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15th International Business Forum* 2012
Low Carbon, High Growth –
Business Models for a Changing Climate
October 2012 – 2,5 days - Johannesburg - South Africa
What are the new business models driving low-carbon growth?
Who are the entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs and innovators working
in this space?
What are the policy mechanisms that can stimulate and promote
sustainability-driven innovation and entrepreneurship?
How can adaptation to climate change become an opportunity for business?
Building greener economies will require 1.more and new investments, 2. an enabling environment spurring
innovation and promoting development and access technologies 3. (inclusive) business models contributing
to a sustainable growth pattern.
Herein lays a vast opportunity space for the entrepreneurs, policy-makers,
civil society organisations, innovators, inventors and intrapreneurs who
address these gaps in the market with their creativity and ingenuity. There is
also opportunity to enable and scale up these innovations and first-movers to
help us achieve inclusive and green business practices.
A business model
describes the
rationale of how an
organization creates,
delivers and
captures value.
The private sector plays a key role in this context. This includes:
 Creating value through new products and services, technological
innovation, lower carbon production processes and adaptation
 Capturing value by marketing products and services for low carbon growth and facilitating climate
responsible consumer decisions.
The 15. International Business Forum at a Glance
The conference will provide a platform for success stories of innovative, inclusive business models tackling
climate change. Entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, policy-makers and investors are invited to discuss their
concepts and ideas in a public-private dialogue and jointly look for ways of scaling up innovative business
solutions and cooperations.
Taking up the recommendations of Rio+20 and the 4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan
2011, the 15. International Business Forum will discuss challenges of climate investments from a business
perspective and present practical business–led approaches and solutions. The underlying concept is to
Stand: 16.3.2012
Erstellt von: HB / DE
Seite 1
identify opportunities where commercial objectives align with development objectives and explore new
ways of cooperation.
The 15th International Business Forum (IBF) is part of the dialogue series “Investment Climate for Climate
Investment - fostering business dynamics for inclusive low carbon growth" implemented on behalf of the
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and organized by GIZ – Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit.
Conference Topics
Building on the recommendations of the International Business Fora in New Delhi and Berlin, the IBF will
focus on the presentation and dissemination of successful business models fostering low-carbon growth
and adaptation to climate change. Special attention will be paid to acces to finance.
The conference will explore..
New Business Models for a changing Climate…Success Stories of
…Low-Carbon Business Models (e.g. using energy efficient
technology)…Adaptation to Climate Change as a Business Case…Inclusive
Business Models (e.g. access to clean energy for the BoP)…Technology
Transfer…Climate resilient value chains – a model linking big players and small
How to shape a supportive environment for business models for a
changing climate?
Facilitating low-carbon and inclusive businesses through an improved business
enabling environment... Business, investors and governments
standpoints...Public-private collaboration as a "state of the art" approach?...South
Africa and the Green Economy Accord under the New Growth Path...
Interactive Approach: highranking plenary sessions,
B2B speed dating, open
space evening session,
permanent business
exhibition and different pre/ post conference training
offers for participants.
Financing innovative Business Models: Investors and Investments
Bringing together successful business models for a changing climate and impact investors.
The outcomes of Rio+20 and the G20. Implications for the role of business fostering inclusive and
low-carbon growth
Why should you attend?
Participants will have the opportunity to
…Showcase and share their knowledge about innovative business models and smart solutions in the
field of inclusive low-carbon growth and adaptation to climate change.
…Explore new private sector investment modalities
…Gain practical learnings in key areas like financing business models
…Identify new business opportunities and success factors
…Do some serious networking with business representatives, investors, policy-makers and GIZ projects
…Explore how public and private sector can jointly create business friendly environments that make
innovation happen
…Identify capacity building needs of the private sector and discuss new approaches for cooperation
between GIZ and the private sector
Stand: 16.3.2012
Erstellt von: HB / DE
Seite 2
The marketplace, networking spaces, match-making, and workshops will help participants to identify and
engage in activities with tangible impacts today and for future planning.
Who should attend?
The event is designed for (social) entrepreneurs, innovators and intrapreneurs from all over the world.
Companies can be active in all sectors where innovation leads to low-carbon growth or adaptation to
climate change, from energy provision and infrastructure to health and education. Policy-makers, investors,
media representatives and sustainability practitioners are invited to join the International Business Forum.
The event will host up to 250 participants.
For more Information please contact Heike Bürskens (heike.buerskens@giz.de) or Denise Engel,
*Background Information: The International Business Forum (IBF)
In 1995 InWEnt started an ambitious program in the aftermath of Rio 1992: Convening business people from
industrialized, emerging and developing countries to discuss practical steps and develop initiatives for implementing
the resolutions of the Rio “Earth Summit”. The IBF hereby became one of the first initiatives which actively involved
business actors as problem-solvers in the debate.
The idea of the Business Forum is to offer a platform for sharing and scaling up experiences and for discussing
innovative concepts.
The approach of identifying practice-oriented solutions for developmental challenges in cooperation with stakeholders
from businesses, civil society, international organizations and governments is today more relevant than ever before.
The International Business Forum Series 2010-2012 is entitled “Investment Climate for Climate Investment - fostering
business dynamics and inclusive low carbon growth". Under this heading, two International Business Fora (IBF) took
place in New Delhi 2010 and in Berlin 2011.
Business Forum
New Delhi 2010
Stand: 16.3.2012
14. International
Business Forum
Berlin 2011
Erstellt von: HB / DE
15. International
Business Forum
South Africa 2012
Seite 3