TEACHING ENGLISH VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS USING CROSSWORD PUZZLE AT THE FOURTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SD NEGERI 2 SUKARAME BANDUNG BARAT SANDINI SAGALA (09220309) email : Sandini Sagala@yahoo.com English Education Study Program Language and Arts Department of STKIP Siliwangi Bandung ABSTRACT The objective of this research entitled “Teaching English Vocabulary to Young Learners using Crossword Puzzle at SDN 2 Sukarame Bandung Barat ”was to find out whether or not teaching English vocabulary using crossword puzzle was effective to improve the student’s vocabulary mastery. This research applied one group pretest-posttest design and quantitative method. The population of this research was two classes consisted of 82 students of the fourth grade of SDN 2 Sukarame Bandung Barat in Academic year 2012-2013 and the sample was one class which consisted of 40 students selected using cluster random sampling technique. The instrument of this research was vocabulary test. The data of this research were collected by giving pretest and posttest to the student sample. The collected data were analyzed using t-test formula. The results of the data analysis showed that: mean score of pretest was 57.25; mean score of posttest was 80.6, and t observed 10.56. The t table with df= n-1 (40-1 = 39) and significance level at 0.05 was 1.70. Based on the data analysis above, the alternative hypothesis of this research was accepted because t observed was higher than t table (10.56>1.7). It also means that teaching vocabulary using Crossword Puzzle was effective to improve the students Vocabulary Mastery. Key Words: Teaching English Vocabulary, Young Learners, Crossword Puzzle vocabulary skills says that crossword puzzle involve several useful skills including vocabulary, reasoning, spelling and word attack skills. To solve any crossword puzzles, a person must be able to identify and understand the term which are being used. This often involves acquiring new vocabulary or terminology. It can also involve making differentiations between similar word or phrases. Correctly deciphering a crossword puzzle also requires exact spelling, which for students may mean practicing dictionary skills. The research question of this research is “will teaching vocabulary be more effective by using crossword puzzle?” The aim of this research is to find out the effectiveness of using crossword puzzle in teaching English vocabulary. A. Background Vocabulary is one of language competence, which enhances the skill in language. Cameron (2001:72) proposed that vocabulary is central to the learning of a foreign language at primary level. From the explanation above, we can conclude that learning vocabulary is important as the basic need to encounter a new language. According to Wilkins (in Thornbury (2002:13) “without grammar very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”. Teacher teaches student how to use vocabulary to convey their ideas, feeling or knowledge, it also means that teaching speaking, writing, reading and listening cannot be separated from teaching vocabulary. Some of studies said that teaching English vocabulary especially for young learners at the school is boring because sometime teacher give same media or method but they do not let the student to practice nor imply it on their daily activity. One of the appropriate techniques is using crossword puzzle.As Jones (http://vocabulary.co.id)posted in building B. LITERATURE REVIEW Definition of Vocabulary Vocabulary is one of the language system components that is important to be learned. It 1 played an important role in the four language skills. By mastering vocabulary, students will be able to produce many sentences either in spoken or written texts. Without knowing vocabulary, students not are able to speak, write, read and listening comprehensively. Knowing words was something to do with recognizing its meaning (Cameron 2001:75). It means that learning vocabulary, students have to know and understand the meaning: therefore they would use it in meaningful context. First, teacher should make student think, pause, and wonder while learning vocabulary. Children were curious about learning new words they can easily acquire the new word without knowing the meaning of that word. In line with this Pinter (2006) said that gave a statement on how the children enjoy vocabulary learning, she mentions that children can understand the concept of the word well before the concept of grammar. Second, teacher may introduce the real vocabulary. Since young learners are not ready to learn abstract word beyond their imagination. According Cameron (2001:71) when teaching vocabulary to younger children, they need very concrete vocabulary that connects with object they can see and handle. Third, teacher may be better to introduce the words and then revisit them in following day or week. Cameron (2001:74) stated learning words is cyclical process of meeting word in initial learning. Following by meeting those words again and again, each time extending knowledge of what the words mean and how they are use in the foreign language. Fourth, in teaching vocabulary to young learners teacher should encourage the learners to know not only about it’s word but also other words relate to that word. Cameron (2001) has also argued that knowing about a word may involves knowing about how it sound, how it spelt, the grammatical charge that can be made to it. Last, one thing that should be remembered, young learners are not ready to analyze the component part of language system such as vocabulary and grammar. Therefore, it is better for teacher to teach them in combination. Pinter (2006) said that vocabulary and grammar are stored together in the mental lexicon in typical combination rather than isolation. Importance of Teaching Vocabulary Learning vocabulary is important since vocabulary is vital and an important thing in communication. Brown (1994) says“… Words are basic building block of language in fact; survival level of communication can take place during quite intelligibly when people simply string word together- without any grammatical rules applying at all. So if we’re interested in being communicative words are the first orders of business.” Technique in Teaching Vocabulary They are many ways to increase vocabulary mastery. Teacher should be able to create an excellent technique in teaching vocabulary for making students remember new words in easily. Anthony in Brown (2006) stated that a technique is any of a wide variety of exercise, activity or tasks used in the language classroom for realizing lesson objectives. Media in Teaching Vocabulary Media is very helpful in teaching learning process. Teaching media as complements are used by the teacher to communicate with students. According to Heinich (2002:10) Media is channel of communication, example include video, television, diagram, printed, material, computer and instruction. Teacher needs to learn about new media especially in teaching vocabulary. Definition of Crossword Puzzle According Jung (2006) considers that the usage of games can be a powerful language learning tool. One of these ways is through Crossword Puzzle. A journal article entitled “English Word Puzzle for Studying Vocabulary (taken from http://www.1-language com. article/English/word-puzzles-for-studying-vocabulary). Pinpoint there are some popular English language word games that can be useful for Principles in Teaching Vocabulary to Young Learners. According Brown (2001) there some basic principles that teacher should remember in teaching vocabulary to young learners. 2 student to practice the vocabulary that they have already studied and also learn new words. A crossword puzzle is a grid of black a numbered while squares in which letters can be written. Included with the grid is a series of hints about a word that is supposed to fit into the numbered whiles boxes of the puzzle. by Jones (2008), a home educator and writer on educational games. He states that crossword solving involves several useful skills including vocabulary; reasoning, spelling, and word attract skills. To solve any crossword puzzle, students must be able to identify and understand the term being used. Correctly deciphering crossword also requires exact spelling, which for students may mean practicing their dictionary skill. Second, due to the characteristic that vocabulary games commonly have, crossword puzzle is also reported to be able to increase students’ vocabulary mastery because it motivates student to participate and engage actively with the learning material, especially learning vocabulary. Third, encouraging memorizing strategies is important in learning vocabulary. Just like in solving the crossword, students need to memorize the words that they previously learn then link it to new information (clues) to finally find the possible answer for crossword puzzle. Fourth, crossword puzzle is also a good tool to review vocabulary. Reviewing, revising and recycle vocabulary that have been learnt are important strategies to help students, especially children. The use of crossword puzzle to review vocabulary has been recognized. It has come into conclusion that crossword puzzle maybe used as an alternative technique in teaching learning vocabulary, especially as a review tool. Procedures at Using Crossword Puzzle in Teaching Vocabulary This research is prepared to see the effect of the treatment. The treatment is using crossword puzzle. An example of the treatment can be seen in the following teaching procedures. Crossword Puzzle Tips and Hints According to journal article entitled “English word Puzzle for Studying Vocabulary” retrieved from http://www.1-language article/Englishword-puzzle –word-puzzles-for StudyingVocabulary. There are some tips and hints before doing crossword puzzle. a. After learning some topic in the texts, students remind the words that related to the topic b. There are some numbered with boxes of puzzles and also series of hints or clues about a word given c. The white boxes are divided into across and down d. First, read the numbered hints or clue and then guess what word to hint refer to e. The challenge is that the word has to be certain number of letters. f. For instance, when the topic is part of body let’s say the hint in across 2st is wajah. There are only four white squares for the word, so the answer is “face”. Because face is part of body and fit in the amount of spaces. g. The words in crossword puzzle connect each other such in word find. After students answer some of the words, then the students will have some letters of others word that already have been filled into white boxes. h. After the students answer all the hints or clues, the crossword puzzle is complete. i. Teacher and students discuss the crossword puzzle. Advantages of Using Crossword Puzzle in Teaching Vocabulary There are number of teaching technique in order to maximize the absorption and increase the understanding of what the teacher taught. One of them is using crossword puzzle game. As explained before, crossword puzzle has an important role in teaching learning process, especially in teaching vocabulary. First, the advantages of using crossword puzzle in teaching English vocabulary is clearly stated Pre -Activity Greeting Checking students’ attendance Whilst – activity Teacher asked students about crossword puzzle. Teacher gave an example to students about part of body used crossword puzzle. Teacher made questions about part of body 3 Table 1.The Result of Students’ Scores such as what is hidung in English; there are only four white squares for the word. No Students answer the question, the answer is nose N O S E Post- activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 n =4 0 Teacher allows students to ask questions related to the topic The teacher reviewed to the materials and vocabulary which students’ have learnt. C. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY In this research, the writer used the quantitative research Method. Based on the aim and the problem in this research, the writer decided to use pre-experimental design in one group pretest – posttest design to know students’ skills in vocabulary. The instrument which was used to collect the data in this research was test, those are pretest and posttest. This design is described as follows: Group Pretest Treatment Posttest A O X O Time The population of this research is the fourth grade students of SDN 2 Sukarame Bandung Barat, there were two classes of the fourth grade students which consist of 82 students was taken as populations and the writer only took one class as the sample, those was class IV B which consist of 40 students. D. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS Findings In these research findings, the writer discusses the result of her research in the field. Those findings include: the result of pretest and posttest which were given to the fourth grade students of SDN 2 Sukarame Bandung Barat class IV B which consist of 40 students. After collecting the data from the achievement test of the students, the writer obtained the data of students score as follow. 4 Pr ete st 50 65 75 45 30 40 50 40 60 40 50 70 60 60 75 70 70 60 50 40 70 30 75 30 75 60 75 85 30 80 75 50 60 40 85 60 70 70 30 40 22 90 Post test Difference X 60 80 90 75 85 70 85 50 90 50 85 85 70 75 90 80 100 70 75 75 90 100 90 85 100 75 85 100 40 100 100 80 85 60 100 80 90 90 85 50 322 5 10 15 15 30 50 30 35 10 30 10 35 15 10 15 15 10 30 10 25 35 20 70 15 50 25 15 10 15 10 20 25 30 25 20 15 20 20 20 50 10 ∑ 𝒙 =920 Differenc e squared X2 100 225 225 900 2500 900 1225 100 900 100 1225 225 100 225 225 100 900 100 625 1225 400 4900 225 2500 625 225 100 225 100 400 625 900 625 400 225 400 400 400 2500 100 ∑ 𝒙𝟐 =28 400 After the writer knew the result of test which was given to the students, and obtained the result of differences between pretest and posttest, the writer would calculate the score below: 7240 =√ 39 1. Mean Mean is calculated by summing all the scores of the comparison between pretest and posttest, and then dividing the sum by the number of scores. To calculate the Mean, the writer used the formula as follow x̅ = = √185.6 = 13,6 3. t-observed Based on the result of data analyzed, the writer used the following t-test formula: x̅√n t= s ∑x 𝑛 ∑𝑥 = 920 x̅ = 23 𝑛 = 40 n = 40 x̅ = = ∑x 𝑛 s = 13.6 t= 920 40 = 23 2. Standard Deviation To calculate the standard deviation of the scores result above, the writer used the formula as follow: = = 144.9 13.6 (∑ 𝑥)2 =10.65 ∑ x 2 = 28400 = 920 n = 40 23√40 13.6 = 23 x 6.3 13.6 ∑ x2 − 𝑛 s =√ n−1 ∑𝑥 x̅√n s 4. Degree of Freedom To calculate degree of freedom, the writer used degree of freedom formula: df= n-1 (∑ 920)2 28400 − 40 s =√ 40 − 1 28400 − =√ 39 n = 40 df = n-1 (40 -1)= 39 846400 40 Discussion After the writer calculated the data, the data analysis showed that: 1. Mean of pretest scores is 57,25 2. Mean of posttest scores is 80, 6 3. Mean of comparison between pretest and posttest is 23 4. The standard deviation is 13,6 5. The t observed is 10,65 28400 − 21160 =√ 39 5 6. The degree of Freedom is 39 7. The t table from degree of freedom 39 is 1.70 (Appendix F: Table of Significant t Value, Crowl, 1996:388). Based on the data analysis above, the writer concluded that t observed was higher than t tablethat was 10.65> 1.70 at the significance level 0,05. It means that the alternative hypothesis was accepted. There were significant differences of scores which were gotten by students between pretest and posttest. It means that the treatment given t the students is significant to improve the student’s vocabulary mastery, so crossword puzzle is effective to improve the student’s vocabulary mastery in learning English. F. BIBLIOGRAPHY Brown, H (1994). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy (second ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents. Brown, H. (2001). Teaching by Principles An Interactive to Language Pedagogy. San Francisco: Longman Brown, H. (2006). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. NY: Englewood Cliffs Prentice Hall Cameron, L. (2001). Teaching Language to Young Learners: The Edinburg Building. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press E. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS Conclusion Based on the analysis, the result of pretest is better than pretest. This is shown by the students score test after the treatment where they got more improvement. The result of this research showed that the average score of pretest was 57.25, the average score of posttest was 80.6, and t observed was 10.65. We can see that t observed > t table (10.56>1.70). It means that the hypothesis is accepted. It can be concluded that crossword puzzle is effective to improve the student’s vocabulary mastery in learning English. Crowl, Thomas K. (1996). Fundamentals of Educational Research. United State of America: Times Mirror Higher Educational Group, Inc 2003. Heinich, Robert. (2002). Instructional Media and Learning Technologies for Learning, (seven ed.). Macimilan Publishing Company Jones, Kerry. (2008). Teaching with Crossword Puzzles [Online]. Available at http://vocabulary.co.il/blog/learning [ March 02, 2013 Suggestions The result of the research shows that teaching vocabulary through crossword puzzle can improve student’s vocabulary. Referring to conclusion above, for the next studies there are some suggestions about the implementation of crossword puzzle in teaching vocabulary. Jung, I. Chen. (2006). Using Games to Promote Communicative Skills in Language. The Internet Test Journal. vol.XI.No.2 [march 02,2013] 1. the teachers have to have given clear instructions before the students practice 2. The teachers have to more time to solve the crossword puzzle. 3. The teacher must be able to choose the most appropriate crossword puzzle that is suitable for the students considering its levels of difficulty and student’s ability. Thornbury, Scoot. (2002). How to Teach Vocabulary. Singapore: Longman Pinter, A. (2006). Teaching Young Language Learners. Oxford: Oxford University Pres. http://www.1-language article/English-wordpuzzle –word-puzzles-for Studying- Vocabulary [March, 02, 2013] 6