El Boom Juan Carlos Onetti Augusto Roa Bastos

El Boom
Juan Carlos Onetti
Augusto Roa Bastos
El Boom
The Latin American Boom is NOT a literary movement, but a
phenomenon that occurred in the decades of the 60’s and the 70’s.
1910-1940 (Literature)
1940-1960 (World Context)
Realismo & Naturalismo
Second World War
Cuban Revolution
Novela de la Revolución
Cold War
Mass Media & communications
Indianismo →Indigenismo→ Indígena?
Middle classes
Negrismo →Afro-cubanismo
The Latin American Boom
While until the 50’s very few Latin American writers were
known/tolerated in European circles, by 1975 world
literature revolved around these writers.
How was this possible?
- Seix Barral
- Exile of many writers and knowledge of other languages
-- their fresh and innovative outlook
Some trends started in the past remain:
New writers rebel againts Realism!
Some new vanguards influence the new Latin American writers.
They continue to experiment with time and narrative voices.
New influences:
Magical Realism
As with William Faulkner, the landscapes become a symbol of the
characters’ psychological struggles (not “trapped” as with
Although the Boom is not a movement, there are common traits among the
writers of this period:
- Experimentation
- Interest in Latin American Societies
- Depiction of complex Latin American political and economic structures with
ideological goals (not a photograph)
- Emphasis on significant events that shaped cultural or social histories.
- Became part of the ongoing analysis of the developments of humanity.
Ocasio wrote:
“This is one of the most important contributions of Boom literature: portrayal
of Latin American society went beyond the anecdotal dimensions of previous
works and became part of a more metaphysical and psychological approach to
the exploration of the human psyche.”
Juan Carlos Onetti
El pozo, 1939.
Tierra de nadie, 1941.
Para esta noche, 1943.
La vida breve, 1950.
Un sueño realizado y otros cuentos
Los adioses 1954.
Para una tumba sin nombre, 1959.
La cara de la desgracia, 1960.
El astillero, 1961.
El infierno tan temido y otros cuentos,
Juntacadáveres, 1964.
Tres novelas (1967)
Cuentos completos (1967)
Los rostros del amor (1968)
Novelas y cuentos cortos completos (1968)
Obras completas (1970)
La muerte y la niña, 1973.
Tiempo de abrazar, 1974.
Cuentos completos (1974)
Réquiem por Faulkner (1975)
Dejemos hablar al viento, 1979.
Tan triste como ella y otros cuentos (1976)
Cuentos secretos (1986)
Presencia y otros cuentos, 1986.
Cuando entonces, 1987.
Cuando ya no importe, 1993.
Augusto Roa Bastos