Christmas Quiz-o-rama Answer Key

What did the prophet Micah foretell more than 500 years B.C.?
The end of the world in 2012
That the Grinch would be unsuccessful in stopping Christmas
That Jesus would be born in Bethlehem
All of the above
CORRECT ANSWER: "c." See Micah 5:3. The odds Jesus beat when he fulfilled the dozens of Old
Testament prophecies about him were approximately 1 in 10 with 149 zeroes after it. The message?
Don't bet against Jesus.
Who was Jesus' cousin, born a few months before him?
CORRECT ANSWER: "b." John the Baptist was Jesus' older cousin. See Luke 1.
What angel announced the coming of Jesus' birth to Mary?
CORRECT ANSWER: "a." See Luke 1:26-38. What other famous message did Gabriel deliver? He was
also the angel who told John the Baptist's dad, Zecheriah, about John's impending birth.
Who told Joseph and Mary to go to Bethlehem?
An angel
A talking donkey
A little drummer boy
CORRECT ANSWER: "b." Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire
Roman world. Because Joseph was a descendant of David, he and Mary traveled to Bethlehem, the
"town of David." See Luke 2:1-5.
How did Joseph and Mary get to Bethlehem?
Mary rode a donkey while Joseph walked beside her
By chariot
By boat
We don't know
CORRECT ANSWER: "d." The Bible doesn't tell us exactly how they got there.
6. What exactly is a manger?
a. Warm, cozy and nice-smelling place to have a baby
b. A wooden shed
c. A feeding trough
d. A cave
CORRECT ANSWER: "c." It's pretty amazing that the Creator of the Universe chose a humble feeding
trough as the birthplace of his Son.
7. According to the Bible, Jesus never cried and thus his birthday truly was a "silent night."
a. True
b. False
CORRECT ANSWER: "b." How many of you have ever seen a real baby in action?
What animals were around the manger?
Monkeys and giraffes
Donkeys, sheep, cattle and camels
Lions, tigers and bears
We don't know
CORRECT ANSWER: "d." The Bible doesn't specify exactly what animals, if any, were there.
What song did the angels sing to the shepherds?
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Joy to the World
Free Bird
None of the above
CORRECT ANSWER: "d." Technically, the Bible doesn't say that the angels sang anything. Luke
2:13 says that the angels were "saying" their message rather than "singing" it. In any event, the Bible
doesn't specify any particular song (and it certainly wasn't "Free Bird").
10. What did the shepherds do after seeing the baby Jesus?
a. Went to sleep
b. Went shopping
c. Drank eggnog and sang Christmas carols
d. Spread the good news
CORRECT ANSWER: "d." See Luke 2:17. Our response should be the same.
11. When and where did the Magi visit Jesus?
a. While he was lying in the manger
b. Months after his birth, in a house
c. On Jesus' 1st birthday, at Chuck E. Cheese's
d. They didn't
CORRECT ANSWER: "b." See Matthew 2.
12. How many Magi were there?
a. 3
b. 7
c. A "host"
d. We don't know
CORRECT ANSWER: "d." The Bible doesn't tell us exactly how many Magi were there. Assume 3 bc of
gifts but don’t really know.
13. What exactly is a "Magi" anyway?
a. Wise man
b. King
c. Astrologer
d. Magician
CORRECT ANSWER: "c." That's the most accurate translation, according to lots of big-brained
14. Who wanted to kill the baby Jesus?
a. Judas
b. King Herod
c. The Abominable Snowman
d. No one
CORRECT ANSWER: "b." See Luke 2:7-18. (Spoiler alert: Herod didn't succeed.)
15. After Joseph, Mary and Jesus left Bethlehem, they went where?
a. Egypt
b. Jerusalem
c. Milwaukee
d. Nazareth
CORRECT ANSWER: "a." See Luke 2:13-15.
16. For centuries after Jesus' birth, Christmas was celebrated when?
a. December 25
b. January 1
c. The day after Arbor Day
d. It wasn't
CORRECT ANSWER: "d." December 25 didn't become the official day until it was decreed in 320 by
Pope Julius I and then affirmed five years later by Constantine the Great.
17. What does "Immanuel" mean?
a. The first Christmas
b. God with us
c. Peace on earth
d. He who gets the most toys for Christmas wins
CORRECT ANSWER: "b." See Matthew 1:23: "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son,
and they will call him 'Immanuel' -- which means, 'God with us.'"
18. What does "Advent" mean?
a. Giving
b. Receiving
c. Lighting
d. Coming
CORRECT ANSWER: "d." Advent is Latin for "the coming." Advent was established by church leaders in
the 6th Century to be a time when Christians would contemplate the true meaning of Jesus' birth.
Advent traditionally begins on November 30 and ends on Christmas Eve.
19. The Bible mentions grandmas getting run over by reindeer.
a. True
b. False
20. Which holiday movie actually quotes from the Bible?
a. Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer
b. A Charlie Brown Christmas
c. Frosty the Snowman
d. Santa Claus Conquers the Martians
CORRECT ANSWER: "b." In one of the all-time greatest scenes in TV history, Linus answered Charlie
Brown's frustrated plea of "Isn't there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?" by quoting
straight from the King James Version of Luke 2:8-14:
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by
night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them:
and they were sore afraid.
And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be
to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And
this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory
to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Linus then turned to his friend and said, "That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown." Makes me
tear up every time.
DISCUSSION (if time): Go back to 17 and 18. Advent is a time of deeeeep contemplation of Jesus’ birth
and what it means. Immanuel. GOD WITH US. Mind and heart blowing. Take some time right now to
contemplate. And then discuss. And then pray.