Welcome to 2nd Grade Powerpoint 2

Welcome to
Ms. Haste
Ms. Sowa
Ms. Ignacio
Mr. Towers
at Hilltop Elementary
2011 - 2012
The 3 Main Academic Areas
• Language Arts - Treasures/MSC
• Mathematics - enVision Math/MSC
• Science/Social Studies - AACPS Curriculum
Anne Arundel County
Public Schools’
K-5 Core Reading
Oral Language
Phonemic Awareness
Student Books
Authentic Literature
• Award winning classics & current
• Multi-cultural selections
• Biographies & autobiographies
• Non-fiction selections
Talk, Read, Write--Everyday
Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Office of Elementary Reading/Language Arts
Leveled Readers in EACH Classroom
Students, teachers, and
parents have online
access to over 7000
different leveled
Leveled Readers
Every week, everyday, your child will read text on
his/her reading level
All leveled readers teach the same:
• Theme
• Vocabulary
• Comprehension skill/strategy
• Phonics – primary grades
• Thinking Maps
Additional Non-Fiction Reading
Texts are linked to core
instruction by theme and
enduring understanding
question to deepen knowledge
and comprehension.
Selections are geared to
Science and Social Studies
topics with real world
Week of
Reading and
Every Day
Children have the opportunity to:
• Learn in a whole class setting
• Interact and practice in small groups with the
classroom teacher
• Talk about what he/she is reading with a partner
or small group
• Independently practice what has been learned
• Visit and engage in interactive learning centers to
build skills
Focus Wall
Connections beyond the classroom
•Cultural Arts
•Real World
Supplemental Components
• Online access to grade level
Student anthology
Leveled readers
Review activities
• Students will be issued
usernames and passwords
Second Grade Treasures Units
• Smart Strart (5-10 Day Review)
• Unit 1: Friends and Family
– What makes a good friend?
• Unit 2: Community Heroes
– What heroes live in our community?
• Unit 3: Let’s Create
– How do people express themselves in creative ways?
• Unit 4: Better Together
– How is working together better than alone?
• Unit 5: Growing and Changing
– How do animals grow and change as they grow?
• Unit 6: The World Around Us
– How do we learn about nature?
Treasures Writing Process
Day 1: Focus and Plan for writing
Day 2: Pre-write using Thinking Maps and Draft
Day 3: Focus on a writing trait/grammar
Day 4: Revise and Proofread
Day 5: Publish Writing
enVision Mathematics Components
• Daily Spiral Review/Problem of the Day
• The Lesson
Interactive Learning (introduce concept, use of manipulatives)
Whole-Class Guided Practice
Independent Practice
Problem Solving
Intervention Group or Reinforcement Centers/Games
Fact Practice
Homework (Re-teaching, Practice, Enrichment, or Problem Solving)
Topic Tests
Benchmark Assessments
enVision Math – Online Component
View the text book
Explore Lessons, Videos, Activities
Use on-line math tools and manipulatives
Log on to:
– Use the following information to get into the Math Classroom
Child’s Username: SIF Number (lunch number)
Child’s Password: SIF number (lunch number)
Social Studies Units
• Unit 1:
• Unit 2:
• Unit 3:
• Unit 4:
• Unit 5:
1st Quarter:
Where We Live: A Study of the Earth
2nd Quarter:
How We Live: A Study of People Making
3rd Quarter:
Living Together: A Study of Cultures
Living History: A Study of How Things Change
4th Quarter:
Our Country Today
Science Units
• Chemistry:
(1st Quarter)
• Physics and Environmental Science (2nd Quarter)
• Earth/Space Science (3rd Quarter)
• Life Science (4th Quarter)
2nd Grade Fieldtrips
(tentative ideas)
• Fieldtrips and related costs are being considered and
planned at this time.
– National Aquarium – Baltimore (October 26th )
*Information about this trip will be sent home soon.
– Myerhoff Symphony Orchestra – Baltimore (December 2)
– Maryland Science Center – Baltimore (Spring)
– We will consider other field trips if we have the
opportunity to go.
• Daily Math Practice
(Re-teach, Practice, Enrichment, or
Problem Solving)
• Daily Spelling
• Reading Log
• Science/Social Studies
• (as necessary)
• Other (to be announced)
For Spelling:
Day 1: Write the words 3 times
Day 2: Alphabetical (abc) order
Day 3: Use words 1-8 in
Day 4: Use words 9-15 in
Study for Your Test!
Day 5: None
(see the attached Spelling HW sample)
* Some students may receive a challenge
list if he/she passes spelling pre-test
Hilltop’s 4 R’s Program
• I will show RESPECT for:
Myself (Have A Positive Attitude, Be Successful, Try Your Best)
Others (Keep Hands & Feet to Yourself, Use Good Manners, Converse Politely)
Learning (Complete Class Work & Homework, Participate, Ask For Help)
Property (Care for Learning Materials, Keep Things Neat & Tidy, Ask Before Taking)
• Earn star bucks for special prizes
and activities throughout the year.
What Happens if a School
Rule/Routine is Broken?
Green: Everyone starts on the color green.
Yellow: Verbal Warning
Pink: Lose Half of Recess.
Red: Lose All of Recess and
Complete a Think Sheet.
• Purple: Minor Incident Report and
a phone call home
**Parents must sign the agenda sheet
Scholastic News
• The second grade will be utilizing a subscription
to this magazine for each child (provided by Title I).
• The benefits of Scholastic News are…
– Provides skill practice in a number of areas of reading
instruction (phonics, vocabulary, reading fluency and
– The articles and activities are current and engaging.
Please Contact Us!
• If you have any questions or concerns about
your child…Please feel free to get in touch.
Hilltop – 410/222-6409
Ms. Haste – lhaste@aacps.org
Ms. Ignacio – kignacio@aacps.org
Ms. Sowa – asowa@aacps.org
Mr. Towers – dtowers@aacps.org
Thank You For Coming Tonight!!
It is going to be a WONDERFUL year!!