Women`s health - Wild Oats Natural Foods

Women’s Health
When striving for optimum health there are so many factors to consider for women.
Lifestyle today is fast passed and action packed whether it’s working full time with a
family, juggling multiple jobs or devoting time and energy to important projects. More
and more is demanded of our time and it is so important to ensure we stay as healthy as
When we talk of optimum health it encompasses all aspects of health; physical,
emotional, hormonal and importantly our wellbeing, which is tied up with the
environment we live in and how our spirit responds to it. “The state of women’s health
is indeed completely tied up with the culture in which she lives and her position within it,
as well as the way she lives her life as an individual”. (Dr Christiane Northrup)
Physical Health is a fine dance to maintain. Good diet, exercise and plenty of sleep is
key in maintaining a healthy nervous system, endocrine system which regulates the
hormones and the immune system. Emotional health has a direct impact on physical
health; stress reduces the body’s ability to respond to illness.
When we feel
overwhelmed emotionally we are more likely to come down with bugs or find difficult
situations more stressful than usual.
To complicate matters we have the ebb and flow of the menstrual cycle to negotiate with
work and family life. For some this can be a very difficult time with PMS, pain, irregular
cycles or more severe symptoms such as polycystic ovaries, fibroids or endometriosis.
Working with our cyclical nature rather than against it can immediately reduce stress
levels and improve mood, as well as support hormonal health. This means honouring
our energy levels rather than having more caffeine to keep going, and planning as best
as possible in advance to slow down and rest more when you have your period, even a
simple early night, a long soak in the bath or some quite time with your feet up. Busy
Mums can create time in their schedule too, even if it is just an hour of truly ‘You’ time!
Remedies to support the menstrual cycle are varied and plentiful, a few are
listed below:
Herbs and Supplements
Vitamin B Complex – Crucial for supporting the nervous system and the hormones
whilst reducing stress and fatigue. B6 is especially helpful for women and is used to help
with anxiety and depression. Importantly B6 is helpful for those taking the pill as they
commonly suffer with B6 deficiencies. B12 also aids the absorption of iron.
Magnesium ~ Helpful for cramps and for a relaxing the muscular system. It helps
reduce anxiety and is an important mineral for balance of the nervous system and the
body as a whole.
Agnus Castus ~ Also known as Chaste Berry or Vitex, this is an efficient herb that
balances the hormonal system by enhancing progesterone production. Studies in PMS
sufferers using Agnus Castus have shown up to ninety percent having improvement or
resolution of symptoms. (Viridian). Due to its ability to improve ovum (egg) maturation
and enhance progesterone, it has been used to support women effectively with fertility
issues. It is also beneficial for hormonal acne.
Motherwort ~ This herb can bring on delayed or suppressed menstrual flow, especially
when someone is anxious and tense. It strengthens and relaxes the uterine muscles,
eases uterine cramping. It is a good relaxant, it is considered a herb of the heart and it
is soothing and cooling.
Skullcap ~ A nervine tonic which works well as a relaxant and antispasmodic, useful for
menstrual cramps, stress and anxiety. It is often in sleep formulas for its soothing
support with insomnia. It helps with delayed menstruation.
Castor Oil ~ Using this oil as a topical pack can be extremely beneficial in removing
toxins from the system. It is anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant oil which has been used
for centuries for its therapeutic and medicinal benefits. It is believed that most of castor
oil's benefits are derived from its high concentration of unsaturated fatty acids. It
supports the lymphatic system and supports the immune system.
It helps with
excessive bleeding and many purport it effective in dissolving cysts, fibroids and for
treating endometriosis. Must not be used if pregnant or after ovulation if trying to
Homoeopathics 6c or 30c
Mag Phos ~ As a homoeopathic remedy works well as an alternative to paracetamol. It
is helpful with nerve pain and cramps, period pain as well as migraines. Pains are better
for warmth or rubbing.
Sepia ~ A well-known women’s remedy that is helps with heavy flow, back pain or a
sense of bearing down that extends into the legs. Symptoms are often accompanied
with a sense of being over worked and overwhelmed by responsibility. Women may
suffer with a low libido and symptoms overall are generally better for vigorous dance or
Belladonna ~ Useful where there is hot red blood loss and painful cramps with lots of
heat. Bearing down pains that are unbearable with violent throbbing. Useful for fever,
dizziness and migraines.
Pulsatilla ~ Cutting pains, irregular periods, tearful; changeable and contradictory, can
be quite shy and overly sensitive or easily hurt.
Diarrhoea with menstruation.
Symptoms are often better for fresh air.
Natrum Mur ~ Bloated stomach and swollen tender breasts, low abdominal pain. Can
be emotionally low, negative or ‘moody’. Can take it out on others and prefers own
company. Nervous ‘uptight’ holds emotions in, causing depression. Irregular periods.
Essential oils to use topically diluted in a base oil, or to be use in an oil burner
Clarysage ~ Calming to the nervous system, particularly in cases of depression, stress,
insomnia and deep seated tension. It is a good tonic for the womb reducing cramping
pain and scanty periods. Not to be used in pregnancy as it is used to bring on labour
and to strengthen contractions. Regulates the menstrual cycles, and has been used to
alleviate symptoms of menopause in past studies.
Lavender ~ A well know calming soothing, anti-inflammatory oil that helps to relive
stress, anxiety and promotes sleep.
Roman Chamomile ~ calming, soothing, antispasmodic, balances emotions and eases
Rose ~ Comforting, soothing, nurturing and cooling for heated symptoms. A true
feminine scent that feels supportive.
Sweet Marjoram ~ Useful as an antispasmodic and works very quickly when applied
Fertility and reproductive health
Preparing for pregnancy and birth is a concern for some women, as finding supplemental
advice can be a mine field when ensuring you are doing the best possible you and your
baby. For those wishing to reach optimum health in preparation for conception there are
also a number of ways of supporting the process. Fertility and reproductive health is
large area and evermore important is diet, sleep and emotional health. Understanding
the fullness of the menstrual cycle gifts you the knowledge of when you ovulate. Usually
around day 14 the body gives clear signs that it is fertile and making love at these times
increases the possibility of conception. Charting your cycle can help you to find when you
It is important to ensure you take a good multivitamin that is made specifically for
women preparing to conceive. Blends that are rich in Folic acid, Vitamin D and amino
acids will ensure the best possible soil for your child to grow within. Healthy fats are
crucial in pregnancy as they are the building blocks of the foetal brain and retina.
Adequate consumption of Omega 3 is difficult even for women who eat fish. Research
shows high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids may also play a role in determining the length
of gestation and in preventing perinatal depression. Sadly these days, many fish are full
of toxic mercury so it is important to supplement with pure Omega 3 to ensure you are
not consuming high levels of mercury.
Herbs and Supplements
Agnus Castus ~ As mentioned above is a great hormone regulator and promotes
progesterone and can support fertility.
Shatavari ~ This is a great Ayurvedic herb used as a specific women’s tonic. Known as
the ‘herb of a hundred husbands’ it helps with stamina, libido, hormone regulation and
also great for promoting lactation when breast feeding. This herb has more of an
oestrogenic quality to it and can be beneficial in menopause too.
Finding remedies that are suitable for pregnancy can be tricky. It is always advisable to
seek a qualified therapist’s advice and consult your GP before starting any treatment.
Homoeopathy can serve the pregnant mother well, the medicine is safe to use for all and
can also be used alongside conventional medicine.
Remedies for morning sickness
Ipecac ~ A fantastic remedy for unremitting nausea and repeated vomiting. Usually
disgusted by food, experiences copious amounts of bile and can feel quite peevish.
Symptoms can often be aggravated by warmth.
Nux Vomica ~ Nausea and irritable with a bilious sensation. Often nausea is worse for
eating and in the morning; usually just nausea and no vomiting.
Arsenicum ~ Nausea with heart burn, brought on by the smell or sight of food. May
be anxious or apprehensive.
Pulsatilla ~ Usually nausea comes on after eating – especially fatty rich foods.
Symptoms can be worse in the evening. May feel sad or weepy or desire attention.
Ginger ~ This herb is a well-known digestive ally. It can be used effectively to settle
the stomach. Better to have as a tea rather than as sweets, the sugar can encourage
the acidic bile production and exacerbate the symptoms.
Peppermint ~ A cooling herb that also aids digestion and helps with trapped wind or
Fennel ~ Another digestive herb that is calming and soothing. Tea can be made with
the seeds or the seeds can be chewed directly. This is a great herb for promoting breast
milk too.
The process of labour and birth require the support of a trained professional when
considering which herbs or remedies will be beneficial for pre labour, during and post
labour. Arnica is very safe to use for bruising and any shock. Hypercal tincture works
brilliantly to disinfect heal tears and wounds quickly and effortlessly.
The importance of self-care during motherhood is paramount. Many mums sacrifice
everything for their children at their own expense wishing to do the best for their little
ones. This can lead them to finding themselves, tired, run down or resentful. Honouring
your cycle and creating some boundaries with a little you time, will support you in
enjoying the process of raising children.
The Menopause
This is another big challenge for women. It is wise to remember that the menopause is
a natural process that is not an illness per se. However physical symptoms can be
unbearable and exhausting. Symptoms can vary from woman to woman and can have
great impact on health and lifestyle. Hot flushes and night sweats, irritability and low
mood, lowered libido, weight gain, joint pain, headaches; all are symptoms of the
fluctuating hormones that the menopause brings. If you consider the process of puberty
and how long it takes to transition through, it is similar process of the menstrual cycle
slowing down and eventually halting. It can cause upset with uncertainty of when the
next period will come again or ‘will it ever stop’.
Many women feel glad when the
menstrual cycle has stopped, but may also feel in conflict too with the sense of losing
youth and their fertility. Some women choose to use HRT as a means to stop the
discomfort of symptoms. HRT however does not stop the menopause, it just puts
women in a suspended animation, which means at some point when you discontinue the
medication you will still experience the symptoms and go through the menopause
This fluctuation of hormones has a big effect on energy levels and many women find
themselves shattered, especially if they are woken several times each night. This
fatigue can sometimes be a chronic situation, and often women who have led very
stressful lifestyles find their adrenal glands take the knock. When the adrenal function is
lowered it can increase the uncomfortable symptoms.
Women who are in the
menopause or post menopause in some communities are highly valued for the life
experience, wisdom and care for their community. Our western society today sadly
idolises youthful beauty, however manufactured, over compassion and knowledge. Many
women may feel lost at this time in life with the notion of aging and find it a huge
challenge with the shifting symptoms to continue life as normal with family, work or in
partnerships. Many women who find activities that bring joy and make their hearts sing
experience renewed vigour and satisfaction, giving an increased sense of purpose.
Herbs and supplements to help with menopause
Sage ~ This is the most well-known herb for treating hot flushes and night sweats by
boosting oestrogen. It may improve brain function similar to rosemary, reducing brain
fog. It has antibiotic action and is useful for fevers and colds. This herb should not be
used by pregnant women as it can stimulate the uterus and is often used to support
weaning by reducing breast milk.
Red Clover ~ It is rich in isoflavones which enhance oestrogen production and promote
good cholesterol which protects the brain and the cardiovascular system. This herb is
supportive for anxiety or stress which helps to reduce depression.
Black Cohosh ~ One of the best-studied traditional herbs for menopause, black cohosh
is used to help alleviate some symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes. Black
cohosh seems to work by supporting and maintaining hormonal levels, which may lessen
the severity of hot flashes.
Vitamin E ~ Antioxidant rich essential fatty acid that helps to alleviate menopausal
symptoms especially hot flushes.
Vitamin C ~ Extensive research indicates that vitamin C strengthens blood vessel
membranes and acts as a potent antioxidant. Antioxidants protect our tissues from
deterioration and may help slow the aging process.
Hot flushes can create deficiencies with vitamins and minerals. It is important to
supplement the diet with good levels of Vitamin D, magnesium, B Vitamins. Many
women are often concerned about calcium levels with osteoarthritis when their hormone
levels begin to drop. It is important to take any calcium supplements with magnesium,
Vit D and for optimum absorption, Vitamin K.
Homoeopathic support for Menopause
Lachesis ~ This remedy is useful for hot flushes and heavy bleeding that have anger or
irritability with a sense of jealousy or insecurity connected to picture. Symptoms are
better for fresh air and worse for sleep, heat and alcohol. The character type is often
very talkative.
Sepia ~ Great for hot flushes and low back pain. Mood can often be quite depressed or
irritable with a low libido. Symptoms are often worse in the evening, extreme cold or
humidity and symptoms often better for fresh air, sleep or vigorous exercise such as
Pulsatilla ~ Great for symptoms that are associated with sensitivity, changeable moods
or someone who may feel they need reassurance. Hot flushes can be for fresh air and
gentle exercise.
Sulphur ~ Brilliant for hot flushes especially when too hot in bed. Has to throw covers
off and may feel itchy or inflamed during the flush.
The heat in the system is much greater for women moving through the menopause and
sometimes increasing fluid intake and exercising more enables the body to release toxins
effectively. If the body is overloaded with toxins in the system often excessive sweating
can be experienced. Making sure you are well hydrated will help the body to excrete
toxins out of the system, which may reduce hot flushes and excessive night sweats.
These are just a few remedies that can be used during the shifting phases of
womanhood. Please speak to your GP or your Natural Medicine practioner to find the
best remedy to suit your needs and to ensure there are no complications with medication
you may already be taking.
Produced by Wild Oats Advisor and Manager, Clare Warren
Tel. 07596 409 354
Email. clare@clarityvibration.com
Web. www.clarityvibration.com
Wild Oats Wholefoods
9-11 Lower Redland Road
Tel 44 (0)117 973 1967; Fax 44 (0)117 923 7871