El Boom Juan Carlos Onetti Augusto Roa Bastos El Boom The Latin American Boom is NOT a literary movement, but a phenomenon that occurred in the decades of the 60’s and the 70’s. 1910-1940 (Literature) 1940-1960 (World Context) Realismo & Naturalismo Second World War Modernismo Cuban Revolution Novela de la Revolución Cold War Criollismo Mass Media & communications Indianismo →Indigenismo→ Indígena? Middle classes Negrismo →Afro-cubanismo The Latin American Boom While until the 50’s very few Latin American writers were known/tolerated in European circles, by 1975 world literature revolved around these writers. How was this possible? - Seix Barral - Exile of many writers and knowledge of other languages -- their fresh and innovative outlook 1960-1970 Some trends started in the past remain: Indigenismo Afro-Cubanismo New writers rebel againts Realism! Some new vanguards influence the new Latin American writers. They continue to experiment with time and narrative voices. New influences: Surrealism Magical Realism Psychoanalysis Existencialism As with William Faulkner, the landscapes become a symbol of the characters’ psychological struggles (not “trapped” as with Criollistas). Although the Boom is not a movement, there are common traits among the writers of this period: - Experimentation - Interest in Latin American Societies - Depiction of complex Latin American political and economic structures with ideological goals (not a photograph) - Emphasis on significant events that shaped cultural or social histories. - Became part of the ongoing analysis of the developments of humanity. Ocasio wrote: “This is one of the most important contributions of Boom literature: portrayal of Latin American society went beyond the anecdotal dimensions of previous works and became part of a more metaphysical and psychological approach to the exploration of the human psyche.” Juan Carlos Onetti Uruguay (1909-1994) Works El pozo, 1939. Tierra de nadie, 1941. Para esta noche, 1943. La vida breve, 1950. Un sueño realizado y otros cuentos (1951 Los adioses 1954. Para una tumba sin nombre, 1959. La cara de la desgracia, 1960. El astillero, 1961. El infierno tan temido y otros cuentos, 1962. Juntacadáveres, 1964. Tres novelas (1967) Cuentos completos (1967) Los rostros del amor (1968) Novelas y cuentos cortos completos (1968) Obras completas (1970) La muerte y la niña, 1973. Tiempo de abrazar, 1974. Cuentos completos (1974) Réquiem por Faulkner (1975) Dejemos hablar al viento, 1979. Tan triste como ella y otros cuentos (1976) Cuentos secretos (1986) Presencia y otros cuentos, 1986. Cuando entonces, 1987. Cuando ya no importe, 1993. Augusto Roa Bastos Paraguay (1917-2005)