GUIDELINES FOR WEBS PROGRAM If a Student is being considered for the WEBS Program placement: 1. 2. 3. 4. IEP Team fills out the eligibility form School Psychologist contacts the WEBS Administrator Review eligibility form and fill out with staff and WEBS administrator During the IEP team meeting formalize WEBS placement, the Certification of Eligibility, the Transition Plan, and Acquiring School Academic/Health Records. FOR MOVE-IN STUDENTS WITH ACTIVE PLACEMENT IN A SELF CONTAINED PROGRAM: 1. School Psychologist, Building principal will notify Director and/or WEBS Administrator 2. IEP meeting is held to initiate the placement. WEBS CERTIFICATION OF ELIGIBILITY Student’s Name_____________________________________ School: ______________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Met Not Determined Not Met 1. Student Criteria: 1.1 Normal Intelligence _____ ________ ________ _____ ________ ________ _____ ______ ________ 1.4 Substantial evidence that the student’s pattern ______ of behavior in school during school hours is unmanageable to the degree that maintaining the current placement is likely to result in injury to self or others or a significant disruption to the learning process. Please Describe: ______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _______ 1.2 Student has an ED Exceptionality If so explain: ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 1.3 Utilization of local options to the maximum extent appropriate before placement Please describe: ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 1.5 FBA and BIP appropriate to the severity of the Problem behavior(s) has been completed and Implemented with a reasonable amount of time Allowed for interventions to be effective. Please Describe: _____________________________________ ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ________ _______ ________ ________ Met Not Determined Not Met 2.Initial Placement Criteria 2.1 The student has been in the Special Education Classroom for a minimum of 50% of each School day, for a minimum of 45 School days. Describe: ________ 2.2 The following supplementary aids and services _________ have been implemented in an effort to meet the behavioral needs of the student. a. ____ One-on-One Paraprofessional support b. ____ In-School Counseling c. ____ Psychiatric/Medical referral d. ____ Additional Resource Room support Please Describe: _________ 2.3 Has the student been allowed to attend for a shortened School day? If yes, when and how long? ___________ 2.4 Has a Functional Behavior Analysis and Behavior Plan been reviewed/revised at least twice? Please list Dates of last revision. _________ 2.5 Is the Functional Behavior Intervention Plan Appropriate in regards to severity of the behavior and does it Adequately target defined problem areas? Please Describe: _________ _________ ________ __________ _________ __________ __________ ____________ __________ _____________ 3. BUILDING TEAM/ADMINISTRATION RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 The WEBS administrator was notified of the possibility of a student transfer at least 20 days before the transfer. 3.2 The WEBS administrator was invited to visit the sending school and observe the student in his/her current setting. Please list date: Referral Team Meeting: By signing this document below, you are agreeing as an IEP team, that this student should be accepted for entry into the WEBS K-12 Program. Name Role Date ________________________________ Parent/Guardian _________ ________________________________ Special Education Teacher _________ ________________________________ School Counselor _________ ________________________________ School Administrator _________ ________________________________ School Psychologist _________ ________________________________ School Social Worker _________ ________________________________ General Education Teacher _________ _________________________________ WEBS Administrator _________ _________________________________ WEBS Special Education Teacher _________ _________________________________ Other _________ _________________________________ Other _________ Student’s parents have given permission for this referral? Yes _____No _____