Turpin Booster Meeting December 3rd, 2012 Meeting Minutes 7:02 pm Pam Sears opens meeting A motion to accept the November minutes made. Motion by Leslie Olsson, seconded by Rebecca Meuche. All agreed. Attendance: Eric Fry, Pam Sears, Lucie Steller, Linda Toerner, Steve Kiracofe, Leslie Olsson, Bob Jansen, Mark Jankowski, Rebecca Meuche, Kent Zimmerman,Tom Steller, Pam Tully, Paula Harrison, Bob Jansen, Kim Calder Sports Team Reports: Cheerleading: (Anne Kernin) –Squad cut in half for basketball. Girls Basketball- (Kim Calder) Varsity 2 – 2, J 3- 1, Freshmen 4 -0 Dance- (Paula Harrison)- No report Swimming: (Carrie Mayne) good start Gymnastics: (Leslie Olsson) –December 4th is 1st meet, Flip Fest at Anderson 12/8. Boys Basketball- (Linda Toerner) Varsity won the McNick game- JV and Freshmen lost Quiz Team- (Lisa Hedrick) –No report. Bowling: (Janet Dumford) No report Softball: (Rebecca Meuche) – Lifting; Sunday there is a clinic practice. Track – No report Girls’ Soccer: (Pam Tully) – No report Boys Soccer: (Kim Kupferberg) No report Baseball: (Dan Flynn) – No report LaCrosse- -(Kathleen Stocker) No report. Girl’s Golf: (Lisa Hedrick) No report. Boys Cross Country-(Steve Kiracofe) Girls Cross Country-(Open) Band: (Connie Sprunk) No report Girls Tennis: (Jami Verdin) No report Boys Tennis (Sally Knoll)- No report Football: (Bob and Cindy Jansen) – Great season. 12-1 Toledo Central went on to win state. They beat Trotwood Madison who Turpin ended the season with. Volleyball (Tom Steller) Boy’s Golf: (Kim Ewan) Committee Report President’s Report: (Pam Sears): AD Report: (Eric Fry) Final proof of lobby approved. It will be in place before Christmas. 101 got the bid for the work. News Chairs for the gym are in and being used. Two practice soccer goals purchased. The district re-lined and repainted the track. Shared that senior pictures hung in the gym need to be an appropriate size. Suggested size is 2ft x 2ft or smaller. Treasurer: (Mark Haggem) Did not attend. No report. Concessions: ( Tim McGlaughlin) Off to a good start for winter. Wrestling and gymnastics have not confirmed their volunteer coverage. Need to get boys basketball game on Wednesday covered with volunteers. Membership:(Kent Zimmerman) Website (Tim Pennington) August 2012 Go Turpin switched to a new site for better functionality. New site: fits all browsers, is mobile phone friendly, allows more registration functionality, easier to reach out to member groups with reminders etc. Fundraising: SpartanRama 2012: (Kim Calder) March 9th, 2012. Event Flyer on line. First of the year we will be more aggressively working on the event. Need to talk up the event. Attendance is critical. Tim Pennington will work on lists of groups to push pre-sale of tickets. Wine And Beer Tasting: Pam Sears Liquor bureau said they would refund the deposit if we requested the refund before deadline. Pam sent the document which will get the $150 refund. It will be 1/19/2013 from 5pm to 8 pm. Linda Toerner will need to get volunteers in January. Pam will have flyers for the team reps to distribute to their teams. Place: Anderson Center 7850 Five Mile Rd Cost: $25/person before event/$30/person at the door Advance pay: credit card or Paypal at goturpin.com. Questions: Pam Sear 607-3702 or psears2@cinci.rr.com Old Business: . Treasurer position filled. Reserved seating for basketball games in the gym will be revisitied after the season. New Business: Winter Gala at IHM requested a donation. Boosters to donate a hoodie after Lucie motioned, Kim Calder seconded and all agreed. Alumni Program for Turpin- Tim Pennington shared ideas to inform and engage Turpin Alumni. He discussed an alumni page dedicated to alum on Go Turpin. An Alumni representative role could be added to booster organization. Alumni group could solicit membership. Presentation given by Tim. Trayce Williamson has been uniting football and beyond alumni with face book and other means for several years. She wanted to bring this group to the larger booster group and formalize a more inclusive and formal group of Turpin Alumni. Anderson has an Alumni group already. Intent of the group is to encourage alumni to come together for events throughout the year in various ways. Initial ideas shared after canvasing other schools with a program were: o Brand it o Set membership levels: Common suggested levels: $100, $50, $25 o Booster Representative dedicated to alumni- this person would have other alumni under them that were not booster members but served the causes. o Have alumni nights o Team Reunions (off site) o Invite past alumni to current team functions o Team fund raisers o Alumni Functions o Team History effort- Tim has even begun the effort of collecting past team pictures, names, records and accomplishments that can be shared on the membership page. To keep this effort going we may need help from current students to go through yearbooks and scan data etc. Alumni Program can be an additional volunteer, sponsorship and fund raising group for the boosters that would add value to its members and opportunity for the organization. Could provide energy and talent to key capital improvement programs Screen shots of presentation will be shared by email in PDF of the basic process to the booster reps. Turpin Athletic HALL OF FAME: Need to put a new look and face to the process and try to dove tail it into the alumni effort of the boosters including adding it to the Go Turpin site. We also need to get specific about the criteria and educate all on how Turpin athletes from the past are nominated, selected and recognized. Tim shared thoughts he, Pam Sears and Eric Fry discussed on the process itself: Post nomination forms on the site Post process and rules of selection process on the site You do not need to be a member to nominate or be nominated Select a final team that verifies the contributions and stats of the athletes and narrow downs the list 2 to 4 athletes get in each time The success of an alumni program as part of the Boosters organization will depend on how organized it is. It was suggested by Tim we build this slowly and add possibilities to leverage the group one at a time. All agreed. We will vote on the alumni group and a formal process for the hall of fame at the January meeting. Other Business: Next meeting: January 14th at 7 p.m. 8:04pm meeting concluded (Bob Jansen motioned with Leslie Olsson seconding). Respectfully submitted, Lucie Steller Secretary