CURRICULUM VITAE (abbreviated) Prof. Dr

Plan Nacional de I+D+i
Curriculum vitae
José Antonio Lupiáñez Cara
CURRICULUM VITAE (abbreviated)
Update: October, 14 2013
I.- Personal data
Born in Almería (Spain) in October 1947.
Current position: Full Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I of the University
of Granada (Spain) since 1989.
II.- Academic career
Pre-doctoral formation
Degree in Biological Sciences by the University of Granada in 1972.
Master Thesis entitled "Succinic acid production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae grown under hypoxic
conditions”, realized in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and defended in the
University of Granada in July 1972. Qualified as “high distinction” and special award.
Pre-doctoral fellowships for four months (April to July, 1973) for studies in the project “Regulation of key
enzymes in the metabolism of porphyrin” in the Department of Biochemistry of the Cardiff University,
Cardiff (Wales, United Kingdom).
Post-graduate grant of the Spanish Ministry of Education for a period of three years (1973-1976) in the
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the University of Granada (Spain).
Ph.D. Thesis entitled "Induction of renal gluconeogenesis by selective inhibition of hepatic gluconeogenesis",
realized in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and defended in the University of
Granada in September 1975. Qualified as “distinction cum laude” and special award of doctorate.
Post-doctoral formation
Fulbright fellowship for two year of research stage in the University of Indianapolis at Indiana (USA) from
September 1978 to September 1980; the objective of this stage was to join the Hormonal regulation Group
of this university with the aim to development studies in the project “Different aspects of metabolic and
hormonal regulation in glucidic and lipid metabolism in different animal tissues induced by insulin and
somatostatin”, this work was conducted by the Prof. Shreepard R. Wagle.
Academic positions
 Assistant Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the University of Granada
in the period 1972-1975.
 Associate Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the University of
Granada during the period 1975-1978.
 Titular Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the University of Granada
during the period 1980-1989.
 Full Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the University of Granada
since 1989.
III.- Teaching career
Teaching experience
Teaching in Grade Courses:
“General Biochemistry”,” Structural and dynamic Biochemistry”, ”Expansion of Biochemistry”, “Metabolism
regulation”, “Control and Integration of cellular metabolism”, “Enzimology and kinetics”, “Molecular Basis
of the Human Pathology”. These subjects have been teaching in the degrees of Chemistry, Biology,
Pharmacy and Biochemistry.
Teaching in Master Courses:
Doctoral Program: "Biotechnology and Proteomics"; Course: “Proteomics and protein dynamics” from 2006
to 2014. Doctoral Program: “Biochemistry and Molecular Biology”; Course: “Enzymatic determinations.
Kinetic studies" from 1999 to 2005. Course: "Renal metabolic homeostasis" from 1996 to 1998. Course:
"Regulation of protein turnover" from 1994 to 1995. Doctoral Programs: “Biochemistry and Molecular
Biology” and “Experimentation and methodology in molecular biological systems”; Course: "Renal
metabolic homeostasis" from 1987 to 1991. All years inclusive.
More relevant teaching merits
Coordinator of the teachings of Biology, appointed by the University of Granada, for studies of selectivity
for access to the University, since 1984.
PhD Programs Coordinator (entitled, “Biochemistry and Molecular Biology” and “Experimentation and
methodology in molecular biological systems”), Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from
1987 to 1994.
Reporter of the University of Granada, to implement the unified program of Biology for the Orientation
University Course (COU and LOGSE), for the whole Andalucian Universities, appointed by the Directorate
General for Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Junta de Andalucian.
Positive rating of eight steps of teaching (a total of 40 years) credited by the University of Granada, with
an average score, obtained in official surveys conducted by the University of Granada, of 4.58 over 5.00.
IV.- Research career
Research fields of interest
Glucose Metabolism and its regulation
Enzimology and kinetics
Metabolism and evolution
Cell growth: Protein synthesis and degradation
Cell Proliferation and Apoptosis
Cancer, metastasis and angiogenesis
Oxidative stress
Genomic, Proteomic and Metabolomic
Participation in research projects
Head of the investigation group entitled “Drugs, Environmental Toxics and Cell Metabolism” from 1989 to
actuality. Group number: BIO 157. Research Group sponsored by the Regional Ministry of Education of the
Junta de Andalucía.
Participant in 44 projects since 1973 and financed by the Spanish Education and Science Ministry (CAICYT,
CICYT, DGICYT, and other National Programs as AGL, PPT, INTERCONECTA, CellBioTic, FUC and SAF);
different Agencies for the International Cooperation (NIH, USA; European Community, Fair Program) and
the Regional Government of the Junta de Andalucía.
Principal investigator of 27 projects since 1980 and financed by the Spanish Education and Science Ministry
(CAICYT, CICYT, DGICYT, and other National Programs as AGL, PPT and INTERCONECTA); different Agencies
for the International Cooperation (European Community, Fair Program) and the Regional Government of
the Junta de Andalucía.
Research publications
Author of 135 publications (RG score: 37.58, higher than 95% of ResearchGate members):
95 International articles (Index h: 24; Index i10: 45; total Impact Factor, 299.59 and 1,658 citations),
15 Book chapters,
14 Spanish reviews,
1 Book,
4 Patents: 2 national and 2 international,
4 Conference proceedings,
1 Master Thesis,
1 PhD Thesis.
Some representative publications (20)
- “Antitumor activity on extrinsic apoptotic targets of the triterpenoid maslinic acid in p53-deficient Caco-2
adenocarcinoma cells”. F. J. Reyes-Zurita, E. E. Rufino-Palomares, P. P. Medina, L. García-Salguero, J.
Peragón, M. Cascante and J. A. Lupiáñez. (2013). Biochimie, 95 (11): 2157-2167.
Impact factor: 3.14. Number of citations: 0
- “Maslinic acid, a triterpenic anti-tumoural agent, interferes with cytoskeleton protein expression in HT29
human colon-cancer cells”. E. E. Rufino-Palomares, F. J. Reyes-Zurita, L. García-Salguero, K. Mokhtari, P.
P. Medina, J. A. Lupiáñez and J. Peragón. (2013). Journal of Proteomics, 83: 15-25.
Impact factor: 4.88. Number of citations: 3
- “Maslinic acid-enriched diet decreases intestinal tumorigenesis in ApcMin/+ mice through transcriptomic
and metabolomic reprogramming”. S. Sánchez-Tena, F. J. Reyes-Zurita, S. Díaz-Moralli, M. P. Vinardell,
M. Reed, F. García-García, J. Dopazo, J. A. Lupiáñez, U. Günther and M. Cascante. (2013). PLoS One, 8
(3): e59392.
Impact factor: 4.09. Number of citations: 2
- "Proteomics in liver of Gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) to elucidate the cellular response induced by the
intake of maslinic acid”. Rufino-Palomares, E. E.; Reyes-Zurita, F. J.; L. García-Salguero; de la Higuera, M.;
Lupiáñez, J. A. and Peragón, J. (2011). Proteomics, 11: 3312-3325.
Impact factor: 4.43. Number of citations: 8
- "The natural triterpene maslinic acid induces in HT29 colon cancer cells by JNK-p53 dependent
mechanism”. F. J. Reyes-Zurita, Pachón-Peña, G.; Lizárraga, D.; E. E. Rufino-Palomares, M. Cascante and
J. A. Lupiáñez. (2011). BMC-Cancer, 11: 154-167.
Impact factor: 3.33. Number of citations: 26
- “Maslinic acid, a natural triterpene from Olea europaea L., induces apoptosis in HT29 human colon-cancer cells
via the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway”. Reyes-Zurita F. J., Rufino-Palomares E. E., Cascante M. and
Lupiáñez J. A. (2009). Cancer Letters, 273 (1): 44-54.
Impact factor: 4.86. Number of citations: 82
- “(2α,3β)-2,3-Dihydroxyolean-12-en-28-oic acid, a new natural triterpene from Olea europea, induces
caspase dependent apoptosis selectively in colon adenocarcinoma cells”. F. J. Reyes-Zurita, J. J. Centelles,
J. A. Lupiáñez and M. Cascante. (2006). FEBS Letters, 580 (27): 6302-6310.
Impact factor: 3.54. Number of citations: 73
- “Growth, protein-turnover and nucleic acid concentrations in the white muscle of rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss) during development”. J. Peragón, J. B. Barroso, L. García-Salguero, F. Aranda, M.
de la Higuera and J. A. Lupiáñez. (2001). The International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 33
(12): 1227-1238.
Impact factor: 4.63. Number of citations: 40
- “Localization and characterization of nitric oxide synthase in plant peroxisomes”. J. B. Barroso, A. Carreras,
F. J. Corpas, L. M. Sandalio, R. Valderrama, J. M. Palma, J. A. Lupiáñez and L. A. del Río. (1999). The
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 274 (51): 36729-36733.
Impact factor: 4.77. Number of citations: 342
- “Peroxisomal NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase: an alternative source of NADPH in lead
peroxisomes. Activity regulation during natural senescence”. F. J. Corpas, J. B. Barroso, L. M. Sandalio, J.
M. Palma, J. A. Lupiáñez and L. A. del Rio. (1999). Plant Physiology, 121 (8): 921-928.
Impact factor: 6.53. Number of citations: 85
- “Long-term nutritional effects on the primary liver and kidney metabolism in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus
mykiss). Adaptive response to starvation and a high-protein carbohydrate free diet on glutamate
dehydrogenase and alanine aminotransferase kinetics”. M. J. Sánchez-Muros, L. García-Rejón, L. GarcíaSalguero, M. de la Higuera and J. A. Lupiáñez. (1998). The International Journal of Biochemistry and
Cell Biology, 30 (1): 55-63.
Impact factor: 4.63. Number of citations: 64
- “A dehydrogenase-mediated recycling system of NADPH in plant peroxisomes”. F. J. Corpas, J. B. Barroso,
L. M. Sandalio, S. Distefano, J. M. Palma, J. A. Lupiáñez and L. A. del Río. (1998). Biochemical Journal
330 (3): 777-784.
Impact factor: 4.90. Number of citations: 126
- "Influence of experimental diabetes on the kinetic behaviour of renal cortex hexose monophosphate
dehydrogenases". J. Peragón, F. Aranda, L. García-Salguero and J. A. Lupiáñez. (1989). The International
Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 21 (6): 689-694.
Impact factor: 4.63. Number of citations: 22
- "Long term control on renal carbohydrate metabolism. I. Effect of starve-feed cycles on renal tubules
gluconeogenesis". L. García-Salguero and J. A. Lupiáñez. (1988). The International Journal of
Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 20 (9): 943-950.
Impact factor: 4.63. Number of citations: 62
- "Differential behaviour of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase in two morphological forms of
Trypanosoma cruzi". J. A. Lupiáñez, F. J. Adroher, A. M. Vargas and A. Osuna. (1987). The International
Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 19 (11): 1085-1089.
Impact factor: 4.63. Number of citations: 46
- "The mechanism of the increase in renal ammoniagenesis in the rat with acute metabolic acidosis". J. A.
Lupiáñez, P. Hortelano, F. Sánchez-Medina, A. Sánchez-Pozo, N. McFarlane-Anderson, J. Barnswell and
G. A. O. Alleyne. (1981). FEBS Letters, 128 (2): 361-363.
Impact factor: 3.54. Number of citations: 34
- "Interrelationship between somatostatin, insulin and calcium control of gluconeogenesis in kidney cortex
slices and isolated kidney tubules". S. R. Wagle, K. N. Dileepan and J. A. Lupiáñez. (1980). The Journal of
Chemical Society, 83 (1): 7157-7158.
Impact factor: 10.68. Number of citations: 10
- "Stimulatory effect of inorganic phosphate on gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis in isolated perfused
liver". J. A. Lupiáñez, K. N. Dileepan and S. R. Wagle. (1979). American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 32
(6): R27-R28.
Impact factor: 6.67. Number of citations: 3
- "Induction of rat kidney gluconeogenesis during acute liver intoxication by carbon tetrachloride". M. J.
Faus, J. A. Lupiáñez, A. M. Vargas, F. Sánchez-Medina. (1978). Biochemical Journal, 174 (2): 461-467.
Impact factor: 4.90. Number of citations: 41
- "Stimulation of rat kidney gluconeogenic ability by inhibition of liver gluconeogenesis". José A. Lupiáñez,
María J. Faus, Rosario A. Muñoz-Clares and Fermín Sánchez-Medina. (1976). FEBS Letters, 61 (2): 277281.
Impact factor: 3.54. Number of citations: 42
International Patents
- “Use of maslinic acid as an additive in animal production”. Lupiáñez, J.A., García-Granados, A., Parra, A.,
Fernández-Navarro, M., de la Higuera, M. y Peragón, J. (2005). Application No.: PCT/ES2005000368.
International Patent No.: WO 2006/003225 A1. Publication Date: 12-01-06. Entity headline: University
of Granada and University of Jaen. Countries to which it has spread: Everyone. Company that is
exploding: BIOMASLINIC S.L.
- “Use of maslinic acid as a food additive”. Lupiáñez, J.A., García-Granados, A., Parra, A., FernándezNavarro, M., de la Higuera, M. y Peragón, J. (2005). Application No.: PCT/ES2005000369. International
Patent No.: WO 2006/003226 A1. Publication Date: 12-01-06. Entity headline: University of Granada
and University of Jaen. Countries to which it has spread: Everyone. Company that is exploding:
More relevant book chapters (7)
- “miRNAs as oncogenes and tumor suppressors”. Rufino-Palomares E. E., Reyes-Zurita F. J., Lupiáñez J. A.,
Medina P. P. (2013). In: “MicroRNAs in Medicine”, (edited by Charlie H. Lawrie). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Chapter 14, pp. 223-243.
- “Maslinic acid: A component of olive oil on growth and protein-turnover rates”. M. Fernández-Navarro, J.
Peragón, F. J. Esteban, V. Amores, M. de la Higuera and J. A. Lupiáñez. (2009). In: “Olives and olive oil in
health and disease prevention”, (edited by V.R. Preedy and R.R. Watson). Elsevier Inc. Chapter 157, pp.
- "Mechanisms of action of somatostatin on renal gluconeogenesis. Involvement of -adrenergic stimuli and
calcium". K. N. Dileepan, A. M. Al-Khawaja, J. A. Lupiáñez and S. R. Wagle. (1984). In: "2nd International
Symposium of Somatostatin", (edited by J. Rosenthal, S. Raptis and J. E. Gerich). University Press.
Tubingen, West Germany. Chapter 34, pp. 262-268.
- "Glutamine metabolism in metabolic acidosis". G. A. O. Alleyne, J. A. Lupiáñez, N. McFarlane-Anderson, P.
Hortelano, J. Benjamin, J. Barnswell and B. Scott. (1982). In: Ciba Foundation Symposium. 1982
Metabolic acidosis. Pitman Books Ltd. London, England. Vol 87, Chapter 10, pp. 101-109.
- "Metabolism of Ammonia". G. A. O. Alleyne, N. McFarlane-Anderson, J. A. Lupiáñez, P. Hortelano and F.
Sánchez-Medina. (1981). In: "Nitrogen Metabolism in man", (edited by J. C. Waterlow and J. M. L.
Stephen). Applied Science Publishers LTD. London, England. Chapter 13, pp. 169-192.
- "Modulation of glycogenolysis by galactosamine and inorganic phosphate in isolated hepatocytes and
perfused liver". S. R. Wagle, K. N. Dileepan, K. Decker and J. A. Lupiáñez. (1981). In: "Regulation of
Carbohydrates Formation and Utilization in Mammals", (edited by C. M. Veneziale). University Park
Press. Baltimore, USA. Chapter 20, pp. 363-390.
- "Induction of rat gluconeogenic ability after impairment of liver gluconeogenesis". F. Sánchez-Medina, J. P.
García-Ruiz, J. A. Lupiáñez, M. J. Faus and P. Hortelano. (1978). In: “Current Problems in Clinical
Biochemistry”, (edited by J. Lowestein, P. Cohen). Academic Press, New York and London. Vol 8,
Chapter 31, pp. 310-317.
Direction of Master Thesis and Ph.D. Thesis
Director of 11 Master thesis, defended the years 1977, 1982, 1985, 1987 (2) 1993 (2), 1996, 1997, 1998. All
of them were qualified as DISTINCTION mark. Four of them were HIGH DISTINTION mark, one of them
rewarded with a SPECIAL AWARD.
Director of 14 Ph.D. Thesis, defended the years, 1980, 1985, 1986 (2), 1990, 1993 (2), 1998, 2004 (2), 2006,
2007, 2009, 2013. All of them were qualified as DISTINCTION CUM LAUDE, including one with a SPECIAL
Other more relevant research merits
Member of four international Societies of Biochemistry: Spanish Society of Biochemistry and Molecular
Biology (SEBBM). European Society of Biochemistry (BS). New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS). American
Chemical Society (ACS).
Member evaluator of Research Projects by the Commission of Science and Technology, proposed by the
National Agencies for Evaluation and Prospective (ANECA, ANEP and ACADEMIA program).
Reviewer of research papers in 23 research journals: “Advances in Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety”;
“British Journal Applied Sciences”; “Cancer Letters”; “Chemical Research Toxicology”; “Comparative
Biochemistry and Physiology”; “European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry”; “Food and Chemical
Toxicology”; “International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture”; “International Journal of Molecular
Sciences”; “Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry”; “Journal of Cancer letters”; “Journal of Cell and
Molecular Medicine”; “Journal of Sciences and Food Agriculture”; “Marine drugs”; “Mediterranean Journal
of Nutrition and Metabolism”; “Molecular cancer”; “Molecular Nutrition and Food Research”;
“Molecules”; “Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology”; “Physiological and Biochemical Zoology”;
“Proteomics”; “Sky Journal of Medicinal Plant Research”; “Tumor Biology”.
Positive rating of six steps of research (a total of 36 years) credited by the National Evaluation of Research
Activity of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Spanish Government.