Costume Guide

Stepsister Training Guide
The following is all the information you’ll need to know about being a step sister
for JS Princess Parties. This covers both Anastasia and Drizella.
Costume Guide: ............................................................................................................................................ 2
(Character’s) s costume consists of: ......................................................................................................... 2
(Character’s) ’s Makeup ............................................................................................................................ 2
Notes on the costume:.............................................................................................................................. 4
Ownership: ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Being (character) ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Related Characters ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Friends:...................................................................................................................................................... 6
Family: ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
Romantic Interest: .................................................................................................................................... 6
Villains: ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
Character’s Story ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Frequently Asked Questions ......................................................................................................................... 9
Signature: .................................................................................................................................................... 10
Photo References ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Costume Guide:
Anastasia’s costume consists of:
Pink Dress
Red Wig
Gold piece for her hair
Black Shoes or in a contrasting color to her costume (pink, purple, or gold)
Anastasia’s Makeup
You should wear your regular make up (foundation, blush, eyeliner, mascara, etc. Whatever
looks best)
All your make up should be done over the top. Think stage makeup type, or even clown makeup.
Anastasia’s makeup should be in bright pinks and purples and NOT very flattering. Her lipstick is
either bright red or pink. Put blush on her cheeks.
^ This one is a good makeup reference
Drizella’s costume consists of:
Green and Teal Dress
Curly Brown Wig
Bow for her hair
Black Shoes or in a contrasting color to her costume (teal, green or gold)
Drizella’s Makeup
You should wear your regular make up (foundation, blush, eyeliner, mascara, etc. Whatever
looks best)
All your make up should be done over the top. Think stage makeup type, or even clown makeup.
Drizella’s makeup should be in bright blues and greens and NOT very flattering. Gray colors will
also work well. Her lipstick is either bright red or more of a brown-red. Put blush on her cheeks.
^ This is a good makeup reference
Notes on the costume:
You may take your gloves off to tell stories or help with crafts. Please keep track of them though!
When wearing a hoopskirt, make sure to ask how to sit in one before use.
Depending on the characters and what pieces of costumes are in use, we may have you wear both a
hoopskirt AND a petticoat underneath to give it the over the top appearance.
Also know that you will have trouble getting through tight spaces and must be careful because of the
JS Princess Parties Owns:
- Anastasia’s Pink Dress
- Anastasia’s Red Wig
- Anastasia’s Gold Hair piece
- Drizella’s Green Dress
- Drizella’s Black Wig
- Drizella’s Hair Bow
- Any hoopskirts or petticoats
You are to provide:
- Tights
- Underwear
- Wigcap
- Shoes
- Makeup
Being A Step Sister
Here are some basic traits of (character).
The step sisters are very funny characters.
They are NOT mean. They are more bratty and annoying, rather than mean.
Act like clowns
When Cinderella or another princess character tries to do something about teaching the kids to
be a princess, the step sister should copy in a funny way, or attempt to do it herself. Phrases
such as “like this?” or “I think my way is better!” are good to add
Very clumsy and rather spastic
Have a rather high pitched annoying sounding voice which should be kept at all times
Full of themselves
Related Characters
Cinderella is now their friend. She is trying to teach them to behave like proper princesses. They
have apologized to her and realize how they treated her was wrong, and are now just silly
Lady Tremain aka their mother (cinderella’s Step Mother) they always call her Mother. Mother is
very particular and teaches them how to be ‘good princesses’
Romantic Interest:
Anastasia in her sequel falls in love with a Baker. She is more simple of the two and more caring
for who the person is rather than their wealth. In the parks she and the baker aren’t together but she
perhaps a crush on him.
Drizella however is more in it for the money and is more interested in dukes/princes/etc.
Both girls like to flirt –badly- with guys and ask them to marry them and show off for them.
Technically Anastsia and Drizella, along with their mother, are the bad guys. They have reformed
their ways and are now more of funny characters. Make sure to not be mean to Cinderella or the
children, though acting clownish-snobby is funny. Look up park character interactions to figure out what
to act like.
Character’s Story
Here you will put a script for the story the people will follow, if we have one
This is the story we tell with the book. You don’t need to follow it exactly, but it is a good start for
your story. Please try to include all the actions, or more, into your story.
Italics mark questions or interactive parts of the story.
Right now we do not have an actual story for the stepsisters. What will most likely happen is that
Cinderella will tell her story, and if the crowd is good, you will butt in and add your own siliness to the
The Cinderella’s Story
This is the story we tell with the book. You don’t need to follow it exactly, but it is a good start for
your story. Please try to include all the actions, or more, into your story.
Italics mark questions or interactive parts of the story.
I didn’t always have such beautiful dresses, just like all of yours. I used to dress in rags. I
also didn’t live in a castle like a princess! I used to live in a very large house with my stepmother
and step sisters and I had to clean the whole thing! And top to bottom, bottom to top, I scrubbed
the floors, washed the windows, and cleaned the fireplaces until everything sparkled. Most of
the time I was covered in cinders, just like my name CINDERella.
My step mother and step sisters were not very kind to me. In fact sometimes they were
very hard to please! I’m sure your siblings wouldn’t treat you like that. They were very hard to
please. They’d yell. “Cinderella, clean my room!” “Cinderella, do my hair! Hmn!” I hope none
of you ever behave like that.
One day a letter came from the palace. It said “By royal decree, every young maiden is
invited to attend a Royal Ball in honor of His Highness, Prince Charming!”
Oh how I longed to go to the ball! My stepsisters made fun of me and said I’d never be
able to meet the prince! But my stepmother said that if I finished all of my chores and had a nice
dress to wear, I could go. I had so many chores that I didn’t get to work on my dress. Luckily I
had some friends who could help me. Do you know who they were? They were little mice and
birds. Two of the mice were especially good helpers. They were named Gus and Jack. Do you
want to be little helpers too? How about you pretend to sew a beautiful dress for me! Perfect!
Well my friends were just like you and they made me a beautiful dress. I was so excited
that I ran down the steps to show my stepfamily. But when my step sisters saw they were so
jealous that they tore it apart!
I was so upset! They’d ruined such a wonderful gown that my friends had made me. I ran
out into the garden, crying. Soon something strange began to happen. Sparkles filled the air and
a voice said “Dry those tears, dear.” Who do you think it was? Fairy godmother, yes!
She took out her magic wands can you pretend you have magic wands? And then she said
the magic words… now what were they again? Does anyone remember? Oh, of course! Bipity
Bopity Boo! Everyone wave your wands and say that with me “Bipity Bopity Boo!”
With those three magic words she transformed a pumpkin into a splendid carriage and
mice into fine horses. She even turned my tattered rags into this beautiful ball gown. And for
shoes, do you remember what she gave me? Glass slippers! These glass slippers in fact. I’d never
seen such slippers before. Before I left for the ball though my fairy godmother warned me that I
had to be home by the stroke of midnight, which was when the magic ended.
I went to the ball and everything was so wonderful and beautiful! And the prince- he was
so handsome! We danced and danced all night. I was having so much fun that I completely
forgot about the time. Can you all make the sound of the clock? Go “BONG BONG” and clap
your hands together 12 times to show that its midnight.
I was in such a hurry to leave before midnight that I forgot to tell the prince my name! I
ran away, and in my haste I left one glass slipper behind.
The next day we heard that the Prince wanted to marry the girl who fit the glass slipper!
He had the royal duke go around to every house to have the girls try on the glass slipper. But
because it is a magic glass slipper, it would only fit one foot- mine!
As soon as I tried it on, it fit, and the duke took me back to the palace. I was in my rags
then, but the prince knew it was me even so. And he took me in his arms and asked me to marry
him. What do you think I said? I said yes, of course! And we were married right away.
And we all lived happily ever after. Will you say that with me?
Happily ever After. The End.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some of the questions (Character) gets asked.
These are the types of answers that we are looking for.
I am not sure yet
We don’t often get asked for autographs, but sometimes we do. Here is her signature from Disney
Photo References
Here are some different ideas of how to pose as (character).
You can also use these for references for how she holds herself when talking with children or moving
about, and also for makeup reference.
Anastasia is in Pink and Drizella is in green