Graduate Assistantship Apply Yourself (AY-GA)

Graduate Assistantship
ApplyYourself (AY) WebCenter
Last updated on February 8, 2016
Table of Contents
Message from the Graduate College............................................................................. iii
Logging into the WebCenter ........................................................................................ 1
Working in the Application System ............................................................................... 2
Searching for Applicants.............................................................................................. 3
Available Search Options .......................................................................................... 3
Search Results Screen ................................................................................................ 5
Applicant Summary Screen .......................................................................................... 6
Print / View PDF ......................................................................................................... 7
To Print from the ”Search Results” Screen .................................................................. 7
To Print from the “Applicant Summary” Screen ........................................................... 8
To Print from the “Application Module Home” Screen ................................................... 9
Unit/Department Review ........................................................................................... 10
GA Applicant –Department Review ........................................................................ 10
Graduate Assistantship Confirmation .......................................................................... 16
Available Search Options ........................................................................................ 17
Search Results Screen ........................................................................................... 18
Appendix: User Queries .............................................................................................. I
Message from the Graduate College
April 18, 2011
Dear Chairs, Graduate Coordinators, Faculty and Staff,
On behalf of the Graduate College I would like to welcome you to our online admissions application,
ApplyYourself (AY), and its newest incarnation -- the UNLV Graduate Assistant interface in AY. We are
extremely pleased to be able to offer you and your students the use of this state-of-the-art application
product. AY is a robust and intuitive system that has been designed to meet the needs of collegiate,
graduate and professional admissions offices and applicants. I believe that once you become familiar
with the AY product, it will make the process of reviewing applications and making recommendations
much easier for graduate programs.
We are pleased to add the Graduate Assistantship (GA) application and appointment process to AY. As
you will see in the pages that follow, the system will replace the paper GA application and request
form that you have used in the past. This addition further diminishes our use of and reliance upon
passing forms and papers back-and-forth between your students, your department, and our office. AY
also makes GA application processes much easier and more convenient for your students, and makes
the process more efficient for faculty and staff.
I wish you well as you explore and use the various facets of ApplyYourself. If you have questions that
are not addressed in this manual, please feel free to contact us in the Graduate College. Thank you!
With sincere good wishes,
Kate Korgan, Ph.D.
Senior Associate Dean
UNLV Graduate College
Logging into the WebCenter
From your computer desktop, open your Internet Browser (Microsoft ® Internet Explorer
is recommended).
In the address field of your browser type:
Type in your Client ID
Type in your User ID
Type in your Password
Click GO
Upon logging into the system for the first time, you will be required to change your
Note: Although the system instructs you to watch a 25-minute recording, this is NOT
required. The Graduate College actually advises against viewing the recording, as it may
cause confusion.
The system functions will appear as below:
o Your first name and Client ID are displayed at the top of the page
o Click “update profile” to change your name, email address, or password
Navigation within the WebCenter requires users to first “Select a System”
Click “Select a System” on the main menu, and the rollout item will stay
open. As you point to the menu item with your mouse, it becomes
highlighted. Navigate through “Application System” to “Graduate
Assistantship & Scholarship.”
Working in the Application System
An Overview box on the right side of the WebCenter screen shows important summary
information about the Applications received, such as the number of In-Progress
(unsubmitted) Applications, Today’s Submitted Applications, Applications
Submitted This Week, Applications Submitted this Month and Applications
Submitted to Date.
The Applications box is located on the lower right-hand side of the screen.
Click the
button to quickly and easily print daily application batches
including all documents uploaded by the student, but excluding recommendations
(for more printing options see the Printing section).
Clicking “Main Menu” on the top of the left-hand menu in will allow you to quickly return to
the WebCenter Main Menu.
Click “logout” in the upper right corner to logout of the system completely.
Searching for Applicants
On the Application menu, click on “Search for Applicants”.
The “Search for Applicants” screen will appear.
Available Search Options
Select one of these next options:
In the Search by Date section, click on the radio button next to Creation Date or
Submission Date, then click on the down arrow in that field and select the number of
days or “All” (last option).
Under Search by Individual, select the criteria by which you wish to conduct your
search, choosing from Last Name, First Name, Email, PIN, Applicant ID or Date of Birth.
In the Search Using Query section, click on the down arrow and choose a saved User
Query to use in conducting this search. (See the Appendix for specific details on
available queries).
Once a query is selected the description will populate.
The Search by Group and Search by Action sections are not applicable for the UNLV
Graduate College application.
Once the search criteria are entered, click
. The “Search Results” screen will
Search Results Screen
Now that you have a list of applicants, you can perform Actions on them.
If you want to select a few applicants from the list, click on the checkboxes next to
the applicant’s name, and then click on the “Apply to Selected” radio button.
You can click on “Apply to All” to include all the applicants in this list.
To perform an action, click on the down arrow next to “Select an Action” and choose
from the available options (See the Printing section). Then click
To view a PDF of the application including any uploaded documents, click in the PDF icon
on the far right.
To review the application click directly on the applicant’s name. The “Applicant
Summary” screen will be displayed.
if you want to search again.
Applicant Summary Screen
GA department
requested by
New or Renewal
Click here to
& appointment
response to
their GA offer
department and
Click the “print”
button to view
the decision/offer
letter (once
The final decision information about this applicant
is displayed here. This field is for GC use only
The student can only view his/her letter once this
date has been entered, after final verification.
This field is for GC use only
The student must accept their offer by 5pm the
day before this deadline date, or it will be
rescinded. This field is for GC use only
--- “expands” to --- This
(allows you to drill down)
Print / View PDF
You can print (view a PDF) from three different areas in the WebCenter:
 The “Search Results” Screen
 The “Applicant Summary” Screen
 The “Applicant Module Home” Screen
To Print from the “Search Results” Screen
1. For a single applicant:
a. Click on the PDF icon for the applicable student
2. For multiple applicants:
a. For a few applicants on the list: click on the checkboxes next to the applicant
names, and then click on the “Apply to Selected” radio button
b. For all applicants on the list: click on the “Apply to All” radio button
c. Use the “Select an Action” drop-down menu and select “Print Application”
3. Click
The “Print Applications” screen will appear:
1. Use the “PDF File” drop-down menu:
a. Select “GradAssistantshipApp.pdf” for the graduate assistantship application
2. Uncheck the box if you wish to exclude documents uploaded by the applicant
3. Click “print” – this will bring up a single PDF of all the applications that you selected
on the “Search Results” screen
To Print from the “Applicant Summary” Screen
Clicking on a “Student Name” on the “Search Results” screen causes the “Applicant
Summary” screen to pop-up.
Click on the “print
application” button to
view a PDF document of
the application including
all documents uploaded
by the applicant
To Print from the “Application Module Home” Screen
To return to the “Application Module
Home”, click on “Application” in the lefthand navigation menu
The Applications box is located on the lower right-hand side of the screen.
Click the
button to quickly and easily
print daily application batches including all documents
uploaded by the student.
The “Batch Print” screen will appear.
Either click on the “Batch Name”, or the “view” button to view a PDF document of the
Once you have printed or saved an application batch you have the option of deleting
it by checking the box next to the appropriate batch name and clicking the “delete”
Unit/Department Review
Unit/Department users will have access to perform all actions shown in this documentation.
Clicking on an applicant’s name on the “Search
Results” screen causes the “Applicant Summary”
screen to pop-up.
Clicking “Graduate Assistantship & Scholarship
Application” under “View Full Application” on the
“Applicant Summary” screen allows you to drill
down to specific pages.
Department evaluators will input their
recommendations and appointment information on
the “GA Applicant – Department Review” page.
GA Applicant –Department Review
One you save and exit this page all information entered becomes final. The Graduate
Student Financial Services office will not be notified of any subsequent changes.
The department evaluator must
enter his/her name and the date
here. Required.
Select the appropriate
department. Required.
The name of the applicant will
appear here.
Program level and doctoral
status as self-reported by the
student appears here.
Select the appropriate radio
button. If appoint, complete the
“Appointment Information”
section, the applicable funding
section(s) as well as the
“Assistantship Responsibilities”
and “Assistantship Policies”
sections below. Required.
If you select “Appoint”:
Enter the student’s Social
Security number. If the student
is a US citizen or permanent
resident, this question is
Select the applicable
appointment terms for your GA.
Please note that Summer is a
stand-alone semester and
cannot be combined with any
other semesters. Required.
If Summer, select how much of
the semester you want the
student to work. Required.
If this student was previously a
GA, select “Renewal”; otherwise
select “New”. Required.
There are four different
categories of GAs, please select
the one that best describes this
appointment. Required.
Select the applicable funding
type for this appointment.
State Funded
If you selected “State Funded Only” or “Both State and Extramurally Funded,” you
must complete the following section.
The total stipend amount must meet the new required minimum.
For doctoral students, specify the stipend amount based on their current status, not
on an expectation that they will advance to candidacy by the deadline. The Graduate
College will automatically increase the stipend of a doctoral GA if they submit all
required paperwork to the Graduate College and advance to candidacy before the
Advancement to Candidacy Deadlines: August 1st for Fall, December 23rd for Spring,
and May 1st for Summer.
When calculating your state GA budget, please use the old minimum stipend
amounts (see above). However, when indicating the student’s stipend amount here
on the “GA Applicant – Department Review” page, please use the new minimum
stipend amounts. The Graduate College will contribute funds beyond your state GA
allocation to cover the difference. In other words, the Graduate College will pay for
the MFA & doctoral stipend increase out of our additional funds, not your
department’s state GA allocation.
Indicate whether you only want
to pay the minimum stipend, or
specify the amount. Required.
If you prefer to specify the
amount, you must complete
one of the following questions:
You can either enter the
amount you want to add to the
minimum stipend. Ex. 2,000.00
We will then calculate the
minimum stipend and add this
amount to determine the total
You can enter the total stipend
amount you want to pay, as
long as it meets or exceeds the
minimum. Ex. 17,000.00
All state GAs have standardized
insurance coverage and tuition
waivers. You do not need to
provide any information.
Extramurally Funded
If you select “Extramurally Funded Only” or “Both State and Extramurally Funded”
you must complete the following section.
The total stipend amount must meet the required minimum. The Graduate College
does not contribute any additional funds towards to the new minimum stipends for
extramurally funded GAs.
Stipend Funding Information:
Enter the account number that
will fund the stipend. Required.
Enter the total stipend that will
be paid to the student from this
account. Required.
Select the type of funding
account. Required.
Enter the dates that the
account is valid. Required.
If this is a placeholder account,
enter start and end dates that
occur before the semester
If the stipend is paid from
multiple accounts, enter up to
two more account numbers and
associated information.
Total externally funded stipend
that will be paid to the student
(sum of all the authorized
amounts listed above).
Tuition, Fees, and Insurance Funding Information:
Select the amount of tuition you
will cover, and enter the
number of credits for each
semester. Required.
Students will need to submit a
signed Externally Funded
Tuition Waiver Form each
semester, listing their classes
and the account number to be
used to pay for their waiver.
If the student is funded through
both state and extramural funds
and you want to supplement
the state coverage and pay the
remaining tuition, select “Full.”
Select the amount of special
fees you will cover. Required.
If “All,” enter the number of
credits per semester.
If “Part,” enter the maximum
amount you will cover for the
entire length of the contract. If
this appointment is for Fall and
Spring, enter the total fees for
both semesters.
Indicate which funding account
should be used to pay the
insurance waiver.
If you will be using a new
account, enter the account
number and the dates that the
account is valid.
Select all applicable
semester/rate insurance
combinations that you will
cover. Summer is automatically
included with Spring coverage.
Summer coverage alone is not
If the student is funded through
both state and extramural funds
and you want to supplement
the state coverage and pay the
remaining insurance fee, select
If you select “Appoint”:
Use the appropriate question(s)
to indicate the number of hours
that the GA will be working.
Explain in more detail the duties
this student will perform as a
GA. Required.
If appointing an SPGRA, you
must list the faculty member
who received the SPGRA award.
Teaching duties cannot be
assigned to SPGRAs.
Please avoid using quotation
marks (“) in your description.
Read and sign-off on the listed
policies. Required.
Click on the “Save” button at the top or bottom of the screen to save your work.
The following pop-up message with appear, always click “OK”.
Graduate Assistantship Confirmation
Students offered a graduate assistantship MUST accept their offer by completing the
Graduate Assistantship Offer Confirmation form.
You can view each student’s response to their offer on the applicant summary screen
(page 6 above)
You can view all responses in the GSFS Enrollment Package
Click “Main Menu.”
Click “Select a System”, and the rollout item will stay open. As you point to the
menu item with your mouse, it becomes highlighted. Navigate through
“Application System” to “GSFS Offer Confirmation.”
On the GA Offer menu, click “Search for Applicants.”
Available Search Options
Select one of these available options:
In the Search by Date section, click on the down arrow next to “Creation Date” and
select the number of days or “All” (last option). This will pull all students that have
completed the form within the time period selected.
Under Search by Individual, enter the criteria by which you wish to conduct your
In the Search Using Query section, click on the down arrow and choose a saved User
Query to use in conducting this search. This option allows you to differentiate between
applicants that have accepted their offer, and those that declined.
Once the search criteria are entered, click
. The “Search Results” screen will
Search Results Screen
To review the confirmation click directly on the applicant’s name. The “GA Offer Details”
screen will be displayed.
This is the student’s response to
their offer.
This field is for Graduate
College use only.
Appendix: User Queries
See “Search Using Query” under “Available Search Options” for information on running a
Query Prefixes
Indicates a query that is searching submitted applications.
Indicates a query that is searching submitted applications that are in the process of
being reviewed.
Indicates a query that is searching submitted applications that have already received
a final decision.
Indicates a query that is searching appointed applications based on the student’s
response to their offer.
All queries are organized by subheadings. The subheadings applicable to
departments are listed below with more detail on each query.
GA Stage 1 - Application
Queries in this section pull a list of applications submitted by the student.
SUB – All Applicants
Search for all submitted applicants.
SUB - Appl by Department
Search for submitted applicants by requested department.
Select a “GADepartment” and “ApplicationType” from the value lists and click “run.”
To select multiple values use the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard.
SUB - Appl by Dept & StartTerm
Search for submitted applicants by requested department and start term.
Select a “GADepartment,” “StartTerm,” and “ApplicationType” from the value lists
and click “run”. To select multiple values use the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard.
SUB - Appl by Program of Study
Search for submitted applicants by program of study.
Select an “ApplicationType” and “Program of Study” from the value lists and click
“run.” To select multiple values use the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard.
SUB - Appl by Start Term
Search for submitted applicants by requested start term.
Select a “StartTerm” and “ApplicationType” from the value lists and click “run.” To
select multiple values use the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard.
GA Stage 2 - Review
Queries in this section pull a list of students whose applications have been reviewed
by the department.
REV - Appl by Decision
Search for reviewed applicants by decision.
Select a “Decision” from the value list and click “run.” To select multiple values, use
the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard.
REV - Appl by Decision & Dept
Search for reviewed applicants by decision and department.
Select a “Decision” and “Department” from the value lists and click “run.” To select
multiple values use the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard.
REV - Appl by Decision INTL
Search for reviewed international applicants by decision.
Select a “Decision” from the value list and click “run.” To select multiple values use
the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard.
REV - Appoint by Funding & Term
Search for reviewed applicants, requesting to appoint, by funding type and appointment
Select a “FundingType” and “AppointmentTerms” from the value lists and click “run.”
To select multiple funding types use the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard.
REV - Appoint by Type & Term
Search for reviewed applicants, requesting to appoint, by GA type and appointment term.
Select a “GAType” and “AppointmentTerms” from the value lists and click “run.” To
select multiple GA types use the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard.
GA Stage 3 - Decision
Queries in this section pull a list of applicants that have a final decision listed by the
Graduate Student Financial Services Office.
DEC – Appoint by Funding Type
Search for appointed applicants by funding type.
Select the “Int_FundingType” from the value list and click “run.” To select multiple
offer types use the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard.
DEC – Appoint by Type & Term
Search for appointed applicants by offer type and appointment term.
Select an “Int_AppointmentTerms” and “Int_OfferType” from the value lists and click
“run.” To select multiple offer types use the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard.
DEC – Decision by Dept
Search for applicants by decision and department.
Select an “Int_Department” and “Int_Decision” from the value lists and click “run.”
To select multiple offer types use the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard.
GA Stage 4 - Response
Queries in this section pull a list of applicants that have been appointed by the
Graduate Student Financial Services Office.
RSP – No Response to Offer
Search for appointed applicants who have not yet responded to their offer.
Select the “Int_Department” and “AppointmentTerms” from the value list and click
“run.” To select multiple offer types use the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard.
RSP – Offer Accepted
Search for appointed applicants who have accepted their offer.
Select the “Int_Department” and “AppointmentTerms” from the value list and click
“run.” To select multiple offer types use the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard.
RSP – Offer Not Accepted
Search for appointed applicants that have not accepted to their offer.
Select the “Int_Department” and “AppointmentTerms” from the value list and click
“run.” To select multiple offer types use the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard.