Model Answer social studies.Rev.Sheet

Social studies : Grade 4
Quarter ( 2 )
Revision sheet
Model Answer
Fill in the spaces:
1- The Natufians were the first people to domesticate dogs.
2-The history of early man began as Hunter-Gatherer.
3- Early man lived a nomadic lifestyle.
4- Nomadic lifestyle was a difficult way of life .
5- The discovery of farming changed greatly early man’s life .
6- The first crops that were planted by early man were wheat
and peas.
7- As a result of farming , first village began to appear .
8- Early settlements were located near water.
9- Early man domesticated dogs for safety and farming.
10- Early man domesticated some animals as goats , sheep and oxen to
help in farming & as a source of water.
11- Early man domesticated cats to keep mice away from his crops .
12- The first permanent structures built by man were used to store
13- Early villages were located near any source of water.
14- As a result of working on crafts , the quality of life improved.
15- Timelines can be drawn horizontal or vertical .
16-Old stories told by grandparents or old people are oral sources.
17-A timeline is a line that has the events on one side and the dates
when it happened on the other side .
18- History helps us understand how the world progressed and changed
over a period of time.
19- A timeline lists the events in chronological order starting
from the oldest event and ending at the newest event .
20- There were some skills that helped improving life of early man , as :
shaping clay into pots and coins and weaving baskets from dry grass.
21- Villagers became skilled at weaving baskets from dry clay .
22- A stone tower was built in the centre of the stone walls in Jericho .
23- Timelines can be divided by month , year , or century .
24- Archaeologists have found the remains of the ancient village Abu
Hureyra in Syria.
25 –History tells us true stories about people's past lives.
26-The WH Words are What ,when ,why ,when and who.
27- The Natufians built their first houses in a round shape .
28- The Natufians were the first people to domesticate dogs.
29- History helps us learn from past mistakes .
30- Written ,Physical ,visual ,and oral historical sources are all very
helpful to a historian in his search for information.
31- Sometimes you may need to go beyond the five w ’s, so you may need
to ask How.
32- Jericho had many springs and a fertile soil .
33- A century is a time period of
100 years.
34- Decade is a time period of 10 years.
35- A Millennium is a time period of 1000 years.
36- Sending e-mails save time, effort ,and money
37- Drawing timelines is much simpler than writing a paragraph
containing many events and dates .
38-Sedentary life style means to live or stay in one place.
39-The Natufians used clay to build their rectangle shaped homes.
40- Jericho’s stone tower is one of the first and famous towers to be
built by man .
41- Villagers shaped clay into pots & coins.
42- Trade is the exchange of items.
43- The first oldest settlements in Jericho is Tell as-Sultan
44- Villagers first built their homes in a round shape from dry grass
then built in a rectangle shape from clay.
45- Jericho is located in Palestine.
46- A stone wall was built around Jericho.
47- Jericho is an Oasis in the desert.
48- A village is a settlement of people who live and work together.
49-Archaeologists are the scientists who study the past by digging
underground to find remains left by ancient man.
50- Life became much easier for early man with the development of
farming and domestication of animals.
51- After the discovery of farming , Early Man no longer had to live as
52- Paintings, Photographs and Maps are examples of Visual sources.
53 – Newspapers and Letters are examples of Written sources.
54- Telegraph machine are examples of physical source.
55- History is the study of people and events of the past.
56- Jericho is known by the name Ariha.
57- History helps us build new ideas for our future.
58- A timeline organizes historical information in a way that is easier to
look at and understand.
59-A timeline is a line that chronologically lists brief historical events
on one side and the dates when they happened on the other side.
60- Villagers became skilled at :
A) Weaving baskets from dry grass.
B) Shaping clay into pots and coins
C) Shaping stones into tools for farming and hunting.
Answer the following questions:
1 - Why were early settlements often located near water ?
Villagers needed water for drinking , washing ,farming and fishing.
2- Why did early man domesticate some animals, such as : sheep , goats
and oxen?
To help in farming and for food.
3- Why did early man domesticate cats ?
To keep mice away from their crops.
4-Why were early villages located near rivers or any other source of
water ?
Villagers needed water for drinking , washing ,farming and fishing.
5-Why did Sedentary village life give people better chance to survive ?
1-Food was available.
(Two reasons are enough)
2-People were able to have children and larger families.
3-people had extra time to learn making crafts and other skills.
6-Why was a stone wall built around villages ?
1- To protect against enemies or invaders. 2- To keep flood waters out.
3-To keep animal herds in , and dangerous animals out.
7-Why was farming first started in Jericho ? or
Why did The Natufians settle in Jericho ?
Jericho had many springs and a fertile soil.
8- Why History is important? (Two reasons)
1-It tells us true stories about how people used to live ,and why they
behave in a certain way.
2-It helps us understand how the world progressed and changed over a
period of time.
3-It helps us learn from past mistakes.
4-It helps us build new ideas for our future.
9- Why was Jericho’s stone wall a famous one ?
it’s one of the first towers to be built by man.
10-Why timeline is useful?
1-It organizes historical information in a way that is easier to look at
and understand.
2-It is much simpler than writing a paragraph containing many events
and dates.
11-How did farming change early man’s life ?
Early Man no longer had to live as nomads.
12- Mention the names of some ancient villages that were discovered
in some Arab countries .
a) Jericho in Palestine.
b) Abu Hureyra in Syria.
13-Mention some new skills that helped early man in his life in the
villages .
1) Weaving baskets from dry grass.
2) Shaping clay into pots and coins
Give two examples for each source:
Written Sources: Old books – Newspapers.
Physical Sources: Coins - cloths
Visual Sources: Maps , paintings.
14- Re-arrange:
Domesticating animals -Farming -Nomadic lifestyle -Settlements
1-Nomadic lifestyle .
2- Farming .
3-Domesticating animals
4- Settlements.
15 -Name some modern day objects that were invented in last 2
1- Washing machine. 2-Fax machine 3-Microwave Oven.