The name of this organization shall be Pep Band.

Pep Band Constitution
Updated 4.1.2015
Article I Name
Section I
The name of this organization shall be Pep Band.
Article II Purpose
Section I
The purpose of the Pep Band is to put together a band to play at football games. The Pep Band
consists of wind and percussion instruments. Rehearsals are held twice a week for 2 hours each.
The Pep Band performs at every home football game and one away game. Other performances
may be worked out with other sports as the officers and members decide upon.
Pep Band can be taken as a no-credit class or a half-credit class, though enrollment in the class is
not required for participation.
Article III Membership
Section I
All Tufts students are allowed to join, though at least minimal musical experience is
Section II
All members of the Pep Band shall be entitled to participate in Pep Band without discrimination
on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, gender identity and expression, national or ethnic origin,
age, sexual orientation, disability, or an individual’s previous affiliations in criteria for
membership, assignment of voting privileges, or rank, except as otherwise provided by federal or
state law or university policy.
Article IV Meetings
Section I
Meetings are held on Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30PM to 8:30PM during the fall semester, or
as listed in the course bulletin for that semester.
Section II
Decisions at all meetings regarding any action or future action of the group, or regarding the
philosophy of the group, shall be reached by consensus of all present members.
Article V Officers and Elections
Section I
The officers of the organizations shall be the president, treasurer, and a vice president.
Section II
The officers will meet outside of rehearsal time to discuss the group and shall have the authority
to act on behalf of the organization when matters require immediate action.
Section III
The Treasurer shall keep all financial records and shall take responsibility for preparation of the
Section IV
The President shall arrange the away game with the Treasurer, in addition to making sure all
people and instruments get to the performances.
Section V
Elections will be held the first meeting after the last home game. In the case of a tie, a run-off
election will be held, with each candidate given a chance to speak again. If there is still a tie, the
band director, a Tufts staff member, will break the tie.
Section VI
In the case that any member feels that the officer is failing to adequately fulfill his or her duties,
said member shall bring his or her concerns to the officer. If the problem is not resolved, the
member may then petition to have the officer replaced. A vote of three-quarters of the regular
voting members will be needed to relieve the officer of his or her position.
Section VI
A simple majority vote of all regular voting members is needed to be elected.
Section VII
The role of the Vice President is to assist the President and Treasurer in their duties, and to lead
recruiting of new members.
Article VI Transition and Renewal
Section I
Re-registration must be performed when required through the Student Activities office by the
president and the treasurer.
Section II
Pep Band must apply for re-recognition every other year from the Tufts Community Union
Judiciary. The President and Treasurer must review the Constitution, changing it as necessary,
and must also complete the Re-Recognition packet and return it to the TCUJ office.
Section III
After elections are finished, the president must give the Constitution to the newly elected
president, and must inform the new president of all the duties and responsibilities required by
that office. In addition, when a Treasurer is elected, the previous Treasurer must explain all the
duties and responsibilities of that office to the new, incoming Treasurer. This must be done
before the new Officers take their positions at the start of the following semester.
Article I Membership
Section I
A voting member is one who has attended at least two regular meetings during the academic
Article II Amendments
Section I
Any regular voting member may propose an amendment on the first meeting of each month.
Section II
The vote will be held two weeks from the date of the proposal.
Section III
A three-fourths vote of regular members is necessary for the amendment to pass.
Section IV
The amendments must be in compliance and approved by the Tufts Community Union Judiciary.