opportunity; if a U.S. worker is not selected pursuant to this process, an application
for alien employment certification may be filed on behalf of an alien to fill the job
Submit application materials to: Mark Della Paolera, PharmD,
( Associate Professor, School of Pharmacy, Pacific
Review of applications begins immediately and will continue until the position is
Founded by Congregational pioneers in 1849, Pacific University is one of the oldest
chartered institutions of higher education in the West. With the historical campus
located in Forest Grove, Oregon (about 25 miles west of Portland) the University
also has campuses in Hillsboro, Eugene, and Portland. Currently the University
enrolls more than 3000 undergraduate and graduate students. Pacific University
strives to provide an education of exceptional quality in liberal arts and sciences and
in selected professional programs to prepare students for service to a changing
community, nation, and world. Pacific University was recently recognized by both
U.S. News and World Report and Barron’s as a “Best Buy” based on quality, price,
and financial aid.
It is the policy of Pacific University not to discriminate on the basis of sex, disability,
race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, age, religious preference or disabled
veteran or Vietnam ERA status in admission and access to, or treatment in
employment, educational programs or activities as required by Title IX of the
Education Amendments of 1972, section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title
VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination Act, the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990 and their implementing regulations.