Robert E. Lee High School 1200 North Coalter Street Staunton, VA 24401 (540)332-3926 (540)332-3994 (fax) SCA OFFICER APPLICATION DUE: Monday, May 5, 2014 Name: __________________________________________ Grade: __________________________________________ Office applying for: ________________________________ This application will have two parts: 1.The application 2.Two teacher recommendation forms: Have teachers give them directly to Mr. Davis, but make sure applicants’ names are on form. 1.What other activities have you participated in at Lee High? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2.Why do you want to become an SCA officer? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3.What are your goals for the SCA next year and how will you achieve those goals? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4.How much time are you willing to spend to organize and participate in SCA events? SCA officers should make the SCA a high priority. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5.List some new activities you would like to see the SCA organize next year. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 6.Use this space to make any other comments. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ SCA Officer Descriptions President: This is the most time consuming office. The president is responsible for all SCA activities. They are responsible for overseeing and organizing activities. They are also to be present at all SCA events. The president must attend all school board meetings. Some events the president is in charge of planning: Homecoming week, Homecoming pep rally, Homecoming halftime, Canned Food Drive, Christmas Angel Toy Drive, St. Patrick’s Day Contest, , Powder Puff Volleyballl Game, SCA Elections, and several other smaller activities. The president is also to attend all after school officer meetings. Vide-President: The vice president is to assist the President in any duties. They should also attend all club day, after school, and other scheduled meetings. You will help with planning and organizing SCA sponsored events. The vice president is responsible for calling and setting up supplies needed for activities. Finally, if the president is unavailable, the vice president is to fill in for him/her. Secretary: Main duty is to take minutes at all meetings(plus block or after school). They are to help organize SCA events. Special duties: taking care of the SCA poster area near the band room. They should be kept up to date once a month. The secretary should be in charge of taking roll at meetings and write any memos that should be sent to homeroom reps. They should also attend all meetings. Treasurer: Main duty taking care of money. The treasurer should be aware of how much money the SCA has. The treasurer should help count money received. They should also attend all meetings. Treasurer should schedule people to sell tickets, etc. Reporter: Main duty to keep community informed of SCA events. The reporter should inform newspapers of any sca events. The reporter should write articles for the Student Advocate. The reporter should help Mr. Davis with posters and advertisements for events. These are the responsibilities of the SCA officers. All officers are expected to plan and attend all SCA events. They are also expected to do any other task asked of them. If these duties are not being completed then you may be asked to step down from your office Due by Monday, May 3rd Please return to C.S. Davis TEACHER RECOMMENDATION FORM Applicant’s Name: __________________ Grade: __________ Office applying for: _________________ Teacher’s Name: ___________________________ Teachers: I am asking you to fill out this form to help me select SCA officers for next year. The students will vote on these officers the first week of May. You are helping me with part of the application process. Officers should be responsible, pleasant to work with, dedicated, and interested in the school. Rate the applicant on a scale from one to ten. Ten being the highest. How responsible is this student? _________ How is this student’s work ethic? _________ Is this student respectful in class? _________ Does this student treat other students with respect? _________ Does this student complete class assignments? _________ Total _________ Additional Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ SCA ELECTION INFORMATION Monday, May 5, 2014--All applications and recommendations will be due to Mr. Davis in room 121. Monday, May 12, 2014—Candidates may place posters and begin campaigning. No signs are allowed in the stair wells (Fire code). Thursday, May 15, 2014 -Speeches will be aires over the intercom at the beginning of fourth block. You must meet me in the office at the very beginning of the block with an appropriate speech. Friday, May 16, 2014—SCA voting will take place during fourth block. Friday, May 16, 2014—All campaign posters and signs must be removed.