The Better Breathers Club Partner will



The American Lung Association is the leader in community lung health education and disease prevention. The guidelines below are for the volunteers, community partners and members using the historic name of the American Lung Association “Better Breathers Club.”

The Better Breathers Club is a support group for people with chronic lung disease and their families, friends and support persons. The following Letter of Agreement outlines the roles and responsibilities for conducting a Better Breathers Club.


The purpose of the club is to offer patient-centered, and community-based educational opportunities and support to persons with chronic lung disease (especially COPD, but also asthma, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis [IPF], lung cancer and other chronic lung diseases) and their families, friends and support persons.


The goal of support groups is to improve the quality of life and functional status for members by providing disease-specific education and emotional connection which may prevent exacerbations requiring medical care, thereby reducing the health, economic and social burden of lung disease.


1. Provide those with lung disease with the education and skills needed to achieve the highest level of functioning given the severity of their disease.

2. Teach members and their families the basic concepts and techniques of pulmonary self-care, including coping skills.

3. Introduce new concepts in the care and treatment options for people with chronic lung disease.

4. Provide an opportunity for members to share ideas and solutions to common problems on an ongoing basis.

5. Provide members with an opportunity to share the psychological and social benefits of group interaction and problem solving.

6. Promote awareness about warning signs and symptoms and when to seek help.

7. Review and reinforce any prior education about lung disease and its management.

8. Increase community awareness about the Better Breathers Club, COPD and other lung diseases, and the work of the American Lung Association.

9. Review, reinforce and refer to the American Lung Association’s Lung HelpLine and Freedom

From Smoking® resources when appropriate.

Partnership Letter of Agreement

For Better Breathers Club

The Better Breathers Club Partner may be a local hospital, (under the aegis of the respiratory care department, health education center or similar division), a senior center, an assisted living facility, a community recreation department, a faith-based organization, or any other organization that works toward improving the quality of life for people with chronic disease.

The Better Breathers Club Partner will:

1. Hold a minimum of six educational and support meetings a year.

2. Make every effort to hold the meeting on the same day, time, and in a handicapped-accessible location to provide consistency for the participants.

3. Provide a meeting environment that is fun, welcoming, nurturing and informative for the participants.

4. Address a variety of educational issues throughout the year. Suggested topics are attached.

5. Set aside a time at each meeting to provide participants the opportunity to discuss ideas and solutions to common problems.

6. Establish a support network of the participants based on their need. For instance, develop a telephone tree or lunch meetings.

7. Collect dues or donations. Dues or other fees of the participants are not required, but may be established to offset costs such as room rental, coffee or refreshments, or sending greeting cards to members.

8. Take attendance at every meeting, including the name, address and telephone number of participants. Forward this attendance record to the American Lung Association of North

Carolina so that the database of club members remains current.

9. Obtain prior approval by the American Lung Association for use of the Better Breathers Club name and logo, or the American Lung Association name and logo, on any written material

(including flyers, brochures, news releases, and other marketing activities).

10. Assist the local American Lung Association in promoting the Better Breathers Club and awareness of COPD and other lung diseases with local newspaper articles, organizational newsletters, health fairs, COPD Awareness Month activities, and other marketing activities.

Some partners will have marketing departments that can assist with these efforts.

11. Identify opportunities for members of the group to participate in the promotion of chronic lung disease awareness activities in the community.

12. Conduct meeting evaluation as agreed upon by the Better Breathers Club and the American

Lung Association.

13. Obtain approval from the American Lung Association prior to any research project involving the Better Breathers Club. The American Lung Association is committed to research in the broad area of lung health. Therefore:

• Approval from the American Lung Association is required prior to conducting research projects of the Better Breathers Club.

• In all cases, personal information including names and addresses of program participants must be kept confidential.

• Evaluation materials will be submitted for review and approved by the American Lung

Association prior to their use. Copies of all completed evaluation materials will be forwarded to the American Lung Association.

14. Make every effort to ensure that members understand the support group is not to be used as a substitute for seeking medical advice or treatment.

15. Prohibit commercial organizations from making direct sales to members, and from implied endorsement of products or services and unauthorized use of the American Lung Association name or logo. Commercial organizations are welcome to provide speakers for meetings, refreshments or other types of support for the Better Breathers Club.

16. Obtain approval from the American Lung Association prior to joining with a third party, including any funding sources, in sponsoring or conducting the Better Breathers Club.

The American Lung Association of Maryland will:

1. Designate and recognize this Better Breathers Club as an active member of the Better

Breathers Club network.

2. Post location and contact information for the Better Breathers Club on the American Lung

Association website.

3. Assist the facilitator with topic and speaker ideas.

4. Make available American Lung Association educational resources for participants as needed or requested.

5. Maintain a member database in Datatrack and provide updated copies to facilitators as requested.

6. Assist the Better Breathers Club Partner in promoting the Better Breathers Club and awareness of COPD and other lung diseases with local newspaper articles, organizational newsletters, health fairs, COPD Awareness Month activities and other marketing activities.

7. Make available policy information and activities that impact respiratory health, including participation in its e-advocacy network.

8. Identify opportunities, notify the Better Breathers Club, and request that members participate in COPD awareness activities in the community.

9. Maintain a network of Better Breathers Club facilitators and schedule regular communication and updates to enhance their professional development.

Duration of Agreement:

This agreement will be in effect for three (3) years from the date signed by both partners.

Resolution, Suspension, Termination:

In the spirit of the Agreement, it is expected that the partners will resolve issues of disagreement informally through ongoing collegial communication. However, if either partner is not in compliance with the provisions of this Agreement or the issues cannot be resolved informally, this Agreement may be suspended upon fifteen (15) days written notice. The notice of suspension will state the reasons for the suspension, any corrective action required of the other, and the effective date. During the period of suspension Better Breathers Club activities will not be conducted until resolution is reached. The American Lung Association or the partner organization may also terminate this Agreement if any issue resulting in a suspension has not been resolved within a reasonable time, not to exceed ninety (90) days from the beginning of the suspension.

Entire Agreement, Amendment:

This Agreement is the entire Agreement, and supersedes any and all prior communications, representations and agreements, whether written or oral. No amendment to this Agreement will be binding unless put into writing and signed by both partners.


Any notices required to be given will be sent by certified mail to the partners at the addresses below:

We agree to the guidelines of this partnership.

______________________________________ ________________________

Date Gabrielle Steele

Manager of Programs and Volunteers

American Lung Association

211 East Lombard St., #260

Baltimore, MD 21202



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