Power: “Extreme Chocolate Banana” Smoothie Recipe For all you

Power: “Extreme Chocolate Banana” Smoothie Recipe
For all you chocoholics out there, this one’s for you – rich cocoa powder make this smoothie not only
taste heavenly, but also aims to keep your heart healthy and happy, allowing you to better power
through your workout. The slow-acting casein protein will give you lasting lean muscle building
potential, and the fibre-rich chia seeds are sure to satiate. Throw in a banana, loaded with nutrients, to
ensure that your muscles will function optimally, and you’ve got one very powerful drink!
This Extreme Chocolate Banana smoothie delivers 24 grams of protein, 10 grams of dietary fibre,
electrolytes and is packed with healthy fats including 1.2 grams of Omega-3s from fish oil.
1 tsp Ground chia seeds
Satiety, Omega-3s
1 Banana, frozen
Potassium, assist in muscle functioning
1 tsp Vitamin D3 + Omega-3 liquid form
(grapefruit-tangerine flavour)
Anti-inflammatory, helps promote bone health
3 tsps Chocolate protein powder, casein
Slow acting /slow releasing, continuous muscle building
1 tsp dark Cocoa powder
High in antioxidants, cardiac-protective properties
1 cup Almond milk, unsweetened, plain or
Dairy-free alternative, can be substitutes for soy milk
¼ ripe Avocado
“Healthy fat” content, replenish intra-muscular fat for fuel
1 tsp of xylitol, more to taste
Low-cal sweetness to conter-act cocoa bitterness; 40% less
calories than sugar, diabetic friendly, plant-based “up-andcoming” sweetener
Performance: “Sweet Banana Kiwi Recovery” Smoothie Recipe
Recovery drinks sure are sweet – this smoothie is packed with probiotics, Omega-3’s, and amino acids to
assist your body in the repair of your hard-working muscles. The anti-inflammatory properties,
stemming from both natural health products and whole foods in this drink, are sure to make you feel
brand new! Go ahead and indulge – your body will thank you for it!
A one-cup serving of the Sweet Banana-Kiwi Recovery smoothie packs a punch of 8 grams of protein, 3
grams of fibre and 600 milligrams of anti-inflammatory Omega-3s.
1 tsp Omega-3 + Vitamin D-3 drops Bone strength & anti-inflammatory properties
1 tsp Ground chia seeds
Satiety, Omega-3s, fiber content
1 ripe Banana
Potassium, assists in muscle functioning
1 tsp Spirulina
Vegan source of protein, Vitamin B12, potential to
control hyperlipidemia, high antioxidant activity
½ ripe Kiwi
Sweetness, Vitamin C for collagen, colour
1.5 cups Kefir
*Optional: substitute Greek/Balkan Yogurt for Kefir, high
probiotic content, assists in maintaining healthy gut flora,
Handful of spinach
High L-lysine content for muscle and collagen repair and
growth, high iron content
Hydration: “Purple Passion Re-hydrator” Smoothie Recipe
Time to drink up – this thirst-quencher is a re-hydrator, as well as an electrolyte re-balancer. The
pomegranate juice not only tastes great and gives this drink a fun colour, but is also loaded with
antioxidants and vitamin C to help you fight off illness. Unsweetened lemon-grass tea keeps you feeling
fresh while also improving circulation and promoting blood flow throughout your body. And of course,
we made sure to keep you up-to-date and trendy with the crowd by including a hint of coconut water - a
great source of potassium and a cardiovascular health promoter.
The Purple Passion Re-hydrator gives you just the right balance of sugars to replenish lost fuel, with a
quick dose of electrolytes to replace lost sodium and chloride.
1 cup Pomegranate juice (or pomegranate
blueberry juice)
Rich in antioxidants and vitamin C
1/6 teaspoon table salt
Sodium and chloride are key electrolytes lost in sweat
3/4 cup Organic coconut water
Rich in natural electrolytes, natural sugars with
potential cardioprotective effects. A good source of
3/4 cup Iced, unsweetened lemon grass tea
Improves circulation and promotes blood flow and