Curriculum Leader for Literacy and drama

Walton Priory Middle
Job Description – Curriculum Leader for Literacy
Job Title:
Curriculum Leader for Literacy and Drama
TLR2 2.5
A Caring Community built on
Line Management: Responsible to the Executive Headteacher through the designated member
of the Senior Leadership Team.
Purpose of the Post
To develop and promote Literacy as a beacon of good practice within the school through the
provision of high quality teaching and learning experiences and the effective use of all available
Job Purpose
1. To teach as directed by the Executive Headteacher / timetabler in accordance with the
latest version of the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (2014) and the
Teachers’ Standards (2012).
2. To ensure ‘continued delivery of high-quality teaching and learning’ (SPCD 2014 – page
25) of the team of staff involved in teaching and learning of Literacy.
3. To ‘impact on the educational progress of pupils’ (SPCD 2014) within Literacy.
4. To ‘lead, develop and enhance the teaching practice’ (SPCD 2014) of the team of staff
delivering Literacy lessons.
5. To ensure that Literacy is delivered effectively across all subjects within the Walton Priory
Middle School setting.
6. To promote literacy and drama across the Federation.
7. To ensure there is at least one high quality production each academic year at Walton
Priory Middle School.
8. To develop, evaluate and review policy for Literacy Across the Curriculum.
9. To promote the ethos and vision of the Federation by being an effective role model for
both teachers and pupils.
10. Act under the direction of the Executive Headteacher.
Specific Accountabilities
1. Lead the team of teachers who are responsible for teaching Literacy within the Walton
Priory Middle School setting. This involves giving a clear vision and direction to work,
identifying key areas for improvement and planning appropriate actions to meet them,
reviewing and evaluating actions.
2. Manage both personnel and resources associated with Literacy including the library.
3. Monitor the quality of learning experienced by the pupils within literacy lessons and across
the curriculum, liaising with teaching and support staff as appropriate and offering advice,
guidance and support as necessary.
4. Impact on educational progress beyond the teacher’s assigned pupils by
 the setting of achievement and improvement targets for pupils
 the evaluation of external examination results (in Y6) and other internal progress
measures across the school as appropriate
 ensuring that the requirements of the School Improvement Plan are reflected in the
work in Literacy across the school
 identification of vulnerable / under-achieving pupils and the implementation of
effective support measures and mechanisms to help improve performance
5. Accountability for leading, managing and developing Literacy both as a discrete subject
and more generally across the curriculum by
 making a significant contribution to planning, monitoring and evaluating the Literacy
curriculum across the school
 playing an active role in co-ordinating the identification of individual pupil’s needs
with support mechanisms, appropriate differentiation and levels of challenge to
drive improvement for all such pupils
 playing an active and significant role in translating the requirements of the new
National Curriculum into an interesting, challenging and innovative Literacy
 reviewing schemes of work to ensure that coherent, logical and challenging
educational experiences are available to all pupils
 ensuring that teacher assessments and pupils’ homework conform to the
requirements of school policy and that parental reports are high quality and
 maintaining purposeful and effective links with other staff as appropriate
6. Working, as directed by the Executive Headteacher, across the Federation if necessary.
Academic Progress
1. Monitor and review the quality of learning experienced by the pupils through discussions
with teaching and support staff and through the pupil voice. Act upon any issues identified
from the monitoring of standards.
2. Monitor and evaluate the academic progress in order to sustain and secure effective
learning. Use assessment information, reading age scores, external data and internal
reports as sources of rich data identifying progress at both an individual and group level
informing the Extended Leadership Team about improvements made and support
3. Liaise with key staff (SENCo / Transition and Learning Manager / Line
Manager/Governors) with regard to the progress of pupils within Literacy.
4. Use learning walks, engage with the pupil voice and conduct book trawls in order to
monitor the impact of teaching on standards within Literacy and put in steps to address
any concerns. Monitor, review and evaluate actions in order to ensure swift action is taken
and ensure observable positive impact.
5. Monitor and act upon any concerns raised concerning the progress of significant groups /
individual pupils and so ensure progress of pupils.
6. Set achievement and improvement targets for all pupils and evaluate external examination
results and internal progress measures across the school as appropriate.
Leadership and Management
Lead and manage the Literacy team. Provide guidance and encouragement to teachers
through regular meetings. Liaise with the appropriate Appraisers in order to inform the
school’s Performance Management processes and procedures in relation to the
performance of teachers in the delivery of literacy. Liaise and work with other professions
to ensure intervention is both timely and appropriate for individuals and groups of pupils.
2. Ensure the implementation of the school’s policies to promote pupil achievement within
3. Use monitoring and evaluation to identify areas for improvement and put clear action
plans in place (which support the whole school improvement plan) to ensure that the
teaching and learning of numeracy is improved upon.
4. Take specific responsibility for an identified focus(es) within the School Improvement
Plan and ensure the Literacy Self Evaluation is up to date and accurate and so engage in
whole school improvement planning.
5. Lead in the development of a creative and inspiring curriculum at Walton Priory Middle
6. Develop policy for the whole school in partnership with the Extended Leadership,
Executive Headteacher and governing body.
7. Act as a role model of outstanding teaching and support staff in improving their own
8. Managing (with liaison with the Bursar) the financial resources available for Literacy
9. Managing (with liaison with the Bursar) appropriate Health and Safety requirements in
the appropriate learning environments
General and review responsibilities
undertaking such duties as may from time to time be reasonably assigned by the
Headteacher operating within the provisions of the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions
This job description does not necessarily constitute a comprehensive definition. It describes the
main duties of the post at the time when it was written and such duties may vary from time to time
without changing the general character of the post or the level of responsibility entailed. Such
variations are a common occurrence and cannot, of themselves, justify a reconsideration of the
grading of the post. It will be reviewed periodically as appropriate and may be subject to change
at any time following consultation.
Whilst every effort has been made to explain the main duties and responsibilities of the post not
every individual task may have been identified. Employees will be expected to comply with any
reasonable request from the Executive Headteacher to undertake work of a similar level not
specifically identified in this job description.
It is an expectation that all professional duties undertaken and behaviours exhibited are
underpinned by the Teachers’ Standards (2012).