Nutrition, Health &Wellness
Good Health
Is your most
valuable Asset
Our hectic lifestyle have resulted in poor eating habits,
depleted energy levels,stress,fatigue,
sleep disorder and poor memory…
Lifestyle ailments due to pollution, smoking,
alcohol consumption, eating junk food, etc.
are on rise in India
…. leading to
Heart Disease
Stress related illness
Circulatory problems
Nervous disorders
Musculo-skeletal problems
Therefore daily intake of essential nutrients
To maintain optimal health is vital
Proteins,Vitamins,Minerals,Fibres etc.
Many diets you consume fall short of
providing everything the body needs…
It is important to identify good
source of essential nutrients
to the world of
Why Well Dietary Supplements?
Well dietary supplements are food supplements that are “Scivedic”
in nature. – Unique combination of Ayurveda & Modern Science.
Well offers the promise of good nutrition for life long good health.
Well takes care of the nutritional gaps that are not met by your
regular diet.
Well dietary supplements keep you fit & healthy.
Well dietary supplement contains well researched & patented
Brings you unique and world-class products
that provide a sense of
Fullness, Wellness and Good Nutrition
High Protein Body Nourisher
High quality Soy and Milk protein supplement
Powerful source of complete proteins
WPP- 1
Features & Benefits
Proteins are vital for the sustenance of life. they are one of the most
important nutrients required by the body. they form the important
component of muscle and other tissues and vital body fluids like
High quality soy and milk protein.
Supplement more than 80% proteins.
Supplies all the nine essential amino acids necessary for the growth
and maintenance of the body.
100% vegetarian, contains no preservatives, colours and flavours.
Does not contain high levels of fat and cholesterol.
Contains soy protein isolate (SPI) with 90 % protein.
WPP- 2
Features & Benefits
Soy protein plays a significant role in many health conditions of
humans like cardiovascular, bone, breast health., prostate,etc.
Soy Protein Isolate helps improve mental ability in children.
Good for pregnant and lactating women.
PDCAAS of 1 – The highest possible score for protein quality.
Quality certified by American Soybean Association
Can be added in almost every culinary preparation like roti,
parantha, idli, dosa, curry, dal, pakora, ladoo, cakes, biscuits,etc.
Retain its nutritive value even after cooking.
WPP- 3
Well High Protein Nourisher is good for
Growing children
Adults / Elderly people
People who exercise
Sports persons
Pregnant and lactating mothers
People recovering from illness
WPP- 4
Directions for use
Add 1 scoop (10g) of well protein nourisher to a glass of milk, soup,
juice or any other liquid.Stir vigorously until well dispersed.Sweeteners
and flavours can be added as per your taste. Well can easily be added to
almost every culinary preparation without practically altering their
taste. you can add it to foodstuffs like roti, parantha, idli, dosa, curry,
dal, pakora, ladoo, rabri namakpara or baked items like cakes, biscuits.
Serving: Adults: 1-2 scoops twice a day.
Children 2 yrs. & above: 1Scoop a day
Advise : Suitable for the age group of two years and above.
WPP- 5
‘Well Protein Nourisher’ & Other Protein Supplements
Leading Direct Selling brand
Well Protein Nourisher ( 200g)
Pack size
Rs. 779
Rs. 719
Leading Retail Brand (200g)
Well Protein Nourisher ( 200g)
Protein content
80 %
1.00 (Highest score as
recommended by W.H.O)
Natural & Soy advantage
Mixed in milk
Multiple usage
Contains sugar
Not added
Comparison as per label claim July’08
WPP- 6
Energising & Stress Relieving Dietary Supplements
Features & Benefits
Unique combination of two powerful dietary supplements that
work in synergy with each other, providing you good health,
day & night.
Keeps you energetic, alert and active during the day, relaxed
and calm during the evening.
Well AM-PM takes care of the nutritional gaps in your diet and
supplements essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and
phytonutrients necessary to support your body’s immune and
natural defense system.
Features & Benefits
Sci- vedic -The best of modern science and the best traditions of
A powerhouse full of energy.
Helps fights stress and fatigue
Supplements essential vitamins & minerals and phytonutrients.
Improves personal endurance and performance
Helps boost immunity and improves body’s defense system
Facilitates cognitive process like thinking, learning, concentration,
memory etc.
Helps fights free radical formation caused by stress, environmental
pollutants and allergies.
Well AM
Features & Benefits
Phytoactive combination of energisers, stress busters and
antioxidants delivered through patented bio-enhancer
technology to keep you energetic, alert and active all daylong.
Contains Bioperine – A patented molecule discovered after extensive
research with black pepper, known to increase the bio-availability of nutrients.
CoQ10 - Supports energy production in cells
Ashwagandha Extract - Stress reliever, supports cognitive
function,endurance & immunity.
Ginko Extract - Supports oxygen availability to peripheral parts of the body
Green Tea Extract - Supports protection of cells, fights pollution and
oxidative stress
Policosanol – Helps maintain cholesterol levels
Well PM
Stress Reliever
Features & Benefits
A unique combination of essential vitamins & minerals,
phytonutrients & antioxidants delivered through patented bio
enhancer technology to keep you relaxed and calm
Curcumin C3 Complex - Unique patented phytoactive complex
derived from turmeric, protects you from free radicals and deliver the potent
“Bioprotectant” Shield.
Bacopin - Cognitive function, reduces anxiety, restlessness, fatigue.
Bioperine -Patented molecule discovered after extensive research with
Blackpepper ,known to increase the bio-availability of nutrients.
Supplements important vitamins - Vitamin A,Vitamin B1,Vitamin
B2,VitaminB3,Vitamin B6,Folic Acid,Vitamin B12.,Vitamin D
Supplement important minerals - Biotin,Chromium,Calcium,Zinc,
Well AM-PM is good for people
Who have low energy levels
Who lack stamina and get tired quickly
Who want to be active and alert
Who have high levels of anxiety and restlessness
Who lack good sleep
Who lead hectic lifestyles
Who consume alcohol and smokes
Who want to look good, healthy and fit
Suggested Use:
Well AM: One tablet in the morning after breakfast
Well PM: One tablet in the evening after meals.
Advise - Dietary supplements for age of 18 years and above.
Keep out of the reach of children.
Not for medicinal use.
Dietary Supplement for Healthy Joints
JE- 1
Understanding Joint (General Information)
Joint - Union of two or more bones.
Cartilage – The end of bones are encased in Cartilage. It cushions the bones,
allowing the Joints to move smoothly and easily.
Synovium - This thin membrane surrounds the entire joint and is lubricated with the
synovial fluid. The synovium has an outer layer called the joint capsule. This tough
sac helps hold together the bones and other parts of the joint.
Muscles. Muscles keep the bones stable and allow the joint to bend and move.
Strong muscles also provide support for the joint.
Ligaments. These tough, cord-like tissues connect one bone to another and help
to keep the joint stable.
Tendons. These tough, fibrous cords connect muscles to bones.
Inflammation: The response of body tissues to injury or irritation
characterized by pain (dolor), swelling (tumor), heat (calor) and redness (rubor)
JE- 2
Long Bone
Subchondral Bone
Synovial Membrane
Articular Cartilage
Synovial fluid
Joint Capsule
Subchondrial Bone
Long Bone
JE- 3
Features & Benefits
The Triple Action Sci-vedic formula with natural herbs and
accessory nutrients offers the wisdom of Ayurveda and the best of
Modern Science.
Unique blend of Glucosamine, Boswellia and Curcumin in
Joint- Ease help promote healthy joints for comfortable movement.
The Triple Action Benefits helps to
Strengthen joints & re-boost cartilage health
Support mobility & flexibility
Strengthen body’s defense system
JE- 4
Features & Benefits
Combination of natural herbs and essential nutrients.
Safe, well tested ingredients.
Glucosamine - Helps to re-boost cartilage health.
Boswellia - Known to have anti-inflammatory qualities.
Curcumin - Known to inhibit selective COX 2 enzymes and help
protect cells against free radicals to support joint health.
Bioperine ‘Bio-enhancer” - Known to increase the bio-availability
of nutrients.
Supplements important minerals - MSM & Selenium
JE- 5
Well Joint Ease is good for
Elderly people
People suffering from joint problems / Arthritis
Athletes and sports persons
Anybody who wants healthy joints
JE- 6
Serving : Two tablets after breakfast and two tablets in the
evening after the meal.
Advise - Dietary supplements for ages 12 years and above.
Keep out of the reach of children.
Not for medicinal use.
Well Joint Ease & leading direct selling brand
Well Joint Ease Advantage
Bio-enhancer Technology
Sci-vedic – Combination of Ayurveda & Modern Science
Patented Herbs – Curcumin & Bioperine
COX 2 Factor
Leading Direct Selling brand
Well Joint Ease
30 days
30 days
Rs. 1799
Comparison as per label claim July’08
JE- 8
Dietary Supplement for Menopausal Health
NP- 1
Understanding Menopause
Menopause is a natural step in the process of aging
Menopause is a normal change in a woman’s life when her period stops
A woman has reached menopause when she has not had a period for 12 months
in a row
During menopause a woman’s body slowly makes less of the hormones
estrogen and progesterone
Experiencing fluctuating estrogen levels is completely natural
Menopause often happens between the ages of 45 and 55 years old
NP- 2
Menopause Symptoms
Changes in your period – the time between periods and the flow from month to
month may be different
Abnormal bleeding or “spotting" – common as you near menopause.
Hot flashes (“hot flushes”) – getting warm in the face, neck and chest.
Night sweats and sleeping problems – these may lead to feeling tired, stressed
or tense
Vaginal changes - the vagina may become dry and thin, and sex and vaginal
exams may be painful
Thinning of your bones – this may lead to loss of height and bone breaks
NP- 3
Menopause Symptoms
Mood changes – such as mood swings, depression, and irritability.
Urinary problems – such as leaking, burning or pain when urinating.
Problems with concentration or memory.
Less interest in sex and changes in sexual response.
Weight gain or increase in body fat around your waist.
Hair thinning or loss.
Increased tension in muscles
Breast tenderness
Headache - Dizziness, light-headedness
Gastrointestinal distress, indigestion, flatulence, nausea
NP- 4
Understanding hormones
Estrogen is a hormone manufactured naturally by a woman's body.It is
essential for normal female sexual development and for the healthy
functioning of the reproductive system.
Progesterone stimulate the growth of a cushiony lining in the uterus where
the fertilized egg can grow and develop into a baby, help the breast make
milk and generally maintain pregnancy.
Estrogen and Progesterone are both responsible that sustain each
menstrual cycle and prepare the uterus for pregnancy
NP- 5
Well naturOpause
Well naturopause is an all-in-one proprietary Sci-vedic™
formula that helps women to overcome the emotional and
physical changes through all three stages of pre menopause,
menopause and post menopause.
• It helps women feel happy,cheerful and socially active.
• It helps in general health including breast health,
cardiovascular health and bone health (osteoporosis)
NP- 6
Features & Benefits
Soy Isoflavones: Have shown tremendous potential to help improve menopausal
symptoms, cardiovascular health , breast and bone health.
Red Clover: Rich in isoflavone compounds,known for its variety of health benefits
during menopause.
Black Cohosh: Herbalists often use this herb to deal with symptoms associated
with PMS and menopause.
Ashwagandha : Energy-promoting and anti-stress benefits; herbalists and natural-
medicine practitioners often recommend the herb to help combat stress and fatigue
Bioperine® (Bio-enhancer)The unique patented molecule discovered after
extensive research with black pepper is known to increase the bio -availability of
Zinc & Copper: Zinc and Copper are essential cofactors for enzymes involved in
the synthesis of various bone matrix constituents. They may help in strengthening
bones in postmenopausal women
NP- 7
Potential Users:
Suitable for women at all three stages of pre-menopause,
menopause and post menopause
Serving: One tablet twice daily after breakfast and after evening
Advise: Not for medicinal use
NP- 8
Dietary Supplement for Premenstrual Health
FR- 1
Understanding Premenstrual Distress
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a group of symptoms related to
the menstrual cycle
Women may experience emotional and physical changes prior to
menstruation or during menses
PMS symptoms occur in the week or two weeks before your period
(menstruation or monthly bleeding)
Premenstrual emotional and physical changes occur in large no. of
menstruating women
These may vary from woman to woman and from cycle to cycle.
Their intensity ranges from mild to severe
A combination of physiological, genetic, nutritional, behavioral and
lifestyle factors are likely involved
FR- 2
Pre Menstrual Syndrome ( PMS )Symptoms
• Headache
• Feeling bloated
• Appetite changes or food cravings
• Weight gain
• Joint or muscle pain
• Breast tenderness
• Back or lower abdominal pain
• Irritability or aggression
• Depression and anxiety
• Mood swings
• Tiredness
• Poor concentration
FR- 3
Well Freedom
Well Freedom is an all-in-one proprietary Sci-vedic™ formula
purely created to provide holistic support against the occasional
stress and discomfort of the monthly cycle.
• Helps women feel happy,cheerful and socially active.
• Helps in general health during menstrual cycle
FR- 4
Features & Benefits
Vitex Agnus-Castus
Traditionally been used for the maintenance of healthy reproductive tracts and
menstrual cycles in women
Ayurveda and Chinese medicine practitioners consider ginger to be a wonder herb,
having so many healing properties.
Black Cohosh
Traditionally been used to relieve menstrual cramps and "female complaints".
Bioperine® (Bio-enhancer): Black Pepper
The unique patented moleculeis known to increase the bio -availability of nutrients.
Magnesium, Manganese & Vitamin D3
As a part of balanced diet, supplementation of magnesium, manganese and
VitaminD3 may play an important role during menstrual cycle
FR- 5
Potential Users: Woman who need extra support to make her
active around the time of menstruation.
Suggested Serving: One tablet daily in the morning after breakfast
from day 14 of the menstrual cycle and during menses.
Advise : Not for Medicinal Use.
FR- 6
One of the most important investments
you will ever make
Modicare Well products are not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure or prevent any disease.
The information is intended for educational purpose only. It is not
designed in whole or in part, as medical advise for self treatment.
Consumers with specific medical conditions,
should consult their physician.