SNS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Coimbatore - 641 107. Department of Physics Question Bank (2015 -2016) PH6151 – Engineering Physics – I (Common to all branches) Unit – I - Crystal Physics Part – A (2 marks) 1. What is meant by crystal structure? or How can you obtain crystal structure? or Justify crystal structure. 2. Distinguish between crystalline and non crystalline materials. or Explain crystalline and non crystalline materials. or How do you identify crystalline and non crystalline materials. 3. What is meant by lattice or Space lattice? or Why do we assume lattice point as an imaginary geometrical concept. 4. Define lattice points and lattice planes. or How do you identify lattice points and lattice planes. 5. Define unit cell. or Why does unit cell require for crystal structure? or What is another name for unit cell ? 6. Define basis. or What is meant by basis? or Justify basis. 7. What are the different lattice parameters involved in unit cell? or Give explanation for lattice parameter. 8. Mention the seven basic crystal systems. or Explain seven crystal system. or Classify seven crystal system. 9. Define Bravais lattice. or How many ways are available for arranging points in space ? or Explain Bravias lattice. 10. What are primitive and non primitive cell? or How do you explain primitive and non primitive cell? or Give explanation for primitive and non primitive cell? 11. Define no of atoms in a unit cell. or How can you determine the no of atoms in a unit cell. 12. What is atomic radius. or How do you predict atomic radius ? 13. Give the importance of coordination number. or Explain coordination number. or Write a note on coordination number. 14. How do you calculate the atomic packing factor. or Give explanation for packing factor. or Define packing factor. 15. Write the no of atoms in an unit cell for SC,BCC,FCC & HCP. 16. Mention the atomic radius for SC, BCC, FCC & HCP. 17. Give the coordination number for SC, BCC, FCC & HCP. 18. Write the atomic radius & coordination number for diamond structure. 19. What are Miller indices? or How do you define Miller indices? or 20. What are the various steps involved in determining the Miller indices? or How can you determine Miller indices? or 21. Sketch the planes for (100),(110),(111),(101),(001),(010). or Draw the planes for (100),(110),(111),(101),(001),(010). 22. What is d-spacing? And write the expression for d- spacing?. or Define inter planar distance? 23. Give the relation between the lattice constant and density of crystal. 24. What are the techniques adopted for growing a crystal? or Mention the Various crystal growth technique. 25. What is mean by solution growth? or Justify solution growth. 26. List out the various types of melt growth. or Classify the types of melt growth. 27. Explain the principle involved in Bridgeman technique, or What is basic principle of Bridgeman technique? 28. Explain the principle involved in Czochralski technique. or What is basic principle of Czochralski technique? 29. Mention / List out / What is / the advantages & limitations of Bridgeman technique. 30. Mention / List out / What is / the advantages & limitations of Bridgeman technique. 31. What is meant by physical vapor deposition? 32. What is meant by chemical vapor deposition? 33. A crystal plane cut at 3a, 4b and 2c distances along the crystallographic axes. Calculate the Miller Indices of the plane. 34. Calculate the value of d-spacing for (100) planes in a rock salt crystal of a =2.814 A. Part – B (8 marks) 1. Draw the structure of SC crystal and discuss the details about i) No of atoms per unit cell ii) Atomic radius iii) Coordination number iv) Packing factor. or (i)Explain the terms atomic radius , coordination number and packing factor. (ii)Determine atomic radius , coordination number and packing factor for SC structure. 2. How do you calculate the no of atoms per unit cell , atomic radius , coordination number & packing factor for BCC structure. or Define the term coordination number and atomic radius. Calculate the coordination number and atomic radius for BCC structure. 3. Draw the structure of FCC crystal and describe the details about i) No of atoms per unit cell ii) Atomic radius iii) Coordination number iv) Packing factor. or Define the term coordination number and atomic radius. Calculate the coordination number and atomic radius for BCC structure. 4. Calculate the C/a ratio and hence measure the packing factor for HCP structure. ($) or Describe a HCP structure. Show that for hcp structure c/a = √ 8/3 and hence calculate the packing faction for the HCP structure. Determine coordination number, atomic radius and packing factor for HCP structure. show that an HCP structure demands an axial ratio. or What is packing factor? Prove that the packing factor of HCP structure is 0.74. 5. What are Miller indices? Explain how they are determined with any two planes in SC structure. or Define Miller indices. What are their significance? How are they determined? Explain with any two planes in a SC structure. 6. a) What are miller indices? b) Derive an expression for interplanar spacing for (hkl) planes of cubic structures. ($) or Show that for a cubic lattice the distance between two successive plane (hkl) is given by d= 𝒂 √𝒉𝟐 +𝒌𝟐 +𝒍𝟐 . or Derive the expression for d-spacing or inter planar distance. 7. Show that packing factor for FCC and HCP are equal. or Describe the arrangement of atoms in FCC and HCP structure and show that both these structure have the same atomic packing factor. or Show that the face centered cubic and hexagonal closed packed structure have the same atomic packing factor. 8. Explain the Bridgman technique of crystal growth. or Describe the Bridgeman technique for growing crystals. 9. Explain the Czochralski technique of crystal growth. or Describe the Czochralski technique of crystal growth 10. What are the various techniques involved in crystal growth. or Describe the various crystal growth technique. 11.Write a short note on the following structure (i) Diamond (ii) Graphite structure. or Explain diamond cubic structure and obtain its atomic packing factor. 12. Explain in detail the seven crystal system. or What are Bravais lattices? Describe using diagrams of unit cell the different Bravais lattices and their grouping into seven crystal system. or Write the standard crystal systems corresponding to with their lattice parameters. What are Bravais lattice?