Nightingales - Glapthorn School

Topic: Happy Feet!
Glapthorn C.E. Primary School Curriculum Leaflet
Coverage Date: Sep 7th 2015 - Nov 27th 2015 (12 weeks)
National Curriculum
Literacy: As biographical writers, we will investigate the expeditions of
Scott and Shackleton, and read ‘Mr Chippy’s Diary’ together. We will
recount the events of the more recent Lizzie Greenwood and Prince
Harry expeditions, and we will learn and perform ‘Winter time’ by Robert
Louis Stevenson. We will also create our own poems about the Antarctic
landscape, using descriptive language to convey an image.
Numeracy: As mathematicians, we will be deepening our
understanding of mental and written calculation strategies, and solving
problems involving mixed calculations, linked to the South Pole
expeditions. We will be focussing on multiplication, division, fractions
and times tables. We will use our measuring skills to calculate sledge
weight, distances to travel and solve problems involving time zones,
daylight hours and temperature. We will use compass directions and coordinates to communicate information about position.
Science: As scientists, we will group and classify different species of
penguins, and investigate how animals have adapted to their habitat in
Antarctica. We will use episodes of ‘Life in the Freezer’ with David
Attenborough, as a starting point for our investigations. We will
investigate conductors and insulators, heat and cold. We will consider
how we can insulate a snowman to stop him from melting! We will
investigate climate change and global warming. We will think about
vibration and sound, linked to the film ‘Happy Feet’.
Computing: As computer programmers, we will develop our coding
skills by creating games and using music to code, linked to our topic
about Antarctica. We will learn how to use music editing software for our
snow and ice compositions. We will create a short movie using ‘Movie
Maker’ linked to Antarctica and the climate zones. We will use ‘Excel’ to
calculate statistics linked to the polar expeditions, developing our
knowledge of calculating formulas.
Art and design: As artists, we will use clay to create our own icicle
sculptures and textiles to collage our own fabric piece based on ice and
snow. We will find out about the expedition artist George Edward
Geography: As geographers we will be asking and answering
questions about climate zones, biomes, vegetation belts, rivers,
mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes in the southern hemisphere. We
will investigate the water cycle and how life is affected by the climate in
Antarctica. We will use maps and atlases to locate areas of the southern
Languages: As linguists, we will continue to develop our French
vocabulary and conversation skills. We will focus on reading and writing
French, and grammar, linked to our topic about Antarctica, ice and
Music: As musicians, we will use digital technologies to record, edit and
refine sounds linked to snow and ice. We will compose our own song
with a melody and harmony about winter.
Personal Development: As citizens, we will learn to describe other’s
thoughts, feelings and opinions, and we will develop our listening skills.
We will focus on issues surrounding global warming and its effect on the
polar regions. We will think about how different species of penguins
work together to survive, linked the film ‘Happy Feet’, and compare this
to how humans behave in difficult circumstances.
Physical Education: As athletes, we will be developing our competitive
and team games skills as part of the ‘Real PE’ programme, linked to
Antarctica, ice and snow. We will consider how polar explorers prepare
physically, and investigate endurance training! We will also develop our
own body percussion dance linked to ‘Happy Feet’.
Religious Education: As theologians, we will consider why Jesus is an
inspirational leader for some people and what makes a good role model.
Curriculum Drivers
Outdoor Learning
As outdoor learners, we will…
Monitor the weather as the seasons change
and make careful observations of ice and
possibly snow!
Harvest the vegetables in our allotment and
prepare the ground for winter.
Observe how the environment changes in
Short Wood as the seasons change.
Consider the impact of global warming and
climate change on our immediate
Our Community and
As members of our local
community and beyond, we
Invite members of the local
Christian community to come
to school to discuss why
Jesus is an inspirational
leader for them.
Visit to The Polar Museum
Invite parents and local
community to our ‘Ice station’
Attitude to Learning:
Teamwork, Independence,
Problem Solving
In developing our personal
skills, we will…
Work together to create and
solve problems linked to polar
expeditions in maths, science,
art, computing and geography.
Develop a deeper awareness
and understanding of others as
Glapthorn School citizens, and
begin to form our own ideas
and opinions about climate
change and global warming.
Things you can do at home…
 What can you find out about the Shackleton expeditions to the South Pole?
 Compare expeditions from one hundred years ago with more modern day ones, such as the Lizzie
Greenwood or Prince Harry expeditions
 How has Polar explorer equipment changed?
 Find out about the climate, animals and habitats on Antarctica
 What environmental challenges does Antarctica face?
 What is the future of life on Antarctica?
You could create a PowerPoint presentation or information page, use collage or junk modelling, make a film or
animation….be as creative as you like!