YGES Weekly Lesson Plan Template Name:Godfrey, Lawrence

YGES Weekly Lesson Plan Template
Lawrence, Sanford
Date:Sept. 14- 18
SS2G1, RL2.1, RL SS2G1, RL2.1, RL SS2G1, RL2.1, RL SS2G1, RL2.1, RL
2.5, RF2.3a, W.2.3, 2.5, RF2.3a, W.2.3, 2.5, RF2.3a, W.2.3, 2.5, RF2.3a, SL2.1,
SL2.1, SL2.1a,
SL2.1, SL2.1a, L2.2, SL2.1, SL2.1a, L2.2, SL2.1a, L2.2,
SS2G1, RL2.1, RL
2.5, RF2.3a, SL2.1,
SL2.1a, L2.2,
YGES Weekly Lesson Plan Template
Essential Question/
Key Question
Where are the five
regions of Georgia
located and what
describe each
Where are the five
regions of Georgia
located and what
describe each region?
Can I ask questions
Can I ask questions about a text to
about a text to
demonstrate that I
demonstrate that I understand what I
understand what I read?
Can I describe the
Can I describe the story structure?
story structure?
What strategies will
What strategies will help me distinguish
help me distinguish between long vowels
between long
and short vowels?
vowels and short
How can I participate
as team and follow
How can I
speaking and listening
participate as team rules in group
and follow speaking discussions?
and listening rules
in group
What can I do to
demonstrate that I can
write complete
What can I do to
demonstrate that I
can write complete
Where are the five
regions of Georgia
located and what
describe each region?
Where are the five
regions of Georgia
located and what
describe each region?
Where are the five
regions of Georgia
located and what
describe each region?
Can I ask questions
about a text to
demonstrate that I
understand what I
Can I ask questions
about a text to
demonstrate that I
understand what I
Can I ask questions
about a text to
demonstrate that I
understand what I
Can I describe the
story structure?
Can I describe the
story structure?
Can I describe the
story structure?
What strategies will
help me distinguish
between long vowels
and short vowels?
What strategies will
help me distinguish
between long vowels
and short vowels?
What strategies will
help me distinguish
between long vowels
and short vowels?
How can I participate
as team and follow
speaking and listening
rules in group
Can I create a
Can I create a
narrative and describe narrative and describe
a sequence of a story? a sequence of a story?
How can I participate
as team and follow
What can I do to
speaking and listening
demonstrate that I can rules in group
write complete
How can I participate
as team and follow
speaking and listening
rules in group
YGES Weekly Lesson Plan Template
Activating Strategy:
Lesson Opener
Complete Regions Review all regions of
Georgia. Describing
characteristics from each
Discuss Bell Ringer Discuss Bell Ringer
sentence corrections sentence corrections
Review all regions of
Georgia. Describing
characteristics from each
Discuss Bell Ringer
sentence corrections
Formative Assessment on
Discuss Bell Ringer
sentence corrections
Discuss Bell Ringer
sentence corrections
YGES Weekly Lesson Plan Template
Teaching Strategies:
Include sufficient detail
for parents and
administration to
understand what will be
happening in your class.
Read Chapter 4 of
Read Chapter 5 of
Read Chapter 6 of
Read Chapter 7 of
Charlotte’s WebCharlotte’s Web- Discuss Charlotte’s Web- Discuss Charlotte’s Web- Discuss Formative AssessmentsDiscuss to check for
to check for understanding- to check for understanding- to check for understanding
understandingVocabulary and Phonics Reading Skill/ Dictation Reading Skill/ Dictation Review and complete
Vocabulary and Phonics Focus Words.
Focus Words
* 5 Possible Learning
* 5 Possible Learning * 5 Possible Learning
* 5 Possible Learning
Center stations will be
Center stations will be Center stations will be
Center stations will be
utilized throughout the
utilized throughout the utilized throughout the utilized throughout the week. These will be an
week. These will be an week. These will be an
week. These will be an
introduction or follow-up
introduction or follow- introduction or follow-up introduction or follow-up to Differentiated Reading
up to Differentiated
to Differentiated Reading to Differentiated Reading Instruction:
- Teacher Group-review
Reading Instruction: Instruction:
- Teacher Group-review - Teacher Group-review - Teacher Group-review long and short vowelslong and short vowels- long and short vowelslong and short vowelsleveled readers, sticky
leveled readers, sticky leveled readers, sticky
leveled readers, sticky
notes- focus on story
notes- focus on story
notes- focus on story
notes- focus on story
structure- scaffold
structure- scaffold
structure- scaffold
structure- scaffold
questions and skill levels.
questions and skill
questions and skill levels. questions and skill levels. - Independent group- Open
- Independent group- Open - Independent group- Open ended word sorts- long and
- Independent groupended word sorts- long and ended word sorts- long and short vowel words.
Open ended word sorts- short vowel words.
short vowel words.
- Reading Eggspresslong and short vowel
- Reading Eggspress- Reading EggspressPlacement Test- student
Placement Test- student
Placement Test- student
works at their own level.
- Reading Eggspress- works at their own level. works at their own level. - Social Studies focusPlacement Test- student Social Studies- Passages - Social Studies-Passages Passsages
works at their own
- - Crafting Sentences
- Crafting Sentences Unit- - Crafting Sentences Unitlevel.
Unit-possible teacher
possible teacher guided- possible teacher guided- - Crafting Sentences guided- the focus is to
the focus is to work on
the focus is to work on
Unit-possible teacher work on correct sentence correct sentence structure. correct sentence structure.
guided- the focus is to structure.
work on correct
sentence structure.
YGES Weekly Lesson Plan Template
Ticket Out the DoorOne of the following
based on class need:
Summary of chapter,
Dictation practice,
sentence correction,
Long and short vowel,
Nearpod Skill Daily
DRI- Differentiated
DRI- Differentiated
DRI- Differentiated
DRI- Differentiated
DRI- Differentiated
Instruction to meet
Instruction to meet child’s Instruction to meet child’s Instruction to meet child’s Instruction to meet child’s
child’s specific needs specific needs
specific needs
specific needs
specific needs
Graphic Organizing
Graphic Organizing
Graphic Organizing
Graphic Organizing
Graphic Organizing
Scaffolding during
Scaffolding during whole Scaffolding during whole Scaffolding during whole Scaffolding during whole
whole group
Leveled Questioning
Leveled Questioning about Leveled Questioning about Leveled Questioning about Leveled Questioning about
about text
Leveled Readers
Leveled Readers
Leveled Readers
Leveled Readers
Leveled Readers
**Centers will be varied **Centers will be varied in **Centers will be varied in **Centers will be varied in **Centers will be varied in
in level due to students’ level due to students’ needs level due to students’ needs level due to students’ needs level due to students’ needs
needs and ability.
and ability.
and ability.
and ability.
and ability.
Assessment Type/
Evaluation and
Assessment Uses
Daily Grade- Nearpod
Leveled Questions teacher observation
Ticket out the door will
be used to check for
Ticket Out Door- One of
the following based on
class need:
Summary of chapter,
Dictation practice,
sentence correction, Long
and short vowel Nearpod
Skill Daily Grade..
Ticket out the door- One of Ticket out the door- One of Toss the ball review
the following based on
the following based on
game- What have you
class need:
class need:
learned this week?
Summary of chapter,
Summary of chapter,
Dictation practice,
Dictation practice,
sentence correction, Long sentence correction, Long
and short vowel. Nearpod and short vowel. Nearpod
Skill Daily Grade.
Skill Daily Grade.
Daily Grade- Nearpod
Daily Grade- Nearpod
**Daily Grade- 2- Nearpod Leveled Questions -teacher
Leveled Questions -teacher Leveled Questions -teacher Leveled Questions -teacher
observation Ticket out the observation
door will be used to check Ticket out the door will be Ticket out the door will be
Assessments: Phonics
for understanding
used to check for
used to check for
Focus, Nearpod Skill
Assessment, Writing
Materials Needed
Ipads, Charlotte’s Web, Ipads, Charlotte’s Web,
Vocabulary and Phonics Vocabulary and Phonics
Focus, Leveled Readers, Focus, Leveled Readers
Ipads, Charlotte’s Web,
Vocabulary and Phonics
Focus, Leveled Readers
Ipads, Charlotte’s Web,
Vocabulary and Phonics
Focus, Leveled Readers
Ipads, Charlotte’s Web,
Vocabulary and Phonics
Focus, Leveled Readers
YGES Weekly Lesson Plan Template