LESSON PLAN PROFORMA Name of Trainee: Bethan Roberts Supervising school staff: Laura Green Date: November 26 Class / Year / Group: Lesson topic or focus: Mathematical Development – Place Value Year 1 Number of learners: 20 Length of lesson: 1 hour Boxes should be extended as necessary; do not be constrained by lack of space Trainees’ TEACHING SKILLS TARGETS: (QTS Standards 3.2.4 ) Bring forward prior knowledge from coin recognition lesson (November 16) linking 10p to one ten, 1p to one unit etc (QTS Standards 2.5) Reinforce to how to use the kids cam to document what they have found in the provision areas (QTS Standards 2.7) Place CL and WH in different starting groups (QTS Standards 2.1) Ensure both support staff are fully aware of nature of the lesson and terms to use. RW and CH to start session with activity 1 to recap on previous money task. Learners’ LEARNING TARGETS: Brought forward from previous lesson evaluations: To introduce the concept of tens and units. To introduce correct terminology of tens and units To provide opportunities to experiment with tens and units across the provision areas. MAIN FOCUS of the LESSON: To introduce place value by means of a treasure hunt- Mr Ten has lost his units. Can you find them? Use the kids cam to document what you find in different provison areas. (see Provision planning sheet) Expected LEARNING OUTCOMES: (WALT) Today we are learning: the difference between tens and units, how to read and write the number to count the tens and to count the units to know that one ten and four units equals 14 SUCCESS CRITERIA: Suggested learner led to increase understanding and motivation (facilitated by the trainee): (WILF) I’m looking for you to find Mr Ten and Miss Units hidden in the classroom count carefully Mr Ten and Miss Units to write one number in the column to be able to recognise and read the number aloud use Kid’s Cam to find Mr Ten and Miss Units SKILLS DEVELOPMENT: Literacy and Numeracy Frameworks, NC/Framework/Syllabus requirements including cross curricular links. Mathematical Development: Use knowledge and pratical experience to inform estimations (DNR) Interpret answers within the context of the problem and consider whether answers are sensible (DNR) SKILLS DEVELOPMENT: ICT, Thinking Skills, PSE, ESDGC, Cwricwlwm Cymreig. Thinking skills: Plan - Ask relevant questions and begin to link questions into sequences. Give reasons for choice of questions. (Playing the teacher at the matching card game) Demonstrate an understanding of place value up to at least 20. Literacy Oracy 1.OS5 - Adopt a role using appropriate language. (I am Mr Ten and I have lost my units!) Oracy 1.OC2- Take part in activities with others and talk about what they are doing. Reading 1RS8- Identify words and pictures on screen which are related to the topic. Plan - Suggest how to find relevant information and ideas. (Discussions with GJ during treasure hunt. GJ to record anything of interest on post its.) Develop - Identify, describe and begin to explain patterns and relationships. Reflect - Describe how they have learned, and identify the ways that worked the best. (Class discussion in the plenary) ESDGC: Link the learning to similar situations, within and outside school. (Same concept as treasure hunt in coin recognition lesson bringing forward prior learning) ICT: Use given ICT resources to help create, present and safely share their ideas, including text/word-banks, images. (Using the kids cam on treasure hunt and presenting their findings in the plenary.) PSDWBCD: P3- Show curiosity and develop positive attitudes to new experiences and learning. P5- Experiment with new learning opportunities including ICT. (Kids cam) MS1- Respond to ideas and questions enthusiastically. ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING: Introduction – Range and spread of effective questions, providing immediate feedback and addressing any misconceptions. Activity 1 - Self assessment stamp on the completion of the written task . Once place value booklet is finished it is to be put in their maths book along with a copy of the Learning Ladybird and Success Spider. Activity 2 - GJ to feedback to me after the lesson. This feedback will help inform future planning of similar tasks. Provision areas task (adult 3) -AFL will be done using reinforcement of the Learning Ladybird and Success Spider in mini plenaries and through task sheets on the activities. Plenary – Similar to introduction, reviewing success criteria and indicating future steps. EVERYDAY WELSH: Greetings, commands, instructions, praise… Gwrandewch Edrychwch Aros Eistedd mewn cylch Amser tacluso Dydd Iau WELSH: Specific key terms, vocabulary, phrases and sentence patterns relevant to the lesson: Use Geiriau’r Ddraig card to introduce vocbulary including: Rhifau – 1,2,3,.... Deg, degau Uned, unedau Ble mae ......? Un digid/dau digid RESOURCES: For this activity ICT RESOURCES: For this activity Self made resources: Mr Ten and Miss Units treasure hunt, sand dig resources, cut and stick Mr Ten and Miss Units, tens and units matching cards, Mr Tens landing pad, ten rods and unit cubes. Kids cam for treasure hunt (this will feed into the plenary) Interactive whiteboard for game on tens and units. Desktop computer for RM Maths. iPad mini for incerts snap (if applicable) ALN: Notes on special organisational circumstances. Place CL and WH in different starting groups RW and CH to start session with activity 1 to recap on previous money task. Grwp Melyn to concentrate on single digit numbers ensuring understanding before progressing to two digit numbers. Role of support staff: (2 members ) Health & Safety: as relevant, for significant hazards a risk Either supporting activity 2 or overseeing and supporting the different provision areas. assessment should be completed and attached to the plan. No specific issues identified LESSON STRUCTURE & DETAILED PLAN OF ACTIVITIES Show how you will plan for differentiation (for e.g. teaching: through questionning, through support; learning: organisation and contents of group tasks & mixed groups, MAT group, ALN group; middle ability group; as appropriate) Time LEARNERS’ ACTIVITY: What the learners will do? Introduction: 10-15 minutes Sat on the mat listening to the introduction. Some children involved in role play situation. All to chant as a class terms ‘tens’ and ‘units’. TEACHER ACTIVITY: What you will do? Eistedd i lawr pawb. Amser cofrestru a dewis helpwr heddiw. Introduce WALT and WILF Today I’m going to introduce you to Mr Tens and Miss Units...Role play introduction to tens and unit, emphasing that one ten is equivalent to one 10p coin and one unit is equivalent to one 1p coin. Introduce the terms (tens and units) and ensure all are familiar with their meaning. Reinforce how to use the kids cam to record within the provision areas. Quick recap of tasks in provison areas and set expectations for the lesson. Main activities: Main activities: ACTIVITY 1 (DIRECTED/ FOCUSSED TASK.) Writing in our new place value booklet- Children to write their name on the front of their book. Using tens and unit rods, draw around the rods to create different one and two digit numbers recording the number they make next to it. ACTIVITY 1 (DIRECTED/ FOCUSSED TASK.) Adult led (BR) Discuss with the children the role play scenario demonstarted in the introduction. Ask them to make different one and two digit numbers. Ensure all are familiar with the terminology – one/two digit numbers. Distribute the books to the children and show them the tens and units sticks. Ask them to make a 2 digit number, reinforcing the column headings (tens and units). Complete one or two examples as a whole group again reinforce how and where to place the materials to make different numbers and correct number formation as necessary. Children to attend this task in their ability groups grwp Gwyrdd first, Piws, Glas and Melyn last. Reinforce single digit numbers with groups glas and melyn before progressing to two digit numbers as applicable. ACTIVITY 2 (DIRECTED) Mr Ten has lost his units! Can you help him find the Miss Units? Go around the school with GJ in groups and look for Miss Units/Mr Tens. Tick the box once tens/units have been found and write the corresponding number next to it. Take the kids cam and document what you see. Have a look at the pictures in the plenary. Other activities across the provision areasTen and units rubbing, interactive whiteboard Tens and Units game, sand hunt/dig; sort the tens into their box and the units into their box,cut and stick Mr Ten and Miss Units, tens and units matching cards. ACTIVITY 2 (DIRECTED TASK) Adult led (GJ, HLTA) (see TA sheet for more detail) Set scenraio of lost tens and units. Take groups to find hidden tens and units around the school. Children to tick sheet and record the numbers as they find the resources. Ensure correct terminolgy is used (Tens/Units, single double digit number). Help record using a kids cam for use in the plenary. Provision Areas (supporting adult) (see enhancing provision area /learning zones sheet) Ensure that the children complete tasks in the provision areas using correct terms. Make sure that all have a mixture of the different tasks. Plenary: Learner Activity Plenary: Teacher Activity Children all on mat listing and responding to questions as individuals and as groups. Group piws and gwyrdd to show pictures from Kids Cam on whiteboard. Recap the the introduction and question the children from the different class groups. Discuss can we tick off WILF? Look at kids cam and ask children what number they see. How many tens and how many units? If time, revisit the role play aspect from the introduction. CRITICAL REFLECTION, ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION (incorporate feedback from support staff and mentor/tutor, referring to individual learners) LEARNING: (these SHOULD BE TRANSFERRED into the subsequent LESSON PLAN PROFORMA in the Learners’ LEARNING TARGETS section) TARGETS: How can I consolidate and strengthen their learning? What targets can I set for them / can they set for themselves? TEACHING: Teaching (strategies, differentiation, styles, organisation, management, activities, resources) TARGETS: (these SHOULD BE TRANSFERRED into the subsequent LESSON PLAN PROFORMA in the Trainees’ TEACHING SKILLS TARGETS section) Critical reflection on the SPECIFIED TEACHING STANDARDS ACHIEVED