Supplementary materials for Jones et al. 1 Supplementary Information 2 Jones et al, Journal of Animal Ecology, 2015 S1: Methods 3 S1: Methods 4 Tick exposure risk mapping methods. 5 Exploring seasonal patterns in tick infestation data. 6 Results from exploratory GLM and GLMM of the number of ticks counted on lizards indicated significant seasonal differences in the emergence of different tick life stages. Figures S1 and S2 show the pattern in the mean number of ticks counted on lizards per month for each of the two species infesting sleepy lizards in the study area (Amblyomma limbatum or Bothriocroton hydrosauri). The total number of ticks of both species increased from August to a peak in October and then decreased again later in the season. This seasonality appears to be driven by larval and nymph stages for A. limbatum, but only nymphs for B. hydrosauri. In both species the adult stage was fairly constant through the season (with only a small increase from Aug – Sept). 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 These seasonal patterns needed to be taken into account when calculating the long-term average lizard infestation counts for each patch (500m sub-section) of the study area. This is because the study area is large and patches could not be visited simultaneously; therefore the patch-averaged tick infestation index needed to ensure that counts of ticks from different life stages and months were standardised and comparable, in case patches were visited at different times during the season. We used a scaling factor to adjust tick counts based on the month that each count was made in and the life stages that were recorded. In order to make tick counts from different tick species sp, lifestage l month m comparable, we scaled all counts ysp,l(m) against the proportion of the smallest monthly average 𝑌̂𝑚𝑖𝑛Spec-stage and the average from the month in question m 𝑌̂Spec-stage(m) such that 𝑦̃sp,l(m) = ysp,l(m) * 𝑌̂𝑚𝑖𝑛Spec-stage/ 𝑌̂Spec-stage(m) Here, the scaling factor (𝑌̂𝑚𝑖𝑛Spec-stage/ 𝑌̂Spec-stage(m)) ranges between zero and one such that, l(m) < ysp,l(m) from months with relatively larger average values. Using these adjusted count values meant that we could account for the fact that the number of ticks encountered during a month with relatively low overall abundance resembles a larger exposure risk than the same number encounter during a month when average abundance was increased throughout the study area because of the seasonal emergence of larvae and nymphs. We then summarized all standardized tick counts per patch P and time period T to a tick exposure index TEISp,P(T) such that (𝑃) TEISp,P(T) = ∑𝑖=1 𝑦̃sp(i)/N(P) 1 Supplementary materials for Jones et al. 35 36 37 38 39 S1: Methods Where N(P) is the total number of lizard individuals surveyed for ticks in each patch. The time periods T were set as ten-year intervals (1982-1991, 1992-2001, 2002-2011). We have chosen these relatively long time periods as a trade-off to account for temporal variation in exposure risk and large enough sample sizes N(P) per patch to calculate representative index values. 40 41 42 43 44 45 Figure S1: Mean Amblyomma limbatum (‘lim’) tick count by month from all lizard captures within the study area through the 30-year study period. Coloured bars show the different life stages (all life stages are included in the overall mean showed by the red bars). Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. 46 2 Supplementary materials for Jones et al. S1: Methods 47 48 49 50 51 Figure S2: Mean Bothriocroton hydrosauri (‘hyd’) tick count by month from all lizard captures within the study area through the 30-year survey period. Coloured bars show the different life stages (all life stages are included in the overall mean showed by the red bars). Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. 3 Supplementary materials for Jones et al. S1: Methods 52 Capture-mark-recapture model selection and goodness of fit testing. 53 Model structure and goodness-of-fit testing 54 We initially considered a simple, time- and age- dependent, Cormack-Jolly-Seber (CJS) 55 model; however the estimate of the variance inflation factor c for this model was very high 56 (c-hat = 8.49), signalling severe overdispersion and indicating that this simple model 57 structure was not appropriate for our data (see Table S1). Using a Jolly Move (JMV) 58 multistate modelling approach, which accounted for the spatial variability in tick exposure 59 risk, reduced c-hat to 2.77; providing strong justification for using a multistate structure in 60 our models (Table S1). 61 A significant result for the U-CARE Goodness of Fit (GoF) test 3G.SR on the JMV model 62 assumptions (2 = 1361.6, df = 229, p = <0.001) indicated that some individuals sampled 63 were transients. Transient behaviour manifests as lower apparent survival probability for 64 the inter-capture period directly after marking when compared to subsequent periods. This 65 can be caused by the capture of non-resident individuals who are just passing through the 66 study area and therefore have effectively zero probability of being recaptured (Pradel et al. 67 1997). C-hat calculations based on U-CARE GoF tests (Table 1) show that accounting for 68 transient individuals in the JMV model improved the estimate of c-hat, reducing it from 2.77 69 to 2.05 (calculated according to the methods outlined in Pradel et al (2003), Choquet et al 70 (2009) and Lebreton et al (2009)). 71 To address the issue of transience, we attempted to include a ‘time since mark’ (tsm) 72 parameter within our multistate model for S; thus allowing apparent survival in the year of 73 marking to differ from that in subsequent years (as described in Cooch and White 2014). 74 However this additional model complexity caused model instability and parameter 75 estimates did not converge. Therefore, the tsm parameter was dropped from the models 76 and we reverted back to the standard multistate structure, without accounting for 77 transience. The U-CARE goodness of fit tests on the raw capture data indicated that 78 inclusion of a transience parameter (tsm) would only minimally reduce model 79 overdispersion (Table S1); therefore removal of this parameter would not have considerably 80 impacted model fit. In all multistate models that we present in the main paper, the U-CARE 4 Supplementary materials for Jones et al. S1: Methods 81 estimate of c-hat for the saturated multistate JMV model (2.77) was used to correct for 82 overdispersion. 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 Table S1: Variation correction factor (c-hat) for goodness of fit to different model structures. C-hat estimates were calculated from the results of Chi-squared tests for goodness of fit to different model assumptions using the software packages U-CARE and RELEASE. The model structures considered were Cormack-Jolly-Seber (CJS) with and without accounting for transience and the Jolly-Move (a general multistate model) with and without accounting for transience. The lowest c-hat (variance correction factor) was achieved by the JMV multistate model that accounted for transience (c-hat = 2.05). This model was not fit due to issues with convergence and parameter estimation, therefore the next best model structure was used, which was the multistate model that did not account for transience (chat = 2.77). Note that, currently, no methods are available in program RELEASE to assess the goodness of fit of multistate models. CJS with transience Juvenile c-hat RELEASE c-hat 1.31 U-CARE c-hat 1.6 Adult c-hat 8.24 7.54 Full dataset c-hat 7.29 6.61 Standard CJS RELEASE c-hat U-CARE c-hat Juvenile c-hat 1.79 1.91 Adult c-hat 11.34 10.04 Full dataset c-hat 9.57 8.49 Standard JMV RELEASE c-hat U-CARE c-hat Juvenile c-hat 1.059 Adult c-hat 3.353 Full dataset c-hat 2.77 JMV with transience RELEASE c-hat U-CARE c-hat Juvenile c-hat 2.11 Adult c-hat 0.473 Full dataset c-hat 2.05 94 5 Supplementary materials for Jones et al. S1: Methods 95 Preliminary investigation of state transition. 96 104 We hypothesised a priori that there would be a low probability of state transition because of the small size of the adult stable home ranges, the low average movement distances between captures and because location is not used explicitly to define a state (therefore the transition between states doesn’t necessarily reflect distance moved). We also hypothesised that tick risk may influence transition as lizards moved to avoid high levels of tick exposure. We found clear evidence that transition between states varied as a function of the state being moved out of (‘from state’) and the state being moved into (to-state), see Psi model selection table S2. Plots of the model-averaged estimates of state transition probability are shown in the main text, Fig 5. 105 106 107 108 Table S2: Model selection table for Psi (transition) parameter in the multistate capture mark recapture models of sleepy lizards. S and p models were held as highly parameterised (S ~ age * state + time, p ~ state + time) during preliminary selection of the most parsimonious model for Psi. 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 model Global: Psi(~from-state + to-state) Psi(~to-state) Psi(~from-state) Null: Psi(~1) np 85 80 80 75 ΔQAICc 0 29.28 395.07 412.6 wQAICc 1.00 < 0.00 < 0.00 < 0.00 -2LnL 84277.1 84386.13 85399.36 85475.85 Dev R-sq 1.00 0.91 0.06 0.00 109 110 111 112 113 np = number of parameters, QAICc = quasi AIC corrected for small sample size, ΔQAICc = change in Quasi AICc compared to best model (with lowest QAICc value), wQAICc = QAICc weight, -2LnL = -2 log negative likelihood, Dev R-sq = deviance explained relative to the null and global models. Model notation: to-state = tick exposure risk state being moved into, from-state = tick exposure risk state being moved out of, ~1 = constant/intercept only model. 114 Climate data and prediction of future climate conditions. 115 Future climate data were generated by applying modelled climate anomalies to the contemporary data time series from local Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) weather stations. Future climate anomalies were projected under both reference (no greenhouse gas abatement) and policy global emissions scenarios (for more details see methods in main paper). 116 117 118 119 120 6 Supplementary materials for Jones et al. 121 S1: Methods Demographic model parameterisation. 122 126 Here we describe the demographic model of the sleepy lizard (Tiliqua rugosa) implemented in RAMAS Metapop (v5), a generic, stage-based population viability analysis simulation software package (Akcakaya and Root 2005). Model parameters are based on the capturemark-recapture (CMR) analysis presented in this paper and published literature (Bull 1995). 127 Demographic Structure 128 130 We used a female-only, age-structured, pre-breeding census model, parameterised according to CMR data from 1982-2011. There are two stages in the model: sub-adults (non-breeding 1-2 year olds) and breeding adults (≥ 2 years old, Bull C.M, unpublished data). 131 Survival rates 132 135 Using CMR model estimates of average annual survival during years that were not classified as ‘hot and dry’ or ‘cool and wet’ (N = 22 years), we calculated time-averaged survival rates for sub-adults/adults (i.e. any animals ≥ 12 months) and juveniles (animals <12 months) to be 0.915 and 0.342 respectively. 136 Fecundity 137 Because the model is parameterised according to a pre-breeding census, the first age class is 12-month-old individuals (‘sub-adults’), and fecundity is calculated as the product of average clutch size (Bull et al. 1993), proportion of females at birth, proportion of breeding females in a given year and survival rate from birth to 12 months (0.342 from CMR model estimates). Only individuals in the second age class (‘adult’) could reproduce and therefore had a fecundity value. 123 124 125 129 133 134 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 Average clutch size for animals = 1.77 (Bull et al. 1993) S0 (survival from 0 to 12 months) = 0.342 (from the CMR models - although note that the juveniles captured in the survey are not necessarily neonates, they are just captured at some time during their first year; therefore this value is likely to be an overestimate of survival rate from birth). Proportion of females at birth = 0.5 (Bull 1988) Proportion of females that breed = 0.8 (pers. obs. Bull C.M) F2+ (fecundity) = 1.7 * 0.8 * 0.342 * 0.5 = 0.2326 151 Environmental Stochasticity 152 We estimated temporal variability in fecundity rates between 1982 – 1985 (a period without extreme events) from a capture-mark-recapture study (Bull 1995). After removing expected variation due to demographic stochasticity (as described by Akcakaya 2002), we estimated process variance in fecundity to have standard deviation (SD) value of 0.055 and a coefficient of variation (CV) of 0.396. We used CMR data shown in this paper to estimate 153 154 155 156 7 Supplementary materials for Jones et al. 157 158 159 160 161 S1: Methods temporal variability in survival rates between 1993 and 2001: the longest consecutive period without climatic extremes (8 years). We estimated process variability in adult survival (without demographic stochasticity) to have a SD of 0.006 and a CV of 0.007. This low measure of variability is similar to what was reported elsewhere (Fordham et al. 2012) and is a typical feature of long-lived reptiles in stable environments. 166 Thus environmental variation in the model heavily affects fecundity (which includes the survival of zero to 12 month old animals), but only has a small effect on sub-adult and adult survival. This is supported by previous studies showing that lizard survival over the first 12 months tends to be highly variable and strongly affected by climatic variation (Bull 1995; Fordham et al. 2012). 167 Density Dependence 168 Density dependence was modelled using a ceiling function that allows exponential growth of the population until carrying capacity (K) is reached, at which point abundance plateaus. This is a simple way of representing contest competition (e.g. packing associated with defense of home ranges). Density dependence only affected fecundity (i.e. juvenile survival) because adults are known to have stable home ranges (Bull and Freake 1999) and therefore the primary factor limiting abundance is thought to be the establishment of juveniles within available suitable habitat patches. Suitable habitat must contain thermal refuges and adequate food plants (Kerr and Bull 2004; Kerr and Bull 2006; Kerr et al. 2003) and will be in short supply when the population is at carrying capacity. 162 163 164 165 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 188 To calculate K, we first generated an abundance time series from the CMR data using the Horvitz-Thompson type estimator (Seber 1982), by dividing the number of individuals captured from each age category in each year of the survey by the recapture probability for that year (N capturest/recapture probabilityt). We then summed the resulting age-specific abundance estimates to get an estimate of total population abundance through time for the period 1983 – 2011 (Fig. S5). We fitted a Ricker-Logistic density dependence model to the abundance time series data, which estimated a population level carrying capacity of 2360, which was halved to 1180 to represent only the females in the population (there is a 1:1 sex ratio) and used as the ceiling in the density dependence function for the female only model. This model also gave an estimate of RMax = 1.53 (upper and lower 95% confidence intervals = 1.25 and 1.87); however Rmax is not a required parameter for the ceiling model of density dependence. 189 Catastrophes 190 Extreme climate combinations (‘hot and dry’ and ‘cool and wet’) during the winter and spring periods were identified as the most important climatic drivers of lizard survival in our CMR models. We explicitly modelled the effect of changes in the frequency of ‘hot and dry’ and ‘cool and wet’ winter and spring conditions on the vital rates of sleepy lizards by using 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 191 192 193 8 Supplementary materials for Jones et al. 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 S1: Methods the catastrophes functionality in RAMAS Metapop. This function applies user-specified multipliers to the vital rates in the stage matrix, which allowed us to explicitly model the impact of extreme climate on sleepy lizard survival and fecundity. In the main text of the paper we present the predictions from a demographic model parameterised with the maximum estimated effects of an increase in hot and dry conditions on the sleepy lizard survival (worst case scenario). These are based on the difference between mean survival in ‘normal years’ and the lower and upper confidence limits of the mean survival estimates in ‘hot & dry’ and ‘cool and wet’ years respectively. Under this assumption of a worse-case scenario, our CMR analyses suggested that adult survival might decrease by as much as 6.46 % and juvenile survival by as much as 67 % in years with hostile ‘hot and dry’ conditions during the winter and spring period. These percentages are based on the difference between average age-specific survival in ‘normal’ (not extreme) years and the lower confidence limit of the mean, age-specific, survival for lizards in hot and dry years between 1982 and 2010. Conversely, in more favourable ‘cool and wet’ winter and spring conditions, adult and juvenile survival might increase by as much as 6.23 % and 78.78 % respectively (based on the upper confidence limits of the mean survival in cool and wet years between 1982 and 2010). The frequency of ‘hot and dry’ and ‘cool and wet’ winterspring conditions over the 30-year period from 1982 – 2011, along with how these frequencies are forecast to change in the future are detailed in Table S2. For comparison with the results presented in the main text, and in order to give the reader some idea of the uncertainty of the estimates of population change, we present the minimum estimated effect of climate extremes on lizard survival and population dynamics (best-case scenario) into the future under climate change (see results in S2). In this case the demographic models were parameterised using the percentage difference between the mean estimate of age-specific survival estimates from normal years and the mean estimate of age-specific survival rate from extreme event years (‘hot & dry’ and ‘cold & wet’). 220 221 Additional model parameterization notes. 222 The initial female population size was set at 80 % of carrying capacity (N = 960). 223 A 10-year burn-in period (1000 simulations) in the baseline population projection (under contemporary conditions) ensured that stability was reached prior to the generation of trajectory predictions. 224 225 9 Supplementary materials for Jones et al. 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 S1: Methods Table S3: Contemporary (1982 – 2011) climate data from BOM weather stations and future climate projections for 2080-2110. ‘Hot and dry’ conditions (*) = average winter and spring temperature ≥75th percentile (12.46 °C) and cumulative winter and spring rainfall ≤25th percentile (204 mm); ‘cool and wet’ conditions (**) = average winter and spring temperature ≤25th percentile (11.78 °C) and cumulative winter and spring rainfall ≥75th percentile (260.5 mm). Bold text in the columns of future climate data indicate conditions that are indicative of ‘hot and dry’ years based on the application of the criteria described above (temperature at or exceeding the 75th percentile, and rainfall at or below the 25th percentile of contemporary observation records from local BOM stations, 1982 - 2011). The bottom row shows the predicted probability of any single year in a 30-year period commencing in 2080 having conditions that qualify as ‘hot and dry’ or ‘cool and wet’. Contemporary time series (observed data from BOM stations) Year 1982 * 1983 1984 1985 1986 ** 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 ** 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 * 2003 2004 2005 2006 * 2007 * 2008 2009 2010 ** 2011 * Probability of hot & dry conditions Probability of cold & wet conditions TempWS (°C) RainWS (mm) 12.46 74 11.76 256 11.37 231 11.68 206 11.1 268 11.99 172 12.46 238 11.15 231 12.34 244 12.49 287 10.97 369 12.37 206 12.06 216 12.21 251 11.82 290 11.54 236 11.9 230 12.15 199 12.36 218 11.85 271 12.64 124 11.83 222 12.56 219 12.56 335 12.83 86 12.98 140 12.19 164 13.24 308 11.36 262 12.86 204 5/30 = 0.166 3/30 = 0.1 30 years from 2080: GCM-averaged rain and temperature anomalies applied to contemporary data Ref. Ref. TempWS RainWS (°C) (mm) 14.19 55.54 13.49 192.13 13.10 173.37 13.41 154.60 12.83 201.13 13.72 129.09 14.19 178.62 12.88 173.37 14.07 183.12 14.22 215.39 12.70 276.93 14.10 154.60 13.79 162.11 13.94 188.38 13.55 217.65 13.27 177.12 13.63 172.62 13.88 149.35 14.09 163.61 13.58 203.39 14.37 93.06 13.56 166.61 14.29 164.36 14.29 251.42 14.56 64.54 14.71 105.07 13.92 123.08 14.97 231.15 13.09 196.63 14.59 153.10 25/30 = 0.833 0/30 = 0 Policy Policy TempWS RainWS (°C) (mm) 13.51 66.27 12.81 229.25 12.42 206.86 12.73 184.47 12.15 239.99 13.04 154.03 13.51 213.13 12.20 206.86 13.39 218.50 13.54 257.01 12.02 330.44 13.42 184.47 13.11 193.43 13.26 224.77 12.87 259.70 12.59 211.34 12.95 205.97 13.20 178.20 13.41 195.22 12.90 242.68 13.69 111.04 12.88 198.80 13.61 196.11 13.61 299.99 13.88 77.01 14.03 125.37 13.24 146.86 14.29 275.81 12.41 234.62 13.91 182.68 14/30 = 0.466 0/30 = 0 10 Supplementary materials for Jones et al. S2: Results 235 S2: Results. 236 Table S4: Multi-model inference: weighted model-averaged coefficients for environmental covariates in models of year-to-year Tiliqua rugosa survival. Generated by model-averaging the 11 highest ranked models in the candidate model set (those with QAIC values within 2 units of each other, see Table 2 in main text). Coefficients are on logit link scale, lcl and ucl are lower and upper 95 % confidence bounds respectively. Shaded rows highlight coefficient estimates whose confidence bounds do not include 0. ∑wAICc is the sum of Quasi AICc weights for all models in the top 11 that contained each predictor as a main effect term. This represents the relative variable importance of the environmental predictors (Zuur et al. 2009). 237 238 239 240 241 Survival model parameters Intercept (Juvenile age, B. hydrosauri low state) Adult age group B. hydrosauri moderate state B. hydrosauri high state A. limbatum low state A. limbatum moderate state A. limbatum high state Cold & wet winter-spring Hot & dry winter-spring Winter-spring temperature Winter-spring rainfall Summer temperature 2-year cumulative rainfall Age group * cold and wet winter-spring (binary) Age group * winter-spring temperature (continuous) Southern Oscillation Index Coefficient 0.262 2.169 -1.086 -1.274 -1.247 -1.001 -0.119 0.294 -0.157 -0.016 0.092 -0.071 0.070 0.580 -0.248 -0.129 se 0.149 0.116 0.130 0.120 0.118 0.118 0.119 0.149 0.079 0.075 0.042 0.035 0.035 0.419 0.130 0.043 lcl -0.030 1.942 -1.341 -1.508 -1.477 -1.234 -0.351 0.002 -0.312 -0.130 0.011 -0.140 0.001 -0.241 -0.502 -0.212 ucl 0.554 2.396 -0.832 -1.039 -1.016 -0.769 0.113 0.585 -0.002 0.163 0.174 -0.002 0.139 1.402 0.007 -0.045 n models 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 ∑wQAICc 0.35 0.24 0.20 0.17 0.08 0.07 0.10 11 Supplementary materials for Jones et al S2: Results 242 Model selection for recapture (p) 243 A candidate model set for p was assessed on the basis of lowest QAICc (c-hat = 2.77). An initial candidate model set for recapture (p) was created to select the most appropriate grouping structure for the model of recapture (Table S5). During model selection for p, the model for S was held as ~ age * state + time. The results indicated that a p model structure including time and state (but not age) was the most well supported by the data. This model grouping structure was taken forward into a second stage of recapture model selection, including covariates that could affect recapture probability, such as rainfall and temperature, which can affect lizard activity levels and therefore detection and capture (Table S5). The most parsimonious model for recapture was p ~ state + time. This model had an evidence ratio of 2.02 (wQAICc highest ranked model / wQAICc model ranked second), indicating that it was twice as likely to be the best model than the model ranked second in the table. The top-ranked model was used in all further modelling steps (i.e. when selecting the model for S). 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 Table S5: The multistate capture-mark-recapture candidate model set of group structure and covariates for recapture (p) model. Models for survival and transitions were respectively: S~ age * state + time and Psi ~ to-state + from-state. Models were ranked using QAICc. model p(~time + state) p(~age + time + state) p(~time + state + RainWS) p(~time + state + TempS) p(~time + state + WetDays) p(~time + state + TempWS) p(~time + state + TempWSt + RainWS) Global: p(~age * state + time) p(~state) p(~age + state) p(~age * state) p(~time) p(~age + time) p(~age) Null: p(~1) 260 261 262 263 264 np 75 76 76 76 76 76 77 81 47 48 53 70 71 43 42 ΔQAICc 0.000 1.410 2.015 2.015 2.015 2.015 4.030 10.259 622.698 623.410 631.825 798.311 798.970 1174.201 1176.864 wQAICc 0.323 0.160 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.043 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -2LnL Dev-Rsq 85475.850 0.999 85474.170 0.999 85475.850 0.999 85475.850 0.999 85475.850 0.999 85475.850 0.999 85475.850 0.999 85470.770 1.000 87356.770 0.453 87353.180 0.454 87348.650 0.456 87715.070 0.349 87711.320 0.350 88906.690 0.004 88919.630 0.000 np = number of parameters, QAICc = quasi AIC corrected for small sample size, ΔQAICc = change in Quasi AICc compared to best model (with lowest QAICc value), wQAICc = QAICc weight, -2LnL = -2 log negative likelihood, Dev R-sq = deviance explained relative to the null and global models. Model notation: * = interaction term, age = age class (juvenile or adult), state = tick exposure risk state of occupancy, ~1 = constant/intercept only model. 12 Supplementary materials for Jones et al S2: Results 265 266 267 Figure S3: Tiliqua rugosa capture-mark-recapture model-averaged estimates of recapture probability for 1983 to 2011. Note that the model for recapture was age-invariant. Error bars show 95 % confidence intervals. 268 13 Supplementary materials for Jones et al S2: Results 269 270 271 272 273 274 Figure S4: Model-averaged estimates of Tiliqua rugosa recapture probability (p) by tick exposure risk state (model for recapture was age-invariant). State codes: Hyd = B. hydrosauri areas, LIM = A. limbatum areas, L = low risk, M = moderate risk, H = high risk. Risk levels are based on the percentiles of all patch-averaged tick infestation counts – see main paper methods section for more detail. Error bars show 95 % confidence intervals. 275 276 277 Figure S5: Estimated Tiliqua rugosa abundance time series (1983 – 2011) with 95% confidence intervals shaded. 14 Supplementary materials for Jones et al S2: Results 278 Demographic model results using best case scenario. 279 Using the minimum estimated effect of extreme climate events on the survival of lizards from the CMR models, there would be an increase in survival under ‘cool and wet’ conditions of 1.7 % for adults and 2.3 % for juveniles, and a decrease in survival under unfavourable ‘hot and dry’ conditions of 1 % for adults and 1.2 % for juveniles. Figure S6 shows the predictions from a stochastic demographic model of female sleepy lizards under future climate change, parameterised with these minimum effect size values. The model projection shows small decreases in the female population size over the period 2080 – 2110. The model predicted a 3.5% decrease in estimated minimum abundance (EMA) under policy and an 8.1% decrease in EMA under reference greenhouse gas emission scenarios). The magnitudes of the predicted decreases are negligible compared with the predictions from the model parameterised using worst case scenario effect sizes for extreme events (presented in the main paper, Fig.6). 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 Figure S6: Female only Tiliqua rugosa population abundance projections for reference and policy climate change scenarios, relative to contemporary climate baseline (1982-2011, dashed black line), with shaded confidence intervals (± 1 SD). Model is parameterised using minimum estimated effect of extreme climate events (‘hot and dry’ and ‘cool and wet’ winter and spring) on survival. 15 Supplementary materials for Jones et al References 297 References: 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 Akcakaya H.R. (2002) Estimating the variance of survival rates and fecundities. Animal Conservation 5, 333-336. Akcakaya H.R., Root W.T. (2005) RAMAS GIS: Linking landscape data with population viability analysis (version 5). Applied Biomathematics, Setauket, New York. Bull C.M. (1988) Mate fidelity in an Australian lizard Trachydosaurus rugosus. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 23, 45-49. Bull C.M. (1995) Population ecology of the sleepy lizard, Tiliqua rugosa, at Mt Mary, South Australia. Australian Journal of Ecology 20, 393-402. Bull C.M., Freake M.J. (1999) Home-range fidelity in the Australian sleepy lizard, Tiliqua rugosa. 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