The TOP list of implemented investments

Construction of infrastructure of Liquefied Natural Gas
Capital dredging and widening of Port Navigation Channel
Construction of infrastructure of Passenger and Cargo
Reconstruction of breakwaters (Northern and Southern
Reconstruction of quays No. 90-100
Reconstruction of quays No. 66 and 67
Reconstruction of quays No. 7-9
Construction of access roads to multimodal cargo terminals
in the Southern part of the Seaport.
Subject to the 11 July 2012 Resolution No. 864 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania „Regarding the
Implementation of the Law on Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal of the Republic of Lithuania“ Klaipeda State
Seaport Authority was entitled to develop the present and to construct the new Klaipeda State Seaport infrastructure
necessary for Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal and to perform all other kind of activities necessary to prepare
Klaipeda State Seaport for construction and maintenance of Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal, including the capital
dredging of the Port waters‘ territory, reinforcement of seacoasts, installation of navigation, installation of
radiolocation and other devices and development of already installed systems, performance of territory planning,
land management, environmental impact assessment works, preparation or development of land and Port waters‘
territory and (or) infrastructure works, to make amendments to legislative acts assigned to Seaport Authority within
its competence and to execute other necessary activity.
Liquefied natural gas Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU) Independence“ entered Klaipeda
Seaport on the 27th of October and the first gas flows were delivered to natural gas transmission system on the 15th
of November.
The total amount of investments into construction of Liquefied Natural Gas terminal infrastructure and capital
dredging works was 33,72 mln Eur (116,4 mln Lt) excluding VAT.
Capital dredging works necessary for construction of Liquefied Natural Gas terminal
Capital dredging works of Klaipeda Port Channel nearby the Pig‘s Back Island where LNG terminal has been
constructed were finished on the 3d of June 2013. The contractor of the object dredged the planned Port waters‘
territory up to 14,5 metres and nearby the Pig‘s Back Island up to 16 metres. After dredging the Channel Klaipeda
Seaport was ready to accommodate the FSRU.
The works were commenced on the 23rd of January 2013.
The works were finished on the 4thof June 2013.
The contractor of the object was Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors BV
The amount of investments reached 19,4 mln Eur (66,9 ml Lt) excluding VAT.
Construction of infrastructure of Liquefied Natural Gas terminal
Within the period of 2013-2014 the Seaport Authority financed the construction works of Liquefied Natural Gas
quay nearby the Pig‘s Back Island. The floating storage and regasification unit of LNG terminal has been
moored to jetty.
The works were commenced on the 18th of March 2013.
The works were finished on the 2nd of October 2014.
The contractor of the object was AS „BMGS“
The amount of investments reached 14,3 mln Eur (49,5 mln Lt) excluding VAT.
On implementing LNG Project in Klaipeda :
Natural gas supply has been diversified and Lithuania will no longer depend on the single external gas supplier;
Lithuania has become able to independently get into supply of natural gas necessary to meet the first necessity
Preconditions to establish national and regional gas markets and the possibility to supply gas to neighbouring
countries have been created.
Lithuania became able to participate in purchase of gas in international gas markets.
In order to increase the safety of sailing and manoeuvrability of gross-tonnage vessels in the Port in line with
competitiveness and cargo handling capacity of the Seaport with regard to other seaports Klaipeda State Seaport
navigation channel capital dredging up to 14,5 metres and widening up to 150 metres works were performed within
the period of 2012-2013.
While implementing the project the EU Cohesion funds were employed (pursuant to instrument No. VP2-5.2-SM01-V „ Development of Cargo and Passenger Service Infrastructure in Klaipeda State Seaport“ of Priority 5
„Development of Trans-European Transport Network“ of Operational Programme for Economic Growth for 20072013).
The works were commenced on the 22nd of April 2012.
The works were finished on the 20th of May 2013.
The contractor of the object was the Dutch company Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors BV
On execution of these works the depth of the Seaport increased up to 14,5 metres, the width increased up to 150
metres within the territory of the Malku Bay. Vessel turning circles were arranged: Pk 47+80 – Pk 53+30 and Pk
73 – Pk 76+50 and the entrance to the Malkų Bay and the waters‘ territories alongside the quays No. 66 and No.
67, No. 101-104, and No. 79-80 were deepened supplementary. All works performed resulted into the favourable
conditions to render services to vessels with draught up to 13,2 metres within the waters‘ territory of the quay No.
105 of the Malku Bay, possibilities to render services to Panamax-type vessels (310 metres in length and 40 metres
in beam) and entering and mooring of the Floating Storage and Regasification Unit rendering service to LNG
terminal (the capacity of a vessel is 170 000 m3of liquefied gas, the length is 294 metres, the width is 46 metres and
the draught is 11,6 (12,6) metres). Altogether these performed works increased the safety of sailing and
manoeuvrability of gross-tonnage vessels in line with competitiveness and cargo handling capacity of the Seaport.
The total amount of dredged soil was 4,4 mln m3.
The investments to the object constituted 31,1 Eur (107,3 Lt) excluding VAT, including 23,8 Eur (82,2 Lt)
allotted from EU funds (76,5 proc.).
Every year the number of tourists coming to Klaipeda on passenger ferries and cruise ships has been growing,
therefor the Seaport has been promptly preparing to receive them in an appropriate and qualified way and to render
services. The new Passenger and Cargo terminal has been constructed in the central part of the Seaport. On
implementing this project the passenger service infrastructure complying with EU requirement has been
constructed. Furthermore, this terminal provided the possibility to render services to Ro-Ro, Ro-Pax type vessels.
The anew constructed terminal provided the possibilities to rapidly and efficiently render services to constantly
growing passenger flows, to increase the cargo volumes in Klaipeda Seaport and to enhance tourism services and
create supplementary workplaces.
Three new quays have been constructed providing the possibility to berth simultaneously three Ro-Ro type vessels:
at the pier up to30000 DWT and at the quay No. 80 up to 45600 DWT. The terminal anticipates to handle 6 mln tn
of Ro-Ro cargo and to render services to 500 thousand passengers annually.
While implementing this project ES INTERREG IIIB program funds were used.
The works were commenced on the 26th of August 2010.
The works were finished on the 20th of December 2013.
The amount of investments constituted 26,2 mln Eur (90,5 mln Lt) excluding VAT, including 16,5 mln Eur
(57,0 mln Lt) allotted from EU funds (65 proc.).
For the sake of efficient maintenance of Passenger and Cargo terminal infrastructure Klaipeda Seaport Authority in
2012-2014 constructed the access road from Baltijos avenue to the quays and reconstructed the railway No. 15 in
the territory leased to JSC Central Klaipeda Terminal.
Extension of access road from Baltijos avenue to the quays of the Seaport (JSC Central Klaipeda terminal).
The works were commenced on the 29th of August 2012.
The works were finished on the 8th of July 2014.
The amount of investments constituted 3,8 mln Eur (12,98 mln Lt) excluding VAT.
Reconstruction of railway No. 15 in the territory of JSC Central Klaipeda Terminal
The works were commenced on the 18th of October 2012.
The works were finished on the 22nd of October 2014.
The amount of investments reached 30,25 mln Eur (0,85 mln Lt) excluding VAT.
Reconstruction of railway over Varnenu street
The Client of the works was JSC „Lithuanian Railways“. Over 10 mln litas were planned to be allotted for
implementation of this Project. The investments allotted from European Regional Development Fund constituted 85
pct. Funds from SC „ Lithuanian Railways“ and state budget constituted the remaining share. The terms of
references (applying the funds from EU INTEREG III B program) and the technical project (applying the funds of
Trans - European Transport Network TEN-T) of the railway over Varnenu street were prepared pursuant to bespoke
of Klaipeda Seaport.
The overpass railway was officially opened on the 15th of April 2011. It is a very significant railway connection
with the Seaport and Klaipeda Passenger and Cargo terminal. During the project implementation the present
overpass railway (constructed in 1985) was extended and the second new overpass railway 85 metres in length was
constructed. These two railways now provide the possibility to get rapidly and without any obstacles to (from) the
Central Klaipeda terminal inline with significantly improved access conditions by railways to SC Eastern Baltic
Shipyard, Klaipeda Stevedoring Company „Bega“, JSSC „Klaipedos Smelte“ , JSC Bulk Cargo terminal and JSC
Klaipeda Refrigerator terminal.
Reconstruction of Baltijos avenue (the central road from the Seaport) is an important part of Passenger and
Cargo terminal construction project, assuring the rapid and sustainable traffic of transport flows from (to) the
Seaport. Within the framework of this Project it has been planned to reconstruct the crossroads of Baltijos avenue
with Minijos street, Taikos avenue and Silutes avenue.
Pursuant to bespoke of SE Klaipeda State Seaport Authority the terms of references were prepared using the funds
of EU INTEREG III B program. The technical projects were developed using the funds of Trans - European
Tansport Network TEN-T. Reconstructed and put into operation object should solve the problems of transport
jams, pollution and noise in the town. Furthermore, the new access road to and from the Seaport will be constructed
(i.e. the Baltic avenue that is the extension of the highway Vilnius –Klaipeda will be connected with the Seaport)
In 2014 Klaipeda Seaport Authority applied the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of
Lithuania for permission to hand over the technical projects to Klaipeda municipality subject to resolution of the
Government of the Republic of Lithuania.
Construction of infrastructure. The operator of Klaipeda Passenger and Cargo terminal – JSC Central Klaipeda
terminal ( constructed the following objects of suprastructure:
1. A multifunctional building for passengers and offices;
2. The control post of cars and auto-trailers;
3. A warehouse – 4000m2;
4. A storage plot for cargoes and cars 14 hectares.
In 2002 the project – reconstruction of entrance channel inline with reconstruction of breakwaters - was
The project that lasted for 1,5 year is one of the largest scope investment projects implemented in Klaipeda Seaport.
The breakwaters were reconstructed by Danish and Dutch company „Aarsleff Ballast“.
The extension and repair of breakwaters required 365 thou. cubic metres of stones. Besides, 747 tetrapods, each 25
tonnes of weight, were constructed.
Reconstructed breakwaters:
The Northern break-water has been extended by 205 metres (its overall length is 733 metres).
The Southern breakwater has been extended by 278 metres (its overall length is 1374 metres).
Capital dredging of Port Entrance Channel
Capital dredging works were performed by the Danish company „Rohde Nielsen“, the French company „Bceom“
executed supervision of project implementation. The Port Entrance Channel was dredged from 12 to 14,5 metres.
The Northern part of the Seaport was also extended rather significantly, the depth from the Port entrance within the
territory of the quay No. 4 has reached 14 metres.
Nearly 1,6 million of cubic metres of soil were excavated during these capital dredging works. The part of clean
sand was used for reclamation of beaches to the South from Klaipeda.
The overall project value was over 43,4 Eur (150 mln Lt.) (including VAT).
The basic components of the implemented project were as follows:
The costs spent on reconstruction of breakwaters constituted 25,8 mln Eur (89 mln Lt) including VAT,
Capital dredging works of entrance channel were 8,4 mln Eur (29 mln Lt) including VAT,
The costs spent on capital dredging of the Entrance Channel from the quay No. 10 to the quay No. 115 were 7,5
mln Eur (26 mln Lt) including VAT,
Removal of wrecks cost 2 mln Eur (7 mln Lt) including VAT,
The costs spent on Wave and Current Measurement Station constituted 0,9 mln Eur (3 mln Lt) including VAT.
NO. 90-96
Reconstruction of quays No. 90-96 is one of the development projects of infrastructure complex designated to
enhance the container handling capacity in the central part of the Seaport. Altogether 534 metres of quays have
been reconstructed and 465, 7 metres of crane runways were laid. The anticipated permissible maximum vessel
draught alongside these quays is 13,2 metres
Within the process of project implementation in 2008-2009 pursuant to the initiative of the quay operator the
purpose of quays No. 90-96 has been swapped from general cargo quays to quays designated for container
The works were commenced on the 1st of March 2007.
The works were finished on the 29th of May 2014.
The amount of investments constituted 20,6 mln Eur (71,3 mln Lt) excluding VAT.
In 2014 the total cargo handling turnover in JSSC „Klaipedos Smelte“ reached 2,923 mln tn, i.e. more by 53
% comparing with 2013 (1,95 mln tn). The highest result was reached in container handling (+33 pct.). In
2014 the company started the final grain loading of partially filled Panamax type grain carriers at the quays
dredged to the depth of 13,80 metres.
Reconstruction of quays No. 66-67 and construction of the pier were implemented in two stages. The I stage was
finished in 2010 – reconstruction of sections of quays N. 66 and 67 designed for connection of the pier was
performed. Construction works of the II stage (construction of the pier and capital dredging alongside it) were
finished in February of 2013. In 2014 the capital dredging works of waters‘ territory alongside the not reconstructed
part of the quay No. 67, the capital dredging of waters‘ territory up to 14,4 metres alongside the quay No. 67A and
the capital dredging works up to 15 metres alongside the quays No. 66A and 67A were executed. Quays No. 66A
and 67A form the pier for cargo handling works. The length of the pier is 236,80 metres, the width is 30 metres.
Vessels with maximum draught up to 13 metres may be accommodated at the quay No. 67A.
Reconstructed and extended quays resulted into a supplementary possibility to handle bulk, general and liquid
cargo. The pier operator Klaipeda Stevedoring company „Bega“ put into operation the a-new constructed universal
agribulk export-import terminal suitable for all types of bulk agriculture products. Technologically the terminal is
accommodated both to export and import, i.e. the cargo handling is possible simultaneously in both directions and
terminal capacity and technical possibilities allow the company to perform the complete functions of cargo
transhipment centre (HUB) ,i.e. to accommodate „Post Panamax“ type vessels with vast amounts of bulk cargo onboard and to distribute them by smaller ships to the Baltic Sea ports.
The works were commenced on May of 2009.
The works were finished on the 20th of February 2013 (capital dredging works were finished on the 30th
of June 2014)
The amount of investments constituted 15,62 mln Eur (53,9 mln Lt) excluding VAT.
In line with increasing passenger and cargo flows the intensity of transport traffic has been constantly growing.
While developing the Seaport transport system great attention has been paid to safe and efficient transportation of
cargoes and passengers to multimodal terminals, concentrated in the Southern part of the Seaport. In order to
improve the traffic safety and security, to decrease operational costs, travelling costs, pollution and noise Perkelos
and Kairiu streets were reconstructed within the period from 2009 till 2014.
The total investment amount was 10,97 mln Eur (37,9 mln Lt) excluding VAT, including 7,0 mln Eur (24,18 mln
Lt) received from EU assistance funds.
Reconstruction of Perkelos str. (including the bridge over Klaipeda channel) from the entrance to SC The
Western Shipyard till Container Terminal.
The object was financed from EU funds pursuant to instrument No. VP2-5.2-SM-01-V „ Development of Cargo and
Passenger Service Infrastructure in Klaipeda State Seaport“ , approved by the 23 July 2008 Resolution Nr. 788 of the
Government of the Republic of Lithuania „ On Approval of Annex of Operational Program for Economic Growth“,
of Priority 5 „Development of Trans-European Transport Network“ of Operational Programme for Economic
Growth for 2007-2013 approved by the 30 July 2007 Resolution No. K(2007) 3740 of European Commission.
On reconstructing the access road by Perkelos street from the entrance to SC The Western Shipyard till JSC
Klaipedos Container Terminal and the bridge over Klaipeda channel the vehicle throughput efficiency of this part
of the road has increased significantly. Due to this the flow of transported cargoes has increased in line with
decreased transportation time , cargo transportation costs and operational costs of transport modes.
The overall length of reconstructed street is 1,62 kilometres.
The works were commenced on the 4th of November 2009.
The works were finished on the 27th of April 2011.
The amount of investments constituted 1,9 mln Eur (6,5 mln Lt) excluding VAT, including 1,38 mln Eur (4,76
mln Lt) allotted from EU assistant funds (72,8 pct).
Reconstruction of Kairiu str. from the grade crossing, Taikos avenue with Kairių street up, to Klaipeda Channel
(with cabling of 110kV aerial line). Reconstruction of Kairių street vehicle bridge over Klaipeda Channel .
Reconstruction of Kairiu street (the Western road) from Klaipeda Channel to the railway crossing.
The object was financed from EU funds pursuant to instrument No. VP2-5.2-SM-01-V „ Development of Cargo
and Passenger Service Infrastructure in Klaipeda State Seaport“ , approved by the 23 July 2008 Resolution Nr. 788
of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania „ On Approval of Annex of Operational Program for Economic
Growth“, of Priority 5 „Development of Trans-European Transport Network“ of Operational Programme for
Economic Growth for 2007-2013 approved by the 30 July 2007 Resolution No. K(2007) 3740 of European
During the project implementation the following works have been performed:
-2,57 kilometres of a roadway covering have been widened and reinforced;
- pedestrian – cycle paths have been constructed, sewage networks have been laid, the street lighting has been
installed and bus stop stations have been constructed;
- the bridge has been reconstructed;
- the railway crossing has been constructed;
-engineering networks have been reconstructed.
The overall length of reconstructed street is 2,57 km. The vehicle road to Kairiu street has become shorter by
approx. 3,5 kilometres with construction of the new railway crossing across the railway track No.54.
The works were commenced on the 27th of September 2011.
The works were finished on the 18th of July 2014.
The amount of investments constituted 9,1 mln Eur (31,3 mln Lt) excluding VAT, including 5,62 mln Eur (19,42
mln Lt) allotted from EU assistant funds (62 pct).
NO. 7-9
Reconstruction of quays No. 7-9 was implemented in two stages: the Ist stage – reconstruction of quays ½ No.8
and 9 (works were finished on the 18th of February 2013) , the IInd stage – reconstruction of quays No. 7 and ½
No. 8 ( the works were finished on the 16th of July 2014). The overall length of reconstructed quays is 516,4
Implementation of this project allowed to reach the project depth of 14,5 metres alongside these quays and created
the possibility to the operator to accept the large tonnage vessels with draught up to 13,4 metres and to increase
the cargo flows.
The works were commenced on the 30th of December 2010.
The works were finished on the 16th of July 2014.
The amount of investments constituted 11,18 mln Eur (38,62 mln Lt) excluding VAT.