THE 34th ANNUAL MACLAS CONFERENCE From Xocolatl to Xuxa: Latin America in the World March 8-9, 2013 Lebanon Valley College, Annville, PA The Middle Atlantic Council of Latin American Studies Page 1 of 11 MACLAS 2013 FROM XOCOLATL TO XUXA: LATIN AMERICA IN THE WORLD March 8, Friday Registration 8:00 AM-4:00PM - Synodinos Commons, Lynch Memorial Hall (#5 on campus map) Registration, breakfasts, and coffee breaks will be held in this space All Panels will take place in Lynch Memorial Hall SESSION 1 09:00-10:45AM Panel 1: Memory, Ethnicity and Modernity in Spanish American Poetry Chair: Joan Marx Location: Lynch 186 Participants: “Surviving Surrealism: The Primal Fantasies in the Works of Aída Cartagena Portalatín” Karen Rauch, Kutztown University “Memory as Myth in the Latin American Jewish Diaspora: The Poetry of Angela Muñiz Huberman, Ruth Behar, and Manuela Fingueret” Joan Marx, Muhlenberg College “Poesía afrocaribeña nicaragüense: Andira Watson” María Roof, Howard University “Joaquín Pasos: misterios poéticos de una poética breve” Amelia Mondragón, Howard University Panel 2: Dictatorships, Coups and the Media in Argentina and Paraguay Chair: David Sheinin Location: Lynch 190 Participants: “When First Peoples Became Argentine: Indigenous Argentina under Dictatorship, 19761983” David Sheinin, Trent University Page 2 of 11 “The President v. the Press: The Recent Battle in Argentina and its Effects on Democratic Consolidation” Diane E. Johnson, Lebanon Valley College “ ‘Nuestro Epopeya’ and the June 2012 Paraguayan Golpe Parlamentario” Bridget María Chesterton, Buffalo State College Panel 3: Social Movements and Improvements in Latin America Chair: Ingrid Lee Reader Erickson Location: Lynch 182 Participants: “Affirmative Action in 21st Century Brazil: Grassroots Movements to Presidential Initiatives” Ingrid Lee Reader Erickson, University of Florida “Advocating for a Better World: Latin America’s Role in Making Human Rights Universal” Luis Limon, UCLA “The deactivation of the conflict: the discussion of the sub national autonomy in Bolivia during the Constitutional Assembly (2007-2009)” Ana Haro González, Inter-American Development Bank Panel 4: The Church, the Missionary and the Migrant Chair: Kathleen Cunniffe Location: Lynch 185 Participants: “Imaginación bilocadora y mediación re-imaginada: la agencia autorial de María de Ágreda” Kathleen Cunniffe, Temple University “Joel S. Pablo and the Machete: A Story of the Methodological Challenges of Conducting Archival Research on Nicaragua’s Atlantic Coast” Kimberly Fabbri, Lehigh University “Sanctuary, Saints, and Samaritans: Encountering the God of the Exodus in the Lives of Migrant Women” Sarah White, Individual Researcher MACLAS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING – Presidential Dining Room, Allan W. Mund College Center (#11 on campus map) 11:00-12:30 Page 3 of 11 SESSION 2 1:00-2:45PM Panel 5: Language Development and Cultural Immersion: Teaching Foreign Language at Home and Abroad Location: Lynch 190 Participants: “Constructing a Spanish Language Latin American Cultural Immersion Program on campus” Patricia Moore-Martinez, Temple University “How to Promote Intercultural Competence and Language Development in a Short-term Study Abroad Program through Technology” Silvia Peart, United States Naval Academy Panel 6: Gender, Race, and the State in Brazil and Mexico Chair: Meredith Glueck Location: Lynch 186 Participants: “Gender, Labor and Poverty in Brazil and Mexico” Maria Kobbe “How Popular Images of Carmen Miranda Shaped Perceptions of Salvador’s Female Street Venders” Meredith Glueck, UT-Austin “Democracia Racial: O Que é Isso? Katheryn O’Hara, Lebanon Valley College “ISI and Brazilian State Intervention: Lessons from Brazil to the United States” Dylan Reed, Lebanon Valley College Panel 7: Cuisine and Culture across the Americas Chair: Rebekah Pite, Lafayette College Location: Lynch 182 Participants: “Chocolate con Churros: Representations of Foods and Food Cultures in Hispanic Literatures” Edith Moss Jackson, Independent Scholar Page 4 of 11 “Playing with Food: Reinterpreting Latino Cuisine in the Baldo Comics” Agnes Ragone, Shippensburg University “Sating and Stimulating South Americans: A History of Yerba Mate” Rebekah E. Pite, Lafayette College Panel 8: The U.S. and Nicaragua: Imperialism and Resistance Chair: Michael J. Schroeder Location: Lynch 185 Participants: “Transnational Solidarity in the Americas: The Campaign in Support of the Sandino Movement in Nicaragua, 1927-1934” Barry Carr, La Trobe University, Australia “Cultural and Institutional Dynamics of a Small-War Security Handover: The American Empire and the Formation of the Guardia Nacional de Nicaragua, 1925-1940” Michael J. Schroeder, Lebanon Valley College and David C. Brooks U.S. State Department. “A True and Brilliant Community? U.S. Visions for the Western Hemisphere and the Latin American Response in the 20th Century” James F. Siekmeier, West Virginia University Break: 2:45-3:00 SESSION 3 3:00-4:45PM Panel 9: El papel de la (comodificación) de la violencia en la producción literaria de mujeres colombianas Chair: Monica Simorangkir Location: Lynch 186 Participants: “Movimientos de mujeres por la paz en Colombia: resistencia y vida” Ana Carolina Rodriguez, Georgetown University “Mujeres escritoras colombianas sobre la violencia política: el espacio de lo público como un espacio femenino” Mercedes Lopez Rodriguez, Georgetown University “La mujer disfrazada de loca en Delirio de Laura Restrepo” Page 5 of 11 Monica Simorangkir, Georgetown University Panel 10: The Feminine Voice in Historical Novels and Testimonio Chair: Elizabeth Espadas Location: Lynch 182 Participants: “La autoconstrucción de la identidad o el viaje como espejo en la obra de Flora Tristán” Ana María Ferreira, Georgetown University “Dos mujeres intrépidas en las expediciones al Nuevo Mundo en el siglo XVI: Mencía Calderón y María de Sanabria” Elizabeth Espadas, Independent Scholar Panel 11: Cacao in the Global Market Chair: Marion E. Hines Location: Lynch 185 Participants: “Do you know who, Cacao” Maria Victoria Mata, York University “La invención del chocolate y la creación del mercado internacional de cacao, siglos XVI y XVII” Martín González de la Vara, El Colegio de Michoacán “Coincidence of Cultural Events and Notions Embedded in Vintage Poster Ads for French Chocolates” Marion E. Hines, Howard University Panel 12: Latin American Cities and Popular Participation in Politics: The Results of a Cross National Collaborative Research Project Chair: Ivani Vassoler-Froelich Location: Lynch 190 Participants: “The impact of participatory process on urban planning in Argentina and Brazil” Michael McAdams, Managing Editor of Urbana – Urban Affairs and Public “The impact of participatory process on municipal public policy in Brazil, Chile, and Mexico” Ivani Vassoler-Froelich, Universidade Federal, Santa Maria, Brazil “The Limitations of Participatory Processes in Selected Latin American Case Studies” Jesus Treviño-Cantu, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo Leon, Mexico Page 6 of 11 Panel 13: Social and Temporal Dilemmas in Cinema from Mexico to Cuba Chair: Mirna Trauger Location: Lynch 187 Participants: “Sins of the Past: The Representation of Cuban Women in Cinema and Literature” Rosita E. Villagómez, College of Mount Saint Vincent “The Body of the Law: Canoa and Mob (In)Justice” Greg Schelonka, Louisiana Tech University PLENARY SESSION 5:00-6:00PM: Leedy Theater, Allan W. Mund College Center (#11 on campus map) RECEPTION 6:00-7:00PM: Zimmerman Recital Hall, Suzanne H. Arnold Gallery (#49 on campus map) DINNER 7:00-9:00PM: Lehr Dining Room, Allan W. Mund College Center (#11 on campus map) March 9, Saturday Breakfast: 7:45-9:45AM Synodinos Commons, Lynch Memorial Hall (#5 on campus map) Registration 8:00AM-3:30PM Synodinos Commons, Lynch Memorial Hall (#5 on campus map) SESSION 5 8:00-9:45AM Panel 14: Community, Language and Relationships in Indigenous Literature and Culture Chair: Stephanie Litka Location: Lynch 182 Participants: “The cradle of Tradition Revisited: The Comunidad Indígena in the Andes of Ecuador” Emma Cervone, Johns Hopkins University “Ba’ax Pasa, My Brother?: Linguistic Admixture in Everyday Speech among the Yucatec Maya” Stephanie Litka, University of Dayton Page 7 of 11 “A Comparison of Romantic Relationships in Aztec and Mayan Literature” Mary Preuss, Penn State Greater Allegheny Panel 15: Is Biography Destiny? Three Different Approaches to Three Different Mexican Lives, 1750-1850 Chair: Barbara A. Tenenbaum Location: Lynch 185 Participants: “Marriage and Divorce in an aristocratic Mexican Family: the Regla-Jala Family, 17621828” Edith Couturier, emeritus, NEH “Antonio López de Santa Anna and His Leg” Barbara A. Tenenbaum, Specialist in Mexican Culture, Hispanic Division, Library of Congress “The Prince of Georgetown, the Education of Augstin Yturbide Green” Richard Warren, St. Joseph University Panel 16: Economic Expansion and Reform Chair: Byron D. Crites Location: Lynch 190 Participants: “History, Economics, and Education: The Cultural Exchange between Spain, Mexico, and the United Kingdom, 1900-1940” Byron D. Crites, UT-Austin “Chavez and the Bolivarian Mission in Cienfuegos, Cuba: A ‘Third Period’ of Economic Expansion” Jose Vargas-Vila, Indiana University “Insurmountable Limits: An Analysis of the Relationship between Microfinance Programs and Informal Economies” Julia Smith, Macalester College Panel 17: Eco-Criticism, Ecotestimonio, and Environmentalism Chair: John Stolle-McAllister Location: Lynch 186 Participants: “Ecuador’s Socio-Bosque/Socio-Páramo: Innovative Environmental Solutions or Continued Extraction by Other Means?” Page 8 of 11 John Stolle-McAllister, University of Maryland “Violence and Ecology in Luis Felipe Lomeli’s Cuaderno de flores” Paul L. Goldberg, Widener University “The Greening of Testimonio in Gaspar Pedro González’s El trece b’aktun” Louise A. Detwiler, Salisbury University Break: 9:45-10:00AM SESSION 6 10:00-11:45AM Panel 18: The Changing Role of Religion in Latin America Chair: Elizabeth Kiddy Location: Lynch 190 Participants: “Selling Miskito Protestantism: Miskito Moravianism as Alternative to Liberation Theology in Nicaragua’s Sandinista Revolution” Eric Meringer, SUNY Fredonia “God and the Nation: Presbyterians, Politics and Social Change in Cuba, 1890-1933 James A. Baer, Northern Virginia Community College “Religion and Politics in Rural Guatemala, 1950s-1960s” Bonar Hernández, East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania “Pilgrims and Scientists: Bom Jesus da Lapa through the Eyes of Scientists” Elizabeth Kiddy, Albright College Panel 19: The Search for Identity in Modernismo Chair: Paul Orta Location: Lynch 185 Participants: “Un reflejo de la problemática existencial atemporal mediante la alusión del sueño en “Rip-Rip el desaparecido” de Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera Ling Anny Fung-Wu, Pennsylvania State University “Visual Commodification in Modern Cuban Painting” Paul Orta, Independent Scholar Page 9 of 11 Panel 20: Twentieth Century Latin American Literature Chair: David Mongor-Lizarrabengoa Location: Lynch 186 Participants: “El modo fantástico y la desaparición de las unidades clásicas en la obra de Cortázar” Theresa Warner, Temple University “Deconstruction and Latin American Literature” John Incledon, Albright College “De sirvienta a señora: Lo carnavalesco en Trescientos milliones de Roberto Arlt” Brendan William Spinelli, Temple University “I smell… a ghost! Olfactory Eidolons in the Fiction of William Faulkner and Gabriel García Márquez” David Mongor-Lizarrabengoa, Montclair State University Panel 21: Argentinian Literature: From the gauchesca to the digital word. Chair: Carlos Rodríguez McGill Location: Lynch 182 Participants: “WordToys: Belen Gache’s Digital Literature Collection from a Borgesian Perspective” Perla Sassón Henry, United States Naval Academy “El cuerpo del delito y los fragmentos de la nación moderna en los folletines gauchescos de Eduardo Gutiérrez” Carlos Rodríguez McGill, University of Michigan-Dearborn LUNCH: 12:00-1:30 Lehr Dining Room, Allan W. Mund Student Center (#11 on campus map) SESSION 7 1:45-3:30PM Panel 22: Political Activism and Populism in Latin America Chair: Jeffrey D. Pugh Location: Lynch 185 Participants: “Bridging the Social and the Political through Alternative Visions of Development and Peace: MINGA and Marcha Patriotics in Colombia” Page 10 of 11 Patricia Rodriguez, Ithaca College “Migrant Activism in Ecuador: Political Participation in the Context of Invisibility” Jeffrey D. Pugh, Providence College “Latin American Civil Society and Democratization: An Examination of the FMLN in El Salvador and the EZLN in Mexico” Ashley Ferrari (undergraduate) Lebanon Valley College Panel 23: Drug Awareness and Public Health Chair: Vera Blinn Reber Location: Lynch 186 Participants: “Tuberculosis in Global Perspective: Physician and Patient Experiences in Buenos Aires” Vera Blinn Reber, Shippensburg University “The United Nations Coca Commission and its Reception in Bolivia, 1949-1952” Chris DeLorenzo, Georgetown University “Actors, conflicts and income: The Cultivation of Cannabis in the Northeast of Brazil” Paulo Cesar Pontes Fraga, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora “The War on Drugs: Pursuing a New Strategy” Mckenzie Brannon, United States Naval Academy Panel 24: Mass Movement: Exile, Migration, and Immigration Chair: Gabriela McEvoy Location: Lynch 190 Participants: “Studies of Post-Exile in Latin America: Preliminary Findings” Luis Roniger, Wake Forest University “Representaciones irlandesas en las cartas del inmigrante” Gabriela McEvoy, Lebanon Valley College “Making the Mucurí: Business, Immigration, and Private State Building Initiatives in Imperial Brazil” Matthew M. Barton, University of Pennsylvania “From Sharecroppers to Lancheros: Afro-Peruvians in Tambo de Mora, 1895-1932” Roberto Sánchez, Gallaudet University Page 11 of 11