Outcome 7: Climate Change Reduction of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions, adaptation to the impacts of climate change, and contribution towards the negotiation of an effective global solution to climate change, through the development and implementation of a national response to climate change. Main responsibilities for this outcome Programme 7.1: Reducing Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions Repeal of the carbon tax. Renewable Energy Target. Renewables, Projections and Governance Division Renewable Energy Policy, including Solar Towns programme. Emissions projections. National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme policy. Emissions Reduction Fund. Emissions Reduction Fund Taskforce Carbon Farming Initiative policy. International and Land Division Carbon Farming Initiative methodology development. Domestic Offsets Integrity Committee secretariat. National Greenhouse Accounts. Land sector negotiations through the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Carbon Farming Skills Programme. National Carbon Offset Standard and Carbon Neutral Programme. Indigenous Carbon Farming Fund—Research and Development Stream. Methodology Development Programme. Global Forest Observation Initiative. Monitoring, reporting and verification capacity building programme. System for Land-Based Emissions Estimation in Kenya Programme. National authority to assess applications from entities participating in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change clean development mechanism and joint implementation. National Carbon Accounting Toolbox. Programme 7.2: Adapting to climate change Australian Climate Change Science Programme. Natural Resource Management Planning for Climate Change (Stream 2). Adaptation and Science Division Climate change adaptation policy. Programme 7.1: Reducing Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions Objectives Meet Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets while also supporting economic growth by: repealing the carbon tax reducing emissions through the implementation of the Emissions Reduction Fund encouraging the uptake of renewable energy through the Renewable Energy Target and targeted policies and programmes providing incentives to reduce emissions in the land sector through the Carbon Farming Initiative providing opportunities to reduce and offset emissions through the Carbon Neutral Program. Programme 7.2: Adapting to climate change Objective Build Australia’s capacity to manage climate risk through well-coordinated science and research and through policy support for effective adaptation action. Results for deliverables and key performance indicators Programme 7.1: Reducing Australia’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Deliverables 2013–14 results Develop and consult with the community through both the green and white papers on the detailed design of the Emissions Reduction Fund. The Department managed extensive consultation with business and the community to ensure the Emissions Reduction Fund is designed and implemented effectively. On 6 October 2013 the Government released the terms of reference for the Emissions Reduction Fund. The Department managed the receipt and analysis of over 290 submissions in response. The Department supported the Government in the development of the Emissions Reduction Fund Green Paper, which was released for public comment on 20 December 2013. The Department received 345 written submissions in response. The Department hosted a face-to-face information session on the green paper on 3 February 2014 and four public teleconference sessions across 4 and 5 February 2014. The Department facilitated two meetings of the Government’s Expert Reference Group comprising experts from business and the non-government sector, and leading consultants. The final design of the Emissions Reduction Fund was set out in the Emissions Reduction Fund White Paper, which was released on 24 April 2014. The Department hosted face-to-face information sessions on the white paper in Sydney on 14 May, Canberra on 15 May and in Melbourne on 16 May 2014. The Department also hosted two public teleconference sessions on 21 and 22 May 2014. The Department held two technical working groups with business, one on carbon abatement contracts and one on reverse auctions, as part of the Emissions Reduction Fund policy development process. The Department also held a series of technical working group meetings across a range of industry sectors to support the development of new methodologies under the Emissions Reduction Fund. In total, the Department facilitated 14 face-toface meetings and seven teleconferences on methods to the end of June 2014. Finalisation of legislative amendments to implement the Emissions Reduction Fund, transition the Carbon Farming Initiative and repeal In consultation with the Treasury and other Commonwealth agencies, the Department developed legislation to repeal the carbon tax and make way for the Government’s Direct Action Plan. The carbon tax repeal legislation was introduced as the Government’s first item of legislative business in the 44th the carbon tax legislation. Parliament. The legislation was enacted on 17 July 2014. On 9 May 2014 the Department released for public comment an exposure draft of the Emissions Reduction Fund implementing legislation. The comment period for the exposure draft legislation closed on 23 May 2014, by which time the Department had received 49 submissions. On 20 May 2014 the Department held a workshop with a number of law firms to receive feedback on the exposure draft of the Emissions Reduction Fund legislation. On 25 June 2014 the Carbon Farming Initiative Amendment Bill 2014 was passed by the House of Representatives. Development of methodologies under the Emissions Reduction Fund. The Department worked with business through six technical working groups to identify key priorities for method development. Work commenced on the development of the following methods which will be available for businesses to use in the early stages of the Emissions Reduction Fund: Contribution to the Government’s 2014 review of the Renewable Energy Target. a National Greenhouse Gas and Energy Reporting Facility method methods to cover the installation or expansion of systems which capture waste coal mine gas a method to cover emissions reductions from the transport sector three waste methods: landfill gas capture and flaring and/or electricity generation; alternative waste treatment facilities; and methane capture at waste water facilities an industrial energy efficiency method building energy efficiency methods, for use in commercial buildings, small businesses and large groups of households. The Renewable Energy Target review, which was to be finalised around mid-2014, is being supported by a secretariat based in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. The Department provided funding and staff support to this secretariat, which assisted it to: process more than 800 general submissions and around 23 000 campaign submissions received as part of its extensive consultation process conduct around 90 face-to-face consultation meetings in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Hobart, Canberra and Adelaide with key stakeholders Development of methodologies for the Carbon Farming Initiative and the Emissions Reduction Fund. commission modelling of the electricity sector and conduct workshops with stakeholders on the modelling. During 2013–14 the Domestic Offsets Integrity Committee endorsed five new Carbon Farming Initiative methodology proposals to be developed into Carbon Farming Initiative determinations. These methodologies covered the livestock, soil carbon and forestry sectors. They will be available for use under the Emissions Reduction Fund. The Department continued to provide secretariat support to the Domestic Offsets Integrity Committee during 2013–14. The Committee held nine face-to-face meetings and four teleconferences in 2013–14. In addition to the five endorsement decisions, the Committee requested further information on five methodologies and released six methodologies for public consultation. The Committee also advised on five activities proposed for inclusion on the positive list. Provision of advice to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in support of international negotiations in relation to the land sector and international accounting rules. The Department provided technical advice to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade on land sector and inventory issues to support Australia’s national interest objectives as part of the Kyoto Protocol and in negotiations towards a post 2020 global agreement. Key performance indicators 2013–14 results Timely legislative amendments to amend the Carbon Farming Initiative and repeal the carbon tax legislation. The carbon tax repeal Bills and Climate Change Authority (Abolition) Bill 2013 were the first items of legislative business in the 44th Parliament. Timely development and delivery of new methodologies under the Carbon Farming Initiative and Emissions Reduction Fund. The Department worked on developing further land sector methods for use under the Emissions Reduction Fund, particularly in the following priority areas: Emissions Reduction Fund legislation was introduced in time for the commencement of the Emissions Reduction Fund following the repeal of the carbon tax and is still before the Senate. increasing soil carbon expanding opportunities for environment and carbon sinks reforestation reducing emissions from beef cattle. Work commenced on the development of new methodologies covering a broad range of sectors including the industrial sector, coal mining, transport, waste, commercial buildings and households, which will be available for use by business in the early stages of the Emissions Reduction Fund. Effective contribution to the 2014 review of the Renewable Energy Target. The Department funded the Renewable Energy Target review and provided eight staff with experience in renewable energy policy to assist the review secretariat. The Methodology Development Programme will expand opportunities under the Carbon Farming Initiative by supporting the development of estimation methodologies for new abatement activities. Under the Methodology Development Programme, scheduled to close at the end of the 2014–15 financial year, five projects are receiving total funding of $2.3 million over four years to develop methodologies and estimation tools for new abatement activities. During 2013–14 these projects supported the development of methodologies for the land sector, including for forestry, agriculture and landfill. The Indigenous Carbon Farming Fund Research and Development Stream is supporting Indigenous participation in the Carbon Farming Initiative through the development of methodologies and tools that will enable crediting of abatement activities likely to have high Indigenous participation. Under the Indigenous Carbon Farming Fund Research and Development Stream, five projects are receiving total funding of $2.7 million over five years. These projects, the last to be completed in 2017, are developing methodologies involving fire management in Australia’s northern savanna regions. All five projects involve and are designed to benefit Indigenous Australians. Programme 7.2: Adapting to Climate Change Deliverables 2013–14 results Coordinate national science research to ensure priority science activities are delivered in an effective and streamlined manner. The Department worked with the High Level Coordination Group for Climate Change Science to develop a national portfolio of climate change science projects in Australia. The Department also provided input to the adaptation component of Australia’s sixth national communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Support for effective collaboration between climate scientists and natural resource management groups to deliver targeted information on climate impacts and adaptation for regional planning. Through the Regional National Resource Management Planning for Climate Change Fund the Department supported collaboration between climate scientists and natural resource management groups. Under Stream 2 of the fund, scientists worked with regional natural resource management organisations to develop projects that addressed their decision-making needs and priority issues, and that delivered information for natural resource management planning processes. Provision of policy advice on climate adaptation. The Department provided policy advice across a range of climate change adaptation issues. The Department’s policy input was underpinned by consultation with community organisations, the business sector and all tiers of government. Workshops were held in late 2013 and early 2014 with experts and state and local governments around Australia to explore adaptation priorities across the key sectors of infrastructure, emergency management, vulnerable communities, settlements, water, ecosystems and agriculture. Provision and coordination of welltargeted advice and practical guidance to decision makers on climate adaptation. In conjunction with Geoscience Australia, the Department supported climate adaptation decision makers by providing technical guidance to improve management of shoreline recession from sea level rise. Key performance indicators 2013–14 results Timely, high-quality, robust, evidence-based advice that meets ministerial expectations and informs Government decisions. The Department prepared briefings to advise the Minister and senior officials on a range of matters. Well-targeted information on climate projections that meet the needs of government, business and communities. The Department supported research and development of up-to-date climate change projections for Australia through Stream 2 of the Regional Natural Resource Management Planning for Climate Change Fund. Preliminary results from the projections were shared with natural resource management partners during 2013–14. Significant progress was made on a new and improved web portal which will enable free and easy access to national and regional projections information and data. Guidance and training materials were developed to assist users of the projections in planning and risk assessments when the results are released in the coming year. Effective administration of the Natural Resource Management Planning for Climate Change Fund (Stream 2) with timely delivery of information on climate change impacts and adaptation. The Department managed and progressed the aims of the Regional Natural Resource Management Impacts and Adaptation Grants Programme. All nine projects under the programme have consulted with natural resource management groups in their regions to help the regions include impacts of future climate into planning processes. The Department successfully managed and progressed the development and delivery of regional climate change projections. This included the development of a new and improved web portal, a technical projections report, eight regional reports outlining regional climate projections and a number of communication brochures. The projections will be publicly released in late 2014.