College of Nursing Spring, 2015 Course Title: Nursing Administration Credits: 3 credits Prerequisites: Graduate student Faculty: Name: Julie Darmody, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC Email address: Office: Cunningham 629 Office phone number: 414-229-5558 Office hours: By appointment Cell phone number: 920-948-4454 E-mail communication is preferred and messages will be answered within 48 hours. Students with concerns or issues related to the course are encouraged to e-mail and arrange an individual appointment to meet in person or by phone. Program Director: Name: Julie Darmody, DNP Program Director Email address and phone numbers as above Associate Dean: Name: Kim Litwack, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs E-mail address: Office phone: 414-229-5098 Class meeting times and location: This course will be taught completely online from 1/26/15 through 5/7/15. Internet access is required for course participation. The Desire 2 Learn (D2L) course website will be activated one week prior to the beginning of the semester and is available at: Technology assistance can be obtained by phone at 414-229-4040 or online at Catalog Description: Relevant topics grounded in research and theory that are related to professional development of nursing leadership and management roles in health care organizations. Course Description: At the completion of this course the graduate student will be able to utilize theories and concepts that are applicable to a broad range of topics related to the professional nurse in an administrator/manager role. Nursing managerial role development and role functions related to planning, organizing, directing, human resources management, and leading will be emphasized. Additional topics pertinent to the administrator/managerial role will include organizational research, health care policy, health care financing, ethics, human diversity and social issues, and critical issues in contemporary nursing practice. 1 Course Objectives: 1. Integrate scientific principles, theories, research, and concepts related to the professional nurse in an administrator/manager role. 2. Integrate legal and ethical principles and apply advanced analytic, problem-solving and communication skills to the administrator/managerial role. 3. Analyze and apply the different theories and conceptual frameworks that relate to the administrator/manager role. 4. Develop and articulate a vision for nursing practice, team building, and human resource use in the context of complex health care delivery systems. 5. Integrate management skills that promote sound decision-making with regards to fiscal and human resource management. Textbooks and Readings: Required Textbooks: American Nurses Association. (2009). Nursing Administration: Scope and Standards of Practice. Silver Spring, MD: Dunham-Taylor, J & Pinczuk, JZ. (2015). Financial Management for Nurse Managers, 3rd ed. Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett. Recommended Textbooks: Kouzes, J., & Posner, B. (2012). The leadership challenge. (5th Ed.) San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Porter-O’Grady, T & Malloch, K. (2015). Quantum Leadership: Building Better Partnerships for Sustainable Health, 4th ed. Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett. Roussel, L. (2013). Management and Leadership for Nurse Administrators, 6th ed. Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett. Sherwood, G & Barnsteiner, J. (2012). Quality and Safety in Nursing: A Competency Approach to Improving Outcomes. UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Readings: American Organization of Nurse Executives. (2011). AONE Nurse Executive Competencies. Available at: Additional required or recommended readings including article pdfs or web links will be posted on the Nursing 770 D2L Course Website available at: 2 Assignments and Evaluation: 1. Evaluation/Grading The following are the components of your grade in this course: Component Discussion Participation (2.5% per week for 12 weeks) See content outline for specific due dates Quizzes (3 quizzes at 10% each) Due Dates % of grade Weeks 1-3 & 5-13 30% Quiz #1 due 3/8 Quiz #2 due 4/12 Quiz #3 due 5/7 Due 2/22 Due 5/7 30% Reflection Paper: What Does the Patient Want and Value? 10% Evidence Based Analysis Paper: Creating a Value Based 30% Environment Total 100% NOTE: No final exam will be given for this class. The Evidence-Based Analysis Paper serves as a final assessment of student learning and synthesis of course content. 2. Description of assignments Discussion Participation (Course Objectives 1-5) Discussions will provide opportunity for student to student and student to instructor interaction and engagement with the course content on nursing administration. Discussion participation will count 30% towards the final grade (2.5% X 12 weeks = 30%). Online asynchronous discussions in D2L are required for Weeks 1-3 and Weeks 5-13. No online discussion will be required in Weeks 4 and 14. Discussion participation is evaluated based on: -Timeliness (3 points) -Quality/character (3.5 points) -Quantity (3.5 points) Total = 10 points per week Weekly discussions will follow this schedule: -Discussion topic opens on or before 12:01AM Monday -Initial comments are due by 11:59PM Thursday -Responses to classmates are due by 11:59 PM on Sunday. Minimum participation includes an initial comment and at least 3 responses to classmates. Use the subject heading “Initial Comment” in your initial posting. Use the subject heading “Response” for your responses to classmate postings. Initial comments should be no more than 350 words and responses should be no more than 200 words. Scholarly contributions to discussion are expected. Brief response postings such as “I agree” or “Good comment” do not contribute to the discussion and will not earn points. The following rubric will be used by the instructor to assign points for discussion participation. 3 Discussion Evaluation Rubric (10 points possible) Evaluation Criteria Timeliness Part 1: Initial Comment 100% 50% 20% 0% (1.5 points) Posted initial comment on time (0.750 points) Posted initial comment within 1-24 hours (1day) late (0.300 points) Posted initial comment within 25-48 hours (2 days) late (0 points) No initial comment posted within 48 hours (2 days) after the due date Part 2: Responses to Others (1.5 points) Posted responses to others on time (0.750 points) Posted responses to others within 1-24 hours (1 day) late (0.300 points) Posted responses to others within 25-48 hours (2 days) late (0 points) No responses to others posted within 48 hours (2 days) after the due date (1.750 points) Character of initial comment demonstrated maximal analysis, critique, synthesis, and integration of concepts from readings and application to the discussion questions. (0.875 points) Character of initial comment demonstrated moderate integration of concepts from readings; however, it did not demonstrate adequate analysis, critique, or synthesis. (0.350 points) Character of initial comment was limited and superficial. Did not demonstrate integration of concepts from readings and/or contributed minimally to the development of scholarly discussion. (0 points) No initial comment posted within 48 hours (2 days) after the due date. Initial comment was supported by evidence (at least two scholarly resources). Initial comment was supported by only one scholarly resource. No scholarly resources were evidenced in the initial comment. (1.750 points) Character of responses to other students demonstrated maximal advancement of concepts, pointed out strengths/weaknesses of arguments, and demonstrated positive interaction. (0.875) Character of responses to other students demonstrated moderate advancement of concepts, pointed out strengths/weaknesses of arguments, and demonstrated positive interaction. (0.350 points) Character of responses to other students demonstrated minimal advancement of concepts, pointed out strengths/weaknesses of arguments, and demonstrated positive interaction. All three responses to others were supported by evidence (at least one scholarly resource per posting). Two of the three responses to others were supported by evidence (at least one scholarly resource per posting. One of the three responses to others was supported by evidence (at least one scholarly resource per posting) Quality/character Part 1: Initial Comment Part 2: Responses to Others 4 (0 points) No response to others posted within 48 hours (2 days) after the due date. Quantity (3.500 points) Met minimum number of postings (one initial comment and three responses to others) (1.750 points) Less than minimum number of postings (one initial comment and only one to two quality responses to others). (0.700 points) Posted initial comment, however, no quality responses to others. (0 points) No initial comment/response to others posted within 48 hours (2 days after the due date. Discussion Rubric adapted from: Wright, TL., Scherb, CA, & Forsyth, DM. (2011). A Rubric for Evaluating Online Discussion Contributions of Graduate Nursing Students. Clinical Scholars Review, 4(1), p.5-14. Quizzes (Course Objectives 1-5) Three quizzes will be taken online in D2L during the semester and will count 10% each for a total of 30% of the final course grade. Questions will be based on the course content and readings and each quiz will cover 4 to 5 weeks of content. Each quiz will be available for one week in D2L. Working together on a quiz or sharing quiz content is considered academic misconduct. There will be no final exam in this course. Reflection Paper: What Does the Patient Want and Value? (Course Objective 1 & 4) The reflection paper on “What Does the Patient Want and Value?” counts 10% towards the final grade for the course. Determining what the patient/client/resident wants and values is a foundation for achieving health care that is safe, high quality, and cost effective. The purpose of this paper is to encourage you to reframe your thinking to the patient’s perspective. For further information, see Dunham-Taylor & Pinczuk (2015), Ch 4, p.168-170 and p.187-193. For this reflection paper, choose a specific patient condition, illness, or problem and consider the patient’s perspective. Reflect on your previous observations and experience with patients who have this specific condition, illness, or problem. Reflection Paper Evaluation Criteria: What Does the Patient Want and Value? Evaluation Criteria Introduction -Background and significance related to the patient condition or problem -Describe issues related to safety, quality, and cost for patients with this condition or problem Patient Perspective -Reflect on your own clinical observations and explore the literature for information that provides the patient perspective on this condition or problem (i.e. wants, needs, values, issues in self management) Recommendations -What strategies can be used by nurse managers or administrators to give patients with this condition or problem what they want and value? Explain the potential effect on safety, quality, and cost of implementing these strategies for patients with this condition or problem. Follow APA Guidelines with appropriate grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citations. Length: 6-8 pages Total 5 Points 5 10 10 5 30 Evidence Based Analysis Paper: Creating a Value Based Environment (Course Objectives 1-5) The Evidence-Based Analysis Paper “Creating a Value Based Environment” counts 30% towards the final course grade. In a value based environment, nurse managers and administrators need to examine current practices, search for the current best evidence, and implement the evidence to promote safe, quality, and cost effective care. For this paper, students will identify a challenging patient safety or quality issue for nurse managers or administrators. For further information about safety and quality issues, see Dunham-Taylor & Pinczuk (2015), Ch 4. Evidence Based Analysis Paper Evaluation Criteria: Creating a Value Based Environment Evaluation Criteria Points Introduction 30 -Identify a challenging safety or quality issue for nurse managers/administrators -Describe background on the issue including clinical and fiscal outcomes for patients -Explain the significance to nursing practice Review of Literature 30 -Search for current evidence on interventions and strategies that nurse managers/administrators can implement to address the safety or quality issue -Use an evidence table to summarize the strength and quality of the evidence Conclusion and Recommendations 30 -Synthesize the findings and recommend current best practice for nurse managers/administrators to address the safety or quality issue -Identify clinical and fiscal outcomes that can be used to measure improvement -Describe gaps and areas for further research Follow APA Guidelines with appropriate grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citations. 10 Length: 12-15 pages Total 100 3. Policy on Late Work: Point deductions for late discussion posts will be taken as indicated in the Discussion Rubric. Quizzes taken after the due date will require prior approval from the instructor to re-open the quiz and a 10% deduction of points may be given. Unless prior approval is obtained from the instructor, papers submitted late will receive a 10% deduction of points. 3. Time Commitment: The suggested minimum time commitment recommended for successful completion of this course is outlined below. Please keep in mind that additional time may be required for mastery of complex concepts and plan for additional study time accordingly. Estimated time commitment for this class includes: Reviewing Course Content in D2L: 3 hours/week Total: minimum 45 hours Weekly Discussion Participation: 2 hours/week Total: minimum 30 hours Quiz preparation and taking online quizzes: 2 hours/week Total: minimum 30 hours Research and Writing papers: 2 hours/week Total: minimum 30 hours In summary, you should expect to dedicate at least 9 hours per week to this course (135 hours across the entire semester). Keep in mind that this is a minimum time commitment and more time might be required to prepare effectively for quizzes, participate in discussions, and complete other course assignments. 6 Grading Scale: 95-100 A 87-90 B 79-82 C 72-74 D 93-94 A- 85-86 B- 77-78 C- 70-71 D- 91-92 B+ 83-84 C+ 75-76 D+ 00-69 F Progression: Students must earn a grade of B- or above in all required nursing theory courses as the minimum acceptable level of performance for progression in a graduate level program. See the College of Nursing DNP Student Handbook for further information: 4. Course Attendance Policy: Face to face attendance is not required in this online course. Students are responsible for maintaining consistent participation in the course within the D2L course website including reviewing weekly content, participating in discussions, taking quizzes, and submitting papers in a timely manner. 5. Course Expectations: -Check your UWM email account and D2L regularly for updates and important communications. -Identify and discuss academic problems with course faculty as early as possible so appropriate assistance can be implemented. -Demonstrate appropriate behaviors within the online environment: Actively contribute to discussions of course content. Engage in respectful dialogue in discussions with classmates and faculty. Give thoughtful feedback and encouragement to classmates. Ask questions and seek information as needed from classmates and/or faculty. Week Date 1 1/26/15 Topic Content Outline and Assigned Readings Assigned Readings Course Introduction & Overview Nurse Administration Scope of Practice Nurse Executive Competencies ANA Nsg Adm Scope & Standards of Practice p.1-46 2 2/2/15 AONE Nurse Executive Competencies, p.1-11 The Leadership Journey as Foundation Dunham-Taylor & Pinczuk, Ch 1 & 2 3 2/9/15 Organizations: Chaos, Complexity, & Value-Based Environments Dunham-Taylor & Pinczuk, Ch 3 4 2/16/15 Value-Based Service to Patients: What Does the Patient Want & Value? Dunham-Taylor & Pinczuk, Ch 4, p.187-193 7 Due Dates Discussion Initial due 1/29 Responses due 2/1 Discussion Initial due 2/5 Responses due 2/8 Discussion Initial due 2/12 Responses due 2/15 Reflection Paper: What Does the Patient Want & Value? due 2/22 Week Date 5 2/23/15 6 3/2/15 Topic Assigned Readings Due Dates Value-Based Service to Patients: Safety, Quality, & Cost-Effectiveness Dunham-Taylor & Pinczuk, Ch 4 & 5 Evidence-Based Workforce Management: Staffing Effectiveness Dunham-Taylor & Pinczuk, Ch 6 Discussion Initial due 2/26 Responses due 3/1 Discussion Initial due 3/5 Responses due 3/8 7 3/9/15 Ethical Issues in Nursing Administration Dunham-Taylor & Pinczuk, Ch 7 8 3/23/15 Spring Break March 15-22 Legal Issues in Nursing Administration Dunham-Taylor & Pinczuk, Ch 8 9 3/30/15 Health Care Economics Dunham-Taylor & Pinczuk, Ch 9, 10, & 11 10 4/6/15 Budget Principles: Concepts, Process, and Development Dunham-Taylor & Pinczuk, Ch 12 & 13 11 4/13/15 Budget Principles: Variances, Reimbursements, and Costs Dunham-Taylor & Pinczuk, Ch 14 & 15 12 4/20/14 Strategic Management and Financial Strategies Dunham-Taylor & Pinczuk, Ch 16, 17, & 18 13 4/27/15 Financial Accounting and Analysis Dunham-Taylor & Pinczuk, Ch 19 & 20 14 5/4/15 Course & Teaching Evaluations Quiz #1 on Wk 1-5 open 3/2 to 3/8 Discussion Initial due 3/12 Responses due 3/15 Discussion Initial due 3/26 Responses due 3/29 Discussion Initial due 4/2 Responses due 4/5 Discussion Initial due 4/9 Responses due 4/12 Quiz #2 on Wk 6-9 Open 4/6 to 4/12 Discussion Initial due 4/16 Responses due 4/19 Discussion Initial due 4/23 Responses due 4/26 Discussion Initial due 4/30 Responses due 5/3 Quiz #3 on Wk 1013 open 5/4 to 5/7 Evidence-Based Analysis Paper: Creating a ValueBased Environment due 5/7 8 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Students are expected to demonstrate academic integrity in all course activities. Academic integrity requires honesty concerning all aspects of academic work including: Correct procedures for citing sources of information, words, and ideas Ways to properly credit collaborative work with project team or study group members Strategies for planning and preparing for examinations, papers, projects and presentations. Students are encouraged to consult with faculty regarding any questions about appropriate behaviors to maintain academic integrity. Any violation of academic integrity will result in a zero on the assignment and may result in additional sanctions consistent with university policy. See UWM policies at: UNIVERSITY POLICIES: The UWM policies that govern this course can be found at: Additionally, please note the following: 1. Inclement weather: UWM student should contact the University at 229-4444 (UW- Parkside, 262-595-2345) or check the appropriate website to ascertain the status of class cancellation due to inclement weather. Even when classes are canceled, University offices and services remain available, unless the entire University is closed by the Governor. or 2. Safety: Safety techniques and strategies are described in College of Nursing Student Handbooks for undergraduate and graduate students distributed to all nursing students upon entering the program. Copies are available in the Office of Student Affairs. Information about UWM campus safety is found at 3. Technology and Social media: See student handbook 9