2015 Dash for Donations Packet

“Dash for Donations” Participant Packet
Animal House Shelter’s “Dash for Donations” Donor Form
Dash for the Dogs – Sunday May 17th, 2015 - A 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile Fun Run
For the benefit of the homeless dogs & cats of Animal House Shelter
Our “Dash for Donations” Program benefits AHS & you can win prizes for participating.
Everyone is eligible to win prizes with this program whether you run, walk, or just take it easy at our event.
Collect donations to benefit the homeless dogs and cats of Animal House Shelter.
Collect “Dash for Donations” contributions from your family, friends, co-workers, local businesses &
fellow animal lovers to support the work of Animal House Shelter.
Spread news of the important work done by volunteers like you for the benefit of the homeless dogs
and cats of our community.
Ask everyone you know to sponsor you and support Animal House Shelter as you participate in “Dash
for the Dogs” on May 17th. Win prizes for your efforts!
Everyone can collect donations whether you run, walk, or just attend our event to enjoy the festivities.
To be eligible for prizes, this form & donations must be received by the day of the race, May 17th 2015.
“Dash for Donations” Participant Name
Email Address
Thank you for your generous donation to Animal House Shelter!
If participating in “Dash for Donations”, mark size for eligible prize: + $150 level, indicate shirt size:______ ,
$300 level, indicate shirt size _____& sweatpants size______, +750 indicate fleece jacket size______.
Animal House Shelter, Inc., 13005 Ernesti Road, Huntley, IL 60142, 847.961.5541, www.animalhouseshelter.com
“Dash for Donations” FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions)
What is “Dash for Donations”?
“Dash for Donations” is a program designed for supporters of Animal House Shelter to collect tax deductible monetary
donations from family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, local businesses and fellow animal lovers for the benefit of the
homeless dogs and cats of Animal House Shelter. Don’t forget to ask your employer for a donation. Many companies
offer matching gifts and will often match your personal donation.
Do I have to enter the Run/Walk to participate?
While we would love to have you enter in the 5K Run Walk or the 1 Mile Fun Run, you do not have to do that to
participate in the “Dash for Donations” program. This program is being held in conjunction with the Run/Walk event on
May 17th at Citizens Park in Barrington.
Do I have to attend the event to participate?
No, you don’t have to attend the event to participate.
How do I participate?
Just print out a “Dash for Donations” participant packet, pick one up at the shelter or copy from our website and ask
family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, local businesses and fellow animal lovers to support Animal House Shelter with a
tax deductible monetary donation. A letter of introduction to potential donors and donor form is included in the packet.
When do I have to turn in monetary donations collected to be eligible for prizes?
To be eligible for prize consideration, all monetary donations collected and received from donors must be delivered to
shelter no later than the day of the race, May 17th 2015. All checks should be made out to Animal House Shelter. Checks
mailed and online donations to AHS must be clearly marked with “Dash for Donations” participant’s name in order for us
to credit participant’s prize totals. Please do not mail cash. Turn in Donor Form and all checks at the same time to avoid
any confusion.
Are there incentives for my friends, co-workers, neighbors, local businesses and fellow animal lovers to donate to
Animal House Shelter?
We have developed an Incentive Program for your donors and contributors. Please make sure to tell them about it.
Incentives for your Donors - “Dash for Donations” Donor Recognition
These incentives are offered to businesses or individuals donating to AHS through the “Dash for Donations” Program.
$250 -- $499: Donor Name or Business on AHS Website
$500- $749
Donor Name or Business on AHS Website and email blasts (distribution 17000+) for 1
Donor Name or Business on AHS Website and email blasts (distribution 17000+) for 1
year , Honorary Donors Plaque* proudly displayed in Animal House Shelter Lobby
*Categories for Animal House Shelter’s Honorary Donors Plaque
Platinum Donor: $10,000+, Gold Donor: $5,000 - $9,999, Silver Donor: $2500 - $4999, Bronze Donor: $500 - $2499
Are there incentives for me to collect donations and contributions? What can I win?
Incentives for YOU! – “Dash for Donations” Shelter Gear Prizes
Collect monetary donations in the “Dash for Donations” program and you will be eligible for prizes based on amount
collected and received by AHS by May 17th 2015.
These incentives are awarded to person collecting monetary donations and not to individual donors or contributors
listed on your donor form. To be eligible for prizes, all donations must be received by May 17th. Prizes will be special
ordered after May 17th and the participant will be notified when they are ready for pick up at the shelter. Sorry
but we are not able to mail prizes to you.
$75 - $149: AHS Hat
$150-$299: AHS Short Sleeve Shirt
$300-$749: AHS Long Sleeve or Short Sleeve Shirt & AHS Sweat Pant
$750+: AHS Fleece Jacket
* please indicate sizes of applicable prizes on Donor Form & submit by May 31st.
Please contact us at animalhouseshelterinfo@gmail.com if you have any other questions.
Thank you!
Animal House Shelter
“Dash for the Dogs” - Saturday, May 17th 2015
5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile Fun Run
For the benefit of the homeless dogs & cats of Animal House Shelter
Animal House Shelter, 13005 Ernesti Road, Huntley, IL 60142
847-961-5541 - www.animalhouseshelter.com
Hello Friends, Family, Co-workers, Neighbors, Local Business Owners & Fellow Animal Lovers,
My name is __________________________________ and I am a friend, volunteer and supporter of Animal House
Shelter. I want to support this shelter and the wonderful work being done there for the benefit of our community’s
homeless dogs and cats. With this donor form, I am participating in the “Dash for the Dogs” event being held on May
17th at Citizens Park in Barrington. The event is an Animal House Shelter Fundraiser to support all of the homeless dogs
and cats of the shelter. This event features a 5K Run/Walk, 1 Mile Fun Run for both human and canine walkers. Will you
help with a generous donation to Animal House Shelter?
Animal House Shelter is a non-profit, 501(c)(3), No-Kill shelter for all breeds of dogs and cats.
Animal House Shelter rescues abused and neglected dogs and cats and rehabilitates them mentally & physically
in order to place them with the best new family.
We rescue our dogs from high 'kill' shelters, pounds and various animal control facilities in which they are
usually listed as strays, and almost always scheduled to be euthanized.
We have been open since June 2002 and have rescued, rehabilitated and placed over 25,000 dogs and cats into
their loving forever homes!
200-300 animals adopted each month. Our website lists all animals ready for adoption.
It costs over one million dollars per year to run AHS Shelter.
AHS relies heavily on fundraisers and individual donations.
We strive to go above and beyond when caring for and socializing our animals.
We understand the importance of getting to know each and every animal available for adoption in an effort to
place them in the most perfect home possible.
All dogs are walked 4-5 times a day and socialized with each other and volunteers.
The cats are housed in a large 'free roam' cat room so they can socialize all day with each other, staff, volunteers
and potential adopters.
Like people, animals have distinct personalities that make them unique. At Animal House Shelter, we are proud to say
that the dogs and cats are treated like our own. We care enough to be certain they are treated with the comfort and
respect that they deserve and we make every effort to ensure that they go to the right, forever, permanent, and loving
As a thank you for your generous contribution, we are offering our “Dash for Donations” Donor Recognition as listed at
the bottom of this letter. We hope you will take advantage of having your name listed on our Blog and/or Website,
Newsletter and Donor’s Plaque, as they will surely get noticed. All of our adopters and supporters in the community rely
on our “heavily trafficked” website for information. Please be generous in your donation to Animal House Shelter. Your
contribution is truly appreciated and will help to continue the important work of Animal House shelter for the homeless
animals and the whole community.
Thank you.
Signature of “Dash for Donations” Program Participant
Incentives for your Donors - “Dash for Donations” Donor Recognition
Incentives offered to businesses or individuals donating to AHS through the “Dash for Donations” Program.
$250 -- $499: Donor Name or Business on AHS Website
$500- $749
Donor Name or Business on AHS Website and email blasts (distribution 17000+) for 1
Donor Name or Business on AHS Website and email blasts (distribution 17000+) for 1
year , Honorary Donors Plaque* proudly displayed in Animal House Shelter Lobby
*Categories for Animal House Shelter’s Honorary Donors Plaque:
Platinum Donor: $10,000+, Gold Donor: $5,000-$9,999, Silver Donor:$2500-$4999, Bronze Donor: $500-$249