BYLAWS OF THE MIDWESTERN ADULT COMMUNICATION DISORDERS GROUP (MACDG) ARTICLE I- NAME The name of this corporation shall be the Midwestern Adult Communication Disorders Group ARTICLE II- PURPOSE A. To support and promote Speech Pathology as a profession. B. To encourage standards for the practice of Speech Pathology which give the best possible service to the adult population. C. To stimulate the exchange of information among those engaged in Speech Pathology and related fields ARTICLE III- ETHICS Members of this corporation will be bound by the principles and ethics as set forth by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association and licensing regulations of the state where applicable. ARTICLE IV-MEMBERSHIP A. Class of Membership There are two classes of membership in the Midwestern Adult Communication Disorders Group 1. Those with a background in the field of Speech Pathology and/or those with an interest in adult communication disorders who are in good standing and 2. Student members The right to vote and hold office shall be limited to members. B. Termination of Membership 1. Membership will be terminated when dues are one year in arrears. A terminated membership may be reinstated by reapplying for membership. 2. Any member who has been found by the Executive Officers and /or the Board of Directors to be in violation of the Ethics of the Corporation may be suspended from membership by a three fourths (3/4) vote to the Executive Council by secret ballot. Individuals so charged shall be entitled to a hearing before the Executive Council and/or Board of Directors in his own defense prior to the final vote. Persons who have been suspended, may upon petition, be reinstated after one year by a three fourths (3/4) vote of the Executive Council by secret ballot. 1 ARTICLE V- OFFICERS A. Officers The Officers of the Corporation shall be: Past President, President, Vice President (President Elect), Secretary, Treasurer, Membership/PR and Members-at Large. These will be referred to as the Executive Council. B. Duties 1. The President shall be the chief officer of the Corporation It shall be his/her duty to preside at all meetings of the Corporation and the Executive Council, and to call special meetings. It is the responsibility of the President to see that all other officers carry out their duties. The President assumes the position of Past President for one additional year. 2. The Vice-President shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the president and shall be responsible for 3 educational meetings along with the Members-at-Large. 3. The Secretary shall record and file the minutes of all official meetings of the Corporation and the Executive Council, and shall receive and maintain the correspondence and mailing for the organization. 4. The Treasurer shall be entrusted with the collection and disbursement of the Corporation funds and shall maintain bank accounts in the name of Midwestern Adult Communication Disorders Group with disbursement to be made on the signature of the Treasurer,and two members of the board of Directors, in his/her absence. 5. The Membership Coordinator shall maintain documentation related to membership and update membership rosters and is responsible for Public Relations and a membership drive each year. 6. Members-at-Large shall serve as ombudsmen and advisors to the Corporation and are responsible for 2 educational meetings each year. 7. The Past-President serves in a non-voting, advisory capacity. C. Election Nominations for officers in the Corporation will be open to the membership at a fall meeting. Ballots shall be mailed to members for voting and new officers shall take office at the beginning of the fiscal year. D. Terms of Office 1. The President shall serve for a term of one year following his/her term as Vice-President. An additional year will be spent in an advisory capacity as Past-President. 2. The Vice-President is President-Elect for one year and shall assume the office of President the following year. 3. The Secretary shall be elected for a two-year term and shall be elected in even years. 4. The Treasurer shall be elected for a two-year term and shall be elected in odd years. 5. The Membership Chairperson shall be elected for a two-year term. 2 6. Members-at-Large shall be elected for a two-year term, elected in alternating years. 7. The Officers of the Corporation shall assume their duties on January 1st. E. Removal From Office 1. Any Officer may be removed from the office by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members of the Corporation. 2. Any Officer of the Corporation who fails to attend two consecutive Executive Council meetings without prior notice to a member of the Executive Council of unavoidable exigencies, which prevent his attendance, shall forfeit his office. F. Vacated Office The Executive Council will appoint a member to fill a position vacated for the remainder of the term. ARTICLE VI- MEETINGS A. There shall be a minimum of three meetings of the Corporation annually. The time, place and agenda shall be designated by the Executive Council. The membership shall be notified at least 14 days prior to the meeting. B. Members present at the meeting shall constitute a quorum. Unless otherwise noted in the by-laws, a majority vote of those members present shall be necessary to transact business. C. No meeting of the Executive Council or of the Corporation can be considered for the purpose of the by-laws unless the appropriate persons (Executive Council or Membership) have been notified at least two (2) weeks in advance. D. An annual meeting between the Board of Directors and the Executive Council will be held for the purpose of summarizing the general business of the past fiscal year of the Corporation and the presentation of a written plan for the upcoming year.. ARTICLE VII A. The fiscal year of the Corporation shall run from January 1st through December 31st. B. Dues are payable in advance for a membership year. To be in good standing, a member may not be more than one (1) year in arrears of his dues. C. The annual dues of the Corporation may be changed upon the recommendation of the Treasurer and approval of the Executive Council. 3 ARTICLE VIII A. The Board of Directors shall be comprised of the founding persons of the Corporation or their appointees and shall oversee the operations of the organization. B. The Board of Directors shall be advised of the MACDG business, via the receipt of minutes and copies of the written reports at the annual business meeting. ARTICLE IX Amendments to these By-Laws shall be presented to the membership. A simple majority of the voting membership will be sufficient for the passing of a proposed amendment. All amendments will be emailed to membership at which time they will be voted on. All amendments shall become effective at the time of passage or at the time designated for the specific amendment. All amendments will be submitted by the Executive Council to the Board of Directors at the annual meeting. 1977 1984 Revised 1988 Revised 2000 Revised 2005 Revised 2012 Revised 4