Syllabus ICM II Placement 11.1.2016

ICM II placement 2015/2016
Introduction in Clinical Medicine II Placement
Clinical practice is the integral part of Introduction into clinical medicine (ICM) in the 2nd year.
The practice takes place throughout the academic year. It draws on the theoretical and practical
teaching of general clinical propedeutics and patient care. The practice takes place in the
acute care hospitals, 80 hours e.g. 2 weeks on surgical or internal units.
The goal of practice
The students will:
get acquainted with the process of acute and planned hospital admission
get acquainted with the principles of multidisciplinary care in the health care facilities
and the communication within the multidisciplinary teams
practice professional communication with the patients and their relatives
get acquainted with the indications for examinations, care of the patient before, during
and after examination including preoperative and postoperative tests (radiodiagnostic,
endoscopic, ultrasound etc.), as well as informing the patient about the results of
gain skills for selected clinical procedures (taking and evaluating vital signs, preventing
nosocomial infections, assessing, monitoring and treating pain, preparing and
administering s.c., i.m. and i.v. injections, inserting indwelling urinary catheter, taking
capillary and venous blood, inserting i.v. cannula, providing nutrition, taking care of
pressure sores and chronic wounds, surgical wounds, preventing falls)
get acquainted with the process of patient education related to diagnostic and treatment
plan and/or other disease related measures (for example in diabetes mellitus)
get acquainted with the process of discharging and transferring patients, communication
with patients and their relatives
Organization of practice
Students can organize this practice individually or can apply for organized practice in the
Faculty Teaching Hospital Královské Vinohrady.
Organization of an individual practice
1. Individual practice can take place either in a form of „block“ practice during
examination periods and summer vacation or in a form of a continuous practice in a
2. The ICM II placement takes place in acute care hospitals, 80 hours e.g. 2 weeks on
surgical or internal units. For this practice are NOT appropriate these departments:
anaesthesiological – resuscitation department, gynecological – obstetric department,
ENT, eye department, dermatology, burn surgery, neurosurgery, psychiatry.
3. A major part of practice will be spent at the acute hospital unit under the supervision
of a physician, in cooperation with the allied healthcare professionals (nurses,
physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nutritional therapists, social workers,
radiology assistants and others. A minor part of practice will be spent at an admission
department and/or out-patient part of a hospital department.
4. Since this is the 2nd year practice, internal medicine or surgical medicine type of
departments are recommended. Students will have a better chance to fulfill requirements
related to procedures.
Introduction Clinical Medicine II Placement, 3rd Medical School, Charles University in Prague
ICM II placement 2015/2016
5. For this individual practice, a student will pick up 2 copies of an institutional contract
form (signed by a vicedean) at the 3.LF UK study division. A student will fill it and
deliver it to a hospital management of a chosen hospital. We suggest to prearrange this
placement with a head of a clinical department. When this institutional contract is signed
by hospital management, a student will deliver one copy to the 3. LF UK study division.
6. Student is required to fill information about his/her intention into an electronic system
as well ( We suggest students to read this application
before visiting a hospital to be able to upload all required information.
7. A student´s choice will be screened by PhDr. Marie Zvoníčková from Department of
8. A student is obliged to upload a report from practice within 1 week after finishing
his/her practice. Information about uploading and report itself will be accessible to a
student´s clinical supervisor. This person will be asked to fill an evaluation form related
to a student´s performance.
9. A report will be assessed by PhDr. Marie Zvoníčková from Department of Nursing
10. Credit into index and SIS will be signed by
Reqirements – an approved report from practice, a positive evaluation of a student by a
supervisor, a delivered list of procedures.
11. Clinical procedures confirmed on a list of procedures will be signed into a logbook by
PhDr. Marie Zvoníčková at a day of credit.
12. Credit will be signed before enrollment to the 3rd year. The exact terms will be
announced in June 2016
Organization of a practice in FNKV
1. ICM II placement in FNKV can take place during examination periods and summer
vacation .
2. The ICM II placement takes 80 hours e.g. 2 weeks.
3. These departments: anaesthesiological – resuscitation department, gynecological –
obstetric department, ENT, eye department, dermatology, burn surgery, psychiatry are
NOT appropriate for this practice because students are not prepared for practice at these
4. A major part of practice will be spent at the acute hospital unit under the supervision
of a physician, in cooperation with the allied healthcare professionals (nurses,
physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nutritional therapists, social workers,
radiology assistants and others. A minor part of practice will be spent at an admission
department and/or out-patient part of a hospital department.
5. Since this is the 2nd year practice, internal medicine or surgical medicine type of
departments are recommended. Students will have a better chance to fulfill requirements
related to procedures.
6. Student is required to fill information about his/her intention into an electronic system
7. Student can choose from the 1st., 2nd., and the 3rd Medical departments, Neurology
Department, Surgical Department and Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology
University Teaching Hospital Královské Vinohrady (FNKV).
8. For this practice students download an application for a practice at FNKV Žádost o
umožnění odborné praxe ve FNKV. z -> odborná veřejnost -> vzdělávání ->
Introduction Clinical Medicine II Placement, 3rd Medical School, Charles University in Prague
ICM II placement 2015/2016
informace pro studenty informace o postupu vyřizování praxe ve FNKV (Postup při zajišťování
odborné praxe ve FNKV (PDF; 34 kB) a žádost o umožnění odborné praxe ve FNKV (Žádost o
zajištění praxe ve FNKV (XLS; 46 kB)
9. Then a student will ask an assigned person from a chosen department (školitel) to
confirm the hospital form. Please, ask a head nurse. In the last phase, a student will
deliver the confirmed hospital form to Human Resource Department FNKV (a red
building - cafeteria, 1st floor, Mgr. Jitka Vernerová, tel.: 267168092). We suggest to
start the process at least 1 month before the planned start of your practice.
10. A student is obliged to upload a report from practice within 1 week after finishing
his/her practice. Information about uploading and report itself will be made accessible
to a student´s clinical supervisor. This person will be asked to fill an evaluation form
related to a student´s performance.
11. A report will be assessed by PhDr. Marie Zvoníčková from Department of Nursing
12. Credit into index and SIS will be signed by
Reqirements – an approved report from practice, a positive evaluation of a student by a
supervisor, a delivered list of procedures.
13. Clinical procedures confirmed on a list of procedures will be signed into a logbook by
PhDr. Marie Zvoníčková at a day of credit.
14. Credit will be signed before enrollment to the 3rd year. The exact terms will be
announced in June 2016
A report from practice (1500 words)
A student will work on his/her report during his/her practice and will upload it into the
electronical system within one week after finishing his/her
1. Information about the healthcare facility and the departments where the student has
2. Description of the practice on admission department or in an out-patient department– a
case study of one patient that the student was involved in the care of, procedures
performed. Communication with patients.
3. Description of the practice at the unit. 1 case study of an assigned patient – medical
history, physical examination, results of tests and examinations that the students was
involved in, procedures performed by the student, treatment plan, discharge process,
communication with patients.
4. Cooperation and communication with the staff – physicians, nurses, physiotherapists,
occupational therapists, radiology assistants, nutritional therapists, social workers, etc.
5. Other interesting tests observed, clinical procedures performed.
6. Difficulties experienced, ethical issues.
7. Reflection on the practice.
8. Other – acknowledgment, etc.
Introduction Clinical Medicine II Placement, 3rd Medical School, Charles University in Prague
ICM II placement 2015/2016
Confirmation of the clinical practice in the 2nd year
Name of the student ………………………………………………
Academic year
Study group number ……………………………………
Healthcare facility ………………………………………
Evaluation of the student
(1 – excellent, 2 – very well, 3 – well, 4 – sufficient, 5 – insufficient may be complemented by verbal
Motivation, interest:
Behavior towards the clients:
Behavior towards the coworkers:
Verbal evaluation:
I hereby confirm that the student has attended practice in our healthcare facility of
Name and signature of the authorized person
Introduction Clinical Medicine II Placement, 3rd Medical School, Charles University in Prague