7th Grade Social Studies Midterm Study Guide

St. Lucy’s School
Mr. Santoro: Social Studies
Midterm Date: Thursday, 01/22
7th Grade Social Studies Midterm Study Guide
The Social Studies Midterm is cumulative (September-January). It will cover Chapters
1-6. However, the predominant focus will be on Ch. 3-6. Furthermore, there will be
DBQ (Document Based Questions), on the Assessment. You cannot study for a DBQ.
You will read documents and answer the questions based on the document itself and
your previous knowledge of Social Studies.
Midterm Format (subject to change)
 25 multiple choice questions (two [2] points each)
 3 DBQ questions only not a DBQ Essay (six [6] points each)
 2 Essays, 1-2 paragraphs each (16 points each)
Below you will find some specific Chapters/Topics to study for the Social Studies
Chapter 1 & 2 Pre-Colonial America
 Olmec, Maya, Aztec and The Inca Empires
 Explorers (Columbus, Henry the Navigator, Vasco de Gama, Magellan, etc.)
 Spain in America (Cortes, Pizarro, Social Classes)
Chapter 3 Colonial America
 Early English Settlements (Newfoundland, Roanoke, Jamestown)
 Three types of colonies (New England, Middle, and Southern)
 Pilgrims, Puritans, Separatists, The Mayflower Compact
Chapter 4 Growth of the 13 Colonies
 Life in the colonies (religion, government, culture)
 The clash between Britain and France
 The French and Indian War
Chapter 5 The Spirit of Independence
 Taxation without Representation(Acts against the colonists, ex. Sugar/Stamp Act)
 Building Colonial Unity (Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, Tea Act, etc.)
 First Battles (Lexington and Concord, Battle of Bunker Hill)
 Declaring Independence(debate over independence, Declaration of Independence)
Chapter 6 The American Revolution
 Study the notes you were given for all four sections!
 Key Concepts- Loyalists vs. Patriots, Battles, Gaining Allies, Native Americans,
War in the West and South, Guerilla Warfare, Yorktown, Independence.
St. Lucy’s School
Some possible essay topics are below; please note that each student will choose two
out of four essays on the Midterm. Each essay should be 1-2 paragraphs in length,
and resemble our essential question answers we complete for homework.
Spain in the Americas
The three types of colonies (New England, Middle, Southern)
The French and Indian War
Colonists reactions to British Policies (Sugar Act, Stamp Act, etc.)
Patriots vs. Loyalists
Revolutionary War (Key Concepts)