TIMOTHY LEROY WHITE Email: twhite2011@knights.ucf.edu Education Ph.D., Department of Psychology, University of Central Florida, 2016 M.S., Department of Computer Science, Jackson State University, 2004 B.S., Department of Computer Science, Jackson State University, 2002 Honors and Awards Delta Epsilon Iota (Inducted Spring 2013) Golden Key Honor Society (Inducted Fall 2012) Department of the Army Certificate of Appreciation (2009) Academic Scholarship Jackson State University (1998) Work Experience Computer Scientist U.S. Army Research Laboratory’s Human Research and Engineering Directorate (2004-present) Instructor of Record University of Central Florida’s Department of Psychology (Fall 2013) Research Assistant Jackson State University’s Computer Science Department (2002-2004) Intern High Performance Technologies Inc. / U.S. Army Research Laboratory’s Computational and Informational Science Directorate (Summer 2003 & Summer 2002) Internet Coordinator Greater Canton Ford Mercury (2001) Intern WorldCom (2000) Journal Publications White, T.L. & Krausman, A.S. (2015). Effects of Inter-Stimulus Interval and Intensity on the Perceived Urgency of Tactile Patterns. Applied Ergonomics, 48, 121-129. Mercado, J.E., White, T.L., Sanders, T., Wright, J., & Hancock, P.A. (2014). Performance Effects of Imperfect Cross-Modal Sensory Cueing in a Target Detection Simulation. The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology, 11(3), 211-218. White, T.L., Kehring, K.L., & Glumm, M.M. (2009). Effects of Unimodal and Multimodal Cues About Threat Locations on Target Acquisition and Workload. Military Psychology, 21(4), 497-512. Chapters White, T.L., Krausman, A.S., & Haas, E.C. (2012). Tactile Displays in Army Operational Environments, in Designing Soldier Systems: Current Issues in Human Factors, edited by P. Savage-Knepshield, J. Martin, J. Lockett III, & L. Allender. United Kingdom: Ashgate Publishing. Conference Publications White, T.L., Wright, J., Mercado, J., Sanders, T., & Hancock, P.A. (accepted). Trust in Multimodal Sensory Cueing Automation in a Target Detection Task. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 59th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA. Mercado, J.E., White, T.L., Sanders, T., Wright, J., & Hancock, P.A. (2012). Improving Performance in an Imperfect Target Detection Simulation through Experience. Proceedings Autumn Simulation MultiConference, San Diego, CA. Mercado, J.E., White, T.L., Sanders, T., & Wright, J. (2012). Effects of Cross-Modal Sensory Cueing Automation Failure in a Simulated Target Detection Task. Proceedings Autumn Simulation MultiConference, San Diego, CA. White, T.L. (2010). Effects of Intensity and Inter-Stimulus Interval on the Perceived Urgency of Tactile Patterns. Proceedings of the 15th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Theory, Applications and Practice, Mexico City. Allan, K., White, T., Jones, L., Merlo, J., Haas, E., Zets, G., & Rupert, A. (2010). Getting the Buzz: What’s Next For Tactile Information Delivery? Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 54th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. White, T.L., Kehring, K.L., & Glumm, M.M. (2009). Effects of Multimodal Cueing on Target Acquisition. Proceedings of the 14th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering –Theory, Applications and Practice, Anaheim, CA. Haas, E.C. Stachowiak, C., White, T., Pillalamarri, K., & Feng, T. (2009). Tactile and Auditory Cues to Communicate Multiple Levels of Information. Proceedings of the 2009 International Forum for Multisensory Information. Krausman, A.S. & White, T.L. (2007) Using the Tactile Modality as a Communication Medium for Dismounted Soldiers. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society’s 51st Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. Merlo, J.L., Terrence, P.I., Stafford, S., Gilson, R., Hancock, P.A, Redden, E.S.,Krausman, A., Carstens, C.B., Pettitt, R., & White, T.L. (2006). Communicating Through the Use of Vibrotactile Displays for Dismounted and Mounted Soldiers. Proceedings of the 25 th Army Science Conference. Merlo, J.L., Terrence, P.I., Stafford, S., Gilson, R., Hancock, P.A, Redden, E.S.,Krausman, A., Carstens, C.B., Pettitt, R., & White, T.L. (2006). The Effects of Dynamic Environments and Physiological Stress on Tactical Communication and Signaling. Proceedings of the 4 th Annual Human Performance in Extreme Environments Meeting. Glumm, M.M., Kehring, K.L., & White, T.L. (2005). Effects of Visual and Auditory Cues About Threat Location on Target Acquisition and Attention to Auditory Communications. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society: 49th Annual Meeting, 347-351. Scientific Presentations White, T.L., Mercado, J.E., Wright, J., Sanders, T., & Hancock, P.A. Trust in Cross-Modal Sensory Cueing in Automation. 2013 Human Factors and Applied Psychology Conference, Daytona, FL, April 2013. White, T.L., Wright, J.L., Sanders, T., & Sims, V. Interruptions in Short Term Memory. Poster presented at the 2012 American Psychological Association Convention, Orlando, FL, August 2012. Mercado, J., White, T.L., & Hancock, P.A. Effects of automated cue failure in a multi-modal cueing target detection task. Paper presented at the 2012 Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Performance, Howey-inthe-Hills, FL, March, 2012. White, T.L. Effects of Intensity and Inter-Stimulus Interval on the Perceived Urgency of Tactile Patterns. Paper presented at the 15th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Theory, Applications and Practice, Mexico City, Mexico, October 2010. Allan, K., White, T., Jones, L., Merlo, J., Haas, E., Zets, G., & Rupert, A. Getting the Buzz: What’s Next For Tactile Information Delivery? Paper presented at panel discussion session at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 54th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, September 2010. White, T.L., Kehring, K.L., & Glumm, M.M. Effects of Multimodal Cueing on Target Acquisition. Paper presented at the 14th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering –Theory, Applications and Practice, Anaheim, CA, October 2009. Krausman, A.S. & White, T.L. Using the Tactile Modality as a Communication Medium for Dismounted Soldiers. Poster presented at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society’s 51 st Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, October 2007. Other Publications White, T.L. & Krausman, A.S. (2012). The Perceived Urgency of Tactile Patterns During Dismounted Soldier Movements. (ARL-TR-6013). U.S. Army Research Laboratory: Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. White, T.L. (2011). The Perceived Urgency of Tactile Patterns (ARL-TR-5557). U.S. Army Research Laboratory: Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. Boynton, A.C., Kehring, K.L., & White, T.L. (2011). Biomechanical and Physiological Validation of the Omni-Directional Treadmill (ODT) Upgrade as a Mobility Platform for Virtual Environments (ARL-TR5510). U.S. Army Research Laboratory: Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. White, T.L. & Davis, J.A. (2010). Effects of the Reliability of Cues about Target Location and Visual Scanning and Target Detection (ARL-TR 5410). U.S. Army Research Laboratory: Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. White, T.L. (2010). Suitable Body Locations and Vibrotactile Cueing Types for Dismounted Soldiers (ARLTR-5186). U.S. Army Research Laboratory: Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. Krausman, A.S. & White, T.L. (2008). Detectability of Vibrotactile Signals in Moving Vehicles (ARL-TR4463). U.S. Army Research Laboratory: Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. Krausman, A.S. & White, T.L. (2006). Tactile Displays and Detectability of Vibrotactile Patterns as Combat Assault Maneuvers are Being Performed (ARL-TR-3998). U.S. Army Research Laboratory: Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. Garrett, L., Harper, W.H., Ortega, S.V., & White, T.L. (2006). Joint Service General Purpose Mask (JSGPM) Human Systems Integration (HIS) Evaluation: Comfort and Vision Correction Insert Stability Evaluation (ARL-TR-3900). U.S. Army Research Laboratory: Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. Glumm, M.M., Kehring, K.L., & White, T.L. (2007). Effects of Multimodal Displays About Threat Location on Target Acquisition and Attention to Visual and Auditory Communications (ARL-TR-4074). U.S. Army Research Laboratory: Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. Glumm, M.M., Kehring, K.L., & White, T.L. (2006). Effects of Tactile, Visual, and Auditory Cues About Threat Location on Target Acquisition and Attention to Visual and Auditory Communication (ARL-TR3863). U.S. Army Research Laboratory: Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. Glumm, M.M., Kehring, K.L., & White, T.L. (2005). Effects of Visual and Auditory Cues About Threat Location on Target Acquisition and Attention to Auditory Communications (ARL-TR-3560). U.S. Army Research Laboratory: Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. White, T.L. (2004). Development of a Tool for Predicting Counterion Positions About Biomolecules (Master’s Thesis, Jackson State University, 2004). Refereed Journal Reviewing Reviewer Army Research Laboratory Technical Reports Consulting Reviewer Ergonomics Journal of Sports Sciences Organizations Human Factors and Ergonomics Society American Psychological Association (Divisions 19 and 21) Psi Chi