2 - Carolina Conference for Romance Studies

21st Annual
Carolina Conference
on Romance
Conference Coordinators:
Tessa Gurney and Catherine A. Viano
Elena Casey and Adrienne Erazo
Special recognition is given to the following
for their support:
The Graduate School, The Department of Romance
Studies, The Institute for the Arts and Humanities, The
School of Arts and Sciences, The Graduate Romance
Association, Center for European Studies, Latin@ Studies
Thank you to the following individuals for
their invaluable help:
Logan Brackett, Dr. Frank Domínguez, Kate
Good, Sam Krieg, Francisco Laguna-Correa,
Dr. Irene Gómez Castellano, Emiliano Guaraldo
Rodriguez, Rhi Johnson, April Weintrit
Keynote Lectures at the
2015 CCRL
Thursday April 9th, 6:15-7:15pm:
Juliette Cherbuliez
Keynote Address: Waking Early:
Toward An Untimely Study of
Character in Performance
Dey Hall, Room 305
Friday, April 10th, 6:15-7:15pm:
Lina Insana
Keynote Address: How to do
Things with Islands; or, Performing
Dey Hall, Room 305
Saturday, April 11th, 11:3012:30pm: Martine Delvaux
Invited Artist Address: De façon à
ce que j’existe moins…
Dey Hall, Toy Lounge
Saturday, April 11th, 4:30-5:30pm:
Gustavo Pérez Firmat
Keynote Address: Wallace Stevens,
Dey Hall, Toy Lounge
Thursday, April 9, 2015
10:00 am - 3:30 pm
Registration: Student Union 2511
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
1. Sexuality, Visuality, and Language in
Peninsular Texts
Chair: Joaquin Rodriguez-Barbera, Sam
Houston State University
Student Union 3407
Joaquin Rodriguez-Barbera, Sam Houston
State University
Discurso de “Los enamoramientos” de Javier
Derek Segebarth, The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Huebos Roto(s), la historia de OPUS
Antonio Balsón, The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Visuality in the early works of Francisco de Isla
2. Translating Identity Across Media
Chair: Alejandra Márquez, The University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3206A
Jesús González, Tarrant County College
El narco mexicano como “héroe” en las artes
visuales y musicales
Rafael Acosta, University of Kansas
Songwriters of the Desert
Sarah Booker, The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Power of the Translator: The Presence of
Latin American Literature in the United States
Kristine Taylor, The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Equivalence in Translation of Mozambican
3. Religious Reconciliation in Spain Across the
Chair: Grant Gearhart, The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 2420
Felipe Munoz, Villanova University
Social Change and Egalitarian Relationships in
Ocaña (Toledo, Spain) in the 16th Century
Harry Karahalios, Duke University
Of Jews and Others: Cultural Politics in Spain
since the Economic Crisis
Adriano Duque, Villanova University
On Carpets and Gardens: Visual Imagery in 15th
century Spain
4. Shifting Selves, Shifting Nations
Chair: TBA
Student Union 3209
Rachelle Phillips, The University of Virginia
Don Álvaro or the Force of Mimetic Desire
Lauris McQuoid-Greason, Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State University
Failed Performance: Self-Transformation
(Attempted) in the “Late Levrero”
Adrienne Royo, Southern Adventist University
Historia de España e Hispanoamérica – La
perspectiva literaria
María Aparicio-Torres, Florida International
From Autonomy to Independence for Cuba in Pi
y Margall's literary production
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Lunch Break
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
5. Transnational Visions of Performance
Theory in Action
Chair: Emiliano Guaraldo Rodriguez, The
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3206A
Belén Tortosa Pujante, The University of
Santiago de Compostela
Identidades escénicas: performatividad, sexo y
género en Tragedia Endogonidia de Romeo
Emiliano Guaraldo Rodriguez, The University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Matter, Animality, Cosmos: Performing the
Non-human in the works of Societas Raffaello
Ana Puchau de Lecea, Villanova University
From the Girls’ Voice: Performativity and
Reader Engagement in Elena Fortún’s Celia and
Ana María Matute’s Paulina
6. Social Commentary Through Music in the
Chair: Thomas Phillips, The University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3209
Nathan D. Brown, Randolph-Macon College
Singing as a Canadien: Political Songs and
Identity in Québec, 1794-1807
Lori Oxford, Western Carolina University
Ayotzinapa Somos Todos: Musical Responses to
a Mexican Tragedy
Eunice Rojas, Lynchburg College
Voicing Cuban Money Matters: Musical
Critiques of Cuba’s Dual Currency
Patricia Reagan, Randolph-Macon College
“See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil”:
Disengaging the Senses in Songs of Latino
7. Violence and Resistance in Early Modern
Chair: Whitney Winters, UNC-CH
Student Union 2420
Santiago Vidales, The University of
Massachusetts Amherst
Hearing Voices Where There is Silence:
Sycorax and Caliban in The Tempest
Maria Villodre, Roberts Wesleyan College
Honor y deshonor femenino en La vida es sueño
Elena Neacsu, The University of Virginia
Violencia y transgresión: (Re)presentando la
criminalidad femenina en La niña de los
embustes: Teresa de Manzanares de Alonso de
Castillo Solórzano
3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
8. Embodying the Ideal: Materiality, Art and
Chair: Stella Kim, The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3206A
Zachary Ludington, The University of Virginia
Avant-Garde Performance against “Bad
Infinity”: a Hegelian Look at Dalí’s “Antiartistic
Alison Atkins, Wake Forest University
Espuma caliente de grasa de foie gras and Aire
de wasabi: Materiality and the “Patenting” of
Culinary Art in Cookbooks by Ferran Adrià
9. Memory and Performance:
(Re)Constructing Experiences in French and
Francophone Texts
Chair: Drew Gard, The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3209
William G. Allen, Furman University
Space and Postmemory in Modiano’s Dora
Martha Moreno, University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill
Histoire personnelle, histoire nationale. Le
trauma et les manipulations de mémoire dans
Persepolis de Marjane Satrapi
Wendy Combs, University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill
Ending the Guerres de Mémoires: Fiction and
Multidirectional Memory in Boualem Sansal’s
Le Village d’Allemand
6:15 pm - 7:15 pm
Dey Hall, Room 305
Keynote Speaker, French:
Juliette Cherbuliez
Keynote Address: Waking Early: Toward
An Untimely Study of Character in
Friday, April 10, 2015
8:00 am - 3:45 pm
Registration: Student Union 2511
9:00 am - 10:30 am
11. Textual Geographies: Interactions of Text,
Setting, and Genre
Chair: Alicia Rivero, The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3409
Pilar Osorio, University of Massachusetts
Algunas aproximaciones al problema de la
propiedad en Doña Bárbara de Rómulo
Orosman López Bao, Mercer University
Our Abject Island: Ecological Manifestation of
Puerto Rico’s Political Status in Mayra
Montero’s Captain of the Sleepers
James Hayden, The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Serranas, Serranillas and Changing Attitudes
toward Nature in Late Medieval Spain
12. Women and Socio-National Structures in
Finisecular Texts
Chair: Emily Clark, The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 2423
Gabrielle Miller, The University of Virginia
Embodying Disability in Pérez Galdós’ Tristana
Irene Gómez Castellano, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
From Sweaty to Sweetie: Reading Sappho in
19th-century Spain
Marina Cuzovic-Severn, Michigan State
Expresión de las ideas feministas en La Gaviota
(1849) e Insolación (1889) a través de la
internalización de la orientalización francesa de
Francisco Javier Fernández-Urenda,
Longwood University
El cuerpo del pecado: Misoginia y sicalipsis en
la prensa periódica del Sexenio Democrático
13. The Textual Power of the Subaltern: Race
and Identity in the Americas
Chair: Emilio del Valle Escalante, The
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3102
Wesley Costa de Moraes, The University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Un testimonio de resistencia indígena en el
medio urbano brasileño: la escritura del guerrero
en Todas as vezes que dissemos adeus de Kaka
Werá Jecupé
Luciano Cruz, The University of Cincinnati
Nación e identidad cubanas en “El derecho de
nacer”, de Félix B. Caignet
Brenda Quinones-Ayala, The University of
North Carolina at Charlotte
El rito fúnebre: Espacio de poder e identidad del
subalterno en Puerto Rico
14. Imagery Through Sound: Performativity
and Music in Contemporary Francophone
Texts and Theater
Chair: Martine Delvaux
Student Union 3209
Valérie Lebrun, Université du Québéc à
Montréal/Institut de recherches et d’études
“Comme du cristal”: le poids, le bruit et les
images de la voix chez Christine Angot
Sophia Wilson Niehaus, New York University
Musical figures and liminal space in Solibo
Angela Ritter, University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill
Exile as dispossession as seen through
performativity in Wadji Mouawad’s Seuls
10:45 am - 12:15 pm
15. Doctors, Merchants, and Youth: New
Perspectives on Boccaccio’s Critique of Society
Chair: Martino Rabaioli, The University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3409
Massimiliano Cirulli, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Mercantile World in Boccaccio’s
Decameron: Between Epic and Satire
Ugo Goetzl, UNC Part-time Classroom Studies
Boccaccio's Decameron and the Critique of
Medicine: Mock Doctors in a World Turned
Upside Down
Martino Rabaioli, University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill
Filostrato’s Day Four at the Intersection of
Human Sexuality, Wickedness, and Corrupted
16. (Re) Writing History: Text and Visual
Imagery as Performance of Memory Chair:
Mary Greenwood, The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3209
Monica Scovell, University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill
Selling a Revolution: French Press
Retrospectives of mai ’68
Guyomar Pillai, The Ohio State University
Photographic Narrative: The Sensorial
Experience of Memory in Annie Ernaux’s
Clara-Cristina Adame de Heu, The University
of Virginia
La découverte de la civilisation de l’image: le
portrait de Fouché dans les Mémoires d’outretombe de Chateaubriand à la lumière du
Dialogue avec le visible de Huyghe
17. Art, Orality, and Performance: The
Empowerment of the Self-Fashioning Female
Subject in the Contemporary Peninsular Novel
Chair: Maria Fellie, The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3102
Antonia Delgado-Poust, University of Mary
Obfuscating Fact and Fiction: The SelfFashioning Narrator and Her Feminist
Reworking of the ‘Truth’ in Marina Mayoral's
Casi perfecto
Katie Vater, The University of WisconsinMilwaukee
“Feminizar lo masculino”: Art and Female SelfFashioning on the Eve of the Transition in
Rafael Chirbes’ La caída de Madrid
Allison Libbey Titus, The University of
“Y se sentía sola, extraña, diferente”: Voices of
Solitude in Ana María Moix’s Julia and Lucía
Extebarria’s Amor, curiosidad, prozac y dudas
18. Urban Spaces: Artistic Visions of the Latin
American City
Chair: Rosa Perelmuter, The University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 2423
Verónica Grossi, The University of North
Carolina at Greensboro
Love and the City in Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
Matthew Richey, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University
Commod[e]fication: Bathrooms and Neoliberal
Space in Ana Clavel’s “El cuerpo naufrago”
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Lunch Break
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
19. Reinventing Italian Style Across Four
Chair: Sydney Conrad, The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3409
Michael Clark, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill
An Actress Playing Twins: Performing
Hermaphroditism in Andreini’s Amor Nello
Specchio (1622)
John Welsh, Harvard University
Characters in Search of an Ethics: The Moral
Reticence of Pirandello's Theater
Erin Patel, Florida Atlantic University
Francesco Meriano e la (ri)illuminazione delle
parole in libertà
20. Identity and Performance in Francophone
Theater, Music, and Texts
Chair: Emma Monroy, The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3209
Eliza Bourque Dandrige, Duke University
Cowboys and Indians in Africa: Dis/locating
Images of the American West Within Postwar
Franco-Belgian Comics
Daniel Pinelli, University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill
En un meme silence: Torture et déculturation à
travers trois versions de L’Ennemi intime
Viviane Koua, Auburn University
L’écriture Beur comme marque de dénonciation
et d’identité: le cas du thé au harem d’Archi
Ahmed de Medhi Charef et Bomkoeur de Rachid
21. Book presentation: Ser mujer y estar
presente. Disidencias de género en la literatura
mexicana contemporánea (UNAM, 2014), by
Oswaldo Estrada
Student Union 2422
Oswaldo Estrada, The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Irma Cantú, Texas A&M International
Verónica Grossi, The University of North
Carolina at Greensboro
María A. Salgado, The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
22. Subversive Screens: New Cinematic Visions
of Social, Political, and Narrative Realities
Chair: Sam Amago, The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 2423
Carmen Moreno-Díaz, The University of
Retando en escena a la folclórica tradicional:
parodia y subversión en La niña de tus ojos
David Gregory
(Filming) Unsettling Realities: Twisted
Characters and Images in Pablo Larraín’s Post
Mortem and No
Daniel Zimmerman, The University of Virginia
The Viewer as Accomplice in Nueve reinas and
El aura
23. Catharsis as Retrograde Intersemiotic
Translation into Symbolic Prose
Lecture by Ruy Burgos-Lovece
Student Union 3102
3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
24. Italian Literature and Cinema Across Time
and Space
Chair: Xin Liu, The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3409
Brian Tholl, Rutgers University
(Mis)reading Machiavelli in A Bronx Tale
Martina Adani, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill
Ida Dalser and Aldo Moro's Letters: An Escape
from Prison in Bellocchio's Cinema
Zachary Scalzo, Indiana University
Literature, Memoir, and Exclusivity: A
Comparative Study of Editorial and Critical
Strategies Surrounding Dante's Vita nova and
Tondelli's Biglietti agli amici
25. Orality, Poetry, and Performance in Early
Modern and Medieval French Texts
Chair: Juliette Cherbuliez, The University of
Student Union 3209
Donald R. Sunnen, Virginia Military Institute
Chrétien de Troyes and the Art of the captatio
Anna Bernard-Hoverstad, University of North
Carolina Chapel Hill
Reframing the Transgressive: Common Harlotry
and the Critical Reception of Louise Labé’s
Oeuvres Complètes in the 18th and 19th Centuries
Jordan Bessette, University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill
Passive-Aggressive Break-Ups: Dissimulation
and the Role of Letters in La Place Royale
26. Female Poiesis: Writing as Women
Chair: Kate Good, The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 2423
Rhi Johnson, The University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill
The Grotesque Gendering of Creative
Performance in Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda
Maria Rippon, Furman University
A Room of One’s Own?: Salisachs, Laforet,
Matute, and the Writing Life
Justin Bland, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University
Textual Reproduction: Transtextuality,
Authorship, and Adaptation in Cristina
Morales’s Los combatientes
27. “Yo sé quién soy”: Cinematic and Literary
Reinterpretations of Don Quijote
Chair: Holly Sims, The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 2422
Ricardo Castells, Florida International
Las mujeres escritoras, las Escuelas Normales y
el tercer centenario de Don Quijote (1905)
Slav Gratchev, Marshall University
Don Quixote on Russian screen: the problem of
double re-accentuation
6:15 pm - 7:15 pm
Dey Hall, Room 305
Keynote Speaker, Italian: Lina Insana,
University of Pittsburgh
Keynote Address: How to do Things with
Islands; or, Performing Sicily
8:00 pm
Reception at Frank Domínguez’s House. All
are welcome! (Directions in folders)
Saturday, April 11, 2015
9:00 am - 3:45 pm
Registration: Student Union 2510
9:30 am - 11:00 am
28. Visualizing Contemporary Crisis in Italy
Chair: Federico Luisetti, The University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3409
Alessia Martini, University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill
A Theater in Ruins: Contemporary Italy between
Reality and Appearance in Human Capital by
Paolo Virzì
Emiliano Guaraldo Rodriguez, University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Stadiopticon. Financialization of Sport
Spectatorship and the Emergence of
Surveillance in the Italian Stadium
29. Transatlantic Approaches to Detective
Chair: Juan Carlos González Espitia, The
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3407
Alain Richard Sappi, Wesleyan College
La figura de los detectives en El Misterio de la
Cripta Embrujada de Eduardo Mendoza y
Nunca te Enamores de un Forastero de Ramon
Diaz Eterovic
Nora Benedict, The University of Virginia
La novela negra en Jorge Luis Borges: una
aproximación nueva a “El Muerto”
Gillian Price, The University of Virginia
“Desentrañando la historia”: Detection, Critical
Analysis and Semantic Violence in Cristina
Rivera Garza’s La muerte me da
30. Crossing Borders from French Text to Film
Chair: Diana Garcia, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3209
Kasia Stempniak, Duke University
Text, Film, and Palmpsest: 19th century Textual
Traces in Jacques Rivette’s Céline et Julie vont
en bateau
Nadia Naami, University of Miami
Désir et dé-représentation: pour un éthique
iconoclaste dans Un captif amoureux et
Hiroshima mon amour
31. Textual Form and Narrative Expression:
The Novel on TV, TV in Theatre
Chair: Robert Noffsinger, The University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3206A
Josephine Dudek, The University of Illinois at
Though the Telescope: Male gaze and Narrative
Structure in Three Interpretations of La Regenta
Nicholas Wolters, The University of Virginia
From the Sacristy to the Screen: Costuming the
Clergy in La Regenta (1995) and Oviedo
Express (2007)
Alicia López Operé, The University of Virginia
Síntesis dramática: el microteatro del siglo XXI
32. The Construction and Reconstruction of
National Identities in Literature, Song, and
Chair: Zully Amaya, The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3102
Jacob Brown, Southwestern University
Entre tígueres y padres ausentes: la
representación estereotipada del hombre
dominicano en el cine español actual
Kristin Connor, The University of Virginia
The Bodily Experience of Masculinity in La
Sheree Henlon, Wittenberg University
Redemption Song: Mayra Montero, Tú, la
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Toy Lounge, Dey Hall
Invited Writer, French: Martine Delvaux
Keynote Address: De façon à ce que
j’existe moins…
12:45 pm - 2:15 pm
Lunch Break
2:15 pm - 3:45 pm
33. Visualizing Epic Poetry in Italy
Chair: Leslie Zarker Morgan, Loyola
University Maryland
Student Union 3409
Leslie Zarker Morgan, Loyola University
Charlemagne Censured: Visual Imagery and
Expurgation in Pier Jacopo Martello's Carlo
Magno (1727)
Federica Caneparo, Princeton University
Orlando Medley: Illustrations, Frescoes, and
Theatre from Renaissance On
Andrea Gazzoni, University of Pennsylvania
Ventriloquizing the Statian Epic: On the First
Italian Translation of the Thebaid (1570)
34. 20th Century French Text, Fiction and
Chair: Martha Moreno, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Student Union 3209
October Edwards, Virginia Tech
Postmodernist Theatre? That’s Absurd!
Sophie Vainer, University of Georgia
Bonnefoy et l’ekphrase
Marylaura Papalas, East Carolina University
Elsa Schiaparelli: Fashion, Text and Image
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
35. A Cuban in Chapel Hill: A Conversation
with Gustavo Pérez Firmat
Student Union 2422
Oswaldo Estrada, University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill
Irene Gómez Castellano, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Juan Carlos González Espitia, University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Alicia Rivero, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Toy Lounge, Dey Hall
Keynote Speaker, Spanish:
Gustavo Pérez Firmat
Keynote Address: Wallace Stevens,
7:30 pm Hors d’oeuvres & 8:00 pm Dinner
Banquet at the Weathervane
Hwy 15-501 @ Estes Drive
University Mall (next to A Southern Season)
Panel Number
Adriano Duque …………………………...….. 3
Adrienne Royo ……………………………..... 4
Alain Richard Sappi ………………….…….. 29
Alejandra Márquez ………………….……….. 2
Alessia Martini ……………………..…......... 28
Alicia López Operé ……………………...….. 31
Alicia Rivero ………………………….... 11, 35
Alison Atkins …………………………..…….. 8
Allison Libbey Titus …………………….….. 17
Ana Puchau de Lecea …………………….….. 5
Andrea Gazzoni …………………………….. 33
Angela Ritter ……………………………….. 14
Anna Bernard-Hoverstad ………………..….. 25
Antonia Delgado-Poust …………………….. 17
Antonio Balsón ………………………………. 1
Belén Tortosa Pujante ……………………….. 5
Brenda Quinones-Ayala ……………...…….. 13
Brian Tholl ………………………...……….. 24
Carmen Moreno-Díaz ………………...…….. 22
Clara-Cristina Adame de Heu …………..….. 16
Daniel Pinelli ……………………………….. 20
Daniel Zimmerman ……………………...….. 22
David Gregory ……………………………… 22
Derek Segebarth ……………………………... 1
Diana Garcia ………………………………... 30
Donald R. Sunnen …………………………... 25
Drew Gard ………………………………….... 9
Elena Neacsu ………………………..……….. 7
Eliza Bourque Dandrige ……………………. 20
Emiliano Guaraldo Rodriguez ……............ 5, 28
Emilio del Valle Escalante …………………. 13
Emily Clark ………………………………… 12
Emma Monroy ……………………………… 20
Ennio Rao …………………………………... 10
Erin Patel …………………………………… 19
Eunice Rojas …………………………………. 6
Federica Caneparo ………………………….. 33
Federico Luisetti ……………………………. 28
Felipe Munoz ………………………………… 3
Francisco Javier Fernández-Urenda ………... 12
Gabrielle Miller …………………………….. 12
Gillian Price ………………………………… 29
Grant Gearhart ……………………………….. 3
Guyomar Pillai ……………………………... 16
Harry Karahalios …………………………….. 3
Holly Sims ………………………………..… 27
Irene Gómez Castellano ………………... 12, 35
Irma Cantú ………………………………….. 21
Jacob Brown …………………………….….. 32
Jacquie Pound ………………………...…….. 25
James Hayden ………………………………. 11
Jesús González ………………………………. 2
Joaquin Rodriguez-Barbera ………………….. 1
John Welsh …………………………...…….. 19
Jordan Bessette …………………….……….. 25
Josephine Dudek ……………………………. 31
Juan Carlos González Espitia …………... 29, 35
Juliette Cherbuliez ………………………….. 25
Justin Bland ………………………………… 26
Kasia Stempniak ……………………………. 30
Kate Good …………………………………... 26
Kristine Taylor ………………..……………... 2
Katie Vater ………………………………….. 17
Kristin Connor ……….. ……………………..32
Lauris McQuoid-Greason ……………………. 4
Leslie Zarker Morgan ………………………. 33
Lori Oxford …………………………………... 6
Luciano Cruz ……………………………….. 13
María A. Salgado …………………………… 21
María Aparicio-Torres ……………………….. 4
Maria Fellie …………………………..…….. 17
Maria Rippon ……………………………….. 26
Maria Villodre ……………………………….. 7
Marina Cuzovic-Severn …………………….. 12
Martha Moreno …………………………....... 34
Martha Moreno ………………………………. 9
Martina Adani ………………………………. 24
Martine Delvaux ……………………………. 14
Martino Rabaioli ……………………………. 15
Mary Greenwood …………………………… 16
Marylaura Papalas ………………………….. 34
Massimiliano Cirulli ………………...……… 15
Matthew Richey …………………………..... 18
Michael Clark ………………………………. 10
Monica Scovell ……………………………... 16
Nadia Naami ………………………………... 30
Nathan D. Brown …………………………….. 6
Nicholas Wolters …………………………… 31
Nora Benedict ………………………………. 29
October Edwards …………………………… 34
Orosman López Bao ………………………... 11
Oswaldo Estrada …………………..……. 21, 35
Patricia Reagan ………………………………. 6
Pilar Osorio ……….. ……………………..… 11
Rachelle Phillips ……………………………... 4
Rafael Acosta ………………………………... 2
Rhi Johnson ……………………………….... 26
Ricardo Castells …………………………….. 27
Robert Noffsinger …………………………... 31
Roberto Nicosia …………………………….. 10
Rosa Perelmuter ……………………...…….. 18
Ruy Burgos-Lovece ………………..……….. 23
Sam Amago ……………………………..….. 22
Santiago Vidales ………………………….….. 7
Sarah Booker ……………………………..….. 2
Sheree Henlon ……………………………… 32
Slav Gratchev ………………………………. 27
Sophia Wilson Niehaus …………………….. 14
Sophie Vainer ………………………………. 34
Stella Kim ……………………………………. 8
Sydney Conrad ……………………………... 19
Thomas Phillips …………………………..….. 6
Valérie Lebrun ……………………………… 14
Verónica Grossi ……………………….... 18, 21
Viviane Koua ……………………………….. 20
Wendy Combs ……………………………….. 9
Wesley Costa de Moraes …………………… 13
Whitney Winters ……………………………... 7
William G. Allen …………………………….. 9
Zachary Ludington …………………………... 8
Zachary Scalzo ……………………………... 24
Zully Amaya ………………………………... 32