A kinetic model based on utilization of purple phototrophic bacteria for nutrient recovery Daniel Puyol*, Tim Huelsen, Edward Barry, Jurg Keller, Damien J. Batstone Advanced Water Management Centre. The University of Queensland. Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia CRC for Water Sensitive Cities. PO Box 8000, Clayton, VIC 3800, Australia. * Corresponding author information: d.puyol@awmc.uq.edu.au Abstract In this work, the development of a kinetic model for wastewater treatment and nutrient recovery (N and P) by purple phototrophic bacteria is presented. The model is based on chemical oxygen demand (COD) and it is uptake-based, similarly to the IWA anaerobic digestion model 1 (ADM1). Parameters estimation has been carried out for both autotrophic and heterotrophic growth modes, in presence and absence of light as the energy source. Keywords: Domestic wastewater, modelling, nutrient recovery, partition-release-recovery, purple phototrophic bacteria. Introduction The development of alternative domestic wastewater treatment plants for energy and nutrient recovery is still a key challenge (Batstone et al. 2014). Partition-Release-Recovery is a future technology for domestic wastewater treatment. It enables recovery of energy, carbon and valuable nutrients as N, P and K utilising biological agents to recover resources. A first step of concentration of nutrients, mainly by assimilative growth (partition) is followed by the release of nutrients through anaerobic digestion with net energy production (release). Subsequently, the nutrients are extracted as an end product (recovery). Partitioning allows the recovery of N and other nutrients, including P and K, through biological assimilation, assisted by either selection of specialized microbes, and /or providing additional carbon. However, current methods are still expensive and energy intensive. Our group has solved the problem by proposing the use of purple phototrophic bacteria (PPB) that consumes low energy infrared (IR) light and can accumulate C as PHA (Khatipov et al. 1998) and P as Poly-P (Hiraishi et al. 1991). In addition, no aeration is needed since this bacteria is facultative anaerobe. A recent study has demonstrated that the process is robust and technically viable (Hulsen et al. 2014). PPB organisms can growth heterotrophically using a wide range of organic compounds, but they are also capable of growing autotrophically (Figure 1). Therefore, current models applied to traditional secondary systems are imbalanced in C, N and P and need to be updated. In this work, a new model applied for partitioning through PPB is presented. The model can predict autotrophic and heterotrophic growth as well as assimilation of N and P. The model is currently being validated against experiments. PHOTOTROPHIC GROWTH OF PURPLE PHOTOBACTERIA HETEROTROPHIC GROWTH AUTOTROPHIC GROWTH H2 (H2S, S2O3,Fe2+) SUBSTRATE CYCLIC PHOSPHORYLATION CO2 NADH CALVIN CYCLE BIOMASS H2 (Possible) NH4+ H+ NAD+ ATP NADHdh ATPs ADP S2,SO42-,Fe3+) E.T.S H+ H+ NADH H+ NITROGENASE N2 (H+, E.T.S TCA CYCLE H+ NON CYCLIC PHOSPHORYLATION NADHdh ATPs CO2 CALVIN CYCLE NADH H+ NAD+ ATP H+ ADP BIOMASS Fd-ox H+ RNf C Fd-red Figure 1: Schematic representation of the photoautotrophic and photoheterotrophic metabolism of purple phototrophic bacteria. Methods Biomass was extracted from a lab-scale phototrophic anaerobic membrane bioreactor (PAnMBR, Figure 2). Anaerobic batch experiments were performed using 100 mL serum bottles at ambient temperature and illuminated with IR light using fluorescence lamps and UV-VIS absorbing foil. Results from batch experiments have been used for obtaining model parameters. These include Monod parameters from heterotrophic (soluble substrates) and autotrophic growth (bicarbonate), as well as nutrient (N and P) and energy (light) limitation. The model is implemented in Aquasim 2.1d. Parameter estimation has been performed in Aquasim 2.1d. The modified Aquasim has been used to determine the two-parameter uncertainty surface for specific uptake rate (kM) and saturation constant (KS) and simulate the substrate consumption of the batch tests. 95% Confidence intervals have been calculated by minimization of the residual sum of squares. The method for determining parameter estimation is described in Batstone et al. (2003). Biomass yield were calculated accounting for the initial and final biomass concentration based on substrate consumption. Biomass concentration was further transformed into COD and then yields are expressed in COD terms. Biomass decay rate and hydrolysis first order parameters were calculated by non-linear regression using Aquasim 2.1d. Data to fit to first order equations was VSS (decay rate) and sum of volatile fatty acids (hydrolysis). Figure 2: Lab-scale PAnMBR during steady-state operation. The characteristic dark-red colour of the phototrophic bacteria is readily observable. Results and discussion Model mechanisms The key separate growth mechanisms that need to be included are heterotrophic (both in presence and absence of light) and autotrophic growth. Hydrolysis is also required in a domestic sewage feed situation. Environmental conditions play a relevant role in controlling the kinetics of PPB. Temperature and pH affect the behaviour of the PPB biomass. Therefore, thermodynamics and pH limitation need to be included in a later development of the model. Possible inhibitory effects contemplated are related with wastewater constituents like free ammonia (which is pH-dependent) and heavy metals (mainly Cu and Zn), which can be addressed by using simple non-competitive inhibitory functions. Finally, competitive substrate inhibition can occur between the various soluble substrates since PPB are very versatile. In a first approach, no differentiation between substrates is made, but a comparative study on competitive kinetics of substrate depletion can identify how these substrates behave differently. The model is represented in a Petersen matrix as shown in Table 1. The model is based on COD and uptake parameters as the IWA-ADM1. However, it also incorporates a simplification of particulate matter degradation (Xc) through a simple hydrolytic process and it is based on a single biomass group (YPB). The model includes the heterotrophic growth (YPB,h) which is represented by organic soluble substrate consumption (Ss), and hydrogen (Sh2) and bicarbonate (SIC) production. The heterotrophic growth is also divided into photoheterotrophic mode (with light as the energy source, YPB,ph), and chemoheterotrophic mode (with organic matter as the energy source, YPB,ch). The autotrophic growth (YPB,a) includes use of bicarbonate as C source and hydrogen and reduced sulphur species (SIS) as electron donors. However, we observed in previous experiments a net increase of the total COD in the system that this model is not able to explain (Huelsen et al. 2014), which is being investigated and will be addressed in an extension to the model. This hybrid model includes nutrient assimilation (SIN, and SIP) and limitation of the process by nutrients (N and P concentration, IIN, IIP) and energy in the phototrophic mode (IR light intensity, Ie) by using switch functions, and also an inhibition factor due to free ammonia (IFA). All the processes are Monod-based with the exception of hydrolysis and biomass decay, which follow first order kinetics. Table 1: Petersen matrix of the proposed model for nutrient recovery by purple phototrophic bacteria SIN SIP SI XPB Xc XI Rate fh2,XC fIN,xc fIP,xc fsi,xc 0 -1 fxi,xc khydXC -fSS,ph fIC,Ss 0 fh2,Ss fN,B/YPB, fP,B/YPB, 0 YPB,ph 0 0 h h kM(Ss/KSs+Ss)IFAII NIIPIe fN,B/YPB, fP,B/YPB, 0 YPB,ch 0 0 h h kM(Ss/KSs+Ss)IFAII NIIP fN,B/YPB, fP,B/YPB, 0 YPB,a 0 0 a a kMic(SIC/KSIC+SIC) IFAIINIIPIe -1 1 0 kdec,XPBXPB 0 -fh2,IC 0 0 0 0 0 Soluble inert (mg COD/L) 0 -fIS,IC Inorganic phosphorous (mg P_PO4/L) Decay of XPB -1 fh2,Ss Inorganic nitrogen (mg N_NH4/L) 0 0 H2 (mg H2-H/L) Autotrophic uptake fIC,SS Inorganic Sulfur (mg S/L) -fSS,ch Particulate inert (mg COD/L) Sh2 fIS,XC Composite biomass (mg COD/L) SIS fIC,XC Phototrophic biomass (mg COD/L) SIC fss,xc Inorganic carbon (mg C_HCO3/L) Photoheter otrophic uptake Chemohete rotrophic uptake Soluble substrate (mg COD/L) Process Hydrolysis Ss Components Parameters estimation Parameters estimation has been performed by using data from the batch experiments. An example of Monod parameters determination is shown in Figure 3. Triplicate experiments are used for the estimation of the specific uptake rate (kM) and the saturation constant (KS) values. Table 2 shows a summary of parameter values and standard deviations in light conditions (phototrophic growth mode). The biomass yield had been previously calculated by accounting for the increment of VSS with respect to the COD consumed. The activity of the biomass in dark conditions (chemotrophic growth mode) using simple substrates was very low so parameters estimation was not possible. A further experiment using complex substrates will be carried out to explore fermentation capacity of PPB in absence of light. Decay rate constants (kdec,xPB) were calculated to be 0.08 ± 0.04 and 0.16 ± 0.02 d-1 in light and dark conditions, respectively. These values are not statistically different, so that the decay rate is not necessary to be split based on metabolic growing conditions. Hydrolysis constant (khyd) was calculated to be 0.21 ± 0.03 d-1. These lower values indicate that losing PPB biomass can be easily avoided by using sludge retention times of 3 d or lower, which also lead to the optimization of the carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus assimilation. Figure 3: Fitting of experimental data (symbols) for acetate uptake for estimating Monod parameters. Error bars are standard deviations from triplicates. Lines are model fittings. Table 2: Summary of parameters estimation for PPB in light conditions. Compound kM St dev mg COD/mg VSS d Acetate 4.2 Propionate 2.3 Butyrate 2.95 Ethanol 2.4 Ammonium* Phosphate** - 0.2 0.1 0.07 0.3 - mg IC /mg VSS d Bicarbonate 0.07 0.02 St dev χ2 HETEROTROPHY mg COD/L KS 21 1.5 0.5 3.4 0.023 0.081 2 142 1.8 339 0.6 175 3.8 1548 0.048 0.299 0.005 0.0002 AUTOTROPHY mg IC/L undergoing undergoing 478 Ym St dev Y*** mg VSS/mg COD mg COD/mg COD 1.42 1.34 1.30 1.30 - 0.71 0.67 0.65 0.65 - 0.04 0.12 0.04 0.03 - mg VSS/mg IC 1.7 0.5 mg COD/mg IC 3.4 * In mg NH4-N/L. ** In mg PO4-P/L ***1 g VSS = 2.00 ± 0.29 g TCOD Implications and future model additions Model parameters calculated in this work will be used for simulation of PPB process for domestic wastewater treatment. Partitioning is the first and most important process in the nutrient recovery process by the partition/release/recovery concept. Modelling this process is of utmost importance for a correct implementation of this technology in pilot plant and full-scale. The model is currently being validated by using data from a lab-scale PAnMBR working in continuous mode for more than 200 d. Once validated, the model will be implemented in Matlab/Simulink. Future upgrades of the model will include pH prediction as well as pH inhibition. Temperature dependency of PPB is also being assessed. Gas phase will be added to the model as well, so that bicarbonate concentration will be dependent on CO2 concentration in the gas phase through standard gas-liquid transfer. Bioaccumulation of P as Poly-P is going to be addressed as a side process nonrelated with biomass growth. Assimilation of K will be also added in the model. In addition, possible competitive inhibition between substrates (mainly acetate, propionate, butyrate and ethanol) could be implemented in the model by spreading the substrate consumption and including competitive inhibitory functions. Conclusions A model has been developed to predict the purple phototrophic bacteria behaviour on domestic wastewater treatment. The model is implemented in Aquasim 2.1d. Parameters estimation has been performed with strong statistical support. These parameters are being used for scaling-up and controlling the process. The model, once validated, will be implemented in Matlab/Simulink. References Batstone D. J., Hulsen T., Mehta C. and Keller J. (2014). Platforms for energy and nutrient recovery from domestic wastewater: a review. Chemosphere Accepted - In Press. Batstone D. J., Pind P. F. and Angelidaki I. (2003). Kinetics of thermophilic, anaerobic oxidation of straight and branched chain butyrate and valerate. Biotechnol Bioeng 84(2), 195-204. Hiraishi A., Yanase A. and Kitamura H. (1991). Polyphosphate accumulation by Rhodobacter sphaeroidesgrown under different environmental conditions with special emphasis on the effect of external phosphate concentrations. 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