Entry Pathways - Frequently Asked Questions

Entry Pathways - Frequently Asked
When is the new course available?
Now - units can be submitted for credit in June series 2012 and January and June thereafter.
Some Entry Level Certificate (ELC) qualifications have been extended to help with the
transition to Entry Pathways. A list of these can be found on the Entry Level web page.
What is different with the new Entry Pathways Qualifications?
One major development is the removal of timetabled examination and set tasks. WJEC will
no longer set assessments; they will instead supply sample material to give guidance to
centres. This offers teachers the opportunity to be more creative by establishing a variety of
assessments for each unit that will enable their learners to achieve the learning outcomes.
What are the main advantages?
There is a wide choice of units within each qualification and this allows flexibility:
to decide which units and level best suit learners;
to decide the best time to enter learners for certification (in January and June
moderation series);
to enable learners to work at their own pace (credit can be banked).
Does Entry Pathways have performance points?
Yes shown below:
Qualification Grade
Award Entry 1
Award Entry 2
Award Entry 3
Certificate Entry 1
Certificate Entry 2
Certificate Entry 3
Diploma Entry 1
Diploma Entry 2
Diploma Entry 3
Minimum Credits Required
(8 or more credits)
(8 or more credits)
(8 or more credits)
(13 or more credits)
(13 or more credits)
(13 or more credits)
(37 or more credits)
(37 or more credits)
(37 or more credits)
Performance Points
How is the course structured?
There are currently thirteen areas covered by the qualifications, and each qualification is
broken down into units at different levels and credit values.
The qualification title indicates:
the level of the qualification (the complexity and depth of learning);
the content of the qualification (the volume of learning);
the content of the qualification.
Under each qualification there are many ways to choose which units to study;
units can be taken from just one area e.g. all History units;
units can be mixed from any other subject areas within that qualification e.g.
Humanities (any Geography, Religious Studies or French units etc);
a 'generic' unit from another Entry Pathways qualification can be used, i.e. 'Working
as part of a Group' is a Personal and Social Development generic unit that can be used
in many Entry Pathways qualifications like Humanities;
some units can be included in two qualifications where appropriate, e.g. Humanities
'Renewable Energy' can be used in Science Today.
What is a credit?
All units have a credit value - this suggests/reflects the volume of work required and
approximate teaching time recommended to deliver the unit and its assessment. 1 credit is
equal to 10 guided learning hours.
Candidates can build up credit to achieve one of the following:
Award (8 - 12 credits)
Certificate (13 - 36 credits)
Diploma (37+ credits)
What levels are covered?
Entry 1 units can be found in Personal Progress only.
The majority of qualifications cover Entry 2 & 3 with a few Level 1 units to give learners an
opportunity to do units at that level or above.
A Level 1 qualification can be gained in Entry Pathways IT Users and Pathways Applied
Science or Science for Work (Entry Pathways Science Today Entry 3 units can be used for
credit towards the Level 1 Pathways Applied Science).
Can a Level 1 qualification only be achieved in ICT and Science?
Yes - in 2012 only ICT and Science offer a Level 1 qualification.
There is the opportunity to do Level 1 units in some of the other qualifications, however, you
can only currently cash-in at Entry 3.
What are the rules of combination of units?
Within each area of certification indicated all units are 'optional' and the only requirement is
to complete units of sufficient value to achieve the Award (8 or more credits), Certificate (13
or more credits) or Diploma (37 or more credits) qualification.
When should centres enter?
There are two opportunities for entries for each year:
Entries must be in by 1st October for January Series; centres can then amend entries up to
30th November.
Entries must be in by 21st February for June Series; centres can then amend entries up to
30th April.
Is there an entry fee?
Yes - £3.25 per unit
Cash-in entries are free
Any entries/amendments made after the deadline will need to be entered in the next
examination session.
How should centres enter?
Centres should enter via EDI or via WJEC Secure Website
Unit Entry
Entries for individual units must be made by submitting the relevant unit and option code.
Option codes for Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3 and Level 1 are E1, E2, E3 and L1
i.e. 6351(unit code) / E2(option code) Communicating Experiences
Qualification Entry
Entry for aggregation 'cash-in' for the qualification must be made by submitting the relevant
qualification and option code. Option codes indicate the size of the qualification (A = Award,
C = Certificate & D = Diploma) and the Level (1 = Entry 1, 2 = Entry 2, 3 = Entry 3 & 4 =
Level 1)
i.e. cash-in code for Entry 2 Award in Creative, Media and Performance Arts is 6006/A2
What is a cash-in?
When candidates want to obtain an overall subject award for any unitised subject, a separate
'cash in' entry is required. The cash-in code required should be entered alongside the
individual unit entries. If a candidate has completed all the required units for a subject award
but does not submit a cash-in entry, he/she may either:
enter for the subject award after the publication of results - as a late entry, therefore, a late
entry fee is payable in these circumstances
enter for the subject award at a subsequent series, provided the specification is still available.
Failing to submit a cash-in entry results in no qualification certificate being printed for that
Do all units have to be entered at the same level?
No - learners may complete units at different levels. Candidates will need over 51% of their
credits at the level for which they cash-in for a qualification.
i.e. A candidate has completed 8 credits altogether (the size of the qualification would be an
Award): they completed 5 credits at Entry 2 and 3 credits at Entry 3. The majority of credits
achieved come from Entry 2 units therefore the cash-in would be for an Award at Entry 2.
If a candidate is entered at Entry 3 and does not achieve this will it automatically
default to Entry 2 like ELC?
No - candidates should only be entered once they have completed units and these have been
assessed and passed; therefore, centres should know what level the candidate is working at in
each unit before entering.
Can a centre enter one unit at two different levels in the same series?
No - WJEC systems will not let you enter two levels for the same unit in same series
How do centres ‘bank’ units?
Once candidates have been entered for a unit (providing moderation agrees) these will
automatically be stored within WJEC systems against candidates' UCI/ULN numbers.
Can units be re-used?
Units achieved and cashed-in may be used for re-aggregation for a larger qualification only.
Units may be re-used in another qualification (where appropriate).
i.e. Having achieved 8 credits in Independent Living and subsequently completed sufficient
further units, a candidate may include the credits from the Award for aggregation towards a
Can a two year course still be followed like the old Entry Level Certificate?
Yes - centres may choose what approach they take when deciding if candidates are ready to
Linear approach - work for all units is submitted in May at the end of Year 2.
Credit gained yearly - work is submitted for 3 units in May in Year 1, and 2 more
units in May at the end of Year 2.
Credit gained throughout - work is submitted for completed units in January and May
of Year 1 and Year 2.
How are units assessed?
Work will be assessed by an evidence based model; candidates will be expected to
demonstrate achievement of the specified assessment objectives. This can be done in a
variety of ways which suit the particular centre. The unit specification will suggest some
appropriate assessments. These may include assessments based around:
photocopies from pupils' book
evidence of class work tasks
evidence of homework tasks
practical activities
witness statements (to support other evidence)
card sort activities
aural tests
written tests
These will not be 'marked' by numbers or levels. They will be used as evidence to
demonstrate that all the criteria for the unit have been met.
How are units/qualifications graded?
Pass or Q (not achieved)
How will centres know where to send samples of work for moderation?
Centres will receive moderator details from WJEC after the amendment deadline in order to
get samples sent by the submission deadline.
Will candidates’ work automatically be sent back to the centre after moderation?
Yes, work will be sent back after moderation in order for candidates to refer to passed units
from previous moderation.
Will centres receive a moderator’s report?
Yes moderator reports will be sent to centres on the day of results.
What Certificates will candidates receive?
Candidates will receive both Credit Certificates (listing every unit they have passed and been
entered for) and Qualification Certificates (providing the qualification cash-in code has been
The advantage of this being that candidates will be rewarded regardless, i.e. A candidate who
may not achieve enough credits to gain a full qualification will still receive a certificate for
the units(s) they have achieved.
Are there any CPD/INSET courses?
You can find out about regular Continuing Professional Development Courses being held for
the new qualifications via the CPD web page.
Where can I find further information?
The Entry Pathways General Specification, subject contacts, units, guidance and resources
can be found on the Entry Pathways homepage.
For qualification specific enquiries you can link to qualification pages via the above link
For general Entry Pathways enquiries:
Email: entrypathways@wjec.co.uk
Tel: 02920 265444