UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL LANCASHIRE Programme Specification This Programme Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided. Sources of information on the programme can be found in Section 17 1. Awarding Institution / Body University of Central Lancashire 2. Teaching Institution and Location of Delivery ICEM, Oman 3. University School/Centre Language, Literature and International Studies 4. External Accreditation 5. Title of Final Award British Council Accreditation (Preston is accredited, not Oman) General Foundation Programme 6. Modes of Attendance offered full time/part time 7. UCAS Code N/A 8. Relevant Subject Benchmarking Group(s) Common European Framework for Languages (CEFR) IELTS Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) British Council 9. Other external influences 10. Date of production/revision of this form September 2013 11. Aims of the Programme To introduce an essential knowledge and understanding of theoretical and practical generic science skills To support and encourage students to appropriately apply a range of basic concepts and techniques of laboratory work To promote the development of information seeking and presentation skills across all subject areas To encourage systematic and critical thinking and independent learning across all subject areas To build up self-confidence in all subject areas through accurate self-assessment and reflection To improve students’ communicative competence in English by focussing on grammar, lexis, appropriacy and key language skills (productive and receptive) To improve students’ linguistic performance in EFL by focussing on grammar, lexis, accuracy and appropriacy A. Knowledge and Understanding A1. Linguistic knowledge, structures and functions to the appropriate level A2. Knowledge of appropriate use and cultural conventions of language in context A3. Knowledge of aspects of culture in English language communities A4. Describe and apply basic theoretical and practical generic science A5. Apply relevant mathematical techniques A6. Explain specific scientific topics needed for progression A7. Use basic Microsoft packages, including for data presentation analysis Teaching and Learning Methods Class work, examinations, guided study, portfolio work: role plays, pair work, individual work, and exercises in writing, speaking, listening, reading, grammar, functions and vocabulary as appropriate. Lectures, tutorials, laboratory/practical session, directed reading, problem-solving, workshops, discussions. Assessment methods Examinations in lexis and key language skills and / or a portfolio of independent work. B. Subject-specific skills B1. Producing oral and written English as appropriate to the level of the module B2. Learner strategies for dealing with unknown areas of language and communication B3. Development of communicative and intercultural competence in EFL B4. Work safely and competently in the laboratory. B5. Analyse practical results and given data. B6. Prepare scientific reports B7. Work as part of a team. Teaching and Learning Methods Class work, examinations, guided study, portfolio work: role plays, pair work, individual work, and exercises in writing, speaking, listening, reading, grammar, functions and vocabulary as appropriate. Lectures, tutorials, laboratory/practical session, directed reading, problem-solving, workshops, discussions. Assessment methods Examinations in lexis and key language skills and / or a portfolio of independent work. C. Thinking Skills C1. Ability to reflect on their needs as a learner in order to develop independent study C1. Developmental and self-evaluative practice C2. Select and collate information from a range of sources. C3. Know the difference between qualitative and quantitative data. C4. Formulate and test selected scientific concepts and hypotheses, interpretation and application of concepts C5. Plan, conduct research, carry out independent, analyse and present the results both orally and in writing. Teaching and Learning Methods Class work, examinations, guided study, portfolio work: role plays, pair work, individual work, and exercises in writing, speaking, listening, reading, grammar, functions and vocabulary as appropriate. Lectures, tutorials, laboratory/practical session, directed reading, problem-solving, workshops, discussions. Assessment methods Examinations in lexis and key language skills and / or a portfolio of independent work. D. Other skills relevant to employability and personal development D1. Develop skills in reflecting on personal learning strengths and weaknesses D2. Ability to apply past and present learning experiences to promote independent learning skills D3. Heightened awareness of intercultural communication and interpersonal skills D4. Demonstrate self- awareness in relation to their future careers and lives D5. Research a range of sources of information from books, scientific reports and journals, and the Internet D6. Demonstrate personal organisation and time management skills D7. Communicate and present information effectively, using relevant IT skills D8. Work to high standard independently and as part of a team Teaching and Learning Methods Class work, guided study, portfolio work: role plays, pair work, individual work, and exercises in writing, speaking, listening, reading, grammar, functions and vocabulary as appropriate. Lectures, tutorials, laboratory/practical session, directed reading, problem-solving, workshops, discussions. Assessment methods Examinations in lexis and key language skills and / or a portfolio of independent work. 13. Programme Structures* Level Level 3 Level 4 14. Awards and Credits* Module Code Module Title Credit rating EFC008 Beginner’s English 60 EFC009 Elementary English 40 FVC003 Basic Mathematics 10 FVC004 Mathematics 2 10 FVC005 Foundation Science 1 10 FVC006 Foundation Science 2 10 FVC001 ICT 1 10 FVC002 ICT 2 10 EF1703 Pre-Intermediate English 40 General Foundation Programme: Requires a minimum of 100 credits which must include EF1703, FVC004, FVC006 and FVC002* Exit Awards: (Available to students who don’t progress) Certificate in Pre-Intermediate English Requires 40 credits at Level 4 including EF1703 Certificate of Achievement in Beginner’s English Requires a minimum of 60 credits at Level 3 including EFC008 *Successful completion of this course leads to progression onto Year 1 of one of the following degree courses at the University of Central Lancashire: BSc (Hons) Health, Safety and Environmental Management BSc (Hons) Facilities Management BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Well Engineering) BSc (Hons) Fire Safety (Engineering) BSc (Hons) Fire Safety (Management) The requirements for admission are made by the Course Leader / Admissions Tutor for the subsequent programme. This may include specific module grades and conditions as appropriate. 15. Personal Development Planning PDP is managed through the portfolio of independent study. Students are asked to complete and discuss a plan of study with the class tutor to address issues arising from their learner needs analysis. This plan is re-negotiated at key points during the year. The student completes a series of tasks for a portfolio which explicitly target identified key areas for improvement. Following each task students are given formative feedback on their progress. 16. Admissions criteria Programme Specifications include minimum entry requirements, including academic qualifications, together with appropriate experience and skills required for entry to study. These criteria may be expressed as a range rather than a specific grade. Amendments to entry requirements may have been made after these documents were published and you should consult the University’s website for the most up to date information. Students will be informed of their personal minimum entry criteria in their offer letter. As stated in the individual module descriptors. 17. Key sources of information about the programme School Website Factsheets & Publicity 18. Curriculum Skills Map Programme Learning Outcomes Module Level Code Module Title 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 EFC008 EFC009 FVC003 FVC004 FVC005 FVC006 FVC001 FVC002 EF1703 Beginner’s English Elementary English Basic Mathematics Mathematics 2 Foundation Science 1 Foundation Science 2 ICT 1 ICT 2 Pre-Intermediate English Core (C), Compulsory (COMP) or Option (O) Knowledge and understanding A1 x x A2 x X A3 X x A4 A5 A6 A7 Subject-specific Skills B1 X X B2 x B3 X B4 X X X x x X B6 x x x X x x x x B5 X X x x x X X x Other skills relevant to employability and personal development Thinking Skills B7 X X X X X X X X C1 x X C2 C3 X X X X X x X x X X X X X X C4 C5 D1 D2 D3 x X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X x X D4 X X X X X X X x D5 x X X X D6 X X X X X X X x D7 x X X X D8 X X X X X X x X