Equalities & Diversity: EAL Primary schools self-evaluation 2014 Aspect Leadership and management Wellestablished Developing Not Yet Developed Notes There is a specified person with management responsibility who is leading on raising the attainment of EAL learners. The above person feels they have the skills and where necessary the training to lead on EAL The school’s CPD cycle includes provision for training for all staff related to the achievement of EAL pupils, and those from Black and Minority Ethnic backgrounds (for example, cultural awareness training around the needs of pupils from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller backgrounds.) . Performance management targets if relevant include those related to raising the achievement of pupils with any under achieving EAL or BME groups Induction process There are clear policies and procedures for pupils arriving outside the normal admission times, including information gathering, initial assessment, induction, pupil support , buddying and feedback to parents/carers The school has robust and sensitive systems for collecting contextual data for EAL learners, such as: initial language assessment first language (L1); other languages spoken; literacy in L1; refugee status; and length of schooling inside and outside the UK The school always requests an initial interpreted parents meeting if one parent’s first language is not English. Other interpreted meetings may be organised when required. Where appropriate pupils are provided with bilingual resources and strategies to support learning. Information from induction process is feedback to all subject staff and used to plan and differentiate. Wellestablished Developing Not Yet Developed Data Wellestablished Developing Not yet Developed Notes Wellestablished Developing Not Yet Developed Notes The school has an established time line for the collection and analysis of attainment data (including EAL children) Where statistically relevant, the school analyses attainment data by ethnicity and first language to ensure an accurate picture of progress and attainment and identifies gaps across all subjects and year groups The school is using this data to influence practice and interventions in order to reduce any gaps. If the school has statistically relevant mobility then it is able to show the progress of students who have arrived and or left the school between Key Stages and who are therefore not included in Raise-on-Line Data. The school collects a range of data including parent’s information to maintain progress to be shared with Secondary schools on transition. Assessment and Grouping Targets are set and reviewed half termly for the attainment of EAL pupils using ‘A Language in Common’ (QCDA) until they have reached Level 1 (Secure) in all areas. Targeted pupils have agreed language development targets as well as challenging curricular targets and both are used to inform planning. If the school sets composition of pupil groups is monitored and reviewed half termly to ensure that pupils with EAL are not placed inappropriately or over-represented in lower sets. The school staff are clear on the differences between SEN and EAL and bilingual pupils are not grouped or taught inappropriately. The school has the mechanisms to identify and support EAL pupils who also have SEN Are EAL Pupils, BME groups and New Arrivals included on the Gifted &Talented register in proportions that reflect the make up of the school? Teaching and Learning Wellestablished Developing Not Yet Developed Wellestablished Developing Not Yet Developed Class teachers are confident, know how to support a child with little or no English and successfully differentiate for them in the mainstream classroom. Teachers aware of the difference between conceptual development and English language development Is regular planning/feedback time allocated for EAL staff to evaluate interventions with class/subject teacher. Feedback and marking is accessible to all learners so all know how to improve All lessons regularly have features of effective and inclusive teaching for EAL children in place, e.g. modelling of new vocabulary in context, opportunities for speaking and listening, use of speaking /writing frames and graphic organisers, use of first language Lesson plans show evidence of explicit teaching of academic language skills and awareness of language demands of lesson. Pupils are grouped within classes in such a way as to support both their progress in the subject and their language development. Resources & Interventions The school is aware of good interventions and using them to support EAL pupils who are underachieving and pupils new to English Any withdrawal arrangements are time limited, carefully monitored for impact and to ensure full access to the curriculum. The school has an adequate range of resources to support EAL learners The school has bilingual books (that reflect the school’s make up) to promote the development of learners’ first/ other languages. Curriculum Wellestablished Developing Not Yet Developed Wellestablished Developing Not Yet Developed The curriculum is adapted to reflect the cultural identity of all the pupils. The school knows and implements effective provision for EAL pupils for SATS. Inclusive Ethos If appropriate pupils’ cultural identities and languages are recognised and celebrated in all aspects of school life The school recommend an initial interpreted parents meeting to ensure safeguarding & develop parental links The school creates opportunities to ensure that parents/carers of BME and bilingual pupils are equipped to support their children’s education, e.g. information evenings, workshops, support packs The school creates opportunities to make information accessible to the parents/carers of BME and bilingual pupils regarding school procedures, parental meetings and ways to support their children’s education The school is evaluating pupil and parental engagement of BME groups and putting strategies in place to improve participation if required. This document has been adapted from: New Arrival Excellence Programme Guidance: School Self Evaluation.