Lake Sambell Management Committee Monthly Meeting held at Beechworth Library, 7pm, Thursday, 10th April 2014 Present: Iris Mannik Bill van Dorssen Gary Jarvis Anne Wilson Sven Mannik David Koren Apologies: Ted Zangerl Robin Holt Roger Humphris Cr Don Chambers Glennis Purkis Declaration of “Conflict of Interest” for items at this meeting - Nil BUSINESS ARISING: BBQ Shelter extension – General Business Dam Wall update – General Business Repair to bird hide – General Business Camera Motion: “That the Minutes of the Previous Meeting be accepted and passed”. Motion: Anne Wilson Seconded: Iris Mannik Carried CORRESPONDENCE: Inwards: Post Box renewal Bendigo bank Statement Planning Application – Ian Scholes (Indigo Shire) CD – State Library Emails: Glen Purkis – BBQ light David Koren – reply to questions from last minutes NSW State Library – Image Order BULS – Carey Grammar (For General Business) Committee & David Koren - Smoke-free Children’s recreational Areas (General Business) Janine Rolles (Indigo Tourism Coordinator) – Info “Clay Banks” – Info passed on by Secretary Susan Reid – S86 Support and Information Session Outwards: Order & Cheque for NSW State Library Emails David Koren – Business arising from meeting Jenny Pena – Storyboard in Birdhide Committee & David Koren - Smoke-free Children’s recreational Areas (General Business) Jenny Pena – Sand build-up under seats (Sandy Beach) – Outdoor staff to clear Agenda and Monthly Minutes Items from Correspondence: Glen Purkis – BBQ light - Light not working, Iris reported it to shire, will check if repaired. Susan Reid – S86 Support and Information Session – Iris to attend. Purchase of 1870-1875 Photograph – CD arrived from NSW State Library, viewed by committee. It is hoped that the Rocky Mountain Mining Co. section could be reproduced as a storyboard for the McConville road entrance to Lake Sambell on completion of the dam wall repair. Motion: “That the correspondence be accepted and passed”. Motion: Gary Jarvis Seconded: Anne Wilson Carried Financial Report: Opening Balance as of 20th February 2014 Withdrawals: $200.00 - Petty cash Cheque $ 54.90 - NSW State Library Closing Balance as of 31st March 2014 Balance Asset Grant Petty Cash $245.50 Less PO Box renewal $25.00 Roofing Nails $ 9.50 Balance $11,820.34 254.90 $11,565.44 $10,609.34 $201.00 Motion: “That the Financial report be accepted and passed”. Motion: Anne Wilson Seconded: Sven Mannik Carried General Business: Updates from David Koren (Indigo Shire) Dam Wall Update There will be a public announcement in the next two to three weeks from DEPI and Indigo Shire Council re: Funding Robert Uebergang has taken over project – Gary to speak to him directly after the press release, Iris to liaise with Gary at that time The committee has agreed that we do not want the boardwalk removed. Grant for Sandy Beach redevelopment David Koren, Rod Newman (CARN Wangaratta) and Iris meet at Sandy Beach with the RDV representative Col McClounan on 23rd January. RDV asked shire to prioritise projects across the shire, the Sandy Beach project was not one of them. This project will be re-presented in the next financial round in September. RDV said at site meeting that the beach extension would not be allowed to be included in redevelopment project funding. The Beechworth Correctional Centre Work Gang has agreed to do the work if LSMC supplied the materials. This would involve building a retaining wall (same as one at jetty) while water is low and back filling with sand. This area is lefthand side of beach, between path and water in front of the BBQ. David suggested that the committee contacts Don Pope to assist with this. Smoke-free Children’s Recreational Area Shire is working on signage for the necessary sites across the shire, these will then be installed. Committee will discuss, at that time, whether have an educational program regarding the regulations. Birdhide storyboards update Jenny Pena has kindly been working along with Anne and Iris on this project. After some discussion with Jenny on-site it was decided that this project should be on three storyboards: Storyboard that identifies the birds. (Monies supplied by $1500 fund gift), their conservation status, and guide symbols for food source and habitat. Anne has been working on guide symbols, and was able to get an artist to design and draw these. As there is a delay on Sandy Beach redevelopment Iris suggested that we used some of the Asset Grant monies set aside for the grant application to purchase the final two storyboards to complete this project. Motion: “That Lake Sambell Management Committee use part of the Asset Grant to produce the final two storyboards for the birdhide” Motion: Anne Wilson Seconded: Bill van Dorssen Carried Missing plaque form Labyrinth Art Work was too damaged to reinstall. Shire had a new one produced that will be installed. David Koren left meeting. BULS – Carey Grammar Joint Projects with LSMC and BULS After Anne and Iris met with Beechworth Urban Landcare group to discuss possible joint projects the committee was contacted via email by Amber Croft (Regional Landcare Facilitator) re: 50 Student from Carey Grammar School wanting to do a “community-service” type activity in Beechworth in August. On 18 th March Jenny Pena (Indigo Shire) and Iris met with Amber to look at possible sites. It was decided that: 50 students would plant 300 seedlings in the cleared area in the Woodland Glades (first two rooms) on 5th August. Amber Croft ordered plants and Carey Grammar paid for them. Jenny Pena, Murray Butler and Iris will meet on site to mark any dead trees still required to be removed before that date. LSMC to supply the guards and stakes, have guards at Glennis’s place from last planting, Iris will check around lake for any guards or staked that may be recycled, and if need be more to be purchased. Iris to ask shire for mulch for this project. Committee to discuss further at June meeting, any committee available on the day will be needed to help supervise and LSMC will make available our spades and rakes. S86 Support and Information Session All S86 Committee of Managements have been invited to a S86 Committees support and information session. Iris will attend on our behalf. Letter from local Resident – re: a raised boardwalk through wetland below the swimming pool wall David Koren replied to this letter. Request from Roger Humphris (Lake Sambell Caravan Park) via email (10 th April) Roger has suggested that while the pond is low, to look at removing the concrete edge along the caravan park side and the side of the foot of the hill, leaving the existing race to stay and allowing the grass to grow to the edge of the water. He feels that it’s unsightly and a trip hazard. The pros and cons of this were discussed by all the committee. Anne put forward that removing the concrete edge and allowing the grass to go all the way to the water would be a bigger OHS hazard due to the slope of the grassed area, problems with people slipping on the wet grass and the many children that run and ride around the pond area. At least with the concrete edge this lessens the likelihood of this occurring. The committee agreed with Anne and voted accordingly. With the updating of the Management Plan this could be revisited as previously the plan was to fill in the pond and create an art feature using the spillway. Motion: “That after much discussion the LSMC does not agree to this proposal of removing the concrete edge to the pond on the discussed grounds of it creating a bigger OHS hazard”. Motion: Anne Wilson Seconded: Sven Mannik Carried Next monthly meeting will be held at Beechworth Library at 7pm, 12 th June 2014 Meeting closed 8.15