Reducing COPD Readmissions Workshop This full-day workshop is the perfect launching spot for your hospital’s new COPD readmission reduction efforts or to enhance efforts currently underway. The workshop will review the current evidence, highlight Minnesota/North Dakota hospitals, and provide an opportunity to plan your hospital's next steps. Statewide faculty from a variety of disciplines will share their real-life successes and lessons learned. Participants will leave this in-depth, hands-on learning opportunity with a specific, step-by-step written plan for their hospital’s COPD readmission reduction efforts. When: Friday, January 30, 2015 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Where: American Lung Association in Chicago 55 West Wacker Drive, Chicago Faculty: Katie Westman, APN, United Hospital Becky Anderson, RRT, Sanford Health System Jill Heins Nesvold, MS, American Lung Association of the Upper Midwest Nina Bakken, APN and Patti Solano, RRT, University of Chicago Agenda 8:00 a.m. Breakfast/registration 8:30 a.m. Welcome, overview of agenda and workshop process 8:45 a.m. Building the business case for COPD readmissions Evidence and gaining organizational support 9:45 a.m. Break 10:00 a.m. Your starting point Evidence of predictive modeling, baseline readmission rate, and identifying and stratifying patients at greatest risk for COPD readmissions 11:00 a.m. In-patient treatments 12:00 p.m. Lunch provided 12:45 p.m. In-patient education Resources and trainings available and examples. 1:45 p.m. Medication reconciliation Developing a process for medication reconciliation 2:30 p.m. Break 2:45 p.m. Transitions of care Panel Discussion, discharge planning, communication with primary care providers, post-discharge follow-up, and primary care follow-up visit. 4:20 p.m. Next steps, evaluation, adjourn Reducing COPD Readmissions Workshop Registration The American Lung Association in Illinois will provide each participant with a workbook to complete throughout the workshop. This will allow participants to document their questions, thoughts, and plans on each topic. Participants will leave the workshop with a step-by-step plan specific to their hospital. To get the most out of this workshop, the American Lung Association suggests that hospital staff attend this workshop in teams of at least two people. COPD readmissions team members may include leadership from quality, respiratory care/pulmonary, nursing, or others. A registration discount is provided for groups from the same facility/hospital. Space limited to 30 participants. Registration deadline is January 21, 2015. 7.8 hours of Respiratory Therapist CEUs are pending. Nursing CEUs have been applied for. Register 1 of 2 ways: 1. Register by MAIL. Complete this form with payment and return to: American Lung Association of the Upper Midwest Attention: Ruby Hocker 490 Concordia Ave, St. Paul, MN 55103 2. Register by EMAIL. Complete this form with payment and email to: Ruby.Hocker @Lung.Org Registrant #1 Name_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Registrant #2 Name_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Registrant #3 Name_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________________________________________ State ____________ Zip____________________________ Daytime Phone__________________________________ Email (required) ____________________________________________________ Organization/Facility____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Indicate any special needs, including dietary__________________________________________________________________________ REGISTRATION FEE: ❐ $200 Primary Registration ❐ $150 Each additional registration from same facility ❐ Enclosed is my check for $_____________________ payable to the American Lung Association of the Upper Midwest ❐ Charge fee to my ❐ VISA ❐ MasterCard ___________________________- ____________________ - ___________________- ______________________ Exp. Date________CVV_________________Signature_________________________________________________