Computer Applications (8) Students will use technology tools to manage personal schedules and contact information, create memos and notes, prepare simple reports and other business communications, manage computer operations and file storage, and use electronic mail, Internet applications and search for and access information. Students will develop skills related to word processing, database management and spreadsheet applications. Students will demonstrate knowledge of hardware components, classes of software, basic data communications components and trends, and technical knowledge of the Internet including Internet protocols. Students will demonstrate understanding of Internet security issues, how to use and troubleshoot Internet connections including Internet software, how to use virus protection techniques and how to use the Internet to communicate and collaborate. Engineering Technology (9-10) Engineering Technology courses provide students with the opportunity to focus on one or more areas of industrial technology. Students apply technological processes to solve real engineering problems; develop the knowledge and skills to design, modify, use, and apply technology; and may also design and build prototypes and working models. Topics covered in the course include the nature of technology, use of technology, and design processes. Engineering Design (10-11) Engineering Design courses offer students experience in solving problems by applying a design development process. Often using solid modeling computer design software, students develop, analyze, and test product solutions models as well as communicate the features of those models. Project Management and Resource Scheduling (11) Project Management courses provide students with the information and skills necessary for success in managing projects and operating logistical ventures in technology, business, and industry. This course covers scheduling of resources (including personnel, budget, timelines, and equipment), utilization of Gantt charts, economic principles within the workplace, and risk management. Other possible topics include developing a business plan, finance, business law, marketing and promotion strategies, insurance employee/employer relations, problem-solving and decision-making, and building leadership skills. These courses may also incorporate a survey of the careers within technology and engineering industries. Career Choices Wages Engineering Development (11-12) Engineering Design and Development courses provide students with the opportunity to apply engineering research principles as they design and construct a solution to an engineering problem. Students typically develop and test solutions using computer simulations or models but eventually create a working prototype as part of the design solution. Emerging Technologies (12) Emerging Technologies courses emphasize students’ exposure to and understanding of new and emerging technologies. The range of technological issues will be taught through the course content of chemical analysis, electrochemistry, chromatography, acid/base chemistry, chemical equilibrium, forensic chemistry, and biochemistry Aeronautical Engineer Aerospace Engineer Agricultural Engineer Agricultural Technician Application Engineer Architectural Engineer Automotive Engineer Biomedical Engineer Biotechnology Engineer CAD Technician Chemical Engineer Civil Engineer Communications Engineer Computer Engineer Computer Programmer Construction Engineer Electrical Engineer Electronics Technician Geothermal Engineer Industrial Engineer Manufacturing Engineer Manufacturing Technician Marine Engineer Mechanical Engineer Metallurgist Mining Engineer Nuclear Engineer Petroleum Engineer Product/Process Engineer Survey Technician Systems Engineer Transportation Engineer Architectural and Civil Drafters $21.46/hr $44,636 annual Industrial Engineering Technician $26.90/hr $55,592 annual Computer Engineer / Computer Hardware Engineer $38.16/hr $79,372 annual Chemical Engineer $42.62/hr Instructors Mr. Joshua Johnson, Lead Mr. Donovan Regehr $88,649 annual